Results for 'Justice Administration of'

977 found
  1.  21
    High court.Administrative Law-Natural Justice-Whether Refugee - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Case notes." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (199), pp. 34–35.
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    Administration of Justice and Multimodality in Media: Semiotic Translation, Conflict and Compatibility. [REVIEW]Le Cheng - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (4):491-502.
    Law as one sign system can be recorded and interpreted by another sign system—media. If each transaction in court is taken as a sign, it can be interpreted or transferred by different signs of media for the same purpose, though with different effects. This study focuses on the transformative effects of the semiotic revolution in media on law. The present research revealed that the evolution of media has driven the administration of justice to pay more attention to the (...)
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  3. Law and Administration of Justice in the Old Testament and Ancient East.Hans Jochen Boecker - 1980
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    Fiscal equivalence: Principle and predation in the public administration of justice.Emily C. Skarbek - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):244-265.
    Fiscal equivalence in the public administration of justice requires local police and courts to be financed exclusively by the populations that benefit from their services. Within a polycentric framework, broad based taxation to achieve fiscal equivalence is a desirable principle of public finance because it conceptually allows for the provision of justice to be determined by constituent’s preferences, and increases the political accountability of service providers to constituents. However, the overproduction of justice services can readily occur (...)
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    Covert Administration of Medication to Persons with Dementia: Exploring the Ethical Dimensions.David Unger & Jenny M. Young - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (4):290-297.
    The literature, although sparse, reports that covert administration of all types of medications is prevalent in nursing homes. Whether it is ever ethically defensible, however, to administer medications covertly to persons with significant dementia is a complex and contentious question. Some scholars contend that deception is inherently wrong and is never acceptable, while others believe that deception is intrinsic to providing care to persons with dementia. With an aim to begin to reconcile these polarized positions and to objectively study (...)
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  6.  15
    Dimensions of justice: ethical issues in the administration of criminal law.William C. Heffernan - 2015 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    Thinking about justice -- The possibility of a justice convention -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the proper scope of public protection -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the appropriate response to wrongdoing -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about criminal procedure -- The justice convention concluded: Deliberating about equality -- From natural law to human rights -- Nuremberg and beyond: the creation oa a system of international criminal justice -- Transitional (...)
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  7. Access to Justice and the Public Interest in the Administration of Justice.Lucinda Vandervort - 2012 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 63:124-144.
    The public interest in the administration of justice requires access to justice for all. But access to justice must be “meaningful” access. Meaningful access requires procedures, processes, and institutional structures that facilitate communication among participants and decision-makers and ensure that judges and other decision-makers have the resources they need to render fully informed and sound decisions. Working from that premise, which is based on a reconceptualization of the objectives and methods of the justice process, the (...)
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  8.  21
    The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: From the Seventh to the Twelfth Century By Yaacov Lev. [REVIEW]Timothy J. Fitzgerald - 2023 - Journal of Islamic Studies 34 (3):414-417.
    Islamic legal studies continues to be a productive field in combination with Middle Eastern history. Ever wider conceptions of ‘Islamic law’ and ‘law’ itself ha.
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    The Administration of Justice from Homer to Aristotle.Harry M. Hubbell, Robert J. Bonner & Gertrude Smith - 1940 - American Journal of Philology 61 (2):238.
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    Book Review:The Administration of Justice from Homer to Aristotle, Vol. II. Robert J. Bonner, Gertrude Smith. [REVIEW]Glenn R. Morrow - 1938 - International Journal of Ethics 49 (1):104-.
  11.  57
    Book Review:The Administration of Justice from Homer to Aristotle. Robert J. Bonner, Gertrude Smith. [REVIEW]W. S. Milner - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (2):258-.
  12.  30
    Yaacov, Lev, The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: From the 7th to the 12th Century. (Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture.) Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. Pp. vii, 301. $105. ISBN: 978-1-4744-5923-5. [REVIEW]Uriel Simonsohn - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):530-532.
