Results for 'Jöran Friberg'

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  1.  46
    Defending the two tragedies argument: a response to Simkulet.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):417-418.
    According to the two-tragedies argument proponents of pro-life can justifiably prioritize efforts to prevent abortion rather than miscarriages due to the fact that abortions in contrast to miscarriages involves usually the act of killing. William Simkulet has recently argued against this argument claiming that it fails as it (a) is in conflict with the common sense pro-life view on abortion and (b) leads to an overestimation of the moral value of preventing the ‘second tragedy’, namely the act of killing, compared (...)
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    Introduction to the thematic issue ‘Moral Economy: New Perspectives’.Katarina Friberg & Norbert Götz - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2):143-146.
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  3.  59
    Clashes of consensus: on the problem of both justifying abortion of fetuses with Down syndrome and rejecting infanticide.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (3):195-212.
    Although the abortion of fetuses with Down syndrome has become commonplace, infanticide is still widely rejected. Generally, there are three ways of justifying the differentiation between abortion and infanticide: by referring to the differences between the moral status of the fetus versus the infant, by referring to the differences of the moral status of the act of abortion versus the act of infanticide, or by separating the way the permissibility of abortion is justified from the way the impermissibility of infanticide (...)
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  4.  51
    Within the limits of the defensible: a response to Simkulet’s argument against the pro-life view on the basis of spontaneous abortion.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):743-745.
    In a recent article, William Simkulet has argued against the anti-abortion view by invoking the fact that many human fetuses die from spontaneous abortion. He argues that this fact poses a dilemma for proponents of the anti-abortion view: either they must abandon their anti-abortion view or they must engage in preventing spontaneous abortion significantly more than at present—either to the extent that they try to prevent induced abortion or at least significantly more than they do today. In this reply, I (...)
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  5.  40
    Everyday Aesthetics and Philosophical Hermeneutics.Carsten Friberg - 2021 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (1):103-117.
    This article discusses Everyday Aesthetics seen from philosophical hermeneutics where aesthetics is understood as a form of knowledge. Two approaches are made, one concerning content, i.e. the knowledge made apparent to us in the aesthetic situation which is usually, but not exclusively, an exception to the everyday; another concerning the appearance of knowledge in form which, likewise, is also in danger of becoming isolated from the everyday. Everyday Aesthetics is reviewed through the same two approaches to understand how it differs (...)
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  6.  24
    An epistemic alternative to the public justification requirement.Henrik Friberg-Fernros & Johan Karlsson Schaffer - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (6):948-970.
    How should the state justify its coercive rules? Public reason liberalism endorses a public justification requirement: Justifications offered for authoritative regulations must be acceptable to all members of the relevant public. However, as a criterion of legitimacy, the public justification requirement is epistemically unreliable: It prioritizes neither the exclusion of false beliefs nor the inclusion of true beliefs in justifications of political rules. This article presents an epistemic alternative to the public justification requirement. Employing epistemological theories of argumentation, we demonstrate (...)
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  7.  72
    Issues about Thinking Phenomenologically while Doing Phenomenology.Febe Friberg, Silwa Claesson, Inger Berndtsson & Joakim Öhlén - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):256-277.
    This methodological article explores issues related to having the ontological ground for phenomenological empirical research present throughout the research process. We discuss how ontology needs to be taken into consideration regarding the phenomena to be studied and how ontological aspects of phenomena need to be highlighted during various data collection and analysis procedures. Here, we discuss how philosophical works can be used in the context of specific research projects. In illustrating our statements, we present four empirical examples connected to the (...)
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  8.  47
    Aesthetic Experience witout Art.Carsten Friberg - 2004 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 16 (29-30).
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  9.  43
    Allies in tension: Identifying and bridging the rift between r2p and just war.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (3):160-173.
    Abstract It has become almost commonplace to regard the concepts of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Just War as not only compatible but rather closely connected. Contrary to this position I argue here that some Just War criteria are in significant tension with R2P. This tension results from the fact that Just War only makes war permitted while R2P prescribes an obligation. But R2P and Just War not only are in significant tension, but also suffer from inverted weaknesses: R2P is (...)
