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José Molina [8]José Luis Molina [6]José Sánchez Molina [4]Jose M. Molina [2]
José-Alberto Molina [1]José Ramón Gómez Molina [1]José Antonio Moreno Molina [1]José García Molina [1]

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  1.  24
    Agents preserving privacy on intelligent transportation systems according to EU law.Javier Carbo, Juanita Pedraza & Jose M. Molina - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-34.
    Intelligent Transportation Systems are expected to automate how parking slots are booked by trucks. The intrinsic dynamic nature of this problem, the need of explanations and the inclusion of private data justify an agent-based solution. Agents solving this problem act with a Believe Desire Intentions reasoning, and are implemented with JASON. Privacy of trucks becomes protected sharing a list of parkings ordered by preference. Furthermore, the process of assigning parking slots takes into account legal requirements on breaks and driving time (...)
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  2.  13
    LSTM vs CNN in real ship trajectory classification.Juan Pedro Llerena, Jesús García & José Manuel Molina - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):942-954.
    Ship-type identification in a maritime context can be critical to the authorities to control the activities being carried out. Although Automatic Identification Systems has been mandatory for certain vessels, if a vessel does not have them voluntarily or not, it can lead to a whole set of problems, which is why the use of tracking alternatives such as radar is fully complementary for a vessel monitoring systems. However, radars provide positions, but not what they are detecting. Having systems capable of (...)
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  3.  31
    Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms.José Luis Molina, Paola Tubaro, Antonio Casilli & Antonio Santos-Ortega - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-18.
    Scientific research is growingly increasingly reliant on "microwork" or "crowdsourcing" provided by digital platforms to collect new data. Digital platforms connect clients and workers, charging a fee for an algorithmically managed workflow based on Terms of Service agreements. Although these platforms offer a way to make a living or complement other sources of income, microworkers lack fundamental labor rights and basic safe working conditions, especially in the Global South. We ask how researchers and research institutions address the ethical issues involved (...)
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  4. Introducción a la teorí­a estoica de las pasiones.Carmen Atienza, Jesús Araiza, José Molina, Luis Gerena & Ricardo Salles - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 2:181-201.
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  5.  22
    Broader versus closer social interactions in smoking.Rosa Duarte, José-Julián Escario & José-Alberto Molina - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (2):183-194.
    In this paper, we examine the importance of two different peer effects as determinants in the adolescent’s decision whether or not to smoke. One is measured at the class level and the other reflects the smoking behaviour of the adolescent’s best friends. A nationally representative wave of Spanish data, collected in different state and private centres of secondary education and vocational training, and several linear probability models are used to estimate the role of peer effects. We find that a 10 (...)
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  6. Introducción ala teoria estoica de las posiones (Fragmentos estoicos sobre las pasiones: Selección y traducción).Luis Gerena, Carmen Trueba, Jesús Araiza, José Molina & Ricardo Salles - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (3):181-201.
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  7.  26
    Electronic institutions and neural computing providing law-compliance privacy for trusting agents.Mar Lopez, Javier Carbo, Jose M. Molina & Juanita Pedraza - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24 (PA):119-131.
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  8. Derrida.José García Molina - 2017 - In Juan Sáez Carreras, El legado educativo de los filósofos contemporáneos: de Arendt a Rancière pasando por Badiou, Bauman, Benjamin, Deleuze, Derrida y Laclau. València: Nau Llibres.
  9. La influencia del Derecho Comunitario en el Proyecto de Ley de Contratos del Sector Público.José Antonio Moreno Molina - forthcoming - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho.
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  10. La preposición" de" como mecanismo comunicativo en las construcciones" O/de+ que+ verbo en forma personal".José Ramón Gómez Molina - 2011 - Oralia 14:345 - 376.
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  11.  19
    Reciprocidad hoy: la red de las unidades domésticas y servicios públicos en dos colectivos en Vic.José Luis Molina & Alba Alayo I. Gil - 2002 - Endoxa 1 (15):165.
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