Results for 'Joshua Yates'

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  1.  18
    Thrift and Thriving in America: Capitalism and Moral Order From the Puritans to the Present.Joshua Yates & James Davison Hunter (eds.) - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    Thrift and Thriving in America is a collection of groundbreaking essays on the significance of thrift throughout American history.
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    ‘Hell You Talmbout’: Janelle Monáe’s Black Cyberfeminist Sonic Aesthetics.Meina Yates-Richard - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):35-51.
    This article explores the ways in which Janelle Monáe’s audiovisual performances leverage black female flesh to trouble historically constituted imaginings of ‘the human’. Tracking Monáe’s audiovisual aesthetics across ‘Many moons’ and Dirty Computer, I interrogate acoustic and imagistic resonances that recall the repeating horrors of bondage, and which also constitute performative ‘fabulations’ whereby freedoms that are engendered specifically by and within black female flesh might be imagined. Monáe ‘enfleshes’ the cyborg to critique cyberfeminist and posthumanist theories that advocate for material (...)
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  3. The Essence of Dispositional Essentialism.David Yates - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (1):93-128.
    Dispositional essentialists argue that physical properties have their causal roles essentially. This is typically taken to mean that physical properties are identical to dispositions. I argue that this is untenable, and that we must instead say that properties bestow dispositions. I explore what it is for a property to have such a role essentially. Dispositional essentialists argue for their view by citing certain epistemological and metaphysical implications, and I appeal to these implications to place desiderata on the concept of essence (...)
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    The content of awareness is a model of the world.Jack Yates - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (2):249-284.
  5. The impossibility of superdupervenience.Michael P. Lynch & Joshua Glasgow - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 113 (3):201-221.
    Supervenience has provided a way for nonreductive materialists to explain how the mental can be physically irreducible but still physically respectable. In recent years, doubts about this research program have emerged from a number of quarters. Consequently, Terence Horgan has argued that nonreductive materialists must appeal to an upgraded "superdupervenience," if supervenience is to do any materialist work. We argue that nonreductive materialism cannot meet this challenge. Superdupervenience is impossible.
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    Surplus Embryos and Abortion.Joshua Shaw - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (2):363-384.
    Several states have recently adopted more restrictive abortion policies yet permit fertility clinics to create surplus IVF embryos. This essay examines this issue: Is it morally inconsistent to prohibit abortion yet permit surplus embryos to be used in fertility medicine? I consider various arguments that try to reconcile this tension. None succeed. Either one holds that embryos have full moral status, and opposes both abortion and surplus embryos, or one denies that embryos have full moral status, which would permit surplus (...)
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  7. The Modal (Realist) Ontological Argument.Joshua Sijuwade - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):203-264.
    This article aims to provide a new ontological argument for the existence of God. A specific ‘modal’ version of the ontological argument—termed the Modal Realist Ontological Argument—is formulated within the modal realist metaphysical framework of David K. Lewis, Kris McDaniel and Philip Bricker. Formulating this argument within this specific framework will enable the plausibility of its central premise (i.e., the ‘Possibility Premise’) to be established, and allow one to affirm the soundness of the argument—whilst warding off two oft-raised objections against (...)
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  8. The case for Nietzschean moral psychology.Joshua Knobe & Brian Leiter - 2007 - In Brian Leiter & Neil Sinhababu, Nietzsche and morality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Contemporary moral psychology has been dominated by two broad traditions, one usually associated with Aristotle, the other with Kant. The broadly Aristotelian approach emphasizes the role of childhood upbringing in the development of good moral character, and the role of such character in ethical behavior. The broadly Kantian approach emphasizes the role of freely chosen conscious moral principles in ethical behavior. We review a growing body of experimental evidence that suggests that both of these approaches are predicated on an implausible (...)
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    Explaining Rationalist Weak Conciliationism: A Challenge.Joshua C. Thurow - 2023 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 13 (4):297-310.
    In his book, Disagreement, Deference, and Religious Commitment, John Pittard presents and critiques what he calls the “master argument for disagreement-motivated religious skepticism.” This argument purports to show, using only higher-order reasoning and facts about religious disagreement, that nobody’s religious outlook is justified (at least, nobody aware of the argument). The master argument presupposes that any attempt to vindicate one’s religious outlook must employ dispute-independent reasons. Pittard objects to this assumption and argues, instead, for rationalist weak conciliationism: the view that (...)
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    The low temperature thermal expansion and related thermodynamic properties of alkali halides with a caesium chloride structure.A. C. Bailey & B. Yates - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (144):1241-1248.
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    Small numerosities are associated with the left, large numerosities are associated with the right: Evidence from a SNARC task.Nemeh Fiona, Yates Mark, Loetscher Tobias, Ma-Wyatt Anna & Nicholls Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12. The true self.Nina Strohminger, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols - 2015 - Perspectives on Psychological Science:1–11.
