Results for 'Jootae Kim'

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  1.  16
    Environment, Social, and Governance Performance and Financial Performance With National Pension Fund Investment: Evidence From Korea.Sungjin Son & Jootae Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study attempts to examine the relationship between environment, social, and governance management and financial performance and the role of socially responsible investment in the National Pension Fund, Korea’s largest institutional investor. This study tries to provide evidence for the slack resource hypothesis by verifying whether companies with higher financial performance make more efforts to improve ESG performance. In addition, we tried to validate whether NPF is expanding its investments in corporations with high economic performance and high ESG performance. Based (...)
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  2. The return of the group.Kim Sterelny - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):562-584.
    Once upon a time in evolutionary theory, everything happened for the best. Predators killed only the old or the sick. Pecking orders and other dominance hierarchies minimized wasteful conflict within the group. Male displays ensured that only the best and the fittest had mates. In the culmination of this tradition, Wynne-Edwards argued that many species have mechanisms that ensure groups do not over-exploit their resource base. The “central function” of territoriality in birds and other higher animals is “of limiting the (...)
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  3. The "genetic program" program: A commentary on Maynard Smith on information in biology.Kim Sterelny - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):195-201.
    In many texts on evolution the reader will find a characteristic depiction of inheritance and evolution, one showing the generations of an evolving population linked only by a causal flow from genotype to genotype. On this view, the genotype of each organism in this population plays a dual role as both the motor of individual development and as the sole causal channel across the generations. This picture is known to be literally false. In many species, parents exert direct causal influence (...)
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  4. Understanding life: Recent work in philosophy of biology.Kim Sterelny - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):155-183.
    This paper surveys recent philosophy of biology. It aims to introduce outsiders to the field to the recent literature (which is reviewed in the footnotes) and the main recent debates. I concentrate on three of these: recent critiques of the replicator/vehicle distinction and its application to the idea of the gene as the unit of section; the recent defences of group selection and the idea that standard alternatives to group selection are in fact no more than a disguised form of (...)
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    (1 other version)Last will and testament: Stephen Jay Gould's the structure of evolutionary theory.Kim Sterelny - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (2):255-263.
    I outline Gould's conception of evolutionary theory and his ways of contrasting it with contemporary Darwinism; a contemporary Darwinism that focuses on the natural selection of individual organisms. Gould argues for a hierarchical conception of the living world and of the evolutionary processes that have built that living world: organisms are built from smaller components (genes, cells) and are themselves components of groups, populations, species, lineages. Selection, drift and constraint are important to all of these levels of biological organization, not (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Critical notice.Kim Sterelny - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):442 – 453.
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    Die Gerechtigkeit und das Gute in Platons "Politeia".Nam du Kim - 1984 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  8. Introduction.Kim Skoog - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (3):321-323.
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    “Keeping The Dancers In Check”: The Gendered Organization of Stripping Work in The Lion's Den.Kim Price - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (3):367-389.
    Strip clubs have rarely been analyzed in terms of their gendered organization. Instead, the literature on stripping emphasizes interaction-based perspectives that focus on strippers, patrons, and broader macro-structural trends. Although interaction-based perspectives are valuable, they often neglect to consider the context in which these interactions take place, the strip club itself. Such studies also tend to neglect the larger cast of club characters who own, manage, and work. This study explores workplace dynamics in The Lion's Den, a club featuring nude (...)
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    An Effect of Buddhism on the formation of Modern New-Confucianism (Ⅱ)-centering around Qiwulunshi(齊物論釋) of Zhang Taiyan(章太炎)-.Kim Je Ran - 2007 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 50:359-392.
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  11. Made by each other: Organisms and their environment. [REVIEW]Kim Sterelny - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (1):21-36.
    The standard picture of evolution, is externalist: a causal arrow runs from environment to organism, and that arrow explains why organisms are as they are (Godfrey-Smith 1996). Natural selection allows a lineage to accommodate itself to the specifics of its environment. As the interior of Australia became hotter and drier, phenotypes changed in many lineages of plants and animals, so that those organisms came to suit the new conditions under which they lived. Odling-Smee, Laland and Feldman, building on the work (...)
