Results for 'Judgement and decision-making'

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  1. Good Moral Judgment and DecisionMaking Without Deliberation.Asia Ferrin - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):68-95.
    It is widely accepted in psychology and cognitive science that there are two “systems” in the mind: one system is characterized as quick, intuitive, perceptive, and perhaps more primitive, while the other is described as slower, more deliberative, and responsible for our higher-order cognition. I use the term “reflectivism” to capture the view that conscious reflection—in the “System 2” sense—is a necessary feature of good moral judgment and decision-making. This is not to suggest that System 2 must operate (...)
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    Editorial: Judgment and Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Perspectives.David R. Mandel, Gorka Navarrete, Nathan Dieckmann & Jonathan Nelson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Medical Thinking: The Psychology of Medical Judgment and Decision Making.Steven Schwartz & Timothy Griffin - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    Decision making is the physician's major activity. Every day, in doctors' offices throughout the world, patients describe their symptoms and com plaints while doctors perform examinations, order tests, and, on the basis of these data, decide what is wrong and what should be done. Although the process may appear routine-even to the physicians in volved-each step in the sequence requires skilled clinical judgment. Physicians must decide: which symptoms are important, whether any laboratory tests should be done, how the (...)
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    A Blind Spot in Research on Foreign Language Effects in Judgment and Decision-Making.Andrea Polonioli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:304574.
    One of the most fascinating topics of current investigation in the literature on judgment and decision-making concerns the exploration of foreign language effects (henceforth, FLE). Specifically, recent research suggests that presenting information in a foreign language helps reasoners make better choices. However, this piece aims at making scholars aware of a blind spot in this stream of research. In particular, research on FLE has imported only one view of judgment and decision-making, in which the heuristics (...)
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  5. Psychology of scientific judgment and decision making.Joanne Kane & Gregory D. Webster - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman (eds.), Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Determinants of judgment and decision making quality: the interplay between information processing style and situational factors.Shahar Ayal, Zohar Rusou, Dan Zakay & Guy Hochman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139731.
    A framework is presented to better characterize the role of individual differences in information processing style and their interplay with contextual factors in determining decision making quality. In Experiment 1, we show that individual differences in information processing style are flexible and can be modified by situational factors. Specifically, a situational manipulation that induced an analytical mode of thought improved decision quality. In Experiment 2, we show that this improvement in decision quality is highly contingent on (...)
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    Making judgements and decisions.Kenneth C. Barnes - 1971 - London,: Edward Arnold.
  8. Principled moral sentiment and the flexibility of moral judgment and decision making.Daniel M. Bartels - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):381-417.
    Three studies test eight hypotheses about (1) how judgment differs between people who ascribe greater vs. less moral relevance to choices, (2) how moral judgment is subject to task constraints that shift evaluative focus (to moral rules vs. to consequences), and (3) how differences in the propensity to rely on intuitive reactions affect judgment. In Study 1, judgments were affected by rated agreement with moral rules proscribing harm, whether the dilemma under consideration made moral rules versus consequences of choice salient, (...)
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    The strength of emotions in moral judgment and decision-making under risk.Tomasz Zaleskiewicz & Tadeusz Tyszka - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (2):132-144.
    The strength of emotions in moral judgment and decision-making under risk The focus of this paper is the role of emotions in judgments and choices associated with moral issues. Study 1 shows that depending on the strength of emotions when making a moral decision, people become sensitive to the severity and the probability of harm that their decisions can bring to others. A possible interpretation is that depending on the strength of emotions, people in their moral (...)
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    An Investigation of the Relationships Among Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Participation and Ethical Judgment and Decision Making.Anne L. Christensen & Angela Woodland - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):529-543.
    The Pathways Commission calls on accounting educators to develop students’ skills in ethical judgment and decision making, but there is uncertainty about how best to accomplish this task. We test if participation in Volunteer Income Tax Assistance programs is positively associated with students’ ethical judgment and decision making. Using a questionnaire administered to students participating in VITA and students not participating in VITA at seven universities, we form multiple measures of students’ ethical judgment and students’ ethical (...)
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    The influence of discrete emotions on judgement and decision-making: A meta-analytic review.Amanda D. Angie, Shane Connelly, Ethan P. Waples & Vykinta Kligyte - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1393-1422.