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    Bayesian confidence in optimal decisions.Joshua Calder-Travis, Lucie Charles, Rafal Bogacz & Nick Yeung - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (5):1114-1160.
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    Are all distances created equal? Insights from developmental psychology.Bronwyn O'Brien, Joshua L. Rutt & Cristina M. Atance - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e140.
    Gilead et al.'s theory presupposes that traversing temporal, spatial, social, and hypothetical distances are largely interchangeable acts of mental travel that co-occur in human ontogeny. Yet, this claim is at odds with recent developmental data suggesting that children's reasoning is differentially affected by the dimension which they must traverse, and that different representational abilities underlie travel across different dimensions.
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  15. Anzaldúa’s Snake-Bridge as Alternative to Mestizaje.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - The Journal of Aesthetic Education.
    In this article, I offer the figure of the snake-bridge as (a) the coiled central metaphor in Gloria Anzaldúa’s masterpiece, Borderlands/La Frontera, (b) the interpretive bridge connecting the early (This Bridge Called My Back) middle (Borderlands) and late (Light in the Dark) periods of her oeuvre, and (c) an alternate unifying metaphor to mestizaje. My first section offers a close reading of Borderlands, locating snake-bridge in the east-west snake of the Rio Grande that queer Chicana borderlanders cross north and south (...)
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    Eavesdropping in Context.Joshua S. Heter - 2014 - Analytic Philosophy 55 (4):363-367.
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  17. Student Perceptions of the Ethics of Professors.Hershey Friedman, Joshua Fogel & Linda Friedman - 2005 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 10 (2):10-15.
    Ethical violations are becoming common in the business world. Teaching proper ethical behavior can begin in college. In this study, we surveyed 350 students to determine what affects students’ perceptions of the ethics of professors and to determine whether or not taking a course in ethics changes this perception. The most important factor in determining whether or not a professor is ethical is “fairness in grading.” Surprisingly, there was no statistically significant difference between students who took a course in ethics (...)
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  18. Nisim ṿe-nifloes̀.Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1999 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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  19. Kant's Critique of Judgment and Its Political Potential.Joshua Mills-Knutsen - 2010 - Gnosis 11 (3):1-21.
    Rousseau’s influence on Kant in the realm of ethical theory is well established. Just as Kant credits Hume with inspiring his critique of metaphysics, Kant admits a debt to Rousseau as an inspiration for his egalitarian approach to ethics. There is reason to suspect, however, that Rousseau’s influence extends beyond the realm of ethics, and into Kant’s Critique of Judgment. While ostensibly a work about aesthetic and teleological judgment stemming from the line of aesthetic thought that includes the Earl of (...)
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  20. McTaggart's Argument Against the Reality of Time.M. Joshua Mozersky - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  21. Automated Vehicle Regulation Needs to Speak to Code, not to Humans: Keeping Safety and Ethics in the Public Domain.Leon René Sütfeld, Joshua Bronson & Lando Kirchmair - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-21.
    In anticipation of the market introduction of highly and fully automated vehicles, regulations for their behavior in public road traffic are emerging in various countries and regions. Yet, as we show using the example of EU and German regulations, these rules are both incomplete and exceptionally vague. In this paper we introduce three traffic scenarios highlighting conflicting ethical, legal, and utility-related claims, and perform a legal analysis with regards to the expected behavior of AVs in these scenarios. We show that (...)
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  22. The Right to Punish in Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan.Arthur Yates - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):233-254.
    There is an apparent ambiguity in Thomas Hobbes’s account in Leviathan1 of the source of the sovereign’s right to punish. Hobbes appears to both claim and deny that the prospective sovereign is granted the right to punish by prospective subjects. In claiming that the sovereign is granted the right to punish, we understand Hobbes to hold that the acquisition of the right follows from authorization—a process by which a representative is commissioned to act on the behalf of another person. In (...)
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    Educating about, through and for human rights and democracy in uncertain times: The promise of the pedagogy of the community of philosophical inquiry.Vachararutai Boontinand & Joshua Forstenzer - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    In a climate of growing intolerance and violence, marked by various forms of injustice across the democratic world, human rights and democratic citizenship education have the potential to help cultivate knowledge, values and skills or competences in the young that are necessary to foster a culture of human rights and democracy. However, education about, through and for human rights and democracy needs to be critical and transformative by going beyond delivering content knowledge and prescribing values to practically developing distinctly democratic (...)
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    Density and electrical conductivity of expanded mercury and dilute mercury-indium alloys.Uzi Even & Joshua Jortner - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (2):325-334.
