Results for 'Judith Palm'

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  1.  52
    Feminist republicanism. Etta palm-aelders on justice, virtue and men.Judith Vega - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):333-351.
    I want to thank Marybeth Carlson and Rudolf Dekker. Their careful readings of the article have contributed much to the form and content of the article.
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  2. Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1976 - The Monist 59 (2):204-217.
    Judith Jarvis Thomson; Killing, Letting Die, and The Trolley Problem, The Monist, Volume 59, Issue 2, 1 April 1976, Pages 204–217,
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  3. Negative duties, positive duties, and the “new harms”.Judith Lichtenberg - 2010 - Ethics 120 (3):557-578.
  4. Eichmann in Jerusalem : heuristic myth and social science.Judith Adler - 2017 - In Peter Baehr & Philip Walsh (eds.), The Anthem companion to Hannah Arendt. New York, NY: Anthem Press.
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  5. More On The Metaphysics of Harm.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (2):436-458.
  6. Morality and bad luck.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (3-4):203-221.
  7. Sexual Ideology and Phenomenological Description.Judith Butler - 1989 - In Jeffner Allen & Iris Marion Young (eds.). Indiana University Press. pp. 85-100.
  8.  19
    Color terminology, sensory stimuli, and the semantics of the questionnaire.Judith R. H. Kaplan - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (3):575-598.
    This article attends to “questionnaires” in linguistic fieldwork defined by the inclusion of sensory stimuli. It shows that such non-verbal protocols have been used to help elucidate and compare semantic content, which has generally been subordinated to formal analysis in the history of linguistics. To explain and exemplify this relationship, I target the color questionnaire developed by Hugo Magnus, which included ten standardized color chips and a long list of interview questions on language use. Magnus’s questionnaire (Fragebogen) decoupled perception and (...)
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    Poetic Justice and Edith Wharton’s “Xingu”: An Evolutionary Psychological Approach.Judith P. Saunders - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):173-180.
    Insights generated in the emerging field of evolutionary psychology offer a useful new framework for examining Edith Wharton's “Xingu.” The satiric wit energizing this well-known short story depends in large measure upon the obtuseness of its central characters, who embrace counterfactual estimations of their gifts and attainments: thwarting the operations of poetic justice in order to protect social reputation and self-image, they become objects of derision. Their behavior illustrates the workings of adaptive mechanisms for self-deception. Insofar as their comically exaggerated (...)
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    “The Mind, the Helpless Mind”: An Introduction to Evolutionary Psychological Preoccupations in the Poetry of Stephen Dunn.Judith P. Saunders - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (2):67-82.
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  11. Contingent Foundations in Seyla Benhabib et al.Judith Butler - 1995 - In Seyla Benhabib (ed.), Feminist contentions: a philosophical exchange. New York: Routledge. pp. 35--58.
  12. The entanglement of trust and knowledge on the web.Judith Simon - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (4):343-355.
    In this paper I use philosophical accounts on the relationship between trust and knowledge in science to apprehend this relationship on the Web. I argue that trust and knowledge are fundamentally entangled in our epistemic practices. Yet despite this fundamental entanglement, we do not trust blindly. Instead we make use of knowledge to rationally place or withdraw trust. We use knowledge about the sources of epistemic content as well as general background knowledge to assess epistemic claims. Hence, although we may (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Violence, Non-Violence.Judith Butler - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (1):3-24.
    What is immediately strange about Sartre’s controversial preface to Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth is its mode of address. To whom is this preface written? Sartre imagines his reader as the colonizer or the French citizen who recoils from the thought of violent acts of resistance on the part of the colonized. Minimally, his imagined reader is one who believes that his own notions of humanism and universalism suffice as norms by which to assess the war for independence in (...)
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    The Power of One to Make a Difference: How Informal and Formal CEO Power Affect Environmental Sustainability.Judith L. Walls & Pascual Berrone - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (2):293-308.
    We theoretically discuss and empirically show how CEO power based on environmental expertise and formal influence over executives and directors, in the absence and presence of shareholder activism, spurs firms toward greener strategies. Our results support the idea that CEOs with informal power, grounded in expertise, reduce corporate environmental impact and this relationship is amplified when the CEO also enjoys formal power over the board of directors. Additionally, we found that any source of CEO power, whether informal or formal, is (...)
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    Untangling the mother knot: some thoughts on parents, children and philosophers of education.Judith Suissa - 2006 - Ethics and Education 1 (1):65-77.
