Results for 'Judith Brooks'

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  1. Indigenous knowledge and species assessment for the Alexander Archipelago wolf: successes, challenges, and lessons learned.Jeffrey J. Brooks, I. Markegard, Sarah, J. Langdon, Stephen, Delvin Anderstrom, Michael Douville, A. George, Thomas, Michael Jackson, Scott Jackson, Thomas Mills, Judith Ramos, Jon Rowan, Tony Sanderson & Chuck Smythe - 2024 - Journal of Wildlife Management 88 (6):e22563.
    The United States Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska, USA, conducted a species status assessment for a petition to list the Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni) under the Endangered Species Act in 2020-2022. This federal undertaking could not be adequately prepared without including the knowledge of Indigenous People who have a deep cultural connection with the subspecies. Our objective is to communicate the authoritative expertise and voice of the Indigenous People who partnered on the project by demonstrating how their (...)
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    A new instrument for measuring optimism and pessimism: Test-retest reliability and relations with happiness and religious commitment.William N. Dember & Judith Brooks - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (4):365-366.
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    Considering Actionability at the Participant's Research Setting Level for Anticipatable Incidental Findings from Clinical Research.Alberto Ortiz-Osorno, Linda A. Ehler & Judith Brooks - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):619-632.
    Determining what constitutes an anticipatable incidental finding from clinical research and defining whether, and when, this IF should be returned to the participant have been topics of discussion in the field of human subject protections for the last 10 years. It has been debated that implementing a comprehensive IF-approach that addresses both the responsibility of researchers to return IFs and the expectation of participants to receive them can be logistically challenging. IFs have been debated at different levels, such as the (...)
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    The molecular tug of war between immunity and fertility: Emergence of conserved signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms.Nikki Naim, Francis R. G. Amrit, T. Brooke McClendon, Judith L. Yanowitz & Arjumand Ghazi - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (12):2000103.
    Reproduction and immunity are energy intensive, intimately linked processes in most organisms. In women, pregnancy is associated with widespread immunological adaptations that alter immunity to many diseases, whereas, immune dysfunction has emerged as a major cause for infertility in both men and women. Deciphering the molecular bases of this dynamic association is inherently challenging in mammals. This relationship has been traditionally studied in fast‐living, invertebrate species, often in the context of resource allocation between life history traits. More recently, these studies (...)
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    Lee Feinstein and Tod Lindberg, Means to an End: US Interests in the International Criminal Court: Brookings, 2009. [REVIEW]Judith Kelley - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (1):137-138.
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    Incidental Findings in Low‐Resource Settings.Haley K. Sullivan & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (3):20-28.
    Much new global genetic research employs whole genome sequencing, which provides researchers with large amounts of data. The quantity of data has led to the generation and discovery of more incidental or secondary findings and to vigorous theoretical discussions about the ethical obligations that follow from these incidental findings. After a decade of debate in the genetic research community, there is a growing consensus that researchers should, at the very least, offer to return incidental findings that provide high‐impact, medically relevant (...)
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  7. Giving an Account of Oneself.Judith Butler - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Offers an outline for a new ethical practice - one responsive to the need for critical autonomy and grounded in a new sense of the human subject. The author demonstrates how difficult it is to give an account of oneself, and how this lack of self-transparency and narratibility is crucial to an ethical understanding of the human.
  8. Strategies for Bridging the History Gap in British Primary Schools: Valuable Models for American History Reform.Victor D. Brooks - 1989 - Journal of Social Studies Research 13 (2):19-23.
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    Shakespeare, poetry, and politics: a reconsideration of the relations between literary criticism and ideology.David Brooks - 1996 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 36:104.
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    The Cultivation of Cosmopolitan Detachment in Comparative Law: The Hellenistic Contributions.Richard Brooks - unknown
    This article explores the kind of detachment needed to conduct comparative law scholarship and teaching, as well as implement its application to practical problems. The full and fair comparison of the law requires a cosmopolitan view which embodies some degree of detachment from adherence to the laws of one's ``home". The Enlightenment efforts to build a science of comparative law to achieve this detachment failed. Modern inheritors of the Enlightenment approach have similarly failed. In a series of articles, I argue (...)
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  11.  55
    Why discrimination is especially wrong.D. H. M. Brooks - 1983 - Journal of Value Inquiry 17 (4):305-311.
  12.  31
    Distant Strangers: Ethics, Psychology, and Global Poverty.Judith Lichtenberg - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Debate about the responsibilities of affluent people to act to lessen global poverty has dominated ethics and political philosophy for forty years. But the controversy has reached an impasse, with the main approaches either demanding too much of ordinary mortals or else letting them off the hook. In Distant Strangers I show how a preoccupation with standard moral theories and with the concepts of duty and obligation have led philosophers astray. I argue that there are serious limits to what can (...)
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    How to know a person: the art of seeing others deeply and being deeply seen.David Brooks - 2023 - New York: Random House.
