Results for 'Josef Meek'

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  1.  15
    XVII. Senecas Apocolocyntosis und Hercules furens.Josef Meek - 1912 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 71 (1-4):361-375.
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  2. Zum Problem ethischer Normen im Neuen Testament.Josef Blank - 1982 - In Friedrich Hiller & August Langen (eds.), Normen und Werte. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
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  3. A Meditation on the Word Ought.Josef Velasquez - 1997 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 1 (1):101-122.
  4.  39
    Causal inference in the presence of latent variables and selection bias.Peter Spirtes, Christopher Meek & Thomas Richardson - unknown
    Whenever the use of non-experimental data for discovering causal relations or predicting the outcomes of experiments or interventions is contemplated, two difficulties are routinely faced. One is the problem of latent variables, or confounders: factors influencing two or more measured variables may not themselves have been measured or recorded. The other is the problem of sample selection bias: values of the variables or features under study may themselves influence whether a unit is included in the data sample.
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  5. Die überforderte Rationalität: zur Aktualität des Mythos (La rationalité surestimée. L'actualité du mythe).Josef Blank - 1987 - Kairos (misc) 29 (1-2):29-44.
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    Normativitat und governance: gesellschaftstheoretische und philosophische reflexionen der governanceethik.Josef Wieland - 2005 - Marburg: Metropolis.
    Vorwort Es ist nicht ohne eine gehörige Portion Skepsis zu sehen, wenn ein Ökonom sich mit Fragen der Philosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie ...
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  7. Contemporary Hermeneutics: Hermeneutics as Method, Philosophy and Critique.Josef Bleicher - 1980 - New York: Routledge.
    Hermeneutics can loosely be defined as the theory or philosophy of the interpretation of menaing. It is a central topic in the philosophy of the social sciences, the philosophy of art and language and in literary criticism. This book, first published in 1980, gives a detailed overview and analysis of the main strands of contemporary hermeneutical thought. It includes a number of readings in order to give the reader a first-hand acquaintance with the subjects and the debates within it.
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    Humanitní vědy v otázkách a odpovědích.Petra Bartošová, Josef Krob & Radim Bělohrad - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (1):89-92.
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  9. P. Francisco Pelster S. J. in Memoriam.Josef Koch - 1956 - Theologie Und Philosophie 31 (4):481.
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    Exploring the Theme of Reflective Stability: John Rawls' Hegelian Reading of David Hume.Margaret Meek Lange - 2009 - Public Reason 1 (1):75-90.
  11.  50
    Understanding the mind as an active information processor: Do young children have a “copy theory of mind”?Josef Perner & Graham Davies - 1991 - Cognition 39 (1):51-69.
  12.  93
    Varieties of "phenomenology" : on description, understanding, and explanation in psychiatry.Josef Parnas & Louis A. Sass - 2008 - In Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas (eds.), Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 239.
  13. Metaphor and minimalism.Josef Stern - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (2):273 - 298.
    This paper argues first that, contrary to what one would expect, metaphorical interpretations of utterances pass two of Cappelan and Lepore's Minimalist tests for semantic context-sensitivity. I then propose how, in light of that result, one might analyze metaphors on the model of indexicals and demonstratives, expressions that (even) Minimalists agree are semantically context-dependent. This analysis builds on David Kaplan's semantics for demonstratives and refines an earlier proposal in (Stern, Metaphor in context, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2000). In the course of (...)
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    Reconciliation Arguments in John Rawls’s Political Philosophy.Margaret Meek Lange - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (3):306-324.
    Recently debates about the worth of “ideal theory” have directed attention to the functions that an account of a perfectly just society can serve. One function is that of “reconciliation”: learning that a seemingly undesirable feature of the social world would exist even in the perfectly just society can show us the value that it has in the present as well. John Rawls has emphasized reconciliation as among the roles of political philosophy. For instance, Rawls claims that his theory of (...)
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    Metaphor as Demonstrative.Josef Stern - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (12):677-710.
  16. Was entzündete in Kant das grosse Licht von 1769?Josef Schmucker - 1976 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 58 (4):393.
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  17. Analytical thermodynamics. Part I. Thermostatics—General theory.Josef-Maria Jauch - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):111-132.
    A new axiomatic treatment of equilibrium thermodynamics—thermostatics—is presented. The equilibrium states of a thermal system are assumed to be represented by a differentiable manifold of dimensionn + 1 (n finite). The empirical temperature is defined by the notion of thermal equilibrium. Empirical entropy is shown to exist for all systems with the property that the total work delivered along closed adiabats is zero. Absolute entropy and temperature follow from the additivity of heat and energy for two separate systems in thermal (...)