  13.  20
    From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law.William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The economically deprived come into contact with the criminal court system in disproportionate number. This collection of original, interactive essays, written from a variety of ideological perspectives, explores some of the more troubling questions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this situation. The contributors, including well-known legal and political philosophers Philip Pettit, George Fletcher, and Jeremy Waldron, examine issues such as heightened vulnerability, indigent representation, and rotten social background defenses.
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  14. Preliminary Report on Efficiency in the Administration of Justice, by Herbert Harley.William M. Salter - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 25:252.
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  15. Preliminary Report on Efficiency in the Administration of Justice.Moorfield Storey, Louis D. Brandeis & Roscoe Pound - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (2):252-254.
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    Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis against Kakourgoi, Atimoi and Pheugontes: A Study in the Athenian Administration of Justice in the Fourth Century B.C. Odense.Gerald V. Lalonde & Mogens Herman Hansen - 1978 - American Journal of Philology 99 (1):131.
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  17.  9
    (1 other version)Alcanzar justicia. El documento del pleito entablado por el obispo de Cartagena de Indias para recuperar el derecho de patronazgo y administración del hospital San SebastiánIn search of justice. The dossier of the lawsuit filed by the Bishop of Cartagena to recover the right of patronage and administration of the San Sebastian Hospital.John Jairo Marín Tamayo - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  18.  59
    A Shield Privilege for Reporters v. the Administration of Justice and the Right to a Fair Trial: Is There a Conflict? [with Commentary].Mark R. Wicclair & Richard P. Cunningham - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (2):1 - 17.
  19. Economic pressures put courts in the crosshairs of reforms to the administration of justice: Correspondent's report from Canada.Adam Dodek - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (1):126.
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  20.  13
    Specialized Justice: Courts, Administrative Tribunals, and a Cross-National Theory of Specialization.Stephen H. Legomsky - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Specialized Justice addresses the question of the desirability of specialization in the administration of justice. Should there be more, rather than less, sub-division of the judiciary into specialized tribunals? What is most desirable in terms of efficiency, speed, true justice, and cost? The author attempts to answer these questions both by examining theoretical paradigms and also by describing the results of an empirical study which he has undertaken. He concludes by examining variables that apply in different (...)
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  21.  45
    The Administration of Justice in Greece. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (6):227-228.
  22.  41
    The Administration of Justice in Athens. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (6):231-232.
  23.  52
    The Administration of Justice in the Athenian Empire. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (5-6):131-131.
  24.  38
    The Administration of Justice from Hesiod to Solon. By Gertrude Smith, Ph.D. One vol. Pp. 80. Wisconsin: George Banta Publishing Company, 1924. [REVIEW]M. Cary - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (3-4):87-87.
  25.  6
    Beyond the Courts: Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst for Change in Justice Administration.William Orlando Alvarez Araque, Angela Liliana Pinzón Pinzón & Aracely Forero Romero - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:394-406.
    In the context of technological advances, the concept of digital justice is emerging, an extra-judicial sphere that uses technologies such as artificial intelligence to address controversial situations through physical assistants or even robots, if the litigant so wishes. Thus, while AI is effective in resolving simple disputes without human intervention, even UNESCO warns against its exclusivity in more complicated cases. From this perspective, through a qualitative approach and literature review, this research focused on examining the benefits and limitations of (...)
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  26.  25
    Review of Robert J. Bonner and Gertrude Smith: The Administration of Justice from Homer to Aristotle, Vol. II[REVIEW]Glenn R. Morrow - 1938 - Ethics 49 (1):104-105.
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    Preliminary Report on Efficiency in the Administration of Justice. Charles W.Eliot, Moorfield Storey, Louis D Brandeis, Adolph J.Rodenbeck, Roscoe Pound. [REVIEW]Herbert Harley - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (2):252-254.