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  10.  12
    Making a Case for Stricter Abortion Laws.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book questions how abortion laws can be regulated in a time when abortion rights are still subject to intense debate. It addresses objections to basing abortion law on considerations of moral risk, presents two anti-abortion arguments - the deprivation argument and the substance view - to demonstrate the risk of permitting abortion, and discusses the moral risk of restricting access to abortion when it may unjustifiably harm women. The author also shows how welfare states can address the negative effects (...)
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  11. Networks of activated cortical regions subserving language and attentional functions in the the normal human brain.Friberg Lars, T. McLaughlin & B. Steinberg - forthcoming - Brain and Mind: Danish Royal Academy of Sciences Aug.
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  12.  46
    Abortion and the Limits of Political Liberalism.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2010 - Public Reason 2 (1).
  13.  22
    Correcting an Interpretation of My View on Legal Punishment and Abortion.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (3):273-274.
    Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2020, Page 273-274.
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  14.  30
    Hit but not down. The substance view in light of the criticism of Lovering and Simkulet.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (6):388-394.
    In his article ‘The substance view: A critique’, Rob Lovering argues that the substance view –according to which a human person comes into existence at the moment of conception – leads to such implausible implications that this view should be abandoned. I responded to his reductio arguments in ‘A critique of Rob Lovering's criticism of the substance view’ and concluded that his arguments did not justify a rejection of the substance view. Now Lowering and William Simkulet have both responded to (...)
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  15.  53
    A Critique of Rob Lovering's Criticism of the Substance View.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (3):211-216.
    In his article, The Substance View: a critique, Rob Lovering argues that the substance view – according to which the human embryo is a person entitled to human rights – leads to such implausible implications that this view should be abandoned. In this article I respond to his criticism by arguing that either his arguments fail because the proponents of the substance view are not obligated to hold positions which may be considered absurd, or because the positions which they are (...)
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  16.  27
    Responding to Simkulet’s objections to the two tragedies argument.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):223-224.
    The two tragedies argument (2TA) has been raised as a response to the argument against abortion from spontaneous abortion (or miscarriages). According to this argument against the antiabortion position (AAP), miscarriages should be of great concern for proponents of this position since they result in a greater amount of deaths of human beings than induced abortions do. According to critics of AAP, this fact undermines its plausibility, since proponents of the AAP either must try to prevent miscarriages to the same (...)
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  17.  22
    Person‐centred conversations in nursing and health: A theoretical analysis based on perspectives on communication.Joakim Öhlén & Febe Friberg - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12432.
    In this paper we use the concept of the person to examine person‐centred dialogue and show how person‐centred dialogue is different from and significantly more than transfer of information, which is the dominant notion in health care. A further motivation for the study is that although person‐centredness as an idea has a strong heritage in nursing and the broader healthcare discourse, person‐centred conversation is usually discussed as a distinct and unitary approach to communication, primarily related to the philosophy of dialogue—the (...)
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  18.  41
    Perpetuating ‘New Public Management’ at the expense of nurses' patient education: a discourse analysis.Anne-Louise Bergh, Febe Friberg, Eva Persson & Elisabeth Dahlborg-Lyckhage - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):190-201.
    This study aimed to explore the conditions for nurses' daily patient education work by focusing on managers' way of speaking about the patient education provided by nurses in hospital care. An explorative, qualitative design with a social constructionist perspective was used. Data were collected from three focus group interviews and analysed by means of critical discourse analysis. Discursive practice can be explained by the ideology of hegemony. Due to a heavy workload and lack of time, managers could ‘see’ neither their (...)
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  19.  41
    Assessing the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making in terms of adequate support for conclusions.Henrik Friberg-Fernros & Johan Karlsson Schaffer - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (3):251-265.
    How can we assess the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making? Sceptics doubt such assessments are possible, as they must rely on controversial substantive standards of truth and rightness. Challenging that scepticism, this paper suggests a procedure-independent standard for assessing the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making by evaluating whether it is adequately supported by reasons. Adequate support for conclusion is a necessary aspect of epistemic quality for any epistemic justification of democracy, though particularly relevant to theories that emphasize public deliberation. Finding (...)