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  18.  33
    Und kein Ende: Philosophie, Pop und Politik.Josef Früchtl - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (4):685-701.
    The text presents the general cultural-historical thesis that one cannot adequately understand philosophy after the Second World War if one does not understand it in interaction with politics and popular culture. These three spheres find themselves in a variable triangular constellation after the Second World War. Methodologically, the text is guided by the fact that this interplay is also organised in a triangular and variable way, namely according to the options of coexistence, conflict and cooperation. Adorno’s philosophy serves as a (...)
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  19. „Der Einfluß des Newtonschen Weltbildes auf die Philosophie Kants “.Josef Schmucker - 1951 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 61:53.
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  20. Die Erkenntnis von Intersubjektivität und ihre transzendental -metaphysische Begründung.Josef Schmidt - 2019 - In Ulrich L. Lehner & Ronald K. Tacelli (eds.), Wort Und Wahrheit: Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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    Das grundproblem der rechtsreform.Josef Schwering - 1911 - Leipzig,: W. Rothschild.
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  22.  13
    Wittgensteins „Bemerkungen über Frazers Golden Bough“: Verortung im Gesamtnachlass – Einbindung in die Philosophietradition – Editions- und Publikationsgeschichte.Josef G. F. Rothhaupt - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-84.
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    Using d-separation to calculate zero partial correlations in linear models with correlated errors.Peter Spirtes, Thomas Richardson, Christopher Meek, Richard Scheines & Clark Glymour - unknown
    It has been shown in Spirtes(1995) that X and Y are d-separated given Z in a directed graph associated with a recursive or non-recursive linear model without correlated errors if and only if the model entails that ρXY.Z = 0. This result cannot be directly applied to a linear model with correlated errors, however, because the standard graphical representation of a linear model with correlated errors is not a directed graph. The main result of this paper is to show how (...)
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    Antike autoren in südböhmischen handschriften Des 14. und lß. jhs.Josef Hejnic - 1979 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 123 (1-2):184-186.
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    XV. Die Landeskunde von Palästina bei Strabon und Josephos.Josef Morr - 1926 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 81 (1-4).
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    Konflikt přirozené a kulturní evoluce.Josef Šmajs - 1997 - Brno: Katedra filosofie FF MU.
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    Is “thinking” belief? Reply to Wellman and Bartsch.Josef Perner - 1989 - Cognition 33 (3):315-319.
  28. Cestou k poslednímu.Josef ésafaérâik - 1992 - V Brně: Atlantis.
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  29. Dem Theorierahmen fur eine systematische Philosophie auf der Spur. Lorenz B. Puntels Buch" Struktur und Sein" als Resumee eines Denkwegs.Josef Schmidt - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (4):574.
    In der klassischen Metaphysik war der alle speziellen Aspekte der Wirklichkeit übergreifende Gesichtspunkt der des „Seins". Dem entspricht in Puntels Buch ein Theorierahmen für das uneingeschränkte „universe of discourse". Methodisch angemessen ist ihm ein nicht-fundamentalistisches kohärentiell-reflexives Begreifen, dem sich auch die Sache selbst in eben dieser Struktur darstellt, nämlich als Beziehungseinheit von Begriff und Wirklichkeit, von Semantik und Ontologie, woraus sich sowohl eine an der Sprache orientierte Sicht der Dinge ergibt als auch eine mit dem Ganzen koextensive, also sich selbst (...)
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    Autonomia filozofii a objawienie chrześcijańskie.Josef Seifert - 1985 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 33 (2):69-98.
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  31. Le souverain occidental et les communautés religieuses du IXe au début du XIe siècle.Josef Semmler - 1991 - Byzantion 61 (1):44-70.
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    Figurative Language.Josef Stern - 2006 - In Michael Devitt & Richard Hanley (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 168–185.
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand on Benevolence in Love and Friendship.Josef Seifert - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):85-106.
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    Psychologist at Large. An Autobiography and Selected Essays. Edwin G. Boring.Josef Brožek - 1963 - Isis 54 (1):170-172.
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    The Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Communist Party, 1927-1932. Loren Graham.Josef Brožek - 1969 - Isis 60 (1):124-126.
  36.  50
    Julian of Aeclanum on pain.Josef Lössl - unknown
    Pain was one of the issues debated between Julian of Aeclanum and Augustine of Hippo. For Augustine pain was an evil caused by original sin. Julian argued that, in the context of creation as a whole, pain can be treated as a good, since its moderate forms are creational. Only in excess are they evil. This article aims at presenting Julian's position in detail, not only in the context of the debate with Augustine, but in the wider context of late (...)
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  37.  17
    H. A. DRAKE, Constantine and the Bishops. The politics of intolerance.Josef Rist - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (1):164-166.