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    Deputy Emperors M. Peachin: Iudex Vice Caesaris: Deputy Emperors and the Administration of Justice during the Principate. (Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 21.) Pp. x + 267. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1996. Paper, DM/Sw. frs. 88/öS 687. ISBN: 3-515-06772-. [REVIEW]G. P. Burton - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (01):103-104.
  29.  25
    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores the (...)
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  30.  12
    Philosophy of Justice.Nitin J. Vyas, Ranjan K. Panda & Bhaskar Vyas (eds.) - 2003 - Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan.
    In the Indian context; contributed articles.
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    Legality, Morality, and Ethics in Criminal Justice.Nicholas N. Kittrie, Jackwell Susman & American Society of Criminology - 1979 - Praeger Publishers.
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  32. Art, aesthetics, and international justice.Marina Aksenova - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book demonstrates that art is implicit in the process of administration of international justice. The diverse nature of recent global threats as well as an overwhelming pull towards isolationism and nationalism challenge the dominant deterrence paradigm of international governance created in the aftermath of World War II. An alternative model is to focus on cooperation, and not deterrence, as a guiding operational principle. This study focuses on the theoretical component linking justice with aesthetics as well as (...)
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  33. Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility.David Lyons - 1971 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    David Lyons is one of the pre-eminent philosophers of law active in the United States. This volume comprises essays written over a period of twenty years in which Professor Lyons outlines his fundamental views about the nature of law and its relation to morality and justice. The underlying theme of the book is that a system of law has only a tenuous connection with morality and justice. Contrary to those legal theorists who maintain that no matter how bad (...)
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    Spatial Justice: Body, Lawscape, Atmosphere.Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    There can be no justice that is not spatial. Against a recent tendency to despatialise law, matter, bodies and even space itself, this book insists on spatialising them, arguing that there can be neither law nor justice that are not articulated through and in space. Spatial Justice presents a new theory and a radical application of the material connection between space – in the geographical as well as sociological and philosophical sense – and the law – in (...)
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  35.  36
    Development of an Administrative Ethical Behaviour Scale.Havva Öztürk - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):289-303.
    The aim of this study was to develop an Administrative Ethical Behaviour Scale (AEBS) and to determine whether nurses found their head nurses’ behaviours ethical and to reveal head nurses’ ethical and unethical administrative behaviour. It was conducted on 264 nurses working in five state hospitals in Trabzon, Turkey. Content validity index of the scale was 0.87, item-to-total correlations ranged from 0.50 to 0.81 and Chronbach Alpha was 0.98. The scale included five subscales, i.e. truthfulness and honesty, liabilities and supremacy (...)
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  36.  5
    How to Find Joy in the Practice of Holistic Law: Edited Version of an Address.John Kelly & International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers - 1999 - Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory.
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  37. Mistake of Law and Obstruction of Justice: A 'Bad Excuse' ... Even for a Lawyer!Lucinda Vandervort - 2001 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 50: 171-186.
    In Regina v. Murray, (2000, Ont S.Ct.J.) the learned trial judge, Justice Gravely, errs in his interpretation and application of the law of mens rea in the offense of willfully attempting to obstruct justice under section 139(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada. In view of his findings of fact and law, including the determination that the accused knowingly and intentionally committed the actus reus of the offense and the absence of any suggestion that he lacked awareness of (...)
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  38.  20
    Reflexive Understanding of the Concept of a Spouse – Comments on the Impact of the Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Coman and Others on the Rulings of Administrative Courts.Bartosz Wojciechowski & Anna Chmielarz-Grochal - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):99-121.
    This article relates to the CJEU’s understanding of the concept of the spouse in Case C-673/16 and its effect on the process of law application by Polish administrative courts. The authors considerations are based on the assumption that the CJEU’s interpretation of EU law in Coman and Others is of a dynamic-deliberative nature, based on functional rules, and that at the same it time takes into account a specific legal and socio-cultural context in which one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed (...)
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  39.  19
    Private justice: towards integrated theorising in the sociology of law.Stuart Henry - 1983 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Good,No Highlights,No Markup,all pages are intact, Slight Shelfwear,may have the corners slightly dented, may have slight color changes/slightly damaged spine.