    Drawing from the fields of psychology and neuroscience and from the worlds of theater, philosophy, history and education, one of the nation's leading writers and commentators helps us become more understanding and considerate toward others, and to find the joy that comes from being seen.
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  14. Multiplicity of consciousness.Eugene M. Brooks - 2005 - Imagination, Cognition and Personality 24 (3):271-280.
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  15. Opiniones cruzadas: grandes retos para la humanidad.David B. Brooks, Elías Fereres Castiel, Carmen Fuente Salvador & Juan Manuel Cachaza Silverio - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:135-149.
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    The Social Question in the Catholic Congresses.John Graham Brooks - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (2):204-221.
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    Who was Constantine Pogonatus?E. W. Brooks - 1908 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 17 (2):460-462.
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    A Source Book of Advaita Vedānta.Richard Brooks - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (4):551-556.
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    mTOR Senses Intracellular pH through Lysosome Dispersion from RHEB.Zandra E. Walton, Rebekah C. Brooks & Chi V. Dang - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1800265.
    Acidity, generated in hypoxia or hypermetabolic states, perturbs homeostasis and is a feature of solid tumors. That acid peripherally disperses lysosomes is a three‐decade‐old observation, yet one little understood or appreciated. However, recent work has recognized the inhibitory impact this spatial redistribution has on mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a key regulator of metabolism. This finding argues for a paradigm shift in localization of mTORC1 activator Ras homolog enriched in brain (RHEB), a conclusion several others have now independently (...)
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  20. [no title].Judith Butler - unknown
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  21. Pleasure and the divided soul in Plato's republic book 9.Brooks Sommerville - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):147-166.
    In Book 9 of Plato's Republic we find three proofs for the claim that the just person is happier than the unjust person. Curiously, Socrates does not seem to consider these arguments to be coequal when he announces the third and final proof as ‘the greatest and most decisive of the overthrows’. This remark raises a couple of related questions for the interpreter. Whatever precise sense we give to μέγιστον and κυριώτατον in this passage, Socrates is clearly appealing to an (...)
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  22.  54
    The Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy.Judith Simon (ed.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    Trust is pervasive in our lives. Both our simplest actions--like buying a coffee, or crossing the street--as well as the functions of large collective institutions--like those of corporations and nation states--wouldn't be possible without it. Yet, only in the last several decades has trust started to receive focused attention from philosophers as a specific topic of investigation. The Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophybrings together XX never before published essays, accessible for both students and researchers, created to cover the most (...)
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    The road to character.David Brooks - 2015 - New York: Random House.
    #1 New York Times bestselling author David Brooks, a controversial and eye-opening look at how our culture has lost sight of the value of humility - defined as the opposite of self-preoccupation - and why only an engaged inner life can yield true meaning and fulfillment.
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    Political Equality: An Essay in Democratic Theory.Judith Lichtenberg & Charles R. Beitz - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):697.
  25.  21
    Managing Corporate Sustainability with a Paradoxical Lens: Lessons from Strategic Agility.Sarah Birrell Ivory & Simon Bentley Brooks - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):347-361.
    Corporate sustainability introduces multiple tensions or paradoxes into organisations which defy traditional approaches such as trading-off contrasting options. We examine an alternative approach: to manage corporate sustainability with a paradoxical lens where contradictory elements are managed concurrently. Drawing on paradox theory, we focus on two specific pathways: to the organisation-wide acceptance of paradox and to paradoxical resolution. Introducing the concept of strategic agility, we argue that strategically agile organisations are better placed to navigate these paradox pathways. Strategic agility comprises three (...)
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    Physiological Noise in Brainstem fMRI.Jonathan C. W. Brooks, Olivia K. Faull, Kyle T. S. Pattinson & Mark Jenkinson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Inorganic Body in the Early Marx: A Limit-Concept of Anthropocentrism.Judith Butler - 2019 - Radical Philosophy 2 (6):3-17.
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    Symbolic reasoning among 3-D models and 2-D images.Rodney A. Brooks - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):285-348.
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    Fugitive Listening: Sounds from the Undercommons.Andrew Navin Brooks - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (6):25-45.
    This essay builds on various critiques of the relationship between the voice and autonomous individual subjectivity, briefly tracking the specific history through which the voice transformed into an ideal object representing the liberal subject of post-Enlightenment thought. This paper asks: what are we to make of those enfleshed voices that do not conform to the ideal voice of the self-possessed liberal subject? What are we to make of those voices that refuse the imperative of improvement that underpins social and economic (...)
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  30. Attitudinal Pleasure in Plato’s Philebus.Brooks A. Sommerville - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (3):247-276.
    This paper addresses two interpretive puzzles in Plato’s Philebus. The first concerns the claim, endorsed by both interlocutors, that the most godlike of lives is a pleasureless life of pure thinking. This appears to run afoul of the verdict of the earlier so-called ‘Choice of Lives’ argument that a mixed life is superior to either of its ‘pure’ rivals. A second concerns Socrates’ discussion of false pleasure, in which he appears to be guilty of rank equivocation. I argue that we (...)
