Results for 'Juan Lorenzo'

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  1.  22
    ‘Why Do We Treat Different Families Differently?’: Social Workers’ Perspectives on Bias and Ethical Issues in Pediatric Emergency Rooms.Ray Eads, Juan Lorenzo Benavides, Preston R. Osborn, Öznur Bayar & Susan Yoon - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (4):344-360.
    In pediatric emergency rooms (ERs), social workers must navigate diverse responsibilities including acting as advocates and liaisons between families and multidisciplinary treatment teams, providing compassionate support to families in crisis, and assessing for and reporting any suspicions of child abuse or neglect. These potentially contrasting roles can place social workers at the center of dealing with ethical dilemmas and advocating against ethical violations, such as bias and discrimination toward families. This qualitative study seeks to gain insight into ethical issues commonly (...)
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  2. Escritores y comentaristas: claves retóricas para la interpretación de los textos clásicos.Juan Lorenzo - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  3. The Pauli Objection.Juan Leon & Lorenzo Maccone - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (12):1597-1608.
    Schrödinger’s equation says that the Hamiltonian is the generator of time translations. This seems to imply that any reasonable definition of time operator must be conjugate to the Hamiltonian. Then both time and energy must have the same spectrum since conjugate operators are unitarily equivalent. Clearly this is not always true: normal Hamiltonians have lower bounded spectrum and often only have discrete eigenvalues, whereas we typically desire that time can take any real value. Pauli concluded that constructing a general a (...)
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    J. Hoffmann-Salz Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria. ( Historia Einzelschriften 218.) Pp. 561, maps. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2011. Cased, €84. ISBN: 978-3-515-09847-2. [REVIEW]Juan Manuel Bermúdez Lorenzo - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):299-300.
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    Behavioral Lifestyles and Survival: A Meta-Analysis.Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Elizabeth Valeriano-Lorenzo, Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo & Juan Botella - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of the study is to determine the association between Behavioral Lifestyles and longevity in the elderly. A search strategy was conducted in the PsycInfo, Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The primary outcome was mortality/survival. Four variables were analyzed to evaluate the role of potential moderators. Ninety-three articles, totaling more than 2,800,000 people, were included in the meta-analysis. We found that the lifestyles analyzed predict greater survival. Specifically, doing regular physical activity, engaging in leisure activities, sleeping (...)
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    Voces Del bosque: Entrevero de seres humanos Y árboles en la emergencia de Una nueva comunidad moral en la cordillera Del sur de chile.Juan Carlos Skewes Vodanovic, Lorenzo Palma Morales & Debbie Guerra Maldonado - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:105-126.
    Resumen: Las cambiantes relaciones entre seres humanos y árboles en los relatos de los habitantes cordilleranos del sur de Chile invitan a revisar los límites de la comunidad moral para incluir en ella a los seres con que se convive y de los que se depende. La presencia de prácticas mapuches cordilleranas de largo aliento junto con las transformaciones experimentadas por las poblaciones madereras y los relatos de las personas que explotaron los árboles nativos se encarnan en conversaciones que invitan (...)
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    Sherlock Holmes como narrativa(s) interactiva(s): de la novela victoriana a la realidad virtual.Alba Calo Blanco & Juan Luis Lorenzo-Otero - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):378-408.
    Desde su nacimiento bajo la pluma de Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes ha sabido adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos; en la actualidad, existen series, películas, videojuegos, e incluso, experiencias virtuales basadas en las obras originales. Este artículo lleva a cabo un análisis evolutivo del concepto de interactividad -desde la previrtualidad literaria de Gil González (2020) hasta la cultura participativa de Jenkins et al. (2015), el lectoespectador de Mora (2012), el interactor de Murray (1997) o el operador de Gubern (1996)-, en (...)
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    (1 other version)Juan Luis Vives [joannes ludovicus Vives].Lorenzo Casini - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  9. Juan Luis Vives' conception of freedom of the will and its scholastic background.Lorenzo Casini - 2006 - Vivarium 44 (s 2-3):396-417.
    The aim of the present paper is to approach Juan Luis Vives' conception of freedom of the will in light of scholastic discussions on will and free choice, and point to some interesting similarities with the analysis of free choice contained in Jean Buridan's Quaestiones super decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum.
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  10. Pegueroles, Juan: San Agustín: Un platonismo cristiano.Lorenzo Peña Y. Gonzalo - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 14:296-298.