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  20.  19
    Three thousand years of sexagesimal numbers in Mesopotamian mathematical texts.Jöran Friberg - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (2):183-216.
    The Mesopotamian system of sexagesimal counting numbers was based on the progressive series of units 1, 10, 1·60, 10·60, …. It may have been in use already before the invention of writing, with the mentioned units represented by various kinds of small clay tokens. After the invention of proto-cuneiform writing, c. 3300 BC, it continued to be used, with the successive units of the system represented by distinctive impressed cup- and disk-shaped number signs. Other kinds of “metrological” number systems in (...)
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  21.  31
    On The Problem of Defending Basic Equality: Natural Law and The Substance View.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):565-576.
    While most theorists agree with the claim that human beings have high and equal moral standing, there are strong disagreements about how to justify this claim. These disagreements arise because there are different ways of managing the difficulty of finding a basis for this claim, which is sufficiently substantial to do this justifying work, but not vary in degree in order to not give rise to inequality of moral considerability. The aim of this paper is to review previous attempts to (...)
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  22.  46
    Disrupting the Present and Opening the Future: Extinction Rebellion, Fridays For Future, and the Disruptive Utopian Method.Anna Friberg - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):1-17.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the temporal rhetoric of Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future to discuss how the new generation of climate movement organizations offers ideas of an open future that can be acted upon. Research has shown how climate organizations create economic and social disruptions. However, as the article shows, they also create temporal disruptions. Taking theoretical inspiration from critical utopian studies, the article states that the climate activists should be understood as utilizing a disruptive utopian method that aims (...)
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  23.  42
    Taking Precautionary Concerns Seriously: A Defense of a Misused Anti-abortion Argument.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (3):228-247.
    Abortion critics have argued that one should err on the side of life and prohibit abortion since the status of the fetus is uncertain. David Boonin has criticized this precautionary argument, but his criticism has been ignored. The aim is to elaborate on the precautionary argument by responding to Boonin’s criticism. Boonin considers three versions of the precautionary argument—the disaster avoidance argument, the maximin argument, and the expected utility argument; yet all three are judged unsuccessful for the same reasons: they (...)
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  24.  17
    Leaving Naturalism Behind.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):137-166.
    The aim of this paper is to encourage liberals to reconsider whether liberalism needs to be compatible with naturalism—as is demanded by public reason liberalism—by showing the comparative cost of that and the advantages of grounding liberalism in theism, which is the main alternative to naturalism. The reason why theism provides better grounds for defending liberalism than naturalism does, is that justifying human freedom and equality—which are core values of liberalism—in a robust way, requires metaphysical assumptions that cohere better within (...)
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  25.  28
    Probing the Underlying Principles of Perceived Immanent Accents Using a Modeling Approach.Anders Friberg, Erica Bisesi, Anna Rita Addessi & Mario Baroni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26.  33
    Respect, Coercion, and Religious Reasons.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (3):445-471.
    It is often assumed that people of faith should not endorse a law for religious reasons, since such an endorsement is considered to be disrespectful. Such a position is increasingly opposed by scholars who argue that such demands unjustifiably force people of faith to compromise their religious ideals. In order to defend their opposition to such demands, some scholars have invoked thought experiments as reductio arguments against the claim that endorsing laws dependent on religious reasons is necessarily disrespectful. I argue (...)
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  27.  40
    A Computational Model of Immanent Accent Salience in Tonal Music.Erica Bisesi, Anders Friberg & Richard Parncutt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  28.  43
    The nursing discipline and self-realization.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (6):723-733.
    Background: It is obvious from literature within the nursing discipline that nursing is related to moral or moral–philosophical related ideas which are other-oriented. The socio-cultural process of change in modern society implies that more self-oriented ideas have been found to be significant. Aim: The overall aim of this article is to highlight self-oriented moral or moral–philosophical related ideas as an important part of the nursing discipline. This is achieved by (a) exploring self-realization as a significant self-oriented moral or moral–philosophical related (...)
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  29.  14
    Geometric division problems, quadratic equations, and recursive geometric algorithms in Mesopotamian mathematics.Jöran Friberg - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (1):1-34.
