Results for 'Jos´ Caballero'

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  1.  35
    Having a Look at the Effectiveness of SRI-endeavours.Jos Leys - 2007 - Philosophica 80 (2):121-130.
    This paper, an epilogue to the special issue on socially responsible investment, is a first attempt to philosophically tackle information asymmetries that pertain to the consequences or the effectiveness of SRI-policies. The paper discerns four types or techniques of SRI: 1) shareholder engagement; 2) the selection of best-in-class entities; 3) the maintenance of categorical exclusions; 4) the financing of alternative economies. For each technique, the paper first briefly sketches the mechanism that is put to work by the SRI-investor. Then, I (...)
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    Living wills and substituted judgments: A critical analysis.Jos V. M. Welie - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (2):169-183.
    In the literature three mechanisms are commonly distinguished to make decisions about the care of incompetent patients: A living will, a substituted judgment by a surrogate (who may or may not hold the power of attorney ), and a best interest judgment. Almost universally, the third mechanism is deemed the worst possible of the three, to be invoked only when the former two are unavailable. In this article, I argue in favor of best interest judgments. The evermore common aversion of (...)
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  3. Causation in AI and law.Jos Lehmann, Joost Breuker & Bob Brouwer - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (4):279-315.
    Reasoning about causation in fact is an essential element of attributing legal responsibility. Therefore, the automation of the attribution of legal responsibility requires a modelling effort aimed at the following: a thorough understanding of the relation between the legal concepts of responsibility and of causation in fact; a thorough understanding of the relation between causation in fact and the common sense concept of causation; and, finally, the specification of an ontology of the concepts that are minimally required for (automatic) common (...)
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    Cyberspace Odyssey: Towards a Virtual Ontology and Anthropology.Jos de Mul - 2010 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The emergence of the hominids, more than five million years ago, marked the start of the human odyssey through space and time. This book deals with the last stage of this fascinating journey: the exploration of cyberspace and cybertime. Through the rapid global implementation of information and communication technologies, a new realm for human experience and imagination has been disclosed. Reversely, these postgeographical and posthistorical technologies have started to colonize our bodies and minds. Taking Homer's Odyssey and Kubrick's 2001: A (...)
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    Sympathy as the Basis of Compassion.Jos V. M. Welie - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):476.
    On one side of his sign board, a nineteenth century surgeon depicted a physician operating on a patient's leg; the other side showed the Good Samaritan taking care of the victim's wounds. Christ's parable has often been quoted and depicted as a primary example of human compassion, to be followed by all persons and, a fortiori, by so-called professionals such as physicians and nurses. If we grant that the parable has not lost its narrative power for 20th century “postmodern” readers (...)
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    That's not what happened and it's not my fault anyway! An exploration of management attitudes towards Sri-shareholder engagement.Wim Vandekerckhove, Jos Leys & Dirk Van Braeckel - 2007 - Business Ethics: A European Review 16 (4):403–418.
    This paper explores semi‐formal interactions between SRI‐investors that take the governance route rather than deploy a best‐in‐class logic or exclusionary screening. On the basis of a stakeholder typology of the investor and of the chosen topic of interaction, namely compliance with the core ILO labour conventions, the paper formulates 10 expectations about management reactions to the concerns raised by investors. These expectations cover responsiveness, acknowledgment of positions and general attitude. The expectations are then related to the factual discourse by management (...)
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  7.  13
    The Tragedy of Finitude - Dilthey′s Hermeneutics of Life.Jos De Mul - 2013 - Yale University Press.
    One of the founders of modern hermeneutics, German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) confronted the question of how modern, postmetaphysical human beings can cope with the ambivalence, contingency, and finitude that fundamentally characterize their lives. This book offers a reevaluation and fresh analysis of Dilthey's hermeneutics of life against the background of the development of philosophy during the past two centuries. Jos de Mul relates Dilthey's work to other philosophers who influenced or were influenced by him, including Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Comte, (...)
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    Naturalism and Conceptual Norms.JosÉ Luis BermÚdez - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (194):77-85.
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  9. En torno a la hermenéutica blanca de "Ser y Tiempo" en Edith Stein.José Luis Caballero Bono - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 27:97-112.
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  10. Human autonomy in the age of computer-mediated agency.Jos de Mul & Bibi van den Berg - 2011 - In Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.), Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology. New York, NY: Routledge.