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    Marketisation, Ethics and Healthcare: Policy, Practice and Moral Formation.Therese Feiler & Joshua Hordern (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume explores how 'the market'continues to affect and redefine health professionals as moral beings and impact on the care they provide. By reflecting on the meaning of the market and the medical profession, this ground-breaking volume identifies a variety of ways to help preserve healthcare workers' integrity and ensure compassionate care.
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    Ubuntu leadership in conversation with servant leadership in the Anglican Church: A case of Kunonga.Johann-Albrecht Meylahn & Joshua Musiyambiri - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (2).
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    Democratic responsibility in the digital public sphere.Joshua Cohen & Archon Fung - 2023 - Constellations 30 (1):92-97.
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    New Fragments of Rufus of Ephesus’ On the Retention of Menses.Brent Arehart & Joshua Bocher - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):764-777.
    Rufus of Ephesus (fl. c.100c.e.) was a prolific medical author and practitioner in the Imperial period whose historical importance has been obscured by the loss of most of his works. One of the largest gaps in our knowledge of Rufus’ corpus is his gynaecological writings, none of which survives in full. This article assembles and comments on several fragments from Rufus’ lost gynaecological workOn the Retention of Menses(perhapsΠερὶ τῶν ἐπεχομένων ἐμμήνων). Comparison of overlapping passages from the authors Ibn al-Jazzār (tenth (...)
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    Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis.Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a novel understanding of Israeli bioethics that is a milestone in the comparative literature of bioethics. Bringing together a range of experts, the book's interdisciplinary structure employs a contemporary, sociopolitical-oriented approach to bioethics issues, with an emphasis on empirical analysis, that will appeal not only to scholars of bioethics, but also to students of law, medicine, humanities, and social sciences around the world. Its focus on the development of bioethics in Israel makes it especially relevant to scholars (...)
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    American catholic philosophical quarterly 652.Introducing Alfarabi Joshua Parens - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (4).
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    Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature.Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Jay Schwartz & Joseph Turner (eds.) - 2008 - Brill.
    This volume contains essays dealing with complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity, taking a bold step, assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as either rejection or appropriation.
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    Recent Developments in Health Law.Jay S. Reidler, Joshua Berkowitz, Katherine Booth, Britt Cramer & Jennifer M. Klein - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):409-426.
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    Problem section.George Schlesinger & Joshua Halberstam - 1973 - Philosophia 3 (1):107-108.
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    A social-cognitive model of human behavior offers a more parsimonious account of emotional expressivity.Vivian Zayas, Joshua A. Tabak, Gul Gunaydy@ 4n, Jeanne M. Robertson & Jacob Miguel Vigil - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):407.
    According to socio-relational theory, men and women encountered different ecologies in their evolutionary past, and, as a result of different ancestral selection pressures, they developed different patterns of emotional expressivity that have persisted across cultures and large human evolutionary time scales. We question these assumptions, and propose that social-cognitive models of individual differences more parsimoniously account for sex differences in emotional expressivity.
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    Do We Have a Moral Obligation to Abolish Wilderness?Joshua Duclos - 2023 - Breakthrough Journal 1 (No. 19).
    Wilderness entails unremitting, extreme suffering for the sentient wildlife that call it home. This fact has led some to question whether we should, at some point, use our scientific and technological understanding to alleviate wild animal suffering if and where we can. This article argues that wild animal suffering does indeed present a moral problem and then explains and analyzes the problem. It urges a less polemical approach to the issue than has been taken by animal rights activists and environmentalists.
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    Why Does Anything Exist?Joshua Rasmussen - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (2).
    Rasmussen develops a new answer to the question, "Why does anything exist?" He begins by describing a puzzle about how anything can exist. The puzzle motivates the quest to explain things as far as one can. To solve the puzzle, Rasmussen describes a sequence of scenes in a story about existence. The story brings to light a three-pronged explanation of existence: (i) things exist because it is impossible for nothing to have existed, (ii) it is impossible for nothing to have (...)
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    Kierkegaardian Ethics and the Rule of Law.Joshua Neoh - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):357-375.
    We approach law with deep ambivalence. On the one hand, we take immense pride in living under the rule of law. On the other hand, we often catch ourselves lamenting the existence of law. When we lament the existence of law, we are not just saying that there is too much of it. We are not just complaining about the amount of law. Rather, our complaint goes to the very nature of law itself. We complain that its rules are constraining, (...)
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    Collective Identity and Cultural Pluralism: Alain Locke on Stereotypes in Literature.Joshua Anderson - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):209-216.
    In this paper, I consider Alain Locke’s critical pragmatism to see how he might address the problem of racist literature, particularly, the use of stereotypes. For my purposes here, it will be assumed that stereotypes are sustained by evil and malicious intentions, whether consciously acknowledged or not. Two issues arise when considering Locke’s critical pragmatism. First, Locke denies the objective status of morality—objective in the sense that moral absolutes exist “out there” and can be classified rightly or wrongly. Thus, claiming (...)