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  11. Reseña de: Juan Pegueroles, San Agustín: Un platonismo cristiano.Lorenzo Peña - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 14:296-298.
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    Emotions in renaissance humanism: Juan Luis Vives' De anima et vita.Lorenzo Casini - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 205--228.
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    Reseña de "Reflexiones sobre América Latina" de Juan Mora Rubio.Lorenzo Espinosa - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:318-326.
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  14. Juan José ACERO, Filosofía y análisis del lenguaje.Lorenzo PeÑa - 1987 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (4).
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  15. The neanderthal spoke (or perhaps not) like that.Antonio Benitez-Burraco, Victor M. Longa, Guillermo Lorenzo & Juan Uriagereka - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):73-83.
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  16. Así habló (o tal vez no) el neandertal.Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Víctor M. Longa, Guillermo Lorenzo & Juan Uriagereka - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Discursos de Nicolao Machiaueli: Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti's Spanish translation of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy (1552).Niccolò Machiavelli - 2016 - Tempe, Arizona: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Edited by Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti & Keith David Howard.
    Discursos de Machiaueli (Medina del Campo, 1552 & 1555) is Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti's Spanish translation of Niccolò Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy. This is the first critical edition of this text, whose aim is to reproduce not Machiavelli's but the translator's intention, thereby allowing scholars to examine the modes in which Machiavelli's political and military thought was made intelligible to Spaniards in the early modern period. In his Introduction, Howard demonstrates that its original publication engaged in fascinating ways the (...)
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  18. Así habló (o tal vez no) el neardental.Antonio Benítez Burraco, Víctor Manuel Longa Martínez, Guillermo José Lorenzo González & Juan Uriagereka - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):73-83.
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  19. El arquitecto agustino-recoleto fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás y su obra (1593-1679).Juan Ramón Sierra Morales - 2007 - Ciudad de Dios 220 (2):459-490.
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    El Antidarwinismo en Canarias: La obra de Rafael Lorenzo y García (1876-1877).Juan Francisco Martín del Castillo - 2005 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 22:247-268.
    One of the protagonists of the darwinist controversy in the Canary Islands (Spain), during the Nineteenth Century, was the advocate and teacher Rafael Lorenzo y García. In this paper, I show his original thought, until now unknown, against the classical darwinism and next to the fixism.Moreover I analyse the philosophical and natural constants in his Estudios filosóficos (1876 y 1877).
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    In Praise of Saint Thomas Aquinas.Lorenzo Valla - 1973 - In Leonard A. Kennedy (ed.), Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations: Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , Tiberio Baccilieri , Juan Luis Vives , Peter Ramus. De Gruyter. pp. 13-28.
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  22. El tema de los universales en Juan de Salisbury.César Lorenzo Raña Dafonte - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:233-240.
    Este trabajo presenta la información que Juan de Salisbury nos ofrece en su Metalogicon sobre el problema de los universales en el siglo XII. Se detiene de modo especial en la solución de Aristóteles, por el que muestra gran simpatía.
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  23. La dimensión práctica de la filosofía según Juan de Salisbury.César Lorenzo Raña Dafonte - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:219-226.
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    Against the Pseudo-logicians.Juan Luis Vives - 1973 - In Leonard A. Kennedy (ed.), Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations: Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , Tiberio Baccilieri , Juan Luis Vives , Peter Ramus. De Gruyter. pp. 69-108.
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  25. Valla, Lorenzo, Vives, Juan, Luis, and nizolio, Mario-philosophy and language.Valerio Delnero - 1994 - Rinascimento 34:293-304.
  26.  33
    Portrait in Don Juan: Individualization of Myth and Redemption from Sin.Frank Otero Luque - 2021 - Studium 26:121-138.
    . There are many types of artistic representations of the legend of Don Juan, i.e. the universal archetype of the seducer who, through deception, conquers a woman and, once she succumbs to his charms, he boasts of his triumph, despises her, and shifts his interest towards another lady. In this work, I compare three of the most famous versions don Juan: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest by Tirso de Molina, Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (...)
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    San Agustín: La Ciudad de Dios. Traducción de Lorenzo Riber, texto revisado por Juan Bastardas. Vol. ii (Libros iii–v). Pp. 192 (double). Barcelona: Ediciones Alma Mater, 1958. Cloth. [REVIEW]S. L. Greenslade - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (3):294-295.
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    The Ecological-Enactive Model of Disability: Why Disability Does Not Entail Pathological Embodiment.Juan Toro, Julian Kiverstein & Erik Rietveld - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:537925.