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    The Basis of Morality : Mencius and Schopenhauer.In Kim - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):95.
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  13.  21
    A Study on the Chinese Elementary Students’ the Information Ethics Sensitivity.Kim Hang-In - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (73):79-108.
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    Genera, evolution, and botanists in 1940: Edgar Anderson's “Survey of Modern Opinion”.Kim Kleinman - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 67:1-7.
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    Developing teachers' assessment literacy: a tapestry of ideas and inquiries.Kim Hong Koh - 2019 - Boston: Brill | Sense. Edited by Cecille DePass & Sean Steel.
    Since the turn of the 21st century, developing teachers' assessment literacy has been recognized as one of the key levers for improving instructional practice and student learning in light of the education reforms worldwide. A substantial body of literature is focused on teachers' assessment literacy or teachers' capacity in assessment, and teachers' continuing professional development in assessment. As we approach the third decade of the 21st century, developing teachers' assessment literacy needs to be more responsive to the need of both (...)
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  16. What Makes Weill Weill?Kim H. Kowalke - 2024 - In Laura Chiesa, Resonances against fascism: modernist and avant-garde sounds from Kurt Weill to Black Lives Matter. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    The Green Knight Teaches Gawain How To Read.SunHee Kim Gertz - 1984 - Semiotics:73-83.
  18. Chosŏn hugi Yŏngch'ŏn chiyŏk sarim kwa Imgo Sŏwŏn.Kim Hak-su - 2018 - In Wŏn-sik Hong, Chosŏn hugi 'Nakchunghak' ŭi chŏn'gae wa 'Hallyŏ hakp'a'. Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  19. Zhuangzi and the Nature of Metaphor.Kim-Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370 - 391.
    While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought-a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the other. (...)
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  20. The concept of Zhen 真 in the zhuangzi.Kim-Chong Chong - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):324-346.
    The term zhen 真 in the Zhuangzi 莊子 is commonly associated with the zhen ren 真人 or "true person." We find metaphorical descriptions such as that he can go through fire and water unharmed. On the other hand, some scholars would claim that there is a more mystical element to the Zhuangzi that is missed if we think that such descriptions are "merely" metaphorical. However, the term zhen is not only applied to the zhen ren, and this essay has the (...)
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  21. Sin Nam-ch'ŏl esŏ Tongyang sasang kwa chŏnt'ong ŭi ŭimi.Kim Chae-hyŏn - 2019 - In Chŏng-gil Han, Sahoe sasang kwa tongsŏ chŏppyŏn. Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Tong kwa Sŏ.
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  22. Sŏ Myŏng-ŭng ŭi yŏksahak kwa yŏksa pip'yŏng : "Chach'i t'onggam kangmok samp'yŏn" ŭi p'yŏnch'an paegyŏng kwa chŏngt'ongnon ŭi sidaejŏk ŭimi.Kim Nam-il - 2020 - In In-ho Pak, Yŏksa rŭl parabonŭn sirhakcha ŭi sisŏn. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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  23. The “balance of nature” metaphor and equilibrium in population ecology.Kim Cuddington - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (4):463-479.
    I claim that the balance of nature metaphoris shorthand for a paradigmatic view of natureas a beneficent force. I trace the historicalorigins of this concept and demonstrate that itoperates today in the discipline of populationecology. Although it might be suspected thatthis metaphor is a pre-theoretic description ofthe more precisely defined notion ofequilibrium, I demonstrate that balance ofnature has constricted the meaning ofmathematical equilibrium in population ecology.As well as influencing the meaning ofequilibrium, the metaphor has also loaded themathematical term with values.Environmentalists (...)
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  24. Zhuangzi and the nature of metaphor.Kim Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370-391.
    : While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought—a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the (...)
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    Face to face with emotion: Holistic face processing is modulated by emotional state.Kim M. Curby, Kareem J. Johnson & Alyssa Tyson - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):93-102.