    Most of what is told in this paper has been told before by the same author, in a number of publications of various kinds, but this is the first time that all this material has been brought together and treated in a uniform way. Smaller errors in the earlier publications are corrected here without comment. It has been known since the 1920s that quadratic equations played a prominent role in Babylonian mathematics. See, most recently, Høyrup (Hist Sci 34:1–32, 1996, and (...)
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  30.  30
    The Explanatory Power of the Soul.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (1):101-121.
    Liberalism and naturalism are the reigning orthodoxies of most faculties today, while dualism is overwhelmingly rejected. The overarching claim defended in this paper is that liberals should consider dualism more seriously than what currently seems to be the case. This claim will be defended in two stages. First, I will argue that dualism provides better resources with which to defend foundational liberal commitments to human equality and human agency than those naturalism offers. Secondly, I will argue that dualism is plausible (...)
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  31.  99
    Homosexuality via canalized sexual development: A testing protocol for a new epigenetic model.William R. Rice, Urban Friberg & Sergey Gavrilets - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):764-770.
    We recently synthesized and reinterpreted published studies to advance an epigenetic model for the development of homosexuality (HS). The model is based on epigenetic marks laid down in response to the XX vs. XY karyotype in embryonic stem cells. These marks boost sensitivity to testosterone in XY fetuses and lower it in XX fetuses, thereby canalizing sexual development. Our model predicts that a subset of these canalizing epigenetic marks stochastically carry over across generations and lead to mosaicism for sexual development (...)
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  32.  17
    Remaining in the nursing profession: The relevance of strong evaluations.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (7):928-938.
    Background: Why nurses remain in the profession is a complex question. However, strong values can be grounds for their remaining, meaning nurses evaluate the qualitative worth of different desires and distinguish between senses of what is a good life. Research question: The overall aim is to explore and argue the relevance of strong evaluations for remaining in the nursing profession. Research design: This theoretical article based on a hermeneutical approach introduces the concept strong evaluations as described by the Canadian philosopher (...)
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  33.  21
    Relationship-based nursing care and destructive demands.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):663-674.
    Background: The relationship between the nurse and the patient is understood as fundamental in nursing care. However, numerous challenges can be related to the provision of relationship-based nursing care. Challenges exist when nurses do not respond adequately to the patient’s appeal for help. Moreover, challenges arising in the nurse–patient relationship can be understood as more destructive demands from the patient to the nurse, thus begging inquiry into such a relationship. Research question: The overall aim is to explore and argue the (...)
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  34. Filosofi.Asger Sørensen & Carsten Friberg - 2007 - In Asger Sørensen & Carsten Friberg (eds.), Leksikon for den 21. Århundrede. Solidaritet.
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  35. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.Asger Sørensen & Carsten Friberg - 2010 - In Albert Jensen (ed.), Leksikon for Det 21. Århundrede. Solidaritatet.
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  36. Leksikon for den 21. Århundrede.Asger Sørensen & Carsten Friberg (eds.) - 2007 - Solidaritet.
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  37.  25
    Feeling at Home. Reflection on a Theme in Human Existence.Carsten Friberg - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):20-27.
    This essay is about the significance of the body for dwelling. Considering the body implies considering a concrete body, i.e. asking for the experiences embedded in it. Consequently, the body in consideration is, for example, gendered. The topic of dwelling takes Martin Heidegger’s work on the hand as the point of departure and uses philosophical anthropology and Jacques Derrida’s comments on Heidegger as inspiration to suggest that the relationship between the hand and thinking implies asking whose hands build places of (...)
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  38.  28
    Accounts along the aid chain: administering a moral economy.Katarina Friberg - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2):246-256.
    The purpose of this article is threefold. First, it aims to delineate the flow of resources and the claims on those resources within the humanitarian aid system by locating task structures and functional units across the aid chain. Second, it draws on this account to highlight tensions in the system. Different stations in the organisational process are conditioned by the tasks assigned to them, how those tasks are anchored in a moral economy, and their historical interrelations. Third, it explores how (...)
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  39.  13
    Against the Religious Neutrality Requirement.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (4):383-400.
