Results for 'Juraj Dubrovčanin'

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    Exorganic Posthumanism and Brain-Computer Interface Technologies.Juraj Odorcak - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (4):193-208.
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    Stavovi studenata Sveučilišta u Osijeku prema online učenju tijekom potpunog zatvaranja uslijed epidemije COVID-19.Juraj Jurlina, Demian Papo & Hrvoje Potlimbrzović - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):263-283.
    Due to COVID-19 pandemic caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, in the spring of 2020 Republic of Croatia imposed a lockdown, which included a measure of transferring the educational process on all educational levels from classroom to distance education. Characteristics of learning in higher education during the lockdown were identical to those pertaining to online learning. Aiming to determine the attitudes of students of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek towards online learning and the factors affecting their attitudes, we have (...)
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    Naturalism and protectionism in the study of religions.Juraj Franek - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How should we study religion? Must we be religious ourselves to truly understand it? Do we study religion to advance our knowledge, or should the study of religions help to reintroduce the sacred into our increasingly secularized world? Juraj Franek argues that the study of religion has long been split into two competing paradigms: reductive (naturalist) and non-reductive (protectionist). While the naturalistic approach seems to run the risk of explaining religious phenomena away, the protectionist approach appears to risk falling (...)
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  4. Theoretical Virtues of Cognitive Extension.Juraj Hvorecky & Marcin Miłkowski - 2024 - In Paulo Alexandre E. Castro (ed.), Challenges of the Technological Mind: Between Philosophy and Technology. Cham: Springer. pp. 103-119.
    This chapter argues that the extended mind approach to cognition can be distinguished from its alternatives, such as embedded cognition and distributed cognition, not only in terms of metaphysics, but also in terms of epistemology. In other words, it cannot be understood in terms of a mere verbal redefinition of cognitive processing. This is because the extended mind approach differs in its theoretical virtues compared to competing approaches to cognition. The extended mind approach is thus evaluated in terms of its (...)
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    Trust in healthcare professionals of people with chronic cardiovascular disease.Juraj Čáp, Michaela Miertová, Ivana Bóriková, Katarína Žiaková, Martina Tomagová & Elena Gurková - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Trust is an essential phenomenon of relationship between patients and healthcare professionals and can be described as an accepted vulnerability to the power of another person over something that one cares about in virtue of goodwill toward the trustor. This characterization of interpersonal trust appears to be adequate for patients suffering from chronic illness. Trust is especially important in the context of chronic cardiovascular diseases as one of the main global health problems. Research Aim The purpose of the qualitative (...)
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    K problému prisudzovania mentálnych stavov.Juraj Bánovský - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (6).
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  7. Kvantifikácia ako metóda S merateľnými vlastnotami.Juraj Bolf—Sthfan Dubnická & Bratislava Sav - 1986 - Filozofia 41 (1):73.
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  8. (1 other version)The Categorial Framework of the Marxian Theory of Surplus Value 1.Juraj Halas - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (2).
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    Prague.Juraj Hvorecky - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 52 (52):49-52.
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    K problému dôvery.Juraj čáp & Marián Pálenčár - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (6):395-407.
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  11. Dynamic Logic of Strict Processes.Juraj Podrouzek - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (4):346-350.
    The aim of the paper is to sketch some solutions that arose along the work on Logic of Strict Processes . Three main topics are discussed: negation based on implication constructed in intuitionistic fashion; satisfiability in multimodal contexts and a proposal of a first order semantics for Dynamic Logic of Strict Processes . The system of DLSP differs from the original LSP in using the set of contexts, which are treated as ordered sets of formulas. The interpretation of a context (...)
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    Science and Education in a Totalitarian Regime: The Case of Slovakia.Juraj Sebesta & Rudolf Zajac - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (3):225-229.
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    Derivatives and the real economy.Juraj Sipko - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (1):33-43.
    Derivatives and the real economy The paper describes the development of the derivatives market and compares it with the development of the real economy. Based on official data the paper describes how the derivatives market has significantly increased its volume of trading, mainly after the abolishment of the Glass-Steagal Act. The growing volume of the derivatives market also significantly contributed to the global financial crisis. This paper also compares the growth of the global nominal and real gross domestic product with (...)
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    Atlas l‘udovej kultúry Slovákov v Mad‘arsku (Stav súčasnej existencie a poznania). A magyarországi szlovákok népi kultúrájának atlasza (A mai ismeretek és gyakorlat alapján).Juraj Zajonc - 1997 - Human Affairs 7 (1):98-100.
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    Totalitarianism as a Personal Dimension.Juraj Zelman - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (1):16-21.
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    Sequencing and Optimization Within an Embodied Task Dynamic Model.Juraj Simko & Fred Cummins - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):527-562.
