Results for 'Jonathan Whittaker'

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  1.  18
    Receptor activation with a twist (comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201500041).Jonathan Whittaker - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):935-935.
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    Recommendations for Responsible Development and Application of Neurotechnologies.Sara Goering, Eran Klein, Laura Specker Sullivan, Anna Wexler, Blaise Agüera Y. Arcas, Guoqiang Bi, Jose M. Carmena, Joseph J. Fins, Phoebe Friesen, Jack Gallant, Jane E. Huggins, Philipp Kellmeyer, Adam Marblestone, Christine Mitchell, Erik Parens, Michelle Pham, Alan Rubel, Norihiro Sadato, Mina Teicher, David Wasserman, Meredith Whittaker, Jonathan Wolpaw & Rafael Yuste - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):365-386.
    Advancements in novel neurotechnologies, such as brain computer interfaces and neuromodulatory devices such as deep brain stimulators, will have profound implications for society and human rights. While these technologies are improving the diagnosis and treatment of mental and neurological diseases, they can also alter individual agency and estrange those using neurotechnologies from their sense of self, challenging basic notions of what it means to be human. As an international coalition of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners, we examine these challenges and make (...)
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    On the control of automatic processes: A parallel distributed processing account of the Stroop effect.Jonathan D. Cohen, Kevin Dunbar & James L. McClelland - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):332-361.
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    Pluralistic models of political obligation.Jonathan Wolff - 1995 - Philosophica 56 (2):7-27.
  5. Dual-processing accounts of reasoning, judgment, and social cognition.Jonathan Evans - 2008 - Annual Review of Psychology 59:255–78.
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    The Richness of Inner Experience: Relating Styles of Daydreaming to Creative Processes.Claire M. Zedelius & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  7.  27
    Stressful Events in the Lives of UK Children: a glimpse.Kaoru Yamamoto, Jean Whittaker & O. L. Davis Jr - 1998 - Educational Studies 24 (3):305-314.
    A total of 366 UK children in four different schools, one in Wales, one in Northern Ireland, and two in England, were asked to respond to 20 potentially stressful life experiences. Each event was rated on a scale ranging from 7 to 1 , and the scale value and interquartile range were calculated. In addition, whether or not a given event was actually experienced was noted. Across the groups, there was a very high degree of agreement on all three measures, (...)
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  8. Norms of assertion.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2011 - In Jessica Brown & Herman Cappelen (eds.), Assertion: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 233--250.
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  9. Responses to Critics.Jonathan Kvanvig - 2009 - In Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), Epistemic value. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 339-353.
    I begin by expressing my sincere thanks to my critics for taking time from their own impressive projects in epistemology to consider mine. Often, in reading their criticisms, I had the feeling of having received more help than I really wanted! But the truth of the matter is that we learn best by making mistakes, and I appreciate the conscientious attention to my work that my critics have shown.
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    Facing Childhood Ethically: Overcoming Normative Overloading in P4C and Opening Philosophy to the Radically New.Jonathan Wurtz - 2021 - In Dina Mendonça & Florian Franken Figueiredo (eds.), Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children. Berlin: Springer Nature. pp. 41-57.
    This essay is an attempt to consider the possibility of an ethical encounter between childhood and philosophy in philosophy for children (P4C). The difficulty that P4C faces in its endeavor to introduce childhood and philosophy to one another is not only cognitive in nature, but ethical as well. The child is an Other whose future points beyond me, towards a reality that I will never get to experience. The question which I am interested in answering here is: how do I (...)
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  11. In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond.Jonathan St Evans & Keith Frankish - 2010 - Critica 42 (125):104-114.
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  12. (2 other versions)Aristotle and Logical Theory.Jonathan Lear - 1980 - Philosophy 57 (222):557-559.
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    Dynamic processes in emotion regulation choice.Jonathan W. Murphy & Michael A. Young - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1654-1662.
    Because emotion regulation processes operate over time, they potentially change the context in which subsequent ER processes occur. To test this proposal, fifty-two healthy participants completed the ER choice task. Thirty standardized low- and high-intensity negative images were used to generate different emotional contexts in which participants selected between distraction or reappraisal strategies to decrease the intensity of their negative emotion. Participants then implemented their selected strategy and rated their negative emotion. Using a dynamic perspective, we examined as predictors of (...)
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    Ethics and Public Policy: Responses.Jonathan Wolf - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (3).
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    The Possibility of an All-Knowing God.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 1986 - London: Macmillan Press.
  16.  88
    Political Philosophy and the Real World of the Welfare State.Jonathan Wolff - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (4):360-372.
    What contribution can political philosophers make to policy questions, such as the best configuration of the welfare state? On one view, political philosophers set out abstract theories of justice that can guide policy makers in their attempt to transform existing institutions. Yet it rarely seems the case that such a model is used in practice, and it therefore becomes unclear how political philosophy can contribute to policy debates. Following a suggestion from Margaret MacDonald, I consider the view that political philosophers (...)