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    Identifying psychophysiological indices of expert vs. novice performance in deadly force judgment and decision making.Robin R. Johnson, Bradly T. Stone, Carrie M. Miranda, Bryan Vila, Lois James, Stephen M. James, Roberto F. Rubio & Chris Berka - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  13. Managerial Decision-Making on Moral Issues and the Effects of Teaching Ethics.Vidya N. Awasthi - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):207-223.
    This study uses judgment and decision-making (JDM) perspective with the help of framing and schema literature from cognitive psychology to evaluate how managers behave when problems with unethical overtones are presented to them in a managerial frame rather than an ethical frame. In the proposed managerial model, moral judgment of the situation is one of the inputs to managerial judgment, among several other inputs regarding costs and benefits of various alternatives. Managerial judgment results in managerial intent leading to (...)
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  14. Beyond dual-process models: A categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making.Cilia Witteman & Andreas Glöckner - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (1):1-25.
    Intuitive-automatic processes are crucial for making judgements and decisions. The fascinating complexity of these processes has attracted many decision researchers, prompting them to start investigating intuition empirically and to develop numerous models. Dual-process models assume a clear distinction between intuitive and deliberate processes but provide no further differentiation within both categories. We go beyond these models and argue that intuition is not a homogeneous concept, but a label used for different cognitive mechanisms. We suggest that these mechanisms have (...)
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    Overview and critique of judgement and decision making in health care: social and procedural dimensions.Jonathan Chase, Rosemary A. Crow & Dawn Lamond - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (3):205-210.
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    Toward a general theoretical framework for judgment and decision-making.Davide Marchiori & Itzhak Aharon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Should Neuroscience Inform Judgements of Decision-Making Capacity?Andrew Peterson - 2018 - Neuroethics 12 (2):133-151.
    In this article, I present an argument that suggests neuroscience should inform judgments of decision-making capacity. First, I review key behavioral and neurocognitive data to demonstrate that neuroscientific tests might be predictive of decision-making capacity, and that these tests might inform clinical judgments of capacity. Second, I argue that, consistent with the principles of autonomy and justice, such data should inform judgements of decision-making capacity. While the neuroscience of decision-making capacity still requires (...)
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    Experiential Limitation in Judgment and Decision.Ulrike Hahn - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (2):229-244.
    The statistics of small samples are often quite different from those of large samples, and this needs to be taken into account in assessing the rationality of human behavior. Specifically, in evaluating human responses to environmental statistics, it is the effective environment that matters; that is, the environment actually experienced by the agent needs to be considered, not simply long‐run frequencies. Significant deviations from long‐run statistics may arise through experiential limitations of the agent that stem from resource constraints and/or information‐processing (...)
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    Editorial: Understanding and Overcoming Biases in Judgment and Decision-Making With Real-Life Consequences.Yasmina Okan, Fernando Blanco, Dafina Petrova, Monica Capra & José C. Perales - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    The effect of introspection on judgment and decision making is dependent on the quality of conscious thinking.Tuomas Leisti & Jukka Häkkinen - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42 (C):340-351.
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    Softening the Blow: Company Self-Disclosure of Negative Information Lessens Damaging Effects on Consumer Judgment and Decision Making.Bob M. Fennis & Wolfgang Stroebe - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):109-120.
    Is self-disclosure of negative information a viable strategy for a company to lessen the damage done to consumer responses? Three experiments assessed whether self-disclosing negative information in itself lessened the damaging impact of this information compared to third-party disclosure of the same information. Results indicated that mere self-disclosure of a negative event positively affected consumers’ choice behavior, perceived company trustworthiness, and company evaluations compared to third-party disclosure. The effectiveness of the self-disclosure strategy was moderated by the initial reputation of a (...)
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    Faulty judgment, expert opinion, and decision-making capacity.Michel Silberfeld & David Checkland - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (4):377-393.
    An assessment of decision-making capacity is the accepted procedure for determining when a person is not competent. An inferential gap exists between the criteria for capacity specific abilities and the legal requirements to understand relevant information and appreciate the consequences of a decision. This gap extends to causal influences on a person'scapacity to decide. Using a published case of depression, we illustrate that assessors' uses of diagnostic information is frequently not up to the task of bridging this (...)
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  23. The neural mechanisms of moral cognition: A multiple-aspect approach to moral judgment and decision-making[REVIEW]William D. Casebeer & Patricia S. Churchland - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (1):169-194.
