Results for 'Juliette Adam'

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  1.  39
    Problems of inference in the socio-physical sciences.Adam Abruzzi - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (19):537-549.
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    Mobile phones and service stations: Rumour, risk and precaution.Adam Burgess - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (1):125 - 139.
    This paper considers the implications of precautionary restrictions against technologies, in the context of the potential for creating and sustaining rumours. It focuses on the restriction against mobile phone use at petrol stations, based on the rumour that a spark might cause an explosion. Rumours have been substantiated by precautionary usage warnings from mobile phone manufacturers, petrol station usage restrictions, and a general lack of technical understanding. Petrol station employees have themselves spread the rumour about alleged incidents, filling the information (...)
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  3. An Essay on the History of Civil Society.Adam Ferguson & Duncan Forbes - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (162):382-383.
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    Reconciling intuitive physics and Newtonian mechanics for colliding objects.Adam N. Sanborn, Vikash K. Mansinghka & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (2):411-437.
  5.  24
    The Social Contexts of Intellectual Virtue: Knowledge as a Team Achievement.Adam Green - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    This book reconceives virtue epistemology in light of the conviction that we are essentially social creatures. Virtue is normally thought of as something that allows individuals to accomplish things on their own. Although contemporary ethics is increasingly making room for an inherently social dimension in moral agency, intellectual virtues continue to be seen in terms of the computing potential of a brain taken by itself. Thinking in these terms, however, seriously misconstrues the way in which our individual flourishing hinges on (...)
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    Antropologiczny wymiar życia społeczno-gospodarczego w świetle współczesnej polskiej myśli teologiczno-moralnej.Adam Zadroga - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):43-52.
    The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their way of progressing in the world. As John Paul II stated, Catholic Social Teaching “belongs [...] to the field [...] of theology, particularly moral theology” (SRS 41; CA 55). Polish moralists in the area of social moral theological studies undertake the issue of economic-social life, and in particular its anthropological dimension. Moral reflections from the theological point of view allow for an integral grasping of the (...)
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    Poetry versus the world: Remembering Zbigniew Herbert.Adam Zagajewski & Clare Cavanagh - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (3):582-594.
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    Does consciousness spring from the brain? Dilemmas of awareness in practice and theory.Adam Zeman - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies, Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2008--289.
  9.  34
    How to take skepticism seriously.Adam Leite - 2024 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that external world skepticism is false for straightforward reasons. To make this case it develops and defends a neglected methodological approach involving a distinctive process of first-person reflection. We begin within the practices, procedures, and commitments of ordinary life and science. We then seek some reason to think skepticism true, carefully scrutinizing all the most important arguments. Finding no reason to think it true and decisive reasons to think it false, we reject it. As the book shows, (...)
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    Estimating the probability of negative events.Adam J. L. Harris, Adam Corner & Ulrike Hahn - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):51-64.
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  11. The Puzzle of Pure Moral Motivation.Adam Lerner - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 13:123-144.
    People engage in pure moral inquiry whenever they inquire into the moral features of some act, agent, or state of affairs without inquiring into the non-moral features of that act, agent, or state of affairs. This chapter argues that ordinary people act rationally when they engage in pure moral inquiry, and so any adequate view in metaethics ought to be able to explain this fact. The Puzzle of Pure Moral Motivation is how to provide such an explanation. This chapter argues (...)
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    Do implicit evaluations reflect unconscious attitudes?Adam Hahn & Bertram Gawronski - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):28-29.
    We extend Newell & Shanks' (N&S's) arguments to the question of whether implicit evaluations reflect unconscious attitudes. We argue that correspondence to explicit evaluations fails to meet the criteria of relevance and sensitivity. When awareness is measured adequately and in line with N&S's criteria, there is compelling evidence that people are consciously aware of their implicit evaluations.
