Results for 'Jonas Stein'

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  1.  4
    Ill-informed Consensus or Truthful Disagreement? How Argumentation Styles and Preference Perceptions Affect Deliberation Outcomes in Groups with Conflicting Stakes.Jonas Stein, Jan-Willem Romeijn & Michael Mäs - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-26.
    In groups where members deliberate with limited information, consensus can emerge where, under complete information, fundamental disagreement would prevail. Using an agent-based model, we explore the factors contributing to group consensus by comparing argumentation styles in two types of groups: agents in groups of advocates communicate arguments for options perceived as personally beneficial. Agents in groups of diplomats do the same but avoid disagreement in that they bring up arguments supporting a second-best option whenever their interaction partner perceives to benefit (...)
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    German philosophy in the twentieth century.Julian Young - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The path taken by German philosophy in the twentieth century is one of the most exciting and controversial in the history of human thought, by turns radical and conservative and secular and religious. In this outstanding introduction, German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Dilthey to Honneth--the third and final volume in his trilogy, Julian Young examines the work of eight German philosophers and theologians of the period. He shows how they engaged with profound existential questions about individual and collective lives, (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)The phenomenon of life, toward a philosophical biology.Hans Jonas - 1966 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:494-494.
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  4. Structural realism and the nature of structure.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Otávio Bueno - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):111-139.
    Ontic Structural Realism is a version of realism about science according to which by positing the existence of structures, understood as basic components of reality, one can resolve central difficulties faced by standard versions of scientific realism. Structures are invoked to respond to two important challenges: one posed by the pessimist meta-induction and the other by the underdetermination of metaphysics by physics, which arises in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. We argue that difficulties in the proper understanding of what a structure is (...)
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    Beyond Disability?Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (2):210-228.
    The strategy of developing an ontology or models of disability as a prior step to settling ethical issues regarding disabilities is highly problematic for two reasons. First, key definitional aspects of disability are normative and cannot helpfully be made value-neutral. Second, if we accept that the contested concept of disability is value-laden, it is far from obvious that there are definitive reasons for choosing one interpretation of the concept over another. I conclude that the concept of disability is better left (...)
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  6. H. narnhofer.R. Haag & U. Stein - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 26--415.
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  7. Why incompatibilism about mental causation is incompatible with non-reductive physicalism.Jonas Christensen & Umut Baysan - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (5):546-568.
    ABSTRACT The exclusion problem is meant to show that non-reductive physicalism leads to epiphenomenalism: if mental properties are not identical with physical properties, then they are not causally efficacious. Defenders of a difference-making account of causation suggest that the exclusion problem can be solved because mental properties can be difference-making causes of physical effects. Here, we focus on what we dub an incompatibilist implementation of this general strategy and argue against it from a non-reductive physicalist perspective. Specifically, we argue that (...)
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  8. Ontological Frameworks for Scientific Theories.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):339-356.
    A close examination of the literature on ontology may strike one with roughly two distinct senses of this word. According to the first of them, which we shall call traditional ontology , ontology is characterized as the a priori study of various “ontological categories”. In a second sense, which may be called naturalized ontology , ontology relies on our best scientific theories and from them it tries to derive the ultimate furniture of the world. From a methodological point of view (...)
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    Bipolar Obligations, Recognition Respect, and Second-Personal Morality.Jonas Vandieken - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (3):291-315.
    Any complete theory of “what we owe to each other” must be able to adequately accommodate directed or bipolar obligations, that is, those obligations that are owed to a particular individual and in virtue of which another individual stands to be wronged. Bipolar obligations receive their moral importance from their intimate connection to a particular form of recognition respect that we owe to each other: respect of another as a source of valid claims to whom in particular we owe certain (...)
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    Finite Cardinals in Quasi-set Theory.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (3):437-452.
    Quasi-set theory is a ZFU-like axiomatic set theory, which deals with two kinds of ur-elements: M-atoms, objects like the atoms of ZFU, and m-atoms, items for which the usual identity relation is not defined. One of the motivations to advance such a theory is to deal properly with collections of items like particles in non-relativistic quantum mechanics when these are understood as being non-individuals in the sense that they may be indistinguishable although identity does not apply to them. According to (...)
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  11. What can debunking do for us (sceptics and nihilists)?Jonas Olson - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):290-299.