    In the last 50 years, discussions of how to understand disability have been dominated by the medical and social models. Paradoxically, both models overlook the disabled person’s experience of the lived body, thus reducing the body of the disabled person to a physiological body. In this article we introduce what we call the Ecological-Enactive (EE) model of disability. The EE-model combines ideas from enactive cognitive science and ecological psychology with the aim of doing justice simultaneously to the lived experience of (...)
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  29. Why Can Computers Understand Natural Language?Juan Luis Gastaldi - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):149-214.
    The present paper intends to draw the conception of language implied in the technique of word embeddings that supported the recent development of deep neural network models in computational linguistics. After a preliminary presentation of the basic functioning of elementary artificial neural networks, we introduce the motivations and capabilities of word embeddings through one of its pioneering models, word2vec. To assess the remarkable results of the latter, we inspect the nature of its underlying mechanisms, which have been characterized as the (...)
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    Epistemic Standards for Participatory Technology Assessment: Suggestions Based Upon Well-Ordered Science.Juan M. Durán & Zachary Pirtle - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1709-1741.
    When one wants to use citizen input to inform policy, what should the standards of informedness on the part of the citizens be? While there are moral reasons to allow every citizen to participate and have a voice on every issue, regardless of education and involvement, designers of participatory assessments have to make decisions about how to structure deliberations as well as how much background information and deliberation time to provide to participants. After assessing different frameworks for the relationship between (...)
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  31.  90
    (1 other version)The Renaissance philosophy of man.Ernst Cassirer - 1948 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Paul Oskar Kristeller & John Herman Randall.
    Francesco Petrarca, translated by H. Nachod: Introduction. A self-portrait. The ascent of Mont Ventoux. On his own ignorance and that of many others. A disapproval of an unreasonable use of the discipline of dialectic. An Averroist visits Petrarca. Petraca's aversion to Arab science. A request to take up the fight against Averroes.--Lorenzo Valla, translated by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr.: Introduction by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr. Dialogue on free will.--Marsilio Ficino, translated by J.L. Burroughs: Introduction, by J.L. Burroughs. Five questions concerning the (...)
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  32. The Self as Narrative in Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):699-722.
    In this paper, I return to the well-known apparent inconsistencies in Hume’s treatment of personal identity in the three books of A Treatise of Human Nature, and try to defend a Humean narrative interpretation of the self. I argue that in Book 1 of the Treatise Hume is answering (to use Marya Schechtman’s expressions in The Constitution of Selves) a “reidentification” question concerning personal identity, which is different from the “characterization” question of Books 2 and 3. That is, I maintain (...)
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  33.  22
    Multiscalar Temporality in Human Behaviour: A Case Study of Constraint Interdependence in Psychotherapy.Juan M. Loaiza, Sarah B. Trasmundi & Sune V. Steffensen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:531462.
    Ecological psychology (EP) and the enactive approach (EA) may benefit from a more focused view of lived temporality and the underlying temporal multiscalar nature of human living. We propose multiscalar temporality (MT) as a framework that complements EP and EA, and moves beyond their current conceptualisation of timescales and inter-scale relationships in organism-environment dynamical systems. MT brings into focus the wide ranging and meshwork-like interdependencies at play in human living and the questions concerning how agents are intimately entangled in such (...)
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    Husserl et Zubiri: six études pour une controverse.Tirado San Juan & Víctor Manuel - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur reprend autour de Husserl, créateur de la phénoménologie, et de Xavier Zubiri le très ancien débat entre idéalisme et réalisme. Influencé par Husserl et Heidegger, Zubiri a élaboré un réalisme transcendantal qui corrige les erreurs du réalisme naïf et qui dépasse le réalisme critique. L'auteur illustre ce qu'il appelle un "combat de géants" et montre comment les deux hommes portent en avant la réflexion philosophique, tant dans sa méthodologie que dans ses positions métaphysiques les plus fondamentales.
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    Humanismo.Juan Luis Lorda - 2009 - Madrid: Ediciones Rialp.
    1.Los bienes invisibles -- 2. Tareas del espíritu.
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    How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.Lorenzo Casini - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):946-958.
    Mechanisms are usually viewed as inherently hierarchical, with lower levels of a mechanism influencing, and decomposing, its higher-level behaviour. In order to adequately draw quantitative predictions from a model of a mechanism, the model needs to capture this hierarchical aspect. The recursive Bayesian network formalism was put forward as a means to model mechanistic hierarchies by decomposing variables. The proposal was recently criticized by Gebharter and Gebharter and Kaiser, who instead propose to decompose arrows. In this paper, I defend the (...)