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    The Ethical Economy: Rebuilding Value After the Crisis.Adam Arvidsson & Nicolai Peitersen - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    A more ethical economic system is now possible, one that rectifies the crisis spots of our current downturn while balancing the injustices of extreme poverty and wealth. Adam Arvidsson and Nicolai Peitersen, a scholar and an entrepreneur, outline the shape such an economy might take, identifying its origins in innovations already existent in our production, valuation, and distribution systems. Much like nineteenth-century entrepreneurs, philosophers, bankers, artisans, and social organizers who planned a course for modern capitalism that was more economically (...)
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  14.  33
    Tolerance for distorted faces: Challenges to a configural processing account of familiar face recognition.Adam Sandford & A. Mike Burton - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):262-268.
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    Deficient testimony is deficient teamwork.Adam Green - 2014 - Episteme 11 (2):213-227.
    Jennifer Lackey presents a puzzle to which she argues there is no current solution. Lackey's claim is that testimonial knowledge can have something conspicuously wrong with it and still be knowledge. Testimonial knowledge can be ‘deficient’. Given that knowledge is a normative category, that it describes what it is for a belief to go right, there is a puzzle that comes with accounting for how a testimonial belief could be knowledge and yet go wrong in the ways Lackey has in (...)
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  16.  90
    Moral Learning, Rationality, and the Unreliability of Affect.Adam Gjesdal - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):460-473.
    ABSTRACTJames Woodward and John Allman [2007, 2008] and Peter Railton [2014, 2016] argue that our moral intuitions are products of sophisticated rational learning systems. I investigate the implications that this discovery has for intuition-based philosophical methodologies. Instead of vindicating the conservative use of intuitions in philosophy, I argue that what I call the rational learning strategy fails to show philosophers are justified in appealing to their moral intuitions in philosophical arguments without giving reasons why those intuitions are trustworthy. Despite the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Experimental Philosophy.Adam Feltz - 2009 - Analyze and Kritik 31 (1):201-219.
    Experimental philosophy is a new approach to philosophy that incorporates the experimental methodologies of psychology, behavioral economics, and sociology. Experimental philosophers generally maintain that, in addition to traditional philosophical practices, these ways of gathering evidence can be instrumental in shedding light on philosophically important issues. Rather than relying on their own intuitions about specific cases, experimental philosophers perform systematic experiments to determine what intuitions people have about those cases. These intuitions are then used as evidence. In this context, four main (...)
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  18.  54
    On plants and principles: Invited commentary on Birch, Ginsburg and Jablonka’s target article Unlimited Associative Learning and the Origins of Consciousness: A Primer and Some Predictions.Adam Linson, Aditya Ponkshe & Paco Calvo - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-4.
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    The Jet Lag Theory of Purgatory.Adam Green - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (2):146-160.
    Models of purgatory tend to come paired with an operative conception of what perfection consists in. In the recent philosophical literature, two models, the satisfaction model and the sanctification model, have been pitted against one another. The former focuses on innocence before the law and makes purgatory out to be a place where a debt of punishment is paid. The latter focuses on moral character and describes purgatory in terms of character formation. If perfection consists in a certain way of (...)
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  20.  23
    Word-meaning priming extends beyond homonyms.Adam J. Curtis, Matthew H. C. Mak, Shuang Chen, Jennifer M. Rodd & M. Gareth Gaskell - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105175.
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  21. Perspective in intentional action attribution.Adam Feltz, Maegan Harris & Ashley Perez - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (5):673-687.
    In two experiments, we demonstrate that intentional action intuitions vary as a function of whether one brings about or observes an event. In experiment 1a (N?=?38), participants were less likely to judge that they intended (M?=?2.53, 7 point scale) or intentionally (M?=?2.67) brought about a harmful event compared to intention (M?=?4.16) and intentionality (M?=?4.11) judgments made about somebody else. Experiments 1b and 1c confirmed and extended this pattern of actor-observer differences. Experiment 2 suggested that these actor-observer differences are not likely (...)
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  22.  92
    Making Sense of Animal Disenhancement.Adam Henschke - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (1):55-64.
    In this paper I look at moral debates about animal disenhancement. In particular, I propose that given the particular social institutions in which such disenhancement will operate, we ought to reject animal disenhancement. I do this by introducing the issue of animal disenhancement and presenting arguments in support of it, and showing that while these arguments are strong, they are unconvincing when we look at the full picture. Viewing animal disenhancement in a context such as high intensity food production, we (...)
