Results for 'Julien Jacob'

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  1.  13
    De la couleur en critique.Jacob Lachat & Julien Zanetta - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):77-86.
    Au tournant du xix e siècle, plusieurs théories des couleurs voient le jour. Elles partent du principe que l’appréciation des phénomènes colorés dépend en grande partie de la physiologie de l’œil et de la complémentarité des couleurs. Ces théories trouvent une résonance considérable dans le champ artistique français à partir des années 1830. Il s’agit plus spécifiquement d’interroger les modes d’intégration d’une optique des couleurs dans la critique d’art. Après un bref aperçu de quelques approches physiologiques des couleurs aux xviii (...)
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    Prospect theory in multiple price list experiments: further insights on behaviour in the loss domain.Géraldine Bocquého, Julien Jacob & Marielle Brunette - 2023 - Theory and Decision 94 (4):593-636.
    In the theoretical description of prospect theory, distinct sets of parameters can control the curvature of the value function and the shape of the probability weighting function. There is one for the gain domain and one for the loss domain. However, in most estimations, behaviour over losses is assumed to perfectly reflect behaviour over gains, through a unique set of parameters. We examine the consequences of relaxing this simplifying assumption in the context of Tanaka et al.’s (Am Econ Rev 100(1):557–571, (...)
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    Bernard Walliser's Comment raisonnent les économistes: les fonctions des modèles. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2011, 278 pp. [REVIEW]Philippe Verreault-Julien - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):144.
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    Beyond Empathy for Pain.Frédérique de Vignemont & Pierre Jacob - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):434-445.
    Here we address four objections raised by Julien Deonna, John Michael, and Francesca Fardo against a recent account of empathy for pain. First, to what extent must the empathizer share her target’s affective state? Second, how can one interpret neuroscientific findings on vicarious pain in light of recent results challenging the notion of a pain matrix? Third, can one offer a simpler account of how empathy makes one aware of another’s emotion? Finally, to what extent can this account of (...)
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    Interpretation and Critique: Jacob Taubes, Julien Freund, and the Interpretation of Hobbes.Samuel Garrett Zeitlin - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):9-39.
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    Post-Truth and the Rhetoric of “Following the Science”.Jacob Hale Russell & Dennis Patterson - 2023 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 35 (1):122-147.
    Populists are often cast as deniers of rationality, creators of a climate of “post-truth,” and valuing tribe over truth and the rigors of science. Their critics claim the authority of rationality and empirical facts. Yet the critics no less than populists enable an environment of spurious claims and defective argumentation. This is especially true in the realm of science. An important case study is the account of scientific trust offered by a leading public intellectual and historian of science, Naomi Oreskes, (...)
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  7. The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Recognition.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2023 - New York: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.
    This book provides a detailed account of the role of property in German Idealism. It puts the concept of property in the center of the philosophical systems of Kant, Fichte, and Hegel and shows how property remains tied to their conceptions of freedom, right, and recognition. The book begins with a critical genealogy of the concept of property in modern legal philosophy, followed by a reconstruction of the theory of property in Kant's Doctrine of Right, Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right, (...)
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    In search of authenticity: from Kierkegaard to Camus.Jacob Golomb - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Personal authenticity is out of fashion amongst analytic philosophers. Yet, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre and Camus were clearly preoccupied by its theoretical and practical viability. In this study, Jacob Golomb illuminates the writings of these philosophers in an attempt to explain their particular ethical stance on the subject. This book will prove invaluable reading for students and teachers of philosophy, literature and education and indeed for anyone who has ever empathized with Camus's Meursault, Sartre's Matthieu or Nietzsche's Zarathustra.
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    Updating, evidence evaluation, and operator availability: A theoretical framework for understanding belief.Joseph Sommer, Julien Musolino & Pernille Hemmer - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):373-401.
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  10. A commentary on Plato's Meno.Jacob Klein - 1965 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Meno, one of the most widely read of the Platonic dialogues, is seen afresh in this original interpretation that explores the dialogue as a theatrical presentation. Just as Socrates's listeners would have questioned and examined their own thinking in response to the presentation, so, Klein shows, should modern readers become involved in the drama of the dialogue. Klein offers a line-by-line commentary on the text of the Meno itself that animates the characters and conversation and carefully probes each significant (...)
