Results for 'Juliana Sales'

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  1.  16
    A dissolução da subjetividade na via estética de Nietzsche.Juliana Sales - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):88-98.
    Tem-se como objetivo deste artigo problematizar a questão da dissolução da subjetividade tal como aparece na obra-prima de Nietzsche, O Nascimento da Tragédia, ou Helenismo e Pessimismo, focando, sobretudo, nos capítulos introdutórios 3, 4 e 5. Ao longo de nosso estudo será analisado o percurso argumentativo que permitiu a Nietzsche abrir mão do sujeito centrado doador de sentido para propor, na verdade, seu completo desfazimento através da contemplação estética da arte dionisíaca. Conclui-se que o pensamento de Nietzsche se dá de (...)
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    Nanotechnology in Biology: Understanding Future Ethical Dilemmas from Past Technologies.Juliana Marchesano & Sara Brenner - 2010 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1 (4):247-258.
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    Entrevista a Enrique Dussel por Juliana Merçon.Juliana Merçon - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 14:103-112.
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  4. Impaired reasoning and problem-solving in individuals with language impairment due to aphasia or language delay.Juliana V. Baldo, Selvi R. Paulraj, Brian C. Curran & Nina F. Dronkers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    On Dennis McKerlie’s “Equality and Time”.Juliana Bidadanure - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):1174-1177.
  6. Sarmiento, José A.“Autopoiesis.Juliana Gómez - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146).
  7.  12
    La metafísica dialéctica de Eduardo Nicol.Juliana González - 1981 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  8.  28
    Duas cartas de Leibniz a sparvenfeld.Juliana Cecci Silva & William De Siqueira Piauí - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:343-371.
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    Comorbidity in the context of neural network properties.Juliana Yordanova, Vasil Kolev, Roumen Kirov & Aribert Rothenberger - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):176-177.
    Cramer et al.'s network approach reconceptualizes mental comorbidity on the basis of symptom space originating from psychometric signatures. We argue that the advantages of this approach need to be regarded in the context of the multi-level functional organization of the neural substrate, ranging from neurogenetic to psychometric. Neuroelectric oscillations are proposed as a level-integrating principle.
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    Medical students’ perceptions of professional misconduct: relationship with typology and year of programme.Juliana Zulkifli, Brad Noel, Deirdre Bennett, Siun O’Flynn & Colm O’Tuathaigh - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):133-137.
    Aim To examine the contribution of programme year and demographic factors to medical students’ perceptions of evidence-based classification categories of professional misconduct. Methods Students at an Irish medical school were administered a cross-sectional survey comprising 31 vignettes of professional misconduct, which mapped onto a 12-category classification system. Students scored each item using a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 represents the least severe form of misconduct and 5 the most severe. Results Of the 1012 eligible respondents, 561 students completed the survey, (...)
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  11. Making sense of age-group justice.Juliana Bidadanure - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (3):234-260.
    This article brings together two debates in contemporary political philosophy: on the one hand, the dispute between the distributive and relational approaches to equality and, on the other hand, the field of intergenerational equality. I offer an original contribution to the second domain and by doing so, I inform the first. The aim of this article is thus twofold: (1) shedding some light on an under-researched and yet crucial question – ‘which inequalities between generations matter?’ and (2) contributing to a (...)
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  12. Experiencing your brain: neurofeedback as a new bridge between neuroscience and phenomenology.Juliana Bagdasaryan & Michel Le Van Quyen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  13.  44
    Hermann Von helmholtz, Ewald Hering and color vision: A controversy over styles of reasoning?Juliana Gutiérrez - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (1):37-97.
    During the second half of the 19th century, in the field of physiological optics, there was a strong controversy between Hermann von Helmholtz and Ewald Hering. This controversy has been usually characterized as “empiricism” vs. “nativism”. In the field of physiology of visual perception, several subjects demanded attention, among them, color vision. Helmholtz and Hering suggested different theories for the physiological correlate of color sensation and different color spaces to give an account of the relationships between colors. In this article, (...)
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  14. The Child Emotion Facial Expression Set: A Database for Emotion Recognition in Children.Juliana Gioia Negrão, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osorio, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Vivian Renne Gerber Lederman, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Maria Eloisa Famá D'Antino, Anderson Tamborim, Vitor Santos, David Leonardo Barsand de Leucas, Paulo Sergio Camargo, Daniel C. Mograbi, Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca & José Salomão Schwartzman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study developed a photo and video database of 4-to-6-year-olds expressing the seven induced and posed universal emotions and a neutral expression. Children participated in photo and video sessions designed to elicit the emotions, and the resulting images were further assessed by independent judges in two rounds. Methods: In the first round, two independent judges, experts in the Facial Action Coding System, firstly analysed 3,668 emotions facial expressions stimuli from 132 children. Both judges reached 100% agreement regarding 1,985 stimuli, (...)
