José Pinheiro Pertille [4]Jose Pertille [1]
  1.  55
    O Estado racional Hegeliano.José Pinheiro Pertille - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):9-25.
    This paper aims to present the meaning of the Hegelian conception of rational State, based on a comparative reading of the Science of Logic and the Philosophy of Right. In this way, the specificity of the State’s rational aspect appears through the comprehension of the concepts of reality, actuality, understanding, dialectical reason and speculative reason, from its logical meanings to its enlargement toward the extent of objective spirit. The systematic comprehension of this central aspect of Hegel’s ethical State may contribute (...)
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  2.  27
    The Phenomenology of the Spirit of Hegel in Dialogue with German Idealism: Absolute Knowledge as the Last Figure of the Spirit.Jose Pertille - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:117-131.
    The two objectives of this text are: to offer a general exposition on the originality of the Phenomenology of the Spirit of Hegel in the trajectory of German Idealism, and to outline a more specific presentation on the role of the last chapter of this work, dedicated to “absolute knowledge”, in the argumentative strategy of that science of the experience of conscience. The meaning and role of the concept of Absolute in Hegel and its historical development is studied, especially from (...)
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  3. Tempo e conceito: Arendt, leitora de Hegel.Nuno Pereira Castanheira & José Pinheiro Pertille - 2018 - Revista Dialectus 12 (1):374-399.
    A obra de Hannah Arendt tem uma forte presença hegeliana, seja em virtude de convergências temáticas, seja em virtude de divergências fundamentais do ponto de vista metodológico, ontológico e político. Salvaguardadas as diferenças de detalhe no tratamento dessas questões, as convergências temáticas fazem-se notar na distinção entre social e político e no lugar que a singularidade ocupa nas suas teorias políticas. A sua divergência fundamental diz respeito à filosofia da história, à noção de temporalidade que lhe está associada e às (...)
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