  26. Another view of life.Kim Sterelny - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (3):585-593.
  27.  27
    Biochemistry and molecular biology of Arabidopsis–aphid interactions.Martin de Vos, Jae Hak Kim & Georg Jander - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):871-883.
    To ensure their survival in natural habitats, plants must recognize and respond to a wide variety of insect herbivores. Aphids and other Hemiptera pose a particular challenge, because they cause relatively little direct tissue damage when inserting their slender stylets intercellularly to feed from the phloem sieve elements. Plant responses to this unusual feeding strategy almost certainly include recognition of aphid salivary components and the induction of phloem‐specific defenses. Due to the excellent genetic and genomic resources that are available for (...)
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    A critique of genealogies.Chin-tai Kim - 1990 - Metaphilosophy 21 (4):391-404.
  29. Empire and politics in the Eastern and Western civilizations: searching for a Respublica Romanosinica.Andrea Balbo, Jaewon Ahn & Kihoon Kim (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The volume includes the proceedings of the 2nd Roma Sinica project conference held in Seoul in September 2019 and aims to compare some features of the ancient political thought in the Western classical tradition and in the Eastern ancient thought. The contributors, coming from Korea, Europe, USA, China, Japan, propose new patterns of interpretation of the mutual interactions and proximities between these two cultural worlds and offer also a perspective of continuity between contemporary and ancient political thought. Therefore, this book (...)
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    Innovations of education socialisation in Vietnam: from participation towards privatisation.Thi Kim Phung Dang - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1173-1184.
    Education reforms worldwide, in both developed and developing countries, address the content of education programmes and/or changes education systems. There are different paths, and different socio...
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  31. Nunca me siento más mexicana que cuando estoy en Estados Unidos.Kim Díaz - 2020 - In Fanny del Río, Las filósofas tienen la palabra. México: Siglo XXI Editores.
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    Metadiscourse in English and Chinese research article introductions.Jason Miin-Hwa Lim & Loi Chek Kim - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (2):129-146.
    The present study examines the use of metadiscourse in English and Chinese research article introductions in the field of educational psychology. The corpus for this study comprises 40 introductions of research articles – 20 Chinese and 20 English – in the field of educational psychology. Hyland’s model of metadiscourse has been employed as the analytical framework for the present study. The similarities and differences in the use of metadiscourse between the two sets of texts are looked at from a socio-cultural (...)
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    Radar Days. E. G. Bowen.Alex Soojung-Kim Pang - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):739-740.
  34.  22
    Indentation on YSZ thermal barrier coating layers deposited by electron beam PVD.S. H. Park, S. K. Kim, T. W. Kim, U. Paik & K. S. Lee - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5453-5463.
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    On Asking a Question.W. Kim Rogers - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:223-227.
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    Effects of space on the copulatory behavior of deer mice.D. Kim Sawrey & Donald A. Dewsbury - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):249-251.
  37. 「おのずから」と「みずから」のあわい:公共する世界を日本思想にさぐる.Seiichi Takeuchi & T'ae-ch'ang Kim (eds.) - 2010 - Tokyo: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  38. Xunzi's Systematic Critique of Mencius.Kim-Chong Chong - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (2):215 - 233.
    Some commentators hold that Xunzi's criticism of Mencius' thesis that human nature is good depends more on Xunzi's definition of xing or nature than on substantive argument. Some also claim that Xunzi is committed to accepting Mencius' thesis. A more precise account of Xunzi's critique is offered here, based on an elaboration of his distinction in the "Xing e pian" between ke yi (capacity) and neng (ability). Others have noted this distinction, but no one has sufficiently appreciated its role in (...)
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    A clock‐work somite.Kim J. Dale & Olivier Pourquié - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):72-83.
    Somites are transient structures which represent the most overt segmental feature of the vertebrate embryo. The strict temporal regulation of somitogenesis is of critical developmental importance since many segmental structures adopt a periodicity based on that of the somites. Until recently, the mechanisms underlying the periodicity of somitogenesis were largely unknown. Based on the oscillations of c-hairy1 and lunatic fringe RNA, we now have evidence for an intrinsic segmentation clock in presomitic cells. Translation of this temporal periodicity into a spatial (...)