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    Justicia versus caridad en la teoría de la propiedad de Locke.Juliana Udi - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (1):65-84.
    In this paper I identify two different lockean concepts of justice - "proprietary justice" and "justice as fairness" - and examine the relationship between each of them and charity in John Locke´s theory of property. As I try to show, in both cases Locke considers that charity may have priority over justice. This undermines the classical interpretation of Locke as a defender of unlimited capitalistic appropriation and provides additional evidence supporting Locke´s acceptation of a minimal redistributive system which should guarantee (...)
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    Organizational Culture and Strategy Implementation in Kenya Government Tourism Agencies.Juliana Kyalo - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (2):13-28.
    Purpose: The main aim of this study was to examine the influence of organizational culture on strategy implementation in Kenya Government Tourism Agencies. Materials and Methods: The study used a positivist approach research philosophy. The research designs employed in this study were explanatory and descriptive research designs. The study population comprised of the tourism industry. The study included the ministry of tourism itself since it is the parent ministry that regulates and oversees the operations of the tourism agencies to give (...)
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  17. Increased Performance Variability as a Marker of Implicit/Explicit Interactions in Knowledge Awareness.Juliana Yordanova, Roumen Kirov & Vasil Kolev - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    BENSAUDE-VINCENT, Bernadette. Pensar o após: Ciências, poder e opiniões no pós-covid-19.Juliana Domingues de Campos - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    O texto consiste em uma tradução do artigo Penser l’après : Sciences, pouvoir et opinions dans l’après Covid-19 escrito pela professora e filósofa de ciências Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent. A tradução foi autorizada pela autora e sua eventual publicação deve seguir as diretrizes do jornal The Conversation, no qual o artigo foi originalmente publicado. A partir das medidas implementadas mundialmente para o combate ao coronavírus, a autora analisa o vínculo entre as comunidades científicas e o governo. A gestão da crise sanitária, segundo (...)
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  19. The Marriage Of Isabella Of Aragon And Politan's Odes In Puellam And In Anum.Juliana Hill Cotton - 1963 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 25 (1):57-68.
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    Logic.Juliana Weingaertner & Daniel Flage - 2005 - Philosophical Books 46 (2):155-158.
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    Herman Cappellen, Josh Dever, The Inessential Indexical.Juliana F. Lima - 2014 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):78-80.
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  22. How Can Millians Believe in Superheroes?Juliana Lima - 2021 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 28 (1):135–167.
    What is the content of beliefs expressed by sentences with fictional names? Millianism has notoriously struggled to give a satisfactory answer to this question. Some Millians have argued that fictional names are empty names. But such a view entails that the belief that Superman has impressive superpowers and the belief that Aquaman has impressive superpowers have the same content, contrary to our intuitions. Others have argued that fictional names refer to fictional entities. But this view has a long-standing problem, Frege’s (...)
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    Juan A. García González, Allende el límite, Monografías Miscelánea Poliana, nº 5, Madrid, Bubok, 2011, 152 págs.Juliana Peiró - 2012 - Studia Poliana:183-184.
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  24. A Defense of Realism, Not Essentialism.Juliana Geran Pilon - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):92.
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    Becoming.Juliana Geran Pilon - 1976 - Process Studies 6 (4):237-248.
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  26. General principles.Juliana Rosenblat - 2009 - In Jonathan Wiesen, And You Shall Surely Heal: The Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue Compendium of Torah and Medicine. Ktav Pub. House. pp. 239.
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    Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    As Duas Definições de Prazer na Ética Nicomaqueia de Aristóteles.Juliana Ortegosa Aggio - 2018 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 12 (2):43-73.
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    Zoning Law, Health, and Environmental Justice: What’s the Connection?Juliana Maantay - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):572-593.
    Zoning laws determine what types of land uses and densities can occur on each property lot in a municipality, and therefore also govern the range of potential environmental and health impacts resulting from the land use. Zoning regulations are the most ubiquitous of the land use laws in the United States, as well as in many other countries. As such, they have far-reaching effects on the location of noxious uses, and any concomitant environmental or human health impacts.Zoning has enormous implications, (...)