  11.  17
    For, against, and beyond: healthcare professionals’ positions on Medical Assistance in Dying in Spain.Iris Parra Jounou, Rosana Triviño-Caballero & Maite Cruz-Piqueras - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background In 2021, Spain became the first Southern European country to grant and provide the right to euthanasia and medically assisted suicide. According to the law, the State has the obligation to ensure its access through the health services, which means that healthcare professionals’ participation is crucial. Nevertheless, its implementation has been uneven. Our research focuses on understanding possible ethical conflicts that shape different positions towards the practice of Medical Assistance in Dying, on identifying which core ideas may be underlying (...)
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  12. The Origins of Time-Asymmetry in Thermodynamics: The Minus First Law.Harvey R. Brown & Jos Uffink - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (4):525-538.
    This paper investigates what the source of time-asymmetry is in thermodynamics, and comments on the question whether a time-symmetric formulation of the Second Law is possible.
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  13. La bioéthique intégrative comme une chance. Un exemple idéal de discussion éthique ?Jos Schaefer-Rolffs - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (1):107-122.
    The concept of Integrative Bioethics is the idea of an equal discussion between different ethical concepts from different backgrounds. This concept is not only suitable for the specific situation in Southeast Europe. It can also be a basis to affect the ethical discourse in other parts of the world, either with a homogeneous historical background or within a very diverse ethical setting. With this essay I will try to point out the possibilities for the discussion of ethical problems in other (...)
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    A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation.Ulrike Hahn & Jos Hornikx - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1833-1873.
    In this paper, it is argued that the most fruitful approach to developing normative models of argument quality is one that combines the argumentation scheme approach with Bayesian argumentation. Three sample argumentation schemes from the literature are discussed: the argument from sign, the argument from expert opinion, and the appeal to popular opinion. Limitations of the scheme-based treatment of these argument forms are identified and it is shown how a Bayesian perspective may help to overcome these. At the same time, (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Jos Luyten, J.-M. Tison, Th C. De Kruijf, P. Smulders, P. Fransen, Jos Vercruysse & Frank de Graeve - 1972 - Bijdragen 33 (3):337-348.
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    Het romantische verlangen in (post)moderne kunst en filosofie.Jos de Mul - 1995 - Kampen: Kok Agora.
    Cultuurfilosofische beschouwingen over het romantische verlangen naar eenheid tussen beleving en inhoud, ook in de hedendaagse cultuur.
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    Publish and perish.Jos De Mul - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (3):417-434.
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  18. Note de Morale.Jos Pauwels Sr - 1922 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 49:440.
  19.  18
    Producer organizations as transition intermediaries? Insights from organic and conventional vegetable systems in Uruguay.Annemarie Groot-Kormelinck, Jos Bijman, Jacques Trienekens & Laurens Klerkx - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1277-1300.
    Increased pressures on agri-food systems have indicated the importance of intermediaries to facilitate sustainability transitions. While producer organizations are acknowledged as intermediaries between individual producers and other food system actors, their role as sustainability transition intermediaries remains understudied. This paper explores the potential of producer organizations as transition intermediaries to support producers in their needs to adopt sustainable production practices. Ten cases of producer organizations in conventional (regime) and organic (niche) vegetable systems in Uruguay were studied qualitatively. Findings show that (...)
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  20.  96
    Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research.Karl Widerquist, JosÉ Noguera, A., Yannick Vanderborght & Jurgen De Wispelaere (eds.) - 2013 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book is an anthology of some of the most influential research on basic income in the period of roughly 1960-2010.
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  21. The Uncertainty Principle.Jan Hilgevoord & Jos Uffink - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Quantum mechanics is generally regarded as the physical theory that is our best candidate for a fundamental and universal description of the physical world. The conceptual framework employed by this theory differs drastically from that of classical physics. Indeed, the transition from classical to quantum physics marks a genuine revolution in our understanding of the physical world.
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    Euthanasia in Spain: The Public Debate after Ramon Sampedro’s Case.MarÍa JosÉ Guerra - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (5):426-432.
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    Not throwing out the baby with the bathwater: Bell's condition of local causality mathematically 'sharp and clean'.Michiel P. Seevinck & Jos Uffink - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber (eds.), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 425--450.
    The starting point of the present paper is Bell’s notion of local causality and his own sharpening of it so as to provide for mathematical formalisation. Starting with Norsen’s analysis of this formalisation, it is subjected to a critique that reveals two crucial aspects that have so far not been properly taken into account. These are the correct understanding of the notions of sufficiency, completeness and redundancy involved; and the fact that the apparatus settings and measurement outcomes have very different (...)
