Results for 'K. Rathunde'

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  1. Family context and optimal experience.K. Rathunde - 1988 - In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi, Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  2. Optimal experience and the family context.K. Rathunde - 1988 - In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi, Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 342--363.
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  3. A discussion of the mind-brain problem.K. R. Popper, B. I. B. Lindahl & P. Århem - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine 14 (2):167-180.
    In this paper Popper formulates and discusses a new aspect of the theory of mind. This theory is partly based on his earlier developed interactionistic theory. It takes as its point of departure the observation that mind and physical forces have several properties in common, at least the following six: both are located, unextended, incorporeal, capable of acting on bodies, dependent upon body, capable of being influenced by bodies. Other properties such as intensity and extension in time may be added. (...)
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  4. Zu einigen Einwänden gegen eine Sozialforschung als strenge Wissenschaft.K. Acham - 1969 - Kant Studien 60 (1):40.
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    Arap Dilinde İz'fetin Dönüşebildiği Farklı İfade Biçimleri ve Anlam Boyutu.Yakup Kızılkaya & Yaşar Fatih Akbaş - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):677-704.
    Arapçada izâfet bütünleşik bir yapı arz eden ve ögeleri arasındaki kuvvetli bağ sebebiyle iki isimli bu yapının müfred isim mesabesinde kabul edildiği bir dizilimdir. Bu yapıyı oluşturan kelimelerin diziliminde herhangi bir yer değişimi olmamakla birlikte şiir zarureti gibi oldukça istisna sayılabilecek durumlar dışında bu iki ismin arasına başka bir sözün girmesi de karşılaşılan bir durum değildir. Sözü bu derece kuvvetli bir yapıyla ifade etmenin birtakım anlamsal gerekçeleri bulunmaktadır. Ancak yine anlamın etkili olduğu başka gerekçeler, izâfetle ifadesi mümkün olan bir sözün (...)
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    The Principles of Fatwā Procedure Addressed by Yūsuf al-Ardabīlī in His Work Anwār.Kenan Kılınç - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):274-311.
    Yūsuf al-Ardabīlī is one of the Shāfiʿī jurists who lived in Azerbaijan in the 8th century of Hijri. This scholar, whose birth date we couldn’t find any information about, even though it has been searched in both local and foreign literature, died in Ardabīl in the year 799/1397 as bibliographical scholars agreed on. Ardabīlī is a person known by his work al-Anwār li-aʿmāl al-abrār, which he dedicated to Shāfiʿī jurisprudence, and someone with jurisprudential knowledge whom Shāfiʿī jurists benefit from. In (...)
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  7. Lev Yiśraʼ Aharon Yiśraʼel Ḳahan] - 2010 - In בחיי בן יוסף אבן פקודה, Torat Ḥovot ha-levavot =. Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Shemaʼ beni.
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  8. "Aksiomaticheskie sistemy s metodologicheskoi tochki zreniya " [Russian].K. Ajdukiewicz - 1960 - Studia Logica 9:219.
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  9. "Problema oboshovaniya analiticheskikh predlozhenii " [Russian].K. Ajdukiewicz - 1958 - Studia Logica 8:277.
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  10. Zur Diskussion über Platons ungeschriebene Lehre.K. Albert - 1991 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 44 (1991):171-191.
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    Content Analysis of Nano-news Published Between 2011 and 2018 in Turkish Newspapers.Şeyma Çalık, Ayşe Koç, Tuba Şenel Zor, Erhan Zor & Oktay Aslan - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (2):117-132.
    The aim of this study is to examine the distribution of news related to nanoscience and nanotechnology published in Turkish newspapers between 2011 and 2018. Nine Turkish newspapers selected using criterion sampling were investigated and the document analysis method was used to analyze them. The electronic archives of the newspapers were used to collect data and the word “nano” was used as a keyword. The obtained data were analyzed with the content analysis technique. While analyzing the news stories, categorization was (...)
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    Kitâb-ı güzîde: Akâidü'l-islâm: giriş, metin, dizin-sözlük, tıpkıbasım.Serhat Küçük - 2014 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları. Edited by Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad Khānaqāhī.
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    7. Phokisch πλάτος = nummus.K. Peisendanz - 1908 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 67 (1-4):473-475.
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  14. Facial recognition memory.K. Pezdek & J. K. Reynolds - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):344-344.
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    Hume's treatment of belief.K. B. Pflaum - 1950 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):93 – 113.
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    Energy determination of electromagnetic cascades in nuclear emulsions.K. Pinkau - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (23):1389-1392.
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    The development of cascades initiated by nuclear interaction.K. Pinkau - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (65):657-667.
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    Algebraically closed commutative local rings.K.-P. Podewski & Joachim Reineke - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (1):89-94.
  19. Vedomie.K. Otázke Pojmu & SOCIALISTICKÉ SPOLOČENSKÉ - 1984 - Filozofia 39:47.
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    Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of liquid In-Te alloys.K. Popp, H. -U. Tschirner & M. Wobst - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (3):685-690.
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    Patristic Evaluation of Culture.K. J. Popma - 1973 - Philosophia Reformata 38:97-113.