    Debunking arguments in metaethics are often presented as particularly challenging for non‐naturalistic versions of moral realism. The first aim of this paper is to explore and defend a response on behalf of non‐naturalism. The second aim of the paper is to argue that although non‐naturalism’s response is satisfactory, this does not mean that debunking arguments are metaethically uninteresting. They have a limited and indirect role to play in the exchange between non‐naturalists and moral error theorists. In the end, debunking arguments (...)
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  12. The Gnostic Religion.H. JONAS - 1958
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  13. Physics and Philosophy Meet: the Strange Case of Poincaré.Howard Stein - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-24.
    Poincaré is a pre-eminent figure: as one of the greatest of mathematicians; as a contributor of prime importance to the development of physical theory at a time when physics was undergoing a profound transformation; and as a philosopher. However, I think that Poincaré, with all this virtue, made a serious philosophical mistake. In Poincaré’s own work, this error seems to me to have kept him from several fundamental discoveries in physics. The hypothesis that Poincaré would have made these discoveries if (...)
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  14. How does physics bear upon metaphysics; and why did Plato hold that philosophy cannot be written down?Howard Stein - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:152-161.
    The paper begins with consideration of Plato and Aristotle, but the question addressed in this essay is the following: What has been meant--and what role has been played--in the succession of doctrines of physics we have had since the seventeenth century, by notions of “power” and of “cause”? The essay concludes with consideration of field theories set in relativistic space-time.
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    Does weak discernibility determine metaphysics?Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - 2017 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 32 (1):109-125.
    Two entities are weakly discernible when an irreflexive and symmetric relation holds between them. That weak discernibility holds in quantum mechanics is fairly uncontroversial nowadays. The ontological consequences of weak discernibility, however, are far from clear. Part of the literature seems to imply that weak discernibility points to a definite metaphysics to quantum mechanics. In this paper we shall discuss the metaphysical contribution of weak discernibility to quantum mechanics and argue that, contrary to part of current literature, it does not (...)
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    Liberating Paraconsistency from Contradiction.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (4):523-544.
    In this paper we propose to take seriously the claim that at least some kinds of paraconsistent negations are subcontrariety forming operators. We shall argue that from an intuitive point of view, by considering paraconsistent negations as formalizing that particular kind of opposition, one needs not worry with issues about the meaning of true contradictions and the like, given that “true contradictions” are not involved in these paraconsistent logics. Our strategy will consist in showing that, on the one hand, the (...)
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    Error Theory in Metaethics.Jonas Olson - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 58-71.
    Error theories have been proposed and defended in several different areas of philosophy. In addition to ethics, there are error theories about numbers, color, free will, and personal identity. Moral error theories differ in scope. Theories at one end of the spectrum take normative judgments in general—of which moral judgments are a subclass—to be uniformly false, whereas theories at the other end of the spectrum take only a subclass of moral judgments—example those concerning duty and obligation, but not those concerning (...)
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    Husserl as Trunk of the American Continental Tree.Lester Embree - 2003 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 11 (2):177-190.
    The historico-political category of 'Continental philosophy' arose in the United States and includes such figures as Adorno, Arendt, Beauvoir, Cairns, Carr, Cavailles, Deleuze, Derrida, Fink, Foucault, Funke, Gadamer, Gurwitsch, Habermas, Heidegger, Held, Ihde, Jaspers, Jonas, Kersten, Kristeva, Ingarden, Landgrebe, Levinas, Lyotard, Marcel, Marcuse, Marx, Merleau-Ponty, Mohanty, Natanson, Ortega y Gasset, Patoka, Reinach, Ricoeur, Sartre, Scheler, Schutz, Seebohm, Sokolowski, Spet, Stein, Stroeker, and Waldenfels. What these diverse figures share is (a) an early but not necessarily continued critical involvement with (...)
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  19. Buck‐Passing Accounts.Jonas Olson - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Spiritual Practice and Sacred Activism in a Climate Emergency.Margaret Bullitt-Jonas - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):69-83.
    Abstractabstract:An Episcopal priest reflects on the spiritual practices and perspectives that guide her work to mobilize a Spirit-filled, faithful response to climate crisis. After considering how Buddhist meditation informs the author's understanding of Christianity, the essay acknowledges that versions of Christianity have inflicted, and continue to inflict, enormous harm on human beings, the land, and the other creatures with whom we share this planet. Yet Christianity, like other religious traditions, can sift through its teachings, practices, and rituals to locate the (...)