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    ¿A quién cuidamos?Juliana Mejía Quintana - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2817.
    Trabajo presentado en el Seminario de la Coalición de Desarrollo Humano, liderado por Human Life International, coalición que actuó como representante de la sociedad civil en la 54 Asamblea General de la OEA que tuvo lugar en Asunción (Paraguay) el 24 de junio de 2024. La ponente asistió en representación de la Fundación Colombiana de Ética y Bioética (FUCEB), en el aniversario 45 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (IDH). Desde una perspectiva bioética del concepto de dignidad y derechos (...)
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    El derecho a la caridad: repercusiones de la teología cristiana en la teoría de la propiedad de John Locke.Juliana Udi - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:149-160.
    Locke, además de justificar un derecho natural a la propiedad privada, también sostiene que todos los hombres tienen un derecho natural a la caridad. En el presente trabajo me propongo defender la hipótesis de que el derecho a la caridad postulado por Locke se explica por la presencia en su teoría de la propiedad de elementos procedentes de la teología cristiana. Cumpliría la función de garantizar que, en el contexto de una economía monetizada donde los individuos son, además, desigualmente industriosos, (...)
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    Harmful Leader Behaviors: Toward an Increased Understanding of How Different Forms of Unethical Leader Behavior Can Harm Subordinates.Juliana Guedes Almeida, Deanne N. Den Hartog, Annebel H. B. De Hoogh, Vithor Rosa Franco & Juliana Barreiros Porto - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):215-244.
    Research on unethical leadership has predominantly focused on interpersonal and high-intensity forms of harmful leader behavior such as abusive supervision. Other forms of harmful leader behavior such as excessively pressuring subordinates or acting in self-centered ways have received less attention, despite being harmful and potentially occurring more frequently. We propose a model of four types of harmful leader behavior varying in intensity and orientation : Intimidation, Lack of Care, Self-Centeredness, and Excessive Pressure for Results. We map out how these relate (...)
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    Motivação de graduandos em Educação Física para capacitação e tutoria em natação adaptada.Juliana Aparecida de Paula Schuller, Lilian Cristina Gomes do Nascimento, Maysa Venturoso Gongora Buckeridge Serra, Paulo de Tarso Nazar, Cléria Maria Lobo Bittar & Maria Georgina Marques Tonello - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Uma das abordagens que estuda o construto da motivação é a teoria da autodeterminação, que discrimina diferentes estilos motivacionais: desmotivação, motivação extrínseca e motivação intrínseca. Este estudoobjetivou identificar motivações de acadêmicos de um curso de Educação Física do estado São Paulo, Brasil, para participarem de uma capacitação em natação para pessoas com deficiência físicas, bem como a motivação para atuação como tutores desse mesmo grupo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram 20 acadêmicos do curso (...)
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    Dwellers in the land: the bioregional vision.Kirkpatrick Sale - 1985 - Athens: University of Georgia Press.
    Dwellers in the Land focuses on the realistic development of these bioregionally focused communities and the places where they are established to create a ...
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    Índice de Resto Ingestão e Sobras Alimentares de Um Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética Localizado No Sudoeste Do Paraná.Juliana Cassuboski Beal, Rosani Elira Fritz & Mirian Cozer - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (14):93-101.
    The Health System Food and Nutrition Units are designed to produce and offer balanced meals, establishing dietary patterns, maintaining and restoring the health of the individual. The control of dirty in leftover ingestion can lower costs and organic waste. The objective of the study is to quantify and analyze the leftover intake i meals served to patients, and ingestion of dirty leftovers in collective meals of a Food and Nutrition Unit, located in the Southwest of Paraná. The data were collected (...)
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    Saying of St. Francis de Sales Concerning the Need for Christian Cheerfulness in Everyday Life.St Francis de Sales - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (3):391-391.
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  37. Competitividad y ética en sectores de actividad global.Juliana Ferrer - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (6):9-26.
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    Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. Essays and TranslationsJoseph J. Kockelmans Theodore J. Kisiel.Juliana Geran - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):529-530.
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    The challenge of the freedom and responsibility of science.Juliana González - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):217-224.
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    Morte individual e vida coletiva em Spinoza.Juliana Merçon - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 24:35.
    São três as questões básicas às quais se dedica este artigo. Primeiramente, perguntamos: Por que seria a liberdade de pensamento e expressão uma condição necessária à paz social? As respostas que nos provê Spinoza nos ajudarão a compreender o grave erro político que é condenar ao exílio, à prisão ou à morte aqueles cujo pensamento confronta o regime estabelecido. Entre os raros casos de indivíduos que mantêm sua honestidade quando esta lhes impõe o risco da morte, destacamos o de Sócrates. (...)