  22. Untitled-commentary.K. Powderly - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (6):25-25.
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    Specificity and generalization of behavior in new-born infants. A critique.K. C. Pratt - 1934 - Psychological Review 41 (3):265-284.
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    Vertical disparity tolerance in random-dot stereograms.K. Prazdny - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):413-414.
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    Linnaeus. Nature and Nation: Lisbet Koerner; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001. Price £12.95 paper back, 0-674-00565-1.K. Tribe - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (2):253-255.
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    Ten years and farewell.K. Brad Wray - 2024 - Metascience 33 (3):307-309.
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    Sanskrit Astronomical Tables in the United States.K. V. Sarma & David Pingree - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):786.
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    Cartography: Innateness or Convergent Cultural Evolution?Deniz Satık - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Haspelmath argues that linguists who conduct comparative research and try to explain patterns that are general across languages can only consider two sources of these patterns: convergent cultural evolution of languages, which provides functional explanations of these phenomena, or innate building blocks for syntactic structure, specified in the human cognitive system. This paper claims that convergent cultural evolution and functional-adaptive explanations are not sufficient to explain the existence of certain crosslinguistic phenomena. The argument is based on comparative evidence of generalizations (...)
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    Pure and Applied Reason.K. M. Sayre - 1981 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 3:1-13.
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    Citations for Human Rights and Nursing awards.K. Schefter, C. Schmitz & C. Wildschut - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):181-182.
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    24. die Euripideische literatur von 1850–1862.K. Schenkl - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 20 (1-4):681-710.
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  32. Köhler, Walter, Geist und Materie.K. Schwandtke - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:327.
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  33. psychopathology and therapy. New York: Guilford Press. ISBN 0-89862.K. R. Scherer - 1989 - Cognition and Emotion 3 (3):253-255.
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    The Rationality of Emotion toward Fiction.K. I. M. Seahwa - 2010 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 34 (1):106-119.
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    Controvers of the theory of just war in the writings of philosophers and Christian theologians.K. V. Semchynskiy - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:95-103.
    Just war theory has a long history, during which it changed its nature and its constituent components. Its purpose was to justify and limit the evil of war. The term just war is found in Aristotle in his work "Politics" and is used in describing the wars fought by the Greeks "in the name of the spread of culture and civilization" against non-Greeks, because they were considered barbarians. In fact, the cause of these wars was the expansion of political and (...)
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    A Constitutive Work in the Sharh Tradition of Quranic Exegesis: Qutb al-Din al-Razi’s Sharh Mushkilat al-Kashshaf.M. Taha Boyalık - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):143-166.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  37. Politische Theorie des Johannes Althusius.K.-W. Dahm, Werner Krawietz & Dieter Wyduckel - 1988 - Rechtstheorie 7:1-592.
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  38. Internet Telephony.K. David - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (2):124-125.
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    Review Article — Democracies, Ancient and Modern.K. Demetriou - 1998 - Polis 15 (1-2):82-111.
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  40. Sound as Ultimate Reality and Meaning. The Mode of Knowing Reality in African Thought.K. Chukwulozie Anyanwu - 1987 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 10 (1):29-38.
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    Dr C. J. BLEEKER, Inleiding tot een phaenomenologie van den godsdienst. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1934.K. J. Cremer - 1937 - Philosophia Reformata 2 (3):188-190.
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  42. Die Herausforderung der Moraltheologie durch die Biologie. Erwagungen zum Naturbegriff Le défi de la biologie à la théologie morale. Réflexions sur le concept de nature.K. Demmer - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (3):495-519.
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  43. Erwägungen über den Segen der Kasuistik.K. Denmer - 1982 - Gregorianum 63:133-40.
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  44. Hermann Cohen und die Frage nach dem Jüdischen (HC et la question de l'identité juive).K. Dethloff - 1985 - Kairos (misc) 27 (3-4):241-256.
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  45. Kant und die beschreibenden Naturwissenschaften. Zur epistemologischen und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kant-Interpretation von S. Marcucci.K. Düsing - 1984 - Kant Studien 75 (3):340.
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  46. The affective Simon effect: How Automatic? How conscious?K. Duscherer & D. Holender - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S71 - S71.
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    Psychobiological sex differences in pain: Psychological as much as biological.K. Gijsbers & C. A. Niven - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):449-449.
    The argument of berkley for the existence sex differences in pain is based on biological factors. We suggest that the psychological evidence for such differences is more substantial.
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    Some linguistic comments on die text of ATs Vita of Aesop published by Β. E. Perry.K. Hadjioannou - 1969 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 62 (1):1-4.
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    Quasivarieties of cancellative commutative binary modes.K. Matczak & A. Romanowska - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1-2):321 - 335.
    The paper describes the isomorphic lattices of quasivarieties of commutative quasigroup modes and of cancellative commutative binary modes. Each quasivariety is characterised by providing a quasi-equational basis. A structural description is also given. Both lattices are uncountable and distributive.
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  50. Philosophy, "parallel Polis" and revolution : The case of czechoslovakia.Ján Pavlík - 1993 - In János Kristóf Nyíri & Barry Smith, Philosophy and political change in Eastern Europe. LaSalle, Ill.: Hegeler Institute.
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