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    More on the MORE Life Experience Model: What We Have Learned.Judith Glück, Susan Bluck & Nic M. Weststrate - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):349-370.
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    Teaching, learning and assessment of medical ethics at the UK medical schools.Lucy Brooks & Dominic Bell - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):606-612.
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    Acceso a la educación y factores de vulnerabilidad en las personas con discapacidad.Judith Pérez Castro - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):59-74.
    En este artículo, presentamos algunos de los factores que inciden en la vulnerabilidad educativa de las personas con discapacidad. Partimos de la discusión sobre lo que entendemos por vulnerabilidad, para posteriormente analizar algunas cuestiones que intervienen en la exclusión de este colectivo y que apuntan tanto al nivel social como a las condiciones de los sistemas educativos.
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    A Problem-Solving Approach to Addressing Current Global Challenges in Education.Judith D. Chapman & David N. Aspin - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (1):49-62.
    This paper begins with an analysis of global problems shaping education, particularly as they impact upon learning and life chances. In addressing these problems a range of philosophical positions and controversies are considered, including: traditional romantic and institutional views of schooling; and more recent maximalist, neo-liberal, emancipatory and post-modern-perspectives of lifelong learning. In this paper we argue that these do not represent 'the last word' on the provision of learning and the enhancement of life chances and instead we put forward (...)
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    The Amen of the Stones.Ludwig Theobul Kosengarten & Charles T. Brooks - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):152-153.
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    Task instructions for anagrams following different task instructions and training.Irving Maltzman, Eugene Eisman, Lloyd O. Brooks & William M. Smith - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (6):418.
  37. The United States can and should seek to justify its war in Afghanistan.Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite & Brian Katulis - 2014 - In David M. Haugen, War. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
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    Moving to Learn: How Guiding the Hands Can Set the Stage for Learning.Neon Brooks & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1831-1849.
    Previous work has found that guiding problem-solvers' movements can have an immediate effect on their ability to solve a problem. Here we explore these processes in a learning paradigm. We ask whether guiding a learner's movements can have a delayed effect on learning, setting the stage for change that comes about only after instruction. Children were taught movements that were either relevant or irrelevant to solving mathematical equivalence problems and were told to produce the movements on a series of problems (...)
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    Evidence for morphological composition in compound words using MEG.Teon L. Brooks & Daniela Cid de Garcia - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A Critique of Von Hirsch's Censure Theory.Thom Brooks - forthcoming - Ratio Juris.
    Andreas von Hirsch's desert-based censure theory defends an influential penal theory centred on blame and proportionality. This article critically examines this theory and identifies three key problems relating to its justification of punishment and its distribution. The article argues that not all of these problems are resolvable, raising serious concerns about the tenability of censure theory in sentencing policy without significant modifications.
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  41. Leaning out, caught in the fall: interdependency and ethics in Cavarero.Judith Butler - 2021 - In Adriana Cavarero, Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Shining a Light on Race: Contrast and Assimilation Effects in the Perception of Skin Tone and Racial Typicality.Kevin R. Brooks, Daniel Sturman & O. Scott Gwinn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Researchers have long debated the extent to which an individual’s skin tone influences their perceived race. Brooks and Gwinn demonstrated that the race of surrounding faces can affect the perceived skin tone of a central target face without changing perceived racial typicality, suggesting that skin lightness makes a small contribution to judgments of race compared to morphological cues. However, the lack of a consistent light source may have undermined the reliability of skin tone cues, encouraging observers to rely disproportionately (...)
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    The Poet at Play. Kallimachos, the Bath of Pallas.Brooks Otis & K. J. McKay - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (4):423.
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    Weltdichtung Roms. Zwischen Hellas und Gegenwart.Brooks Otis & Otto Seel - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (1):83.
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  45. Alternative Identities: The Self in Literature.Linda Marie Brooks - forthcoming - History, Theory.
  46. Assertions: A Reply to Cohen.D. H. M. Brooks - 1978 - Analysis 38 (1):56 - 58.
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    Attempted Apologies for Political Corruption.Robert C. Brooks - 1908 - International Journal of Ethics 19 (3):297.
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    Aesthetics and Ideology: What Happened to Poetics?Peter Brooks - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (3):509-523.
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    The Role of Gesture in Supporting Mental Representations: The Case of Mental Abacus Arithmetic.Neon B. Brooks, David Barner, Michael Frank & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):554-575.
    People frequently gesture when problem-solving, particularly on tasks that require spatial transformation. Gesture often facilitates task performance by interacting with internal mental representations, but how this process works is not well understood. We investigated this question by exploring the case of mental abacus, a technique in which users not only imagine moving beads on an abacus to compute sums, but also produce movements in gestures that accompany the calculations. Because the content of MA is transparent and readily manipulated, the task (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Transcendentalism in New England.Octavius Brooks Frothingham - 1959 - Gloucester, Mass.,: P. Smith.
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