    Although children and parents often feature in philosophical literature on education, the nature of the parent–child relationship remains occluded by the language of rights, duties and entitlements. Likewise, talk of ‘parenting’ in popular literature and culture implies that being a parent is primarily about performing tasks. Drawing on popular literature, moral philosophy and philosophy of education, I make some suggestions towards articulating a richer philosophical conception of this relationship, and outline some of the implications, questions and problems this raises for (...)
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  16. Sovereign Performatives in the Contemporary Scene of Utterance.Judith Butler - 1997 - Critical Inquiry 23 (2):350-377.
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  17.  39
    Heidegger's Eschatology: Theological Horizons in Martin Heidegger's Early Work.Judith Wolfe - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Heidegger's Eschatology is a ground-breaking account of Heidegger's early engagement with theology, from his beginnings as an anti-Modernist Catholic to his turn towards an undogmatic Protestantism and finally to a resolutely a-theistic philosophical method.
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  18. Utopian Lights. The Evolution of the Idea of Social Progress.Bronislaw Baczko & Judith L. Greenberg - 1990 - Utopian Studies 1 (2):151-153.
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    Heidegger and Sartre: An Essay on Being and Place.Judith Butler & Joseph P. Fell - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (4):641.
  20.  8
    Ethical Issues in Clinical Trials: Psychotherapy Research in Acute Depression.Judith Richman, Myrna M. Weissman, Gerald L. Klerman, Carlos Neu & Brigitte A. Prusoff - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (2):1.
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  21. Obligation, Loyalty, Exile.Judith N. Shklar - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (2):181-197.
  22.  36
    (2 other versions)Critique, Dissent, Disciplinarity.Judith Butler - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (4):773-795.
  23. Beauvoir on Sade: Making sexuality into an ethic.Judith Butler - 2003 - In Claudia Card (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168--88.
  24.  2
    Einleitung.Angela Keppler, Popp Judith-Frederike & Martin Seel - 2015 - In Angela Keppler, Martin Seel & Popp Judith-Frederike (eds.), Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. pp. 7-18.
    Dieses Buch ist einer Phänomenologie der Spannung von Gesetz und Gewalt gewidmet, wie sie fast seit Beginn des Kinozeitalters in zahllosen Spielfilmen vorgeführt wird. In einer Interpretation exemplarischer Filme verschiedener Genres und Epochen untersuchen die vorliegenden Beiträge, wie Filme die Verzahnung von Recht, Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino dramatisieren – und welches Licht diese Inszenierungen auf idealisierende Prämissen und Prin- zipien in traditionellen und aktuellen Theorien des Rechts und der Politik werfen. Diese ästhetische Reflexionsleistung des Kinos wird aus unterschied- lichen (...)
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    Law and Society: An Interdisciplinary Introduction.Lee S. Weinberg & Judith W. Weinberg - 1980 - Upa.
    An introductory level text designed to explain and review basic ideas concerning the role of law in society. Assuming no previous knowledge of the field, the volume examines the theoretical and empirical dimensions of law in society from political, sociological, psychological and philosophical perspectives.
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    Reply to Commentators.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):187-194.
  27.  11
    Are families out of date?Mary Midgley & Judith Hughes - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann (ed.), Feminism and Families. Routledge. pp. 55--68.
  28.  22
    GOLEM XIV i hierarchia topozoficzna.Jakub Gomułka & Jakub 'Preppikoma' Palm - 2021 - In Filip Kobiela & Jakub Gomułka (eds.), Filozoficzny Lem. Wybór tekstów Stanisława Lema i opracowania. Tom 1. Naturalne czy Sztuczne? Byt, umysł, twórczość. Wydawnictwo Aletheia. pp. 355–366.
  29. Emerson and the Inhibitions of Democracy.Judith N. Shklar - 1990 - Political Theory 18 (4):601-614.
  30. About Altruism.Judith Lichtenberg - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly 28 (1/2):2-6.
    When people act to aid others, they get something in return—at the very least, the satisfaction of having their desire to help fulfilled. Some conclude from this and other puzzles about motivation that people always act simply to benefit themselves. But this is an error: there is altruism in the world, although it is often inextricably linked with the well-being of the agent who does good.
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  31.  60
    The value of being disturbed.Judith Butler - 2000 - Theory and Event 4 (1).
  32.  21
    Cultivating Pragmatist Cosmopolitanism—Democratic Local-and-Global Community amidst Diversity.Judith M. Green - 2012 - In Judith M. Green, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), Pragmatism and diversity: Dewey in the context of late twentieth century debates. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 55.