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    Justice: a beginner's guide.Raymond Wacks - 2017 - London, England: Oneworld.
    Professor Raymond Wacks breaks down the leading theories of justice and illustrates how present-day challenges, like terrorism and migration, affect our fundamental notions of fairness and democratic freedoms.
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  41.  77
    Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice.Ian Marsh - 2004 - Routledge. Edited by John Cochrane & Gaynor Melville.
    This new text will encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of the context and the current workings of the criminal justice system. Part One offers a clear, accessible and comprehensive review of the major philosophical aims and sociological theories of punishment, the history of justice and punishment, and the developing perspective of victimology. In Part Two, the focus is on the main areas of the contemporary criminal justice system including the police, the courts and judiciary, prisons, (...)
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  42.  13
    Tour de force of moral virtue in international criminal justice.Farhad Malekian - 2023 - Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
    With the principle of tour de force, we refer to the use of the power of moral legality, the strength of statutes, and the fairness of judgments. A quantum force of moral legality and legal morality serves as an imperative force in the implementation of fair criminal justice, as well as in the prevention of future victims across the globe. Contrary to positivist ideas, the simple notion of morality contains within itself the very essence of international criminal norms. If (...)
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  43.  26
    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores the (...)
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  44.  15
    Ethics in the criminal justice system.Scott Howard Belshaw - 2015 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt publishing company. Edited by Peter Johnstone.
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  45.  13
    Punishment vs. reconciliation: retributive justice and social justice in the light of social ethics.Patrick Kerans - 1982 - Kingston, Ont.: Queen's Theological College.
  46.  5
    Justice-based ethics: challenging South African perspectives.Chris Jones (ed.) - 2018 - [Durbanville, South Africa]: AOSIS.
    The book reflects academically on important and relevant ethical fields from a multidimensional South African context. The book challenges conventional borders from different ethical, theological, philosophical, economic and cultural perspectives with insight and expertise and seeks to add academic-ethical value, locally and globally, with its different points of departure deeply embedded in justice. From a mainly qualitative methodological perspective, this scholarly book demonstrates that ethics requires analytical thinking and critical people who, in an existentially and emancipatory way, can help (...)
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  47.  20
    Criminal law in the age of the administrative state.Vincent Chiao - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Criminal law as public law -- Criminal law as public law -- Criminal law as public law -- Mass incarceration and the theory of punishment -- Reasons to criminalize -- Formalism and pragmatism in criminal procedure -- Responsibility without resentment.
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  48. La justice incertaine.Pierre Tiga Nkada - 2004 - [Mbalmayo, Cameroun: [S.N.].
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    Justice et espaces publics en Occident, du Moyen Âge à nos jours: pouvoirs, publicité et citoyenneté.Pascal Bastien, Donald Fyson, Jean-Philippe Garneau & Thierry Nootens (eds.) - 2014 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    "De nos jours, la justice est omniprésente dans l’espace public. Elle nous interpelle sous diverses formes?: faits divers, procès qui enflamment l’opinion publique, jugements qui affectent la vie des citoyens ou qui changent le paysage institutionnel dans lequel nous évoluons, etc. En fait, la médiatisation de la justice joue depuis longtemps un rôle essentiel dans le débat public, la régulation sociale ou le jeu politique en Occident. En une vingtaine d’études, plusieurs facettes du lien entre justice et (...)
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  50.  45
    Problems of Application of Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.Laurynas Biekša & Eglė Samuchovaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1407-1422.
    The question of detention of asylum seekers is specific due to the special situation of detainees (persons who have experienced human rights violations and apply for asylum in receiving country) and due to peculiarities of detention itself (persons have not committed crimes, but come or stay illegally because they have been forced to do so by fleeing from human rights violations). Therefore, lately it raises many discussions at the European level. Sooner or later, discussions influence national laws, as after adopting (...)
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