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    Le fait religieux d'après M. Delacroix.Jos De Brandt - 1924 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 26 (2):184-200.
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    Das schauspiel des lebens.Jos de Mul - 2003 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:407-424.
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  26. Verdelen van tijd als participatie-beginsel.Door Jos Janssen - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Activiteit, Beweging En Geluk Bij Aristoteles.Dirk Jos Leys - 2001 - Bijdragen 62 (1):42-67.
    It is much debated whether Aristotle’s conception of happiness includes all valuable goods or only intellectual activity of a certain kind . Our analysis of movement and activity yields a number of distinguishing features to which the eulogy for contemplation in EN X, 6-8 is referring. Moreover, good practice has the same ontological features as producing, certainly not a candidate for happiness. Man has many powers that can be actualised in their limit of perfection, but only one is an activity (...)
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    Self-deception, intentions, and contradictory beliefs.JosÉ Luis BermÚdez - 2000 - Analysis 60 (4):309-319.
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    Can We Falsify the Consciousness-Causes-Collapse Hypothesis in Quantum Mechanics?Jos’E. Ac’Acio de Barros & Gary Oas - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (10):1294-1308.
    In this paper we examine some proposals to disprove the hypothesis that the interaction between mind and matter causes the collapse of the wave function, showing that such proposals are fundamentally flawed. We then describe a general experimental setup retaining the key features of the ones examined, and show that even a more general case is inadequate to disprove the mind-matter collapse hypothesis. Finally, we use our setup provided to argue that, under some reasonable assumptions about consciousness, such hypothesis is (...)
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  30. Playing the role of facilitator : questioning the curious mind.Jos van den Broek - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Syntactic processes in speech production: the retrieval of grammatical gender.Jos J. A. van Berkum - 1997 - Cognition 64 (2):115-152.
  32. The (Bio)Technological Sublime.Jos de Mul - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):32-40.
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  33. Disability and Universal Human Rights: Legal, Ethical, and Conceptual Implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Joel Anderson & Jos Philips - 2012 - Utrecht: Netherlands Institute of Human Rights.
    The 2008 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) provides a landmark articulation of the universality of human rights. It affirms in strong terms that all human beings have a claim to full inclusion and equal participation in society, something denied to many because of disability. The CRPD is an ambitious document with far-reaching and fundamental implications. This interdisciplinary collection of essays takes up pressing philosophical, legal, and practical issues raised by the CRPD and the ongoing process (...)
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  34. Moral Machines.Jos De Mul - 2010 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 14 (3):226-236.
    In spite of the popularity of computer ethics, ICTs appear to undermine our moral autonomy in several ways. This article focuses on the ‘delegation’ of our moral agency to machines. Three stages of delegation are distinguished: implementation of moral values and norms in the design of artefacts, delegation of moral means to machines, and delegation of both moral means and goals to machines. Second, it is argued that the ‘outsourcing’ of moral agency does not necessarily lead to the undermining of (...)
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  35.  47
    Des machines morales.Jos de Mul - 2009 - Cités 39 (3):27-.
    Du fait de sa programmabilité, l’ordinateur est souvent qualifié de machine universelle. Si la machine classique est la représentation d’un programme unique et spécifique, l’ordinateur est un mécanisme qui représente physiquement n’importe quel programme installé comme une procédure d’exploitation parmi d’autres possibles. En raison de cette versatilité et de cette flexibilité..
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    Omgaan met de dood in de klas. Een traject voor beginnende leraren in het basisonderwijs.Jos van den Brand - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (4):388-406.
    Coping with death in the classroom. A trajectory for beginning primary school teachers To support beginning teachers in primary education to deal with death in the classroom, a community of practice developed a trajectory for a pedagogy of death. Negative pedagogy, a movement within humanities pedagogy, was chosen for the theoretical foundation of this trajectory. Negative pedagogy is about the beginning of formative processes and their development. Gadamer’s hermeneutics is an important source of inspiration. Buck adopts from Gadamer that negative (...)
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    Uncertainty in prediction and in inference.Jan Hilgevoord & Jos Uffink - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (3):323-341.
    The concepts of uncertainty in prediction and inference are introduced and illustrated using the diffraction of light as an example. The close relationship between the concepts of uncertainty in inference and resolving power is noted. A general quantitative measure of uncertainty in inference can be obtained by means of the so-called statistical distance between probability distributions. When applied to quantum mechanics, this distance leads to a measure of the distinguishability of quantum states, which essentially is the absolute value of the (...)