  33.  29
    Sociality and the Aesthetic Sphere.Judith Bradford - 1999 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 6 (3-4):35-41.
    In this paper, I examine the textual evidence for the thesis that the so-called “aesthetic sphere” of existence as depicted in Either/Or, Part I, is best described as a certain mode of relation to the social: a relation of distrust and despite. Throughout that work, themes of distrust, misunderstanding, offense, and deliberate deception recur in different profiles; I offer a social diagnosis of the “aesthetic” and support the analysis through interpretation of the text.
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  34. Multimodal communication and effective communication.Judith C. Brown, Kara Gardner & Daniel J. Levitin - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey (eds.), Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    Contro la violenza etica. A partire da Adorno.Judith Butler - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (1):81-98.
  36.  31
    Contre la violence éthique.Judith Butler - 2004 - Rue Descartes n° 45-46 (3):193-214.
  37.  25
    Précis of Senses of the Subject.Judith Butler - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (1):214-214.
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    Politische Philosophie bei Freud Krieg, Zerstörung und die Fähigkeit zur Kritik1.Judith Butler - 2018 - In Sergej Seitz, Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze & Gerald Posselt (eds.), Judith Butlers Philosophie des Politischen: Kritische Lektüren. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 271-298.
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    4 Recognition and Mediation: A Second Reply to Axel Honneth.Judith Butler - 2021 - In Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold & Titus Stahl (eds.), Recognition and Ambivalence: Judith Butler, Axel Honneth, and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 61-68.
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  40. On Being Beside Oneself: On the Limits of Sexual Autonomy.Judith Butler - 2005 - In Nicholas Bamforth (ed.), Sex Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2002. Oxford University Press. pp. 47.
  41.  70
    Censorship.Judith Andre - 1983 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (4):25-32.
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  42.  52
    (3 other versions)Ethics for life: a text with readings.Judith A. Boss - 2011 - New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.
    Aristotle wrote that "the ultimate purpose in studying ethics is not as it is in other inquiries, the attainment of theoretical knowledge; we are not conducting this inquiry in order to know what virtue is, but in order to become good, else there would be no advantage in studying it." Ethics for Life is a multicultural and interdisciplinary introductory ethics textbook that provides students with an ethics curriculum that has been shown to significantly improve students' ability to make real-life moral (...)
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  43.  38
    Pay Equity.Judith M. Hill - 1987 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (3):1-9.
  44. The Veil of Unknowledge.Judith Schlanger - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (169):1-6.
    I borrow this title from an English mystical text written at the end of the fourteenth century, The Veil of Unknowledge, which has long been part of my life. The explicit aim of the book is to tear away this veil of unknowledge, or to give us the means to do it ourselves. The image of the veil invites a reciprocal gesture of raising, tearing, piercing. The desire that motivates this act goes beyond the veil, toward Isis and the truth, (...)
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  45.  61
    The diverse community or the unoppressive city: Which ideal for a transformative politics of difference?Judith M. Green - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (1):86-102.
  46.  82
    Violent Pornography: censorship, morality and social alternatives.Judith Wagner Decew - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):79-94.
    ABSTRACT I present and assess arguments both for and against censorship of pornography, explaining why the case on each side is inconclusive. In an effort to move beyond issues of censorship and to address the growing problem of violence in pornography, I propose a distinction between erotica and violent pornography. I then utilise this distinction to evaluate the moral status of, and certain social responses to, violent pornography. I show why most arguments that violent pornography is morally wrong rest on (...)
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  47.  53
    Truth, Neutrality, and Conflict of Interest.Judith Lichtenberg - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (1-2):65-78.
  48. (1 other version)Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 2003 Supplementary Survey.Judith Lynn Sebesta - 2003 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 96 (3).
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    Global Development of Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Further Education Programs.Paul A. Elsner & Judith T. Irwin (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    We live and thrive in a global society and economy where education and training is essential to a nation’s competitiveness and to the standard of living of its people. Opening the doors of higher or further education beyond the enrollments in elite or select universities has become a greater necessity. This has spawned a movement to develop or expand institutions that are more affordable, accessible, flexible, and tied to business and industry. Take a look at the systems that have been (...)
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  50. Edited volumes-science literacy for the 21st century. Epilogue by nobel laureate Leon Lederman.Stephanie Pace Marshall, Judith A. Scheppler & Michael J. Palmisano - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):557-557.
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