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  23.  31
    Anger as “seeing red”: Evidence for a perceptual association.Adam K. Fetterman, Michael D. Robinson & Brian P. Meier - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1445-1458.
  24.  16
    REFRESH: A new approach to modeling dimensional biases in perceptual similarity and categorization.Adam N. Sanborn, Katherine Heller, Joseph L. Austerweil & Nick Chater - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (6):1145-1186.
  25.  65
    The computable Lipschitz degrees of computably enumerable sets are not dense.Adam R. Day - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (12):1588-1602.
    The computable Lipschitz reducibility was introduced by Downey, Hirschfeldt and LaForte under the name of strong weak truth-table reducibility [6]). This reducibility measures both the relative randomness and the relative computational power of real numbers. This paper proves that the computable Lipschitz degrees of computably enumerable sets are not dense. An immediate corollary is that the Solovay degrees of strongly c.e. reals are not dense. There are similarities to Barmpalias and Lewis’ proof that the identity bounded Turing degrees of c.e. (...)
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  26.  37
    Trust and resilient autonomous driving systems.Adam Henschke - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (1):81-92.
    Autonomous vehicles, and the larger socio-technical systems that they are a part of are likely to have a deep and lasting impact on our societies. Trust is a key value that will play a role in the development of autonomous driving systems. This paper suggests that trust of autonomous driving systems will impact the ways that these systems are taken up, the norms and laws that guide them and the design of the systems themselves. Further to this, in order to (...)
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    The Virtues of Ignorance.Adam Feltz & Edward T. Cokely - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (3):335-350.
    It is commonly claimed that fully virtuous individuals cannot be ignorant and that everyday intuitions support this fact. Others maintain that there are virtues of ignorance and most people recognize them. Both views cannot be correct. We report evidence from three experiments suggesting that ignorance does not rule out folk attributions of virtue. Additionally, results show that many of these judgments can be predicted by one’s emotional stability—a heritable personality trait. We argue that these results are philosophically important for the (...)
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  28.  84
    The Right Side of History and Higher-Order Evidence.Adam Green - 2021 - Episteme 18 (1):1-15.
    Appeals to “being on the right side of history” or accusations of being on the wrong side of history are increasingly common on social media, in the media proper, and in the rhetoric of politics. One might well wonder, though, what the value is of invoking history in this manner. Is declaring who is on what side of history merely dramatic shorthand for one's being right and one's opponents wrong? Or is there something more to it than that? In this (...)
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    Terminology and the Construction of Scientific Disciplines: The Case of Pharmacogenomics.Adam M. Hedgecoe - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (4):513-537.
    This article explores the way in which social explanations underpin the names of particular disciplines. Taking the example of pharmacogenomics, it shows how this term has been constructed since it appeared in 1997, the differences and similarities between it and its precursor, pharmacogenetics, and the way in which commercial interests underpin this new term. Drawing on the idea of visions and the sociology of expectation, the article shows how different actors compete to have their preferred definitions of the term accepted (...)
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    Experimental philosophy of actual and counterfactual free will intuitions.Adam Feltz - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36 (C):113-130.
    Five experiments suggested that everyday free will and moral responsibility judgments about some hypothetical thought examples differed from free will and moral responsibility judgments about the actual world. Experiment 1 (N = 106) showed that free will intuitions about the actual world measured by the FAD-Plus poorly predicted free will intuitions about a hypothetical person performing a determined action (r = .13). Experiments 2–5 replicated this result and found the relations between actual free will judgments and free will judgments about (...)
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    The Plain Inquirer’s Plain Evidence against the Global Skeptical Scenarios.Adam Leite - 2018 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 8 (3):208-222.
    _ Source: _Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 208 - 222 Penelope Maddy claims that we can have no evidence that we are not being globally deceived by an evil demon. However, Maddy’s Plain Inquirer holds that she has good evidence for a wide variety of claims about the world and her relation to it. She rejects the broadly Cartesian idea that she can’t be entitled to these claims, or have good evidence for them, or know them, unless she can provide (...)