    A model of gestural sequencing in speech is proposed that aspires to producing biologically plausible fluent and efficient movement in generating an utterance. We have previously proposed a modification of the well-known task dynamic implementation of articulatory phonology such that any given articulatory movement can be associated with a quantification of effort (Simko & Cummins, 2010). To this we add a quantitative cost that decreases as speech gestures become more precise, and hence intelligible, and a third cost component that places (...)
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    Embodied task dynamics.Juraj Simko & Fred Cummins - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (4):1229-1246.
  18. The reception of Socrates in Tertullian.Juraj Franek - 2019 - In Christopher Moore (ed.), Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    Abstrakcia, idealizácia a používanie argumentov.Juraj Halas - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (9):705-720.
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    Ryle and Marx on Absurdities.Juraj Halas - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (3):338-360.
    The aim of this paper is to show that Karl Marx’s critique of political economy can be interpreted as a critique of what philosophers have termed “category-mistakes”. Therefore, I first turn to the origins of this term in Gilbert Ryle’s “Categories”, to further developments in “Philosophical Arguments” and in P. F. Strawson, as well as to W. H. Walsh’s approach to categories, to establish a workable meaning of the term “category-mistake”. In the second part, I briefly discuss some of the (...)
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  21. A Critique of the Transhumanist Critique of Friedrich Nietzsche.Juraj Odorcak - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (6):552-563.
    The paper examines the relationship between the philosophy of F. Nietzsche and transhumanist philosophy. Transhumanism is the branch of thought arguing in favor of human transformation . Thus, it might seem, that it is derived from the classical idea of the transformation of the man, its goal being an overman found in Nietzschean philosophy. However, transhumanism points to five problems in Nietzsche’s project. It rejects Nietzschean antiscientific, antiprogressive, antimoral and antisocial ideas as well as his destructive way of creating of (...)
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  22. Realism, Perdurantism and Its Practical Consequences.Juraj Odorcak - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (5):375-386.
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    Some Problems of the Transhumanist Conception of Love.Juraj Odorčák - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):51.
    Transhumanistická koncepcia lásky obecne predpokladá, že by sme mali romantickú lásku transformovať prostredníctvom súčasných možností vedy a techniky. Zástancovia transhumanistickej koncepcie lásky zvyčajne tvrdia, že správna technologická transformácia biologických základov lásky môže vyriešiť niektoré naše súčasné problémy s láskou. Proponenti transhumanistickej koncepcie lásky sa preto zvyčajne domnievajú, že korektná realizácia ich návrhu by taktiež viedla k vylepšeniu romantickej lásky. Hlavný zámer tejto štúdie spočíva v kritickej analýze niektorých filozofických a konceptuálnych nedostatkov, ktoré sú spojené s predstavou, že je vhodné aby (...)
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    Skutočné vo filme a jeho pôsobenie.Juraj Oniščenko - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (7).
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  25. The Real in Film and Its Impact.Juraj Oniscenko - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (7):655-666.
    The paper examines the relationship between film and reality, which on the author’s view cannot be grasped without taking into account the viewer. For Béla Balázs the viewer is a part of the film world. Jean Epstein goes even further in his substituting an actor for a viewer. Balázs develops the concept of identification while Epstein’s idea is to subvert the viewer’s world of peace and certainties. Benjamin shows that watching a film is a two-way effect. Barthes’ aim is to (...)
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    Niekol'ko poznámok K naivnému realizmu, konštruktivizmu a kritickému (vedeckému) realizmu.Juraj Šuch - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7).
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  27. Structuralism in the Pragmatism of Ch. S. Peirce or A Short Story of a Lost Vision.Juraj Ziak - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5):452-457.
    The article offers an alternative story about the structuralism in science, philosophy, and semiotics based on the exposition of Ch. S. Peirce’s philosophical project – pragmatism. Contemporary tendency to consider structuralism as naïve and dead, is put in contrast with the reassessment of the potential of structuralism in natural scien- ces and linguistic anthropology.
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    Empiricism in the foundations of cognition.Timothy Childers, Juraj Hvorecký & Ondrej Majer - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):67-87.
    This paper traces the empiricist program from early debates between nativism and behaviorism within philosophy, through debates about early connectionist approaches within the cognitive sciences, and up to their recent iterations within the domain of deep learning. We demonstrate how current debates on the nature of cognition via deep network architecture echo some of the core issues from the Chomsky/Quine debate and investigate the strength of support offered by these various lines of research to the empiricist standpoint. Referencing literature from (...)
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  29. Metódy dedukcie a indukcie v spoločenskovednej metodológii.Juraj Halas - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (2):205-219.