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    As Funções Proibitivo-Referencial e Reversivotransformacional da Noção Heideggeriana de Indicações Formais.Juliana Missaggia - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (12):145-155.
    Esse artigo examina as chamadas “funções” das indicações formais heideggerianas, tal como desenvolvidas pelo filósofo nos anos 20. Primeiramente, é apresentado o modo como a função proibitivo-referencial e a função reversivo-transformacional desempenham um papel fundamental no projeto elaborado por Heidegger nesse período. A seguir, são analisadas suas implicações filosóficas, como a modificação da concepção tradicional de fenomenologia e sua aproximação do aspecto existencial da atividade filosófica.
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    O problema do sujeito político do feminismo: reflexões a partir de um viés descolonial.Juliana Oliveira Missaggia - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):293-310.
    Resumo: Este artigo analisa o problema de determinar o sujeito político do feminismo, uma vez que a categoria “mulher” passa a ser questionada e interpretada de diferentes formas, na teoria feminista contemporânea. Após apresentar brevemente as críticas ao essencialismo, por parte de autoras bastante influentes do Norte global, investigam-se os argumentos de pensadoras que defendem um viés descolonial. Sustenta-se que a perspectiva descolonial precisa ser levada em consideração, no momento de buscar categorias de análise adequadas ao movimento feminista, no contexto (...)
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    Self e conteúdo não conceitual da percepção: a perspectiva anti-representacionista acerca da experiência perceptiva do reconhecimento de lugar.Juliana Moroni - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):285-302.
    O presente trabalho está voltado à investigação epistemológica acerca da relação entre Self não conceitual, conteúdo não conceitual da percepção, prontidão para ação e reconhecimento de lugar, no contexto da perspectiva ecológica gibsoniana. Tendo em vista este propósito investigativo, nossos objetivos são: 1- caracterizar o conteúdo não conceitual da percepção no contexto anti-representacionista e 2 - questionar se é necessário a consciência para os organismos agirem no ambiente e adquirirem experiências perceptivas como o reconhecimento de lugar. Argumentaremos em defesa da (...)
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  44. Reflexos E espelhamentos – O mito de narciso E o duplo em O espelho - esboço de Uma Nova teoria da Alma hUmana de Machado de assis.Juliana C. Chagas Pereira - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 2 (21):65-72.
    Este trabalho pretende verificar como a questão do duplo expressa já no mito de Narciso é revisitada e reelaborada no conto machadiano O espelho – esboço de uma nova teoria da alma humana, e a partir desta, o conceito de identidade é discutido.
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  45. Universales, individuos e individuación en la Edad Media.Juliana Espinal Restrepo - 2011 - Escritos 19 (43):371-400.
    En las siguientes páginas me propongo exponer de modo sucinto dos de los problemas filosóficos más significativos de la Edad Media: el de los universales y el de la individuación. El primero se pregunta por el estatus ontológico de las nociones universales; el segundo por el principio de individuación de las diferentes substancias. A pesar de ser problemas distintos, estas cuestiones están estrechamente unidas. El problema de los universales albergó desde sus inició la pregunta por el estatus ontológico de los (...)
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  46. La informàtica moderna, hereva intel· lectual directa del pensament de Llull.Ton Sales - 1998 - Studia Lulliana 38 (1):51-61.
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    Journal for Philosophy English menu.Juliana Sokolová - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):558-570.
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  48. Las Casas, Alonso de Sandoval ea defesa da escravidão negra.Juliana Beatriz Almeida De Souza - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12).
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    Las Casas, Alonso de Sandoval and the defence of black slavery.Juliana Beatriz Almeida de Souza - 2006 - Topoi: Revista de História 2 (SE):0-0.
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    Remedios Varo: The World Beyond.Juliana González & Margaret Carson - 2023 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 13 (1):183-191.
    In 1956, as a young art critic, the Mexican philosopher Juliana González first encountered the paintings of the Spanish surrealist Remedios Varo at the artist’s breakthrough solo exhibition in Mexico City’s Galería Diana. González, greatly impressed, soon befriended the much older Varo and became a regular visitor to her studio, where they talked about her paintings and their shared intellectual interests in literature, psychoanalysis, and philosophy, a conversation that ended with Varo’s untimely death in 1963 at age 54. A (...)
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