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    To the Trained Eye: Perceptual Expertise Alters Visual Processing.Kim M. Curby & Isabel Gauthier - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (2):189-201.
    Perceptual expertise refers to learning that is specific to a domain, that transfers to new items within the trained domain, and that leads to automatic processing in the sense that expertise effects can be measured across a variety of tasks. It can be argued that most of us possess some degree of perceptual expertise in a least one, if not several domains, thereby giving the study of perceptual expertise broad application. Some object categories may in fact be objects of perceptual (...)
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    The practice of Jen.Kim-Chong Chong - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (3):298-316.
    Under Mencius' influence jen has been regarded as part of a theory of nature. As such, commentators have had difficulty resolving the apparent paradox in "Analects" 9.1 that Confucius rarely talked about jen. No paradox arises if jen is seen as a practice involving self-cultivation as a never-ending task and the immediacy of ethical commitment where a cluster of emotions, attitudes, and values are expressed. Jen is an ethical orientation from which one speaks and acts--not particular qualities that one might (...)
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  42.  15
    Joseon Confucianism of Jeju seen by Dual Eyes of the Subject and Others.Kim Chi-Wan - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 69:211-231.
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    Phonetic Encoding of Coda Voicing Contrast under Different Focus Conditions in L1 vs. L2 English.Jiyoun Choi, Sahayng Kim & Taehong Cho - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:187968.
    This study investigated how coda voicing contrast in English would be phonetically encoded in the temporal vs. spectral dimension of the preceding vowel (in vowel duration vs. F1/F2) by Korean L2 speakers of English, and how their L2 phonetic encoding pattern would be compared to that of native English speakers. Crucially, these questions were explored by taking into account the phonetics-prosody interface, testing effects of prominence by comparing target segments in three focus conditions (phonological focus, lexical focus, and no focus). (...)
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    Intermedial arts: disrupting, remembering, and transforming media.Leena Eilittä, Liliane Louvel & Sabine Kim (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The essays in this collection, which were written by European and North American specialists, position intermediality as a praxis of interpretative analysis in order to show how intermediality challenges our notion of art. The writers examine the various intermedial relations between the arts, which may take the form of reference to another form of art, a combination of two or more forms of art or a generic transformation from one form of art to another. In such cases, an intermedial approach (...)
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    Trial communities: HIV and therapeutic citizenship in West Africa.Vin-Kim Nguyen - 2011 - In Wenzel Geissler & Catherine Molyneux, Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 429.
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  46. Tasan ŭi chŏngjŏnjeron.Kim T'ae-yŏng - 2012 - In Chae-so Song, Tasan Chŏng Yag-yong yŏn'gu. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Saram ŭi Munŭi.
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    Päälaelleen käännetty tietoisuus: ideologiakäsitteen historian pääpiirteet.Kim Weckström - 1981 - [Tampere]: Tampereen yliopisto, Tiedotusopin laitos.
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    박물관 에서 꺼내 온 철학 이야기: 공자님 말씀 에서 사르트르 의 불합리 까지.Hyæon-gu Yi, Pæom-ch°un Kim & U. Ki-Dong - 1995 - Sŏul-si: Uri Kyoyuk. Edited by Pŏm-chʻun Kim & Ki-Dong U..
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    Hermeneutic understanding of original text of “Analects(論語)” through several interpretations – focusing on ‘Suri (述而)’.Kim Yong-Jae - 2017 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 89:7-42.
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    A study of bioethical knowledge and perceptions in korea.Sujin Kim Young‐Joon Park - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):309-322.
    ABSTRACTThis study assessed the knowledge and perception of human biological materials and biorepositories among three study groups in South Korea. The relationship between the knowledge and the perception among different groups was also examined by using factor and regression analyses. In a self‐reporting survey of 440 respondents, the expert group was found more likely to be knowledgeable and positively perceived than the others. Four factors emerged: Sale and Consent, Flexible Use, Self‐Confidence, and Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Action restriction perception. The (...)
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