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  17. Conservatism and tacit confirmation.Jonathan E. Adler - 1990 - Mind 99 (396):559-570.
  18. Direct Belief: An Essay on the Semantics, Pragmatics, and Metaphysics of Belief.Jonathan Berg - 2012 - De Gruyter Mouton.
    Jonathan Berg argues for the Theory of Direct Belief, which treats having a belief about an individual as an unmediated relation between the believer and the individual the belief is about. After a critical review of alternative positions, Berg uses Grice's theory of conversational implicature to provide a detailed pragmatic account of substitution failure in belief ascriptions and goes on to defend this view against objections, including those based on an unwarranted "Inner Speech" Picture of Thought. The work serves (...)
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  19. Defending the Right.Jonathan Dancy - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (1):85-98.
    In this paper I consider what might be my best response to various difficulties and challenges that emerged at a conference held at the University of Kent in December 2004, the contributions to which are given in the same volume. I comment on Crisp's distinction between ultimate and non-ultimate reasons, and reply to McKeever and Ridge on default reasons, and to Norman on the idea of a reason for action. I don't here consider what other particularists might want to say; (...)
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  20. Reconciling open-mindedness and belief.Jonathan Adler - 2004 - Theory and Research in Education 2 (2):127–42.
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  21. Event causation: The counterfactual analysis.Jonathan Bennett - 1987 - Philosophical Perspectives 1:367-386.
  22.  30
    Children’s imagination and belief: Prone to flights of fancy or grounded in reality?Jonathan D. Lane, Samuel Ronfard, Stéphane P. Francioli & Paul L. Harris - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):127-140.
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    Love and Its Place in Nature.Jonathan Lear - 2001 - Mind 110 (440):1087-1092.
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  24. Another argument for the knowledge Norm.Jonathan E. Adler - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):407-411.
    The knowledge norm of assertion is mainly in competition with a high probability or rational credibility norm. The argument for the knowledge norm that I offer turns on cases in which a hearer responds to a speaker's assertion by asserting another sentence that would lower the probability of the speaker's assertion, were its probability less than one. In cases like this, though with qualifications, is the hearer's contribution a challenge to the speaker's assertion or complementary to it? My answer is (...)
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    Forms of differential social inclusion.Jonathan Wolff - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):164-185.
    :Advocates of social equality need to develop an account of the society they favor. I have argued elsewhere that social equality should be conceived negatively: in terms of opposition to asymmetric and alienating relations such as hierarchy, domination and social exclusion, rather than in terms of a positive model of equality. This essay looks in detail at social exclusion, or rather “differential social inclusion,” and especially at the mechanisms that create exclusion and bind excluded groups together, and the consequent effects (...)
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  26. David Hume: Imagination.Jonathan Cottrell - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This article explains Hume's conception of the imagination and its relations to our other faculties of thought, highlighting the continuities and discontinuities between his views and those of his Early Modern predecessors. It then presents some of the basic functions that Hume thinks the imagination performs, and surveys some highlights of his science of man, showing how he uses the imagination’s basic functions to explain several important mental phenomena; examines “fictions of the imagination,” which have an important place in his (...)
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    The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision.Jonathan St B. T. Evans - 1993 - Cognition 48 (1):1-20.
    Johnson-Laird and Byrne present a theory of conditional inference based upon the manipulation of mental models. In the present paper, the theory is critically examined with regard to its ability to account for psychological data, principally with respect to the rate at which people draw the four basic inferences of modus ponens, denial of the antecedent, affirmation of the consequent and modus tollens. It is argued first that the theory is unclear in its definition and in particular with regard to (...)
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    Problems of Analysis.Jonathan Bennett - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (22):90-91.
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    Action, content, and inference.Jonathan Dancy - 2009 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy: Essays for P. M. S. Hacker. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 278-298.
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    The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision.Jonathan StB. T. Evans - 1993 - Cognition 48 (1):1-20.
  31.  62
    Two minds rationality.Jonathan St B. T. Evans - 2014 - Thinking and Reasoning 20 (2):129-146.
    I argue that views of human rationality are strongly affected by the adoption of a two minds theory in which humans have an old mind which evolved early and shares many features of animal cognition, as well as new mind which evolved later and is distinctively developed in humans. Both minds have a form of instrumental rationality—striving for the attainment of goals—but by very different mechanisms. The old mind relies on a combination of evolution and experiential learning, and is therefore (...)
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  32. Nozickian epistemology and the value of knowledge.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2004 - Philosophical Issues 14 (1):201–218.
  33.  14
    The Nature of True Virtue.Jonathan Edwards - 1970 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    A major work in moral philosophy by the noted Puritan divine.
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    Evaluating Interventions in Health: A Reconciliatory Approach.Jonathan Wolff, Sarah Edwards, Sarah Richmond, Shepley Orr & Geraint Rees - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (9):455-463.
    Health‐related Quality of Life measures have recently been attacked from two directions, both of which criticize the preference‐based method of evaluating health states they typically incorporate. One attack, based on work by Daniel Kahneman and others, argues that ‘experience’ is a better basis for evaluation. The other, inspired by Amartya Sen, argues that ‘capability’ should be the guiding concept. In addition, opinion differs as to whether health evaluation measures are best derived from consultations with the general public, with patients, or (...)