    We critically review themushrooming literature addressing the neuralmechanisms of moral cognition (NMMC), reachingthe following broad conclusions: (1) researchmainly focuses on three inter-relatedcategories: the moral emotions, moral socialcognition, and abstract moral reasoning. (2)Research varies in terms of whether it deploysecologically valid or experimentallysimplified conceptions of moral cognition. Themore ecologically valid the experimentalregime, the broader the brain areas involved.(3) Much of the research depends on simplifyingassumptions about the domain of moral reasoningthat are motivated by the need to makeexperimental progress. This is a (...)
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    Judgment and Embodied Cognition of Lawyers. Moral Decision-Making and Interoceptive Physiology in the Legal Field.Laura Angioletti, Federico Tormen & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Past research showed that the ability to focus on one’s internal states positively correlates with the self-regulation of behavior in situations that are accompanied by somatic and/or physiological changes, such as emotions, physical workload, and decision-making. The analysis of moral oriented decision-making can be the first step for better understanding the legal reasoning carried on by the main players in the field, as lawyers are. For this reason, this study investigated the influence of the decision (...)
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    Contractualist tendencies and reasoning in moral judgment and decision making.Arthur Le Pargneux, Nick Chater & Hossam Zeitoun - 2024 - Cognition 249 (C):105838.
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    Moral Decision-Making During COVID-19: Moral Judgements, Moralisation, and Everyday Behaviour.Kathryn B. Francis & Carolyn B. McNabb - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose significant health, economic, and social challenges. Given that many of these challenges have moral relevance, the present studies investigate whether the COVID-19 pandemic is influencing moral decision-making and whether moralisation of behaviours specific to the crisis predict adherence to government-recommended behaviours. Whilst we find no evidence that utilitarian endorsements have changed during the pandemic at two separate timepoints, individuals have moralised non-compliant behaviours associated with the pandemic such as failing to physically distance (...)
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    Values, decision-making and empirical bioethics: a conceptual model for empirically identifying and analyzing value judgements.Marcel Mertz, Ilvie Prince & Ines Pietschmann - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (6):567-587.
    It can be assumed that value judgements, which are needed to judge what is ‘good’ or ‘better’ and what is ‘bad’ or ‘worse’, are involved in every decision-making process. The theoretical understanding and analysis of value judgements is, therefore, important in the context of bioethics, for example, to be able to ethically assess real decision-making processes in biomedical practice and make recommendations for improvements. However, real decision-making processes and the value judgements inherent in them (...)
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    When good evidence goes bad: The weak evidence effect in judgment and decision-making.Philip M. Fernbach, Adam Darlow & Steven A. Sloman - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):459-467.
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    Clinical judgment and bioethics: The decision making link.Richard A. Wright - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (1):71-91.
    The literature on bioethics is diverse and confusing in its treatment of appropriate components for decision making. As a result, the literature on teaching bioethics is also confusing, even contradictory, in presenting an ‘appropriate’ framework within which learners may come to understand the nature and process of bioethics. The article sets out five decision components which are seen as common to all decision making. These components are then shown to have a significant influence both on (...)
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    Judgment Aggregation and Subjective Decision-Making.Michael K. Miller - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (2):205-231.
    I present an original model in judgment aggregation theory that demonstrates the general impossibility of consistently describing decision-making purely at the group level. Only a type of unanimity rule can guarantee a group decision is consistent with supporting reasons, and even this possibility is limited to a small class of reasoning methods. The key innovation is that this result holds when individuals can reason in different ways, an allowance not previously considered in the literature. This generalizes judgment (...)
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    Decision-Making Capacity, Memory and Informed Consent, and Judgment at the Boundaries of the Self.Omar Sultan Haque & Harold Bursztajn - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (3):256-261.
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    Decision Making in Health Care: limitations of the substituted judgement principle.Susan Bailey - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (5):483-493.
    The substituted judgement principle is often recommended as a means of promoting the self-determination of an incompetent individual when proxy decision makers are faced with having to make decisions about health care. This article represents a critical ethical analysis of this decision-making principle and describes practical impediments that serve to undermine its fundamental purpose. These impediments predominantly stem from the informality associated with the application of the substituted judgement principle. It is recommended that the principles (...)
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    Clinical Decision-Making, Gender Bias, Virtue Epistemology, and Quality Healthcare.James A. Marcum - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):501-508.