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  38. The syntax, pragmatics and semantics of life : Dilthey's hermeneutics of life in the light of contemporary biosemiotics.Jos de Mul - 2016 - In Christian Damböck & Hans-Ulrich Lessing (eds.), Dilthey als Wissenschaftsphilosoph. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    How robust is the language architecture? The case of mood.Jos J. A. Van Berkum, Dieuwke De Goede, Petra M. Van Alphen, Emma R. Mulder & José H. Kerstholt - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  40. Verhandeling en verhaa.Notities Over de Biografie Jos Perry - 2000 - Krisis 1 (1-4):49.
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    The law and policy of healthcare financing: an international comparison of models and outcomes.Wolf Sauter, Jos Boertjens, Johan van Manen & Misja Mikkers (eds.) - 2019 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Examining the ways and extent to which systemic factors affect health outcomes with regard to quality, affordability and access to curative healthcare, this explorative book compares the relative merits of tax-funded Beveridge systems and insurance-based Bismarck systems. The Law and Policy of Healthcare Financing charts and compares healthcare system outcomes throughout 11 countries, from the UK to Colombia. Thematic chapters investigate the economic and legal explanations for the relevant similarities, variations and trends across the globe. Concluding that systemic factors may (...)
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    «Sobre la visión de la profundidad». Introducción y traducción. Filosofía y Psicología en el primer Quine.Vicente Caballero de la Torre - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):453-465.
    Se presenta la traducción de un trabajo redactado por W. V. O. Quine para la asignatura sobre Psicología avanzada, impartida por el profesor John Beebe-Center en Harvard. Se trata de un texto inédito que Quine entregó en la primavera de 1931. En este escrito se demuestra un conocimiento exhaustivo del estado de la entonces joven disciplina psicológica, de sus nombres más relevantes y de sus escuelas más sobresalientes en la época. El primer y último apartados contienen elementos de interés historiográfico (...)
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    The Emergence of Practical Self-Understanding: Human Agency and Downward Causation in Plessner’s Philosophical Anthropology.Jos de Mul - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (1):65-82.
    Helmuth Plessner’s Levels of Organic Life and the Human [Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch, 1928] is one of the founding texts of twentieth century philosophical anthropology. It is argued that Plessner’s work demonstrates the fundamental indispensability of the qualitative humanities vis-à-vis the natural-scientific study of man. Plessner’s non-reductionist, emergentist naturalism allots complementary roles to the causal and functional investigations of the life sciences and the phenomenological and hermeneutic interpretation of the phenomenon of life in its successive levels and (...)
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  44.  31
    Denken aan de Maas.Jos de Mul - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (1):5.
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  45. Remote control : human autonomy in the age of computer-mediated agency.Jos de Mul & Bibi van den Berg - 2011 - In Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.), Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Development of Aesthetic Judgment: Analysis of a Genetic-Structuralist Approach.Jos de Mul - 1988 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (2):55.
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    Wittgenstein 2.0: Philosophical Reading and Writing after the Mediatic Turn.Jos De Mul - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 153-180.
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  48. Filosofía y pedagogía.José de la Luz Y. Caballero - 1935 - La Habana: [Talleres de Cultural]. Edited by Francisco González del Valle.
    Filosofía.--Política, aforismos.--Educación y enseñanza, aforismos.--Pedagogía; ideas pedagógicas ... tomadas de sus distintos escritos sobre educación, por Francisco González del Valle.
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    The Living Sign. Reading Noble from a Biosemiotic Perspective.Jos de Mul - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):107-113.
    The author argues that the reductionist illusions of the Modern Synthesis, which Noble criticizes in his target article, are to a large extent resulting from a mere syntactical notion of biological information, neglecting the pragmatic and semantic dimension of information. Although the syntactical notion, introduced by Shannon, has been applied with much success in information theory and computer technologies, it is too narrow to understand biological reality. Biosemiotics can help to clarify the problems identified by Noble, and offers a more (...)
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    Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology: Perspectives and Prospects.Jos de Mul (ed.) - 2014 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    Helmut Plessner was one of the founders of philosophical anthropology, and his book _The Stages of the Organic and Man_, first published in 1928, has inspired generations of philosophers, biologists, social scientists, and humanities scholars. This volume offers the first substantial introduction to Plessner’s philosophical anthropology in English, not only setting it in context with such familiar figures as Bergson, Cassirer, and Merleau-Ponty, but also showing Plessner’s relevance to contemporary discussions in a wide variety of fields in the humanities and (...)
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