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  37. Filosofar sobre el derecho en España: una aportación personal al margen.Juan Ramón Capella Hernández - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:509-522.
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  38. Internet,¿ una oportunidad o una amenaza para la gestión de los derechos?Ignasi Labastida I. Juan - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:104-111.
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  39. Leibniz, ¿el principio de razón suficiente o los principios de razón suficiente?Juan Carlos Jiménez - 2000 - Laguna 7:189-208.
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    On the Limits of Violence.Giorgio Agamben, Lorenzo Fabbri & Elisabeth Fay - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (4):103-111.
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    Historia e Historicidad En X. Zubiri.Juan José Garrido Zaragozá - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 7:139-165.
    En el presente ensayo se estudia el tema de la historia y la historicidad en los escritos de la primera etapa (etapa ontológica) del pensamiento de X. Zubiri. Siguiendo las sugerencias de sus maestros Ortega y Gasset y Heidegger, Zubiri aborda esta problemática desde la perspectiva de la reforma del ser, pero ya en este momento apunta una orientación propia que culminará en la etapa de madurez. Frente a la concepción antigua de la historia, la que se hizo presente a (...)
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    Some thoughts about the evolution of LADS, with special reference to TOM and SAM.Juan-Carlos Gomez - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher (eds.), Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 76--93.
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    Worms, gaps, and hydras.Lorenzo Carlucci - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):342-350.
    We define a direct translation from finite rooted trees to finite natural functions which shows that the Worm Principle introduced by Lev Beklemishev is equivalent to a very slight variant of the well-known Kirby-Paris' Hydra Game. We further show that the elements in a reduction sequence of the Worm Principle determine a bad sequence in the well-quasi-ordering of finite sequences of natural numbers with respect to Friedman's gapembeddability. A characterization of gap-embeddability in terms of provability logic due to Lev Beklemishev (...)
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  44. volume 2]. Liang Han juan.Ben Juan Zhu Bian Liu Chengji - 2017 - In Fa Zhang (ed.), Zhongguo mei xue jing dian =. Beijing Shi: Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  45.  11
    Usually in the right, usually badly read. The Rules of the Method of Durkheim.Juan Jiménez - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 68:156-166.
    Resumen: La aproximación que Durkheim esboza en Las Reglas es en la actualidad más bien criticada: sería una visión conservadora, que olvida la importancia de los agentes y una sociología de lo social que solo observa el orden establecido. Sin embargo, una lectura atenta de Las Reglas muestra que sus afirmaciones básicas -que es un hecho social, que debe ser visto como una cosa, y que debe buscarse su explicación a través de otros hechos sociales- son correctas y pueden integrar (...)
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  46. Der Vater, der mich gesandt hat. Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den johanneischen Sendungsformeln; zugleich ein Beitrag zur johanneischen Christologie und Ekklesiologie.Juan Peter Miranda, Herbert Lang & Peter Lang - 1972
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    History of Religion Becomes Ethnology: Some Evidence from Peiresc's Africa.Peter N. Miller - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (4):675-696.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 67.4 (2006) 675-696 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]History of Religion Becomes Ethnology: Some Evidence from Peiresc's AfricaPeter N. Miller Bard Graduate CenterAbstractThe relationship between history of religion and ethnology on the one hand, and antiquarianism and them both, on the other, lie at the core of this essay. These lines of inquiry come together in the work of Nicolas Fabri de Peiresc (1580-1637), (...)
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    Philosophers Behaving Badly, by Nigel Rodgers and Mel Thompson.Stephen Juan - 2008 - Philosophy Now 65:44-45.
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    Chesterton y los Cursos de Cultura Católica.Juan Manuel Medrano - 2007 - The Chesterton Review En Español 1 (1):113-124.
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    Descartes.Juan Carlos Moreno Romo - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:301-307.
    En contraste d’avec la pensée de Spinoza, pour qui la foi n’est qu’un phénomène extérieur et étrange, une notable exception à sa théorie du salut par le control des passions et l’amour intellectuelle à Dieu et par Dieu que l’homme de connaissance peut atteindre seulement grâce à la véritable philosophie, on analyse ici très brièvement la compréhension que de la foi nous proposent, en ayant l’expérience intérieure, surtout Descartes mais aussi Pascal. Pour le premier la foi relève de la volonté, (...)
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