    Robust clinical decision-making depends on valid reasoning and sound judgment and is essential for delivering quality healthcare. It is often susceptible, however, to a clinician’s biases such as towards a patient’s age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Gender bias in particular has a deleterious impact, which frequently results in cognitive myopia so that a clinician is unable to make an accurate diagnosis because of a patient’s gender—especially for female patients. Virtue epistemology provides a means for confronting gender bias (...)
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  34. Reason, emotion and decision-making: risk and reward computation with feeling.Steven R. Quartz - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (5):209-215.
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    Mediating Role of Optimism Bias and Risk Perception Between Emotional Intelligence and Decision-Making: A Serial Mediation Model.Chaoran Chen, Muhammad Ishfaq, Farzana Ashraf, Ayesha Sarfaraz & Kan Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The commodity market plays a vital role in boosting the economy. Investors make decisions based on market knowledge and ignore cognitive biases. These cognitive biases or judgment errors have a significant effect on investment decisions. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on decision-making. In addition, optimism bias and risk perception are the intervening variables between emotional intelligence and decision-making. So, this study contributes to the body of knowledge by examining the mediating (...)
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  36. The Collapsing Choice Theory: Dissociating Choice and Judgment in Decision Making[REVIEW]Jeffrey M. Stibel, Itiel E. Dror & Talia Ben-Zeev - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (2):149-179.
    Decision making theory in general, and mental models in particular, associate judgment and choice. Decision choice follows probability estimates and errors in choice derive mainly from errors in judgment. In the studies reported here we use the Monty Hall dilemma to illustrate that judgment and choice do not always go together, and that such a dissociation can lead to better decision-making. Specifically, we demonstrate that in certain decision problems, exceeding working memory limitations can actually (...)
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  37. Value judgements and conceptual tensions: decision-making in relation to hospital discharge for people with dementia.Helen Greener, Marie Poole, Charlotte Emmett, John Bond, Stephen J. Louw & Julian C. Hughes - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (4):166-174.
    We reflect, using a vignette, on conceptual tensions and the value judgements that lie behind difficult decisions about whether or not the older person with dementia should return home or move into long-term care following hospital admission. The paper seeks, first, to expose some of the difficulties arising from the assessment of residence capacity, particularly around the nature of evaluative judgements and conceptual tensions inherent in the legal approach to capacity. Secondly, we consider the assessment of best interests around place (...)
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  38. Assessing Managers’ Ethical Decision-making: An Objective Measure of Managerial Moral Judgment.Greg E. Loviscky, Linda K. Treviño & Rick R. Jacobs - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (3):263-285.
    Recent allegations of unethical decision-making by leaders in prominent business organizations have jeopardized the world's confidence in American business. The purpose of this research was to develop a measure of managerial moral judgment that can be used in future research and managerial assessment. The measure was patterned after the Defining Issues Test, a widely used general measure of moral judgment. With content validity as the goal, we aimed to sample the domain of managerial ethical situations by establishing links (...)
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    Medical Decision Making and Medical Education: Challenges and Opportunities.Alan Schwartz - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):68-74.
    The modern science of judgment and decision making began to emerge in the 1950s, and was thus unknown when Abraham Flexner wrote Medical Education in the United States and Canada (1910). This did not stop Flexner from highlighting the unique challenges facing the physician as a decision maker, as part of his effort to press for requiring some college education as a prerequisite for medical school:The engineer deals mainly with measurable factors. His factor of uncertainty is within (...)
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    Medical and nursing clinical decision making: a comparative epistemological analysis.Judy Rashotte & F. A. Carnevale - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):160-174.
    The aim of this article is to explore the complex forms of knowledge involved in diagnostic and interventional decision making by comparing the processes in medicine and nursing, including nurse practitioners. Many authors assert that the practice of clinical decision making involves the application of theoretical knowledge (acquired in the classroom and textbooks) as well as research evidence, upon concrete particular cases. This approach draws on various universal principles and algorithms to facilitate the task. On the (...)
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    Value judgements in the decision-making process for the elderly patient.J. Ubachs-Moust, R. Houtepen, R. Vos & R. ter Meulen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (12):863-868.
    The question of whether old age should or should not play a role in medical decision-making for the elderly patient is regularly debated in ethics and medicine. In this paper we investigate exactly how age influences the decision-making process. To explore the normative argumentation in the decisions regarding an elderly patient we make use of the argumentation model advanced by Toulmin. By expanding the model in order to identify normative components in the argumentation process it is (...)