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  32. Partisanship'.Adam Morton - 1988 - In Amelie Oksenberg Rorty & Brian P. McLaughlin, Perspectives on Self-Deception. University of California Press. pp. 170--182.
    I argue that to have a chance of acquiring valuable beliefs one must take a risk of self-deception.
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    Unity of Reasons.Adam Cureton - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):877-895.
    There are at least two basic normative notions: rationality and reasons. The dominant normative account of reasons nowadays, which I call primitive pluralism about reasons, holds that some reasons are normatively basic and there is no underlying normative explanation of them in terms of other normative notions. Kantian constructivism about reasons, understood as a normative rather than a metaethical view, holds that rationality is the primitive normative notion that picks out which non-normative facts are reasons for what and explains why (...)
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    Distinguishing between Experienced Utility and Remembered Utility.Adam Oliver - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (2):122-128.
    In his 2015 book, Valuing Health, the philosopher, Daniel Hausman, in referring to experienced utility maximization, touches on the question of whether people accept, and ought to accept, the assumption of health maximization vis-à-vis their own lives. This essay introduces Hausman’s arguments on experienced utility, before outlining the intellectual catalyst for the renewed interest in the maximization of experienced utility as an appropriate ethical rule; namely, the literature that arose in the 1990s that demonstrated that due to the so-called gestalt (...)
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    “Pretenders of a Vile and Unmanly Disposition”: Thomas Hobbes on the Fiction of Constituent Power.Adam Lindsay - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (4):475-499.
    The prevailing interpretation of constituent power is taken to be the extra-institutional capacity of a group, typically “the people,” to establish or revise the basic constitutional conditions of a state. Among many contemporary democratic theorists, this is understood as a collective capacity for innovation. This paper excavates an alternative perspective from constituent power’s genealogy. I argue that constituent power is not a creative material power, but is a type of political claim that shapes the collective rights, responsibilities, and identity of (...)
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    Leibniz on Plurality, Dependence, and Unity.Adam Harmer - 2017 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):69-94.
    Leibniz argues that Cartesian extension lacks the unity required to be a substance. A key premise of Leibniz’s argument is that matter is a collection or aggregation. I consider an objection to this premise raised by Leibniz’s correspondent Burchard de Volder and consider a variety of ways that Leibniz might be able to respond to De Volder’s objection. I argue that it is not easy for Leibniz to provide a dialectically relevant response and, further, that the difficulty arises from Leibniz’s (...)
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  37.  22
    Testing the adaptability of people's use of attribute frame information.Adam J. L. Harris, Sarah C. Jenkins, Gloria W. S. Ma & Aloysius Oh - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104720.
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    Behavioral Economics and the Public Acceptance of Synthetic Biology.Adam Oliver - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S1):50-55.
    Different applications of synthetic biology are alike in that their possible negative consequences are highly uncertain, potentially catastrophic, and perhaps irreversible; therefore, they are also alike in that public attitudes about them are fertile ground for behavioral economic phenomena. Findings from behavioral economics suggest that people may not respond to such applications according to the normal rules of economic evaluation, by which the value of an outcome is multiplied by the mathematical probability that the outcome will occur. Possibly, then, synthetic (...)
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    Perceiving persons.Adam Green - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (3-4):3-4.
    Since their discovery, mirror neurons have played a critical role in the interdisciplinary debate over how we come to understand other people, a topic often labelled 'mind-reading'. The philosopher Alvin Goldman argues that mirror neurons provide critical evidence that we come to understand others by simulating them. In this paper, I demonstrate that mirror neurons should be thought of as facilitating the perception of persons but should not be thought of as simulators. Our basic understanding of others does not come (...)
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  40.  24
    The New Technopolitics of Development and the Global South as a Laboratory of Technological Experimentation.Adam Moe Fejerskov - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (5):947-968.