    “This is a book about politics.” (XV) Bereits der erste Satz des Vorwortes gibt die Zielrichtung vor. Der an der University of California in Santa Barbara lehrende Althistoriker Harold A. Drake (D.) hat es sich auf mehr als 600 Seiten – der Verfasser spricht bescheiden von “a sketch” (XVII) – zum Ziel gesetzt, die facettenreiche Gestalt des spätantiken römischen Kaisers Konstantin (306–337) und seine Religionspolitik primär aus der Perspektive des begabten, auf einen umfassenden gesellschaftlichen Konsens hinarbeitenden Politikers zu beschreiben.
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  38.  15
    1. Die philosophische Frage nach der Wahrheit als eine Grundfrage der Philosophie.Josef Seifert - 2009 - In De Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit, Band 1+2, de Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit: 1: Wahrheit Und Person. 2: Der Streit Um Die Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 25-29.
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    6. Erkenntnisakte als Träger der Erkenntniswahrheit und die verschiedenen Abstufungen und Gegensätze der Erkenntniswahrheit.Josef Seifert - 2009 - In De Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit, Band 1+2, de Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit: 1: Wahrheit Und Person. 2: Der Streit Um Die Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 216-244.
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  40.  52
    Human Action and the Human Heart.Josef Seifert - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (4):737-745.
    Hildebrand oftentimes said that his disciples—even when they believed they were deeply indebted to him for knowledge, wisdom, and truth—had a duty to criticize and overcome any error they would find in his philosophy, because the sole purpose of his writings was to state the truth. He himself gave some extraordinary examples of self-critique. In the following, I wish to treat such an example: a significant error about the nature of the free volitional response, which Stephen Schwarz was the first (...)
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    Ii. ontologische wahrheit in relationen Des seienden zu etwas anderem.Josef Seifert - 2009 - In De Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit, Band 1+2, de Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit: 1: Wahrheit Und Person. 2: Der Streit Um Die Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 103-141.
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    Kapitel 1. Franz brentanos evidenztheorie der wahrheit – eine kritische analyse.Josef Seifert - 2009 - In De Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit, Band 1+2, de Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit: 1: Wahrheit Und Person. 2: Der Streit Um Die Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 63-126.
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  43.  10
    Prolegomena: Der streit um die wahrheit Des urteils und die ‚krise‘ Des wahrheitsbegriffs.Josef Seifert - 2009 - In De Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit, Band 1+2, de Veritate - Über Die Wahrheit: 1: Wahrheit Und Person. 2: Der Streit Um Die Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 25-60.
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  44.  22
    Burma: A Profile.Josef Silverstein & Norma Bixler - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):564.
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  45. Der Begriff der Aufklärung bei Kant und Nietzsche.Josef Simon - 2004 - In Renate Reschke (ed.), Nietzsche - Radikalaufklärer Oder Radikaler Gegenaufklärer?: Internationale Tagung der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit Mit der Kant-Forschungsstelle Mainz Und der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik Und Kunstsammlungen Vom 15.-17. Mai 2003 in Weimar. Akademie Verlag. pp. 113-122.
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    Zeichen und Interpretation: Fremde Vernunft.Josef Simon & Werner Stegmaier (eds.) - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    (1 other version)Maimonides’ Demonstrations.Josef Stern - 2001 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 10 (1):47-84.
    It is well known that Maimonides rejects the Kalam argument for the existence of God because it assumes the temporal creation of the world, a premise for which he says there is no “cogent demonstration (burhan qat'i) except among those who do not know the difference between demonstration, dialectics, and sophistic argument.”Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, trans. Shlomo Pines (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), I:71:180. All references are to this translation; parenthetic in-text references are to part, chapter, (...)
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  48. Is reinach's apriorische rechtslehre more important for positive law than reinach himself thinks.Josef Seifert - 1983 - Aletheia 3:197-230.
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    Key Problems in Organizing and Structuring University Research in Vietnam: The Lack of an Effective Research “Behaviour Formalization” System.Huong Thi Lan Nguyen & Vincent Lynn Meek - 2016 - Minerva 54 (1):45-73.
    Structure and organization seems to be at the root of many of the questions raised about institutional behaviour; however, with respect to research on university capacity building, few studies have examined research organizational problems, particularly in developing countries. This study investigates academic reactions to the structure and organization of research at four leading Vietnamese universities. Through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 55 participants, the study finds that the four case-study Vietnamese universities have accomplished a number of the more visible (...)
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  50.  24
    Streitbare Demokratie. Helmuth Plessner in nachbürgerlichen und posthumanistischen Zeiten.Josef Früchtl - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (1):41-56.
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