    One element of the liberal ideal of secularity is the principle that the state should treat religions neutrally: This is the religious neutrality requirement. Applied to religious belief systems, the principle stipulates that the state should not take a position on whether or not a certain religion is true. I challenge this ideal and argue that teachers in public schools sometimes need to take a position on religious truth claims in order to avoid the risk of promoting false beliefs. I (...)
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  40.  24
    Criticizing critique. A discussion of Asger Sørensen’s Capitalism, Alienation and Critique.Carsten Friberg - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (2):153-154.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 2, Page 153-154, February 2022.
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  41.  26
    Democracy in the Plural? The Concepts of Democracy in Swedish Parliamentary Debates during the Interwar Years.Anna Friberg - 2012 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 7 (1):12-35.
  42.  20
    The Importance of Aesthetic Experience.Carsten Friberg - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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  43.  48
    Three waves of political mobilization in Western Europe and the coming of a fourth.Mats Friberg - 1989 - World Futures 26 (2):155-191.
    (1989). Three waves of political mobilization in Western Europe and the coming of a fourth. World Futures: Vol. 26, European Perspectives II, pp. 155-191.
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  44.  14
    Disclosing discourses: biomedical and hospitality discourses in patient education materials.Stina Öresland, Febe Friberg, Sylvia Määttä & Joakim Öhlen - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):240-248.
    Patient education materials have the potential to strengthen the health literacy of patients. Previous studies indicate that readability and suitability may be improved. The aim of this study was to explore and analyze discourses inherent in patient education materials since analysis of discourses could illuminate values and norms inherent in them. Clinics in Sweden that provided colorectal cancer surgery allowed access to written information and ‘welcome letters’ sent to patients. The material was analysed by means of discourse analysis, embedded in (...)
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  45.  21
    Child–Computer Interaction at the Beginner Stage of Music Learning: Effects of Reflexive Interaction on Children’s Musical Improvisation.Anna Rita Addessi, Filomena Anelli, Diber Benghi & Anders Friberg - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  46.  18
    Why organisms age: Evolution of senescence under positive pleiotropy?Alexei A. Maklakov, Locke Rowe & Urban Friberg - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (7):802-807.
    Two classic theories maintain that aging evolves either because of alleles whose deleterious effects are confined to late life or because of alleles with broad pleiotropic effects that increase early‐life fitness at the expense of late‐life fitness. However, empirical studies often reveal positive pleiotropy for fitness across age classes, and recent evidence suggests that selection on early‐life fitness can decelerate aging and increase lifespan, thereby casting doubt on the current consensus. Here, we briefly review these data and promote the simple (...)
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  47.  40
    A Critique of Henrik Friberg‐Fernros's Defense of the Substance View.William Simkulet - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):767-773.
    Proponents of the substance view contend that abortion is seriously morally wrong because it is killing something with the same inherent value and right to life as you or I. Rob Lovering offers two innovative criticisms of the anti-abortion position taken by the substance view – the rescue argument and the problem of spontaneous abortion. Henrik Friberg-Fernros offers an interesting response to Lovering, but one I argue would be inconsistent with the anti-abortion stance taken by most substance view theorists.
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  48.  76
    Jöran Friberg. Amazing Traces of a Babylonian Origin in Greek Mathematics. xx + 476 pp., apps., bibl., index. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2007. $98. [REVIEW]Sabetai Unguru - 2008 - Isis 99 (4):821-822.
  49. Amazing traces of a Babylonian origin in Greek mathematics, de Jöran Friberg.Piedad Yuste Leciñena - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):175-178.
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  50. The Substance View: A Critique (Part 3).Rob Lovering - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (4):305-312.
    In my articles ‘The Substance View: A Critique’ and ‘The Substance View: A Critique,’ I raise objections to the substance view, a theory of intrinsic value and moral standing defended by a number of contemporary moral philosophers, including Robert P. George, Patrick Lee, Christopher Tollefsen, and Francis Beckwith. In part one of my critique of the substance view, I raise reductio-style objections to the substance view's conclusion that the standard human fetus has the same intrinsic value and moral standing as (...)
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