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    The history of qualia and C.I. Lewis’ role in it.Jacob Browning - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):173-193.
    In current histories, C.I. Lewis is credited for bringing the strict concept of qualia – concerned solely with sensory states – into contemporary philosophy. It is this strict notion which is then credited with bringing in worries about inverted spectra, philosophical zombies, and the idea that we can individuate the senses introspectively. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistaken reading of Lewis and the history of qualia. I argue that the strict notion of qualia stems from the (...)
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    Mirroring omni-present suffering: a Chan Buddhist alternative to phronesis.Jacob Bender - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):955-973.
    In this study, I present the Chan Buddhist alternative to phronesis or ‘practical wisdom’. Instead of involving the skill or ‘know-how’ in applying moral principles to particular situations, the Chan Buddhist virtuously responds to situations because they understand how each situation is a ‘part’ of a larger whole or a ‘function’ (用) of the ‘body’ (體). Ultimately, this sensitivity to how each situation is meaningfully situated within a context of relationships is what motivates the Chan Buddhist’s spontaneous compassion towards the (...)
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    Man a machine.Julien Offray De la Mettrie - 1912 - Chicago,: The Open court publishing co.. Edited by Gertrude Carman Bussey, Mary Whiton Calkins & Frederick.
    Julien Offray de La Mettrie (November 23, 1709 - November 11, 1751) was a French physician and philosopher, and one of the earliest of the French materialists of the Enlightenment. He is best known for his work L'homme machine (published in this edition as "Man a Machine" but also published under the titles "Machine Man" and "The Human Mechanism"). This translation is the work of several hands. It is founded on a version made by Miss Gertrude C. Bussey (from (...)
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  14.  27
    Reflections on the Emerging Theology of Synodality.Jacob Phillips - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1113):560-572.
    This paper works from the ITC document, Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church (2018), to outline four essential components of an emergent theology of synodality: the claim that synodality is constitutive of the Church, an ecclesiology of communion, the ecclesial title People of God, and the sensus fidei. The paper then critically assesses the interplay of these four elements in the ITC document, along with the Vademecum and the Preparatory Document which were disseminated with the beginning of (...)
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    La valeur en droit: étude de jurisprudence constitutionnelle sur les nouvelles représentations de la norme.Jean-Baptiste Jacob - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Dominique Rousseau.
    Essentielle au droit, la question de la valeur n'a pourtant jamais été prise au sérieux. Et pour cause, dans le sillage des sciences empiriques, la pensée juridique moderne s'est accommodée d'une épistémologie d'après laquelle toute proposition juridique est réputée vraie ou fausse si elle décrit un état de chose « réel ». Conçu comme un ensemble de faits sociaux, objectivement identifiables, le droit s'appréhende comme une discipline promouvant des idéaux scientifiques, dont la neutralité axiologique de l'observateur. Dans ces conditions, la (...)
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    Philosophy of Management and Sustainability: Rethinking Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 2019 - Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
    Using an interdisciplinary focus, this book combines the research disciplines of philosophy, business management and sustainability to aid and advance scholar and practitioner understanding of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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    The Paradox of Political Philosophy: Socrates' Philosophic Trial.Jacob Howland - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In engaging five of Plato's dialogues—Theaetetus, Euthyphro, Cratylus, Sophist, and Statesman—and by paying particular attention to Socrates' intellectual defense in the "philosophic trial" by the Stranger from Elea, Jacob Howland illuminates Plato's understanding of the proper relationship between philosophy and politics. This insightful and innovative study illustrates the Plato's understanding of the difference between sophistry and philosophy, and it identifies the innate contradictions of political philosophy that Plato observed and remain entrenched within the field to this day. This is (...)
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  18.  19
    Le rôle du concept d''me dans la fondation des sciences de l'esprit.Julien Farges - 2014 - Archives de Philosophie 77 (4):631-648.