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  35. The Contents of Hume’s Appendix and the Source of His Despair.Jonathan Ellis - 2006 - Hume Studies 32 (2):195-231.
    This paper has two goals: first, to show that the footnote and structure of App. 20, to which too little careful attention has been given, ultimately undermine a great many interpretations of Hume’s dissatisfaction with his theory of personal identity; and second, to offer an interpretation that both heeds these textual features and (unlike other interpretations consistent with these features) renders Hume worried about something that would have truly bothered him. Hume’s problem, I contend, concerns the relation, in his genetic (...)
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    The Role of Implicit and Explicit Negation in Conditional Reasoning Bias.Jonathan Evans, John Clibbens & Benjamin Rood - 1996 - Journal of Memory and Language 35 (3):392-409.
    Matching bias in conditional reasoning consists of a tendency to select as relevant cases whose lexical content matches that referred to in the conditional statement, regardless of the presence of negatives. Evans demonstrated that use of explicit rather than implicit negative cases markedly reduced the matching bias effect on the conditional truth table task. In apparent contrast, recent studies of explicit negation on the Wason selection task have failed to find evidence of logical facilitation. Experiment 1 of the present study (...)
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  37. A Note on Zeno's Arrow.Jonathan Lear - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (2):91-104.
  38. Sartre's Theory of Character.Jonathan Webber - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):94-116.
    Various influential ethical theories propose that we should strive to develop morally sound character traits, either because good actions are those that issue from good character traits, or because good traits are those that generally incline us toward actions that are good for some independent reason such as the intentions with which they are performed or the consequences of performing them. This proposal obviously raises questions about the nature and origins of character traits, and our degree of control over them. (...)
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    What is the value of preventing a fatality?Jonathan Wolff - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
    in Risk: Philosophical Perspectives ed Tim Lewens, Routledge.
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    The Precautionary Attitude: Asking Preliminary Questions.Jonathan Wolff - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (S5):27-28.
    Innovation in basic science is often a cause for won­der and excitement. Those associated with a new development are quick to point out the anticipated benefits: a cure for cancer or dementia, an end to unsafe water or hunger. These advocates are slower to draw at­tention to the possible costs, which may become known only much later. It is always hard to have an accurate overview, as it is almost impossible to predict the total effects of the widespread adoption of (...)
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    How to Resolve How to.Jonathan Ginzburg - 2011 - In John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett (eds.), Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 215.
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    The dilemma of desert.Jonathan Wolff - 2003 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 219--232.
    Serena Olsaretti brings together new essays by leading moral and political philosophers on the nature of desert and justice, their relations with each other and with other values.
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    Particullary, Gilligan, and the two-levels view: A reply.Jonathan E. Adler - 1989 - Ethics 100 (1):149-156.
  44. Prichard on Duty and 10 Ignorance of Fact.Jonathan Dancy - 2002 - In Philip Stratton-Lake (ed.), Ethical Intuitionism: Re-Evaluations. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 229.
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    Fallacies Not Fallacious: Not!Jonathan E. Adler - 1997 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (4):333 - 350.
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  46. Suññata as the Metaphysical Foundation of Reality: An Essay On the Buddhist Notion of Emptiness.Jonathan Ray O. Villacorta - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Citéphilo 98 : Penser ensemble. La totalité.Jonathan Vincent - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (2):83-83.
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    O BNDES e o conflito entre transparência e sigilo bancário e empresarial.Jonathan Barros Vita & Nilo Trindade Braga Santana - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):96.
    O artigo tem por objeto o estudo dos limites do sigilo bancário e empresarial na concessão de empréstimos pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), a partir da contraposição entre o dever de transparência da Administração Pública e os direitos fundamentais à intimidade e livre iniciativa. Através do método dedutivo e revisão bibliográfica, analisou-se as normas constitucionais envolvidas, a evolução da transparência nas operações de empréstimos do referido banco público, além de importante julgado do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) (...)
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    Locke on abstraction: A response to M. R. Ayers.Jonathan Walmsley - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):123 – 134.
  50.  30
    Reading Non-Dualism in Śivādvaita Vedānta: An Argument from the Śivādvaitanirṇaya in Light of the Śivārkamaṇidīpikā.Jonathan Duquette - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (1):67-79.
    This article examines Appaya Dīkṣita’s intellectual affiliation to Śivādvaita Vedānta in light of his well-known commitment to Advaita Vedānta. Attention will be given to his Śivādvaitanirṇaya, a short work expounding the nature of the Śivādvaita doctrine taught by Śrīkaṇṭha in his Śaiva-leaning commentary on the Brahmasūtra. It will be shown how Appaya strategically interprets Śrīkaṇṭha’s views on the relationship between Śiva, its power of consciousness and the individual self, along the lines of pure non-dualism. In this context, the hermeneutical role (...)
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