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    Is It a Wonderful Life? Frank Capra and Objective List Theories of Worth.Joshua Shaw - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (2):240-261.
    Aaron Smuts argues that the holiday film It's a Wonderful Life should be understood as both an illustration and a cinematic vindication of objective list theories of worth. This article argues that he is right about the first point but wrong about the second. It's a Wonderful Life is an excellent illustration of objective list theories. However, it also exposes a problem for them – their susceptibility to sceptical anxieties about whether we can know if our lives are worth living. (...)
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  40.  15
    The Timelessness of God.John C. Yates - 1990 - Upa.
    This book explains the classical Christian doctrine of God's timelessness and defends it against contemporary philosophical criticism. The historical background and discussion of this concept is reviewed from Parmenides to the present, and particular note is made that the doctrine cannot be detached from the various metaphysical systems in which it is embedded.
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    Locke, Active Power, and a Puzzle about Ascription.Joshua Wood - 2023 - Locke Studies 23:1-23.
    Locke holds that the experience of voluntary action is the sole origin of the concept of causal power. What is it about this experience that compels Locke to draw this conclusion? I think this question should puzzle scholars a great deal more than it has. There are three existing interpretations of Locke’s position. The first explanation holds that Locke appeals to voluntary action because he takes this experience to reveal a necessary connection between volition and action; the second holds that (...)
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    The Archaic Treaties between the Spartans and their Allies.David C. Yates - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (01):65-76.
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    In Appreciation of Gyula Klima.Joshua P. Hochschild - 2023 - In Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer.
    To help frame the Festschrift for Gyula Klima (Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind), this appreciation offers perspective on the scholar's person and project. Drawing on biographical details and reflecting on signal contributions, it seeks to honor a distinguished philosopher who deserves to be celebrated by friends and introduced to a new generation of readers. Download with frontmatter from: link[dot]springer[dot]com/content/pdf/bfm:978-3-031-15026-5/1?pdf=chapter%20toc.
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  44. Peirce's Conception of Metaphysics.Joshua Black - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Sheffield
    This thesis develops and defends a Peircean conception of the task of metaphysics and critically compares it with recent anti-metaphysical forms of pragmatism. Peirce characterises metaphysics in terms of its place within his hierarchical classification of the sciences. According to the classification, metaphysics depends on logic for principles and provides principles to the natural and social sciences. This arrangement of the sciences is defended by appeal to Peirce's account of philosophy as 'cenoscopy'. The dependence of the natural and social sciences (...)
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    Democratic Experimentation with Responsibility: A Pragmatist Approach to Responsible Research and Innovation.Joshua B. Cohen & Robert Gianni - 2022 - In Vincent Blok, Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach. dordrecht: springer. pp. 57-77.
    Disruptive societal changes following from emerging science and technology have recently led to a growing interest in developing ethical frameworks. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is such a framework that aims to improve the relationship between science and society. Now a decade after its conceptualization, it still seems to suffer from conceptual unclarity and lack of implementation. Since responsibility in research and innovation practice remains as important as ever, we propose to revive the normative potential of RRI by approaching it (...)
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    Metaphysics and the meaning of life.Joshua Carl Davis - 2010 - Chicago: Three Brothers Press.
    "This book is about the meaning of life, but it addresses it in a particular way, by looking at the related question: What is the nature of reality?" Thus Davis begins upon a fascinating exploration of the history of philosophy and metaphysics, from the Presocratics to the Vienna Circle. Along the way, Davis proposes a highly original system of metaphysics called apprehension theory, and shows how it can be used to resolve classic problems in metaphysics such as the mind-body problem (...)
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  47.  16
    Straddling the Imperial Meridian: Warren Hastings as an observer of change in British India.Joshua Ehrlich - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (6):995-1013.
    The late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries are now seen as a moment when the ‘second’ British Empire arose from the ruins of the ‘first’ one. One witness to, and participant in, the convulsions of the age was Warren Hastings (1732–1818), the first governor-general of Bengal. Hastings’ career in India, his trial in parliament, and his imperial afterlife all have received fulsome attention. Yet his retirement years have been overlooked, owing to the misperception that they were uneventful. This article introduces (...)
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  48. Sefer ʻAtsat Yehoshuʻa.Joshua Isaac ben Jehiel Shapira - 1967 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Mekhirah ha-rashit etsel Be. m.s. Bigelʼaizen.
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    The emblematic conceit in Giordano Bruno's de gli eroici furori and in the Elizabethan sonnet sequences.Frances A. Yates - 1943 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 6 (1):101-121.
  50. The Persian War as Civil War in Plataea's Temple of Athena Areia.David Yates - 2013 - Klio 95 (2):369-390.
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