    Le présent article se propose d’interroger un aspect du devenir post-kantien de la notion d’âme à partir du problème de la fondation philosophique des « sciences de l’esprit » ( Geisteswissenschaften ) et du débat qu’il suscita en Allemagne entre la phénoménologie naissante, le néokantisme de l’école de Bade et la pensée herméneutique de Dilthey. Il s’agit d’abord de reconstruire le débat qui oppose la fondation formelle (néokantienne) et la fondation matérielle (diltheyenne) des sciences de l’esprit pour faire apparaître son (...)
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    With or without phenomena? Phenomenology between Stumpf and Husserl.Julien Farges - 2017 - Phainomenon 26 (1):95-115.
    This article intends to identify what is at stake in Stumpf’s critical assessment of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology as a “phenomenology without phenomena”. After reconstructing the main arguments through which these two conceptions of phenomenology argue against each other, it is argued that the main issue of this debate concerns the value that is attributed to the idea of intentionality in the definition of the phenomenological program, and consequently in the very definition of the “phenomenon”. Ultimately, the question risen is that (...)
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    La vie du « monde de la vie » : relativité et mobilité.Julien Farges - 2013 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 21:73-88.
    On peut dire sans exagération que la vie est chez Husserl le concept à la fois le plus surdéterminé et le plus indéterminé. Il est bien connu, en effet, que la terminologie husserlienne fait place, au cours de son développement, à une prolifération des concepts impliquant une référence à la vie alors même que, pour sa part, « le concept de vie ne fait jamais l’objet d’une thématisation explicite ». C’est pourquoi, on pourrait être tenté de recourir à la distinction, (...)
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    (1 other version)Kirrha (Phocide).Despina Skorda & Julien Zurbach - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (2):545-549.
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    (1 other version)Kirrha.Despina Skorda & Julien Zurbach - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):565.
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    My Road to History of Science.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (4):639-648.
    Had anybody told me at the beginning of my university studies that I would end up as a historian of science, I would not only have shaken my head in disbelief, I would in all probability not even have understood the prophecy. When I left high school, my interests ranged from literary writing to the life sciences. After an initial attempt to study biochemistry, which I aborted after a year, my early university education was in philosophy, with an emphasis on (...)
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  24.  18
    9. Gründe und Ursachen.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 111-118.
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    10. Handeln und Determinismus.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 122-131.
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    Index.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 345-350.
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    Literatur.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 334-344.
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  28. Reflections on Cognitivism about Practical Reason.Jacob Ross - 2009 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics: Volume Four. Oxford University Press.
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  29. The Appeal to the Given: A Study in Epistemology.Jacob Joshua Ross - 1970 - London: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1970. This work evaluates the appeal to the sensually given which played an important role in epistemological discussions during the early 20 th Century. While many contemporary philosophers regarded this appeal as a mistake, there were still some who defended the notion of the given and even made it the foundation of their views regarding perception. The author here points to several different views concerning the nature of the sensually given and argues that the issue between them (...)
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    3. Theoretisches und praktisches Überlegen.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 29-46.
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    14. Verantwortung und Determinismus.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 227-270.
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    7. Willensfreiheit.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 91-95.
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    8. Willensfreiheit und das Körper-Geist-Problem.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 96-110.
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    17. Zur Frage des Indeterminismus in unserer Welt.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 310-318.
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    Cognitive Outcomes for Essential Tremor Patients Selected for Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Through Interdisciplinary Evaluations.Jacob D. Jones, Tatiana Orozco, Dawn Bowers, Wei Hu, Zakia Jabarkheel, Shannon Chiu, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Kelly Foote, Michael S. Okun & Aparna Wagle Shukla - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Objective: Deep brain stimulation targeted to the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus is effective for motor symptoms in essential tremor, but there is limited data on cognitive outcomes. We examined cognitive outcomes in a large cohort of ET DBS patients.Methods: In a retrospective analysis, we used repeated-measures ANOVA testing to examine whether the age of tremor onset, age at DBS surgery, hemisphere side implanted with lead, unilateral vs. bilateral implantations, and presence of surgical complications influenced the cognitive outcomes. Neuropsychological (...)
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  36.  84
    Memory: A triphase objective action.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (23):624-639.
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    Psychology and Logic.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1945 - Bloomington, IN, USA: University of Akron Press.