    Článok porovnáva chápanie metód dedukcie a indukcie, s ktorým pracujú vybrané texty zo spoločenskovednej metodológie, s poňatím týchto metód, o ktoré sa opiera moderná logika. Ukazuje, že viaceré príručky spoločenskovedného výskumu vychádzajú zo zastaranej koncepcie, podľa ktorej dedukcia predstavuje „postup od všeobecného k jednotlivému" a indukcia „postup od jednotlivého k všeobecnému". V niektorých prípadoch sa tiež obe metódy chybne stotožňujú s metódami výstavby teórie, prípadne sa dvojica dedukcia - indukcia mylne spája s dvojicou kvantitatívny - kvalitatívny výskum. Článok upozorňuje na (...)
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    On the importance of infant carrying for social learning and the development of social cognition.Juraj Bánovský - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):847-874.
    Infant carrying provides an important context for cognitive development and social learning in the first year of life. It enables children to perceive the world from a perspective similar to that of their parents. Lateral carrying provides children with new experiences because it gives them access to a broader range of objects. It also gives them better access to socially significant stimuli and aspects of the environment that are relevant to their parents. Thus, it can significantly contribute to learning about (...)
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    Conception of Human Being in Analytical Idealism: How Human and Cosmos are Interlinked Through Consciousness.Juraj Popovič - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (2):224-236.
    The relationship between human and cosmos is still quite a mystery. The ancient intuition about interconnectedness of human and cosmos was replaced by a worldview in which human is part of nature primarily through the continuity of the body with the outer nature. The mind is seen as a unique phenomenon mysteriously emerging from matter. To this mystery responds philosopher Bernardo Kastrup by proposing an ontology that turns the mind-matter relationship on its head: the matter is part of the mind, (...)
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  32. On the Attribution of Mental States.Juraj Banovsky - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (6):530-538.
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    Metodologické problémy v súčasnom výskume vývinu sociálnej kognície.Juraj Bánovský - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (8):567-580.
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  34. Problėmy dialektiky.Juraj Bober - 1968 - Bratislava,: SAV.
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    Normalita a mravnosť osobnosti.Juraj Ciger - 1970 - Bratislava,: Epocha, t. Pravda.
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    Základ racionality prirodzeného jazyka.Juraj Dolník - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (4).
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    On the history of national physics in physics teaching.Juraj Šebesta - 1996 - Science & Education 5 (3):313-318.
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    Kategoriálny rámec marxovej teórie nadhodnoty (1. cast').Juraj Halas - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (2).
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  39. Boundaries perceptual theory of emotions.Juraj Hvorecky - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18:102-114.
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    Introduction.Juraj Hvorecký - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (3):199-202.
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    Introspekcia a kognitívna fenomenológia.Juraj Hvorecký - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (3):467-484.
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    Eine Krebsbehandlung zu Beginn des XIX. Jahrhunderts.Juraj Korbler - 1964 - Centaurus 10 (1):40-47.
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    Über die krebsbehandlung Des praktischen arztes im XVI. Jahrhundert.Juraj Körbler - 1955 - Centaurus 4 (1):13-22.
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    Krankheit und Tod Kaiser diokletians.Juraj Körbler - 1959 - Centaurus 6 (1):52-54.
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    Zur Behandlung der Krebskrankheit mit Bleisalben im XVIII. Jahrhundert.Juraj Körbler - 1964 - Centaurus 9 (3):212-215.
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    Apologetics with open ears – a credible witness for the kingdom of God.Juraj Kusnierik & Marsh Moyle - 1999 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 16 (1):26-30.
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    A Discriminative Ontology for Future Selves.Juraj Odorčák - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (4):372-381.
    The article presents a critique of the commonly held assumption about the practical advantage of endurantism over perdurantism regarding the problem of future-directed self-concern of a person. The future-directed self-concern of a person crucially depends on the possibility of the right differentiation of diverging futures of distinct persons, therefore any theory of persistence that does not entail a special nonbranching relation of a person to only their future self seems to be counterintuitive or unrealistic for practical purposes of personal persistence. (...)
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    Kritika transhumanistickej kritiky friedricha nietzscheho.Juraj Odorčák - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (6).
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    Realizmus, perdurantizmus a jeho praktické dôsledky.Juraj Odorčák - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (5).
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  50. The Awareness of Mortality: The Other in Us?Juraj Cap - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (4):315-324.
    The paper deals with awareness of mortality as a means of assimilating the radical other in human life. By introducing the ontological aspects, such as non-functionality, irreversibility, necessity, universality, potentiality and post-mor- tality, the death and mortality are interpreted with regard to otherness. The otherness of death is either relative, or absolute. Attention is paid also to the death anxiety. In conclusion the question is asked, whether it is possible to speak meaningfully about death.
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