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  42. Emotion and ethical decision-making in organizations.Alice Gaudine & Linda Thorne - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (2):175 - 187.
    While the influence of emotion on individuals'' ethical decisions has been identified by numerous researchers, little is known about how emotions influence individuals'' ethical decision process. Thus, it is not clear whether different emotions promote and/or discourage ethical decision-making in the workplace. To address this gap, this paper develops a model that illustrates how emotion affects the components of individuals'' ethical decision-making process. The model is developed by integrating research findings that consider the two dimensions (...)
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    Substituted decision making and the dispositional choice account.Anna-Karin Margareta Andersson & Kjell Arne Johansson - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):703.1-709.
    There are two main ways of understanding the function of surrogate decision making in a legal context: the Best Interests Standard and the Substituted Judgment Standard. First, we will argue that the Best Interests Standard is difficult to apply to unconscious patients. Application is difficult regardless of whether they have ever been conscious. Second, we will argue that if we accept the least problematic explanation of how unconscious patients can have interests, we are also obliged to accept that (...)
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    The influence of affect on higher level cognition: A review of research on interpretation, judgement, decision making and reasoning. [REVIEW]Isabelle Blanchette & Anne Richards - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):561-595.
    In this paper, we examine whether affect influences higher level cognitive processes. We review research on the effect of emotion on interpretation, judgement, decision making, and reasoning. In all cases, we ask first whether there is evidence that emotion affects each of these processes, and second what mechanisms might underlie these effects. Our review highlights the fact that interpretive biases are primarily linked with anxiety, while more general mood-congruent effects may be seen in judgement. Risk perception (...)
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    The Problem of Counterfactuals in Substituted Judgement Decision-Making.Anthony Wrigley - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):169-187.
    The standard by which we apply decision-making for those unable to do so for themselves is an important practical ethical issue with substantial implications for the treatment and welfare of such individuals. The approach to proxy or surrogate decision-making based upon substituted judgement is often seen as the ideal standard to aim for but suffers from a need to provide a clear account of how to determine the validity of the proxy's judgements. Proponents have responded (...)
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    Judgements and processes in care decisions in acute medical and surgical wards.Dawn Lamond, Rosemary A. Crow & Jonathan Chase - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (3):211-216.
  47. Ethical Decision-Making: A Case for the Triple Font Theory.Surendra Arjoon - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (4):395-410.
    This paper discusses the philosophical argument and the application of the Triple Font Theory for moral evaluation of human acts and attempts to integrate the conceptual components of major moral theories into a systematic internally consistent decision-making model that is theoretically driven. The paper incorporates concepts such as formal and material cooperation and the Principle of Double Effect into the theoretical framework. It also advances the thesis that virtue theory ought to be included in any adequate justification of (...)
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    A systematic approach to the disclosure of genomic findings in clinical practice and research: a proposed framework with colored matrix and decision-making pathways.Tomohide Ibuki, Shimon Tashiro, Keiichiro Yamamoto & Kenji Matsui - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundWhether and how to disclose genomic findings obtained in the course of genomic clinical practice and medical research has been a controversial global bioethical issue over the past two decades. Although several recommendations and judgment tools for the disclosure of genomic findings have been proposed, none are sufficiently systematic or inclusive or even consistent with each other. In order to approach the disclosure/non-disclosure practice in an ethical manner, optimal and easy-to-use tools for supporting the judgment of physicians/researchers in genomic medicine (...)
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  49. The Ethical Decision Making of Men and Women Executives in International Business Situations.Sean R. Valentine & Terri L. Rittenburg - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (2):125-134.
    While a number of studies have examined the impact of gender/sex on ethical decision-making, the findings of this body of research do not provide consistent answers. Furthermore, very few of these studies have incorporated cross-cultural samples. Consequently, this study of 222 American and Spanish business executives explored sex differences in ethical judgments and intentions to act ethically. While no significant differences between males and females were found with respect to ethical judgments, females exhibited higher intentions to act more (...)
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    Ethical decision making in dental education: a preliminary study.Mehmet İlgüy, Dilhan İlgüy & İnci Oktay - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundIn terms of ethical decision making, every clinical case, when seen as an ethical problem, may be analyzed by means of four topics: medical indications, patient preferences, quality of life, contextual features. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of 4th year dental students on Ethical Decision Making before and after a course on ethics.MethodsFourth year dental students from academic year 2013–2014 participated in the study. A 3-h lecture, which was about four topics (...)
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