    Two basic theses underlie this work. The first, the specificity theorem, signifies that logic is essentially concerned with specific events and not with universal and transcendent systems. The second, the interbehavioral theorem, implies that no matter how logic is defined, it entails a psychological dimension that must be taken into account.
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    Tragedy and the event continuum.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1983 - Chicago, Ill.: Principia Press.
    Traditional scholarly attention to human tragedy has been confined mainly within the artificial world of drama and literature. It has neglected to recognize the significant recurrence of tragedy throughout the entire realm of nature. This book attempts to place tragedy within the larger context of natural events, and to view it against a background of scientific philosophy and psychology.
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  39. Sefer Peri ʻets ha-gan: ḥamishah ḥiburim be-agadah u-musar.Jacob S. Kassin - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ṭuv Mitsrayim.
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  40. Maimónides (Moisés ben Maimon) 1135-1935.Moses Maimonides (ed.) - 1935 - Buenos Aires: [Imprenta Mercatali].
    La vida y la obra de Maimónides; introducción por León Dujovne. -- El imperio de la razón, por Ajad Haam (Ascher Guinzberg) -- Maimon y Maimónides; influjo de Maimónides en la filosofia alemana post-kantiana, por Hugo Bergmann. -- Caracteres de la ética de Maimónides, por Hermann Cohen. -- Doctrina de Maimónides sobre la profecía, por Z. Diesendruck. -- La revelación y la razón en la obra de Maimónides; su crítica de los Molecallemín, por Alfredo Franceschi. -- Maimónides y el espíritu (...)
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  41. Zayn un tsuzamenzayn: pruv fun an etik: (eseyen).Jacob Kahan - 1968 - Tel-Aviv: Farlag "ha-Menorah".
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    Interbehavioral philosophy.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1981 - Chicago, Ill.: Principia Press.
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    Interbehavioral Psychology A Sample of Scientific System Construction.Jacob Robert Kantor - 1959 - Principia Press.
    "In this book, the second edition of the author's Principles of Psychology, he continues his attempt to forge naturalistic constructs (descriptions, interpretations) for psychological events. Despite the enormous development of psychology in the interval, the author still stresses the fact that psychological events are in all respects as natural as chemical reactions, electromagnetic radiation, or gravitational attraction. The attempt to transform psychology into a natural science is doubly motivated. First, there is the need to develop valid constructs for an important (...)
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    Nothing in Evolutionary Theory Makes Sense Except in the Light of Creation.Jacob Klapwijk - 2012 - Philosophia Reformata 77 (1):57.
  45.  44
    Rede en religie in de greep van grondmodellen.Jacob Klapwijk - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):19-43.
    Over de vraag hoe geloof en verstand zich onderling verhouden, bestaat geen communis opinio; ook in het verleden is die er nooit geweest. Integendeel, de filosofiehistorie vertoont een complexe verscheidenheid van opvattingen. In dit artikel heb ik deze geordend in een beperkt aantal grondschema’s of grondmodellen. Ik breng zeven van die grondmodellen ter sprake, en duid ze kortweg aan met de termen identificatie, conflict, subordinatie, complementariteit, fundering, authenticiteit en transformatie. Mijn analyse laat zien hoe deze modellen, eenmaal present op het (...)
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    Vrede met de rede?: Over het vraagstuk van rede en religie, van autonomie en heil.Jacob Klapwijk, S. Griffioen & G. Groenewoud (eds.) - 1976 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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  47. About Plato's Philebus.Jacob Klein - 1972 - Interpretation 2 (3):157-182.
  48.  85
    Prolepsis and ennoia in the early stoa (review).Jacob Klein - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (1):115-116.
    According to the Stoics, the psychology of adult human beings is unified in a striking sense: each of the soul's perceptive, discursive, and motivational functions belongs to the single faculty of reason. Reason, in turn, is constituted by a set of conceptions (ennoiai) and preconceptions (prolêpseis) acquired on the basis of experience. The few secure sources that bear on this theory in the early Stoa suggest that certain of these empirically acquired conceptions function, somehow, as a criterion of truth in (...)
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    Plato’s Republic.Jacob Klein - 2007 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7:297-308.
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    The Capture of Agga by Gilgameš (Ga 81 and 99)The Capture of Agga by Gilgames.Jacob Klein - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (1):201.
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