    Science and technology have been integral issues of development cooperation for more than sixty years. Contrary to early efforts’ transfer of established technologies from the West to developing countries, contemporary technology aspirations increasingly articulate and practice the Global South as a live laboratory for technological experimentation. This approach is especially furthered by a group of private foundations and philanthrocapitalists whose endeavors in developing countries are, like their companies, shaped by logics of the individual, the market, and of societal progress through (...)
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  41. Inequity/Iniquity: Card on Balancing Injustice and evil.Adam Morton - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):199-203.
    Card argues that we should not give injustice priority over evil. I agree. But I think Card sets us up for some difficult balancings, for example of small evils against middle sized injustices. I suggest some ways of staying off the tightrope.
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  42. An introduction to the special issue on slurs.Adam M. Croom - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:1-2.
    Welcome to this special issue of Language Sciences on slurs. The collection in this issue consists of 21 original research articles from seasoned scholars and exceptional students across the humanities and social sciences. These scholars come from backgrounds in linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and here they investigate the use of slurs in a variety of natural languages, including English, Croatian, Hebrew, Korean, and Portuguese. -/- The topic of focus for this special issue has not only remained controversial and (...)
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  43.  14
    Gottes Vorstellungen: die Frage nach Gott in religiösen Bildungsprozessen: Gottfried Adam zum 60. Geburtstag.Gottfried Adam, Ulrich H. J. Körtner & Robert Schelander (eds.) - 1999 - Wien: [S.N.].
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  44. Texts to Illustrate a Course of Elementary Lectures on Greek Philosophy After Aristotle, Selected and Arranged by J. Adam.James Adam - 1902
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    Heuristics and Life-Sustaining Treatments.Adam Feltz & Stephanie Samayoa - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):443-455.
    Surrogates’ decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments (LSTs) are pervasive. However, the factors influencing surrogates’ decisions to initiate LSTs are relatively unknown. We present evidence from two experiments indicating that some surrogates’ decisions about when to initiate LSTs can be predictably manipulated. Factors that influence surrogate decisions about LSTs include the patient’s cognitive state, the patient’s age, the percentage of doctors not recommending the initiation of LSTs, the percentage of patients in similar situations not wanting LSTs, and default treatment (...)
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    An integrated utility-based model of conflict evaluation and resolution in the Stroop task.Adam Chuderski & Tomasz Smolen - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (3):255-290.
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    Demystifying Evidence‐Based Policy Analysis by Revealing Hidden Value‐Laden Constraints.Adam M. Finkel - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S1):21-49.
    Consider any choice that affects some social policy. A decision that considers evidence will, at its heart, contain some kind of explicit or implicit “because” statement: “We are doing X because the evidence says Y.” But can evidence ever truly speak for itself, in the sense of being reducible to objective utterances that are either correct or in need of correction? Before answering, consider what you'd prefer. Would you rather receive evidence that was free of any value judgments imposed by (...)
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  48.  53
    Respecting the Dignity of Children with Disabilities in Clinical Practice.Adam Cureton & Anita Silvers - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (3):257-276.
    Prevailing philosophies about parental and other caregiver responsibilities toward children tend to be protectionist, grounded in informed benevolence in a way that countenances rather than circumvents intrusive paternalism. And among the kinds of children an adult might be called upon to parent or otherwise care for, children with disabilities figure among those for whom the strongest and snuggest shielding is supposed be deployed. In this article, we examine whether this equation of securing well-being with sheltering by protective parents and other (...)
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    Claims About Surrogate Decision-Making Accuracy Require Empirical Evidence.Adam Feltz & Taylor Abt - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):41-43.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 10, Page 41-43, October 2012.
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    Scandals, Ethics, and Regulatory Change in Biomedical Research.Adam Hedgecoe - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (4):577-599.
    This paper explores how a particular form of regulation—prior ethical review of research—developed over time in a specific context, testing the claims of standard explanations for such change against more recent theoretical approaches to institutional changes, which emphasize the role of gradual change. To makes its case, this paper draws on archival and interview material focusing on the research ethics review system in the UK National Health Service. Key insights center on the minimal role scandals play in shaping changes in (...)
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