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  21. Structures, languages and models: A unifying approach.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Fernando Tf Moraes - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse 56 (221):67-84.
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    Plato's Anti‐Kohlbergian Program for Moral Education.Mark Jonas - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):205-217.
    Following Lawrence Kohlberg it has been commonplace to regard Plato's moral theory as ‘intellectualist’, where Plato supposedly believes that becoming virtuous requires nothing other than ‘philosophical knowledge or intuition of the ideal form of the good’. This is a radical misunderstanding of Plato's educational programme, however. While Plato claims that knowledge is extremely important in the initial stages of the moral development of young adults, he also claims that knowledge must be followed by a rigorous process of imitation and habituation. (...)
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  23.  30
    Are Animals Persons? Why Ask?Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry - 2019 - Journal of Animal Ethics 9 (1):6-26.
    This article reflects upon the increasingly popular claim that animals are persons. Such a claim can take a metaphysical, a moral, or a legal meaning. Animals may or may not be persons, but I challenge the assumption that it is even fruitful to think about the ways in which animals are “persons.” At best, it is a relatively narrow assimilationist conceptual exercise. At worst, it distracts us from conceptualizing more effective strategies to improve the welfare of animals and impoverishes more (...)
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  24. The Ethics of Political Bots: Should We Allow Them For Personal Use?Jonas Haeg - 2017 - Journal of Practical Ethics 5 (2):85-104.
    The technology to create and automate large numbers of fake social media users, or “social bots”, is becoming increasingly more accessible to private individuals. This paper explores one potential use of the technology, namely the creation of “political bots”: social bots aimed at influencing the political opinions of others. Despite initial worries about licensing the use of such bots by private individuals, this paper provides an, albeit limited, argument in favour of this. The argument begins by providing a prima facie (...)
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    Synesthesia, sequences, and space.Clare Jonas & Michelle Jarick - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press. pp. 123.
    In sequence-space synaesthesia, members of linguistic sequences such as numbers, days of the week and letters of the alphabet are perceived to occupy spatial positions, either in the mind's eye or as locations in space around the body. In this chapter, we begin by considering the possible sequences that can induce this type of synaesthesia, with the focus on numbers, time-units and letters. We evaluate the various methods used to test the genuineness of self-reports of this type of synaesthesia, and (...)
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  26. Theorie der Dialektik.Jonas Cohn - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (1):11-11.
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  27. Neural networks and psychopathology: an introduction.Dan J. Stein Andjacques Ludik - 1998 - In Dan J. Stein & Jacques Ludik (eds.), Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research. Cambridge University Press.
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  28. Komunistinė moralė.Vytautas Jonas Murauskas - 1960 - Vilnius,: Valstybiné politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla.
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    The Psychological Impact of Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation on Offenders: Evidence for Increased Compunction and Victim Empathy.Jiska Jonas, Sven Zebel, Jacques Claessen & Hans Nelen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Participation in victim-offender mediation can reduce the risk of reoffending. However, relatively little is known about how VOM affects the intermediate psychological changes underlying this effect. It was hypothesized that VOM increases feelings of responsibility, guilt, and shame among offenders as well as empathy toward the victim. It was also expected that VOM leads to feelings of moral failure among offenders, increasing their intention to desist, and improving their relation with the victim, relatives, and community. Lastly, it was hypothesized that (...)
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    Newton: Philosophy of Inquiry and Metaphysics of Nature.Howard Stein - unknown
    On Newton’s view understanding of the fundamental character of anything can only come from knowledge about that thing, gained from experience, he sought experimental knowledge of light, for example, that would provide, not in the first instance support for a prior theory of its nature, but some systematic basis for further investigation--and--possibly--an eventual more fundamental theory. Among the things to hope for as results of an investigation is the discovery both of new questions that may be profitably pursued and new (...)
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  31.  42
    Wissenschaft as Personal Experience.Hans Jonas - 2001 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (1):3-19.
  32.  22
    „Wechselbestimmung“? Fichte und seine Rezeption bei Schiller, Friedrich Schlegel und Hölderlin (1795).Jonas Gralle - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:257-276.
    This essay examines the earliest reception of Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre (1794/95) focusing on his notion of consciousness as “Wechselbestimmung”. The adoption of this notion leads to a divergent discussion which casts doubts on the idea of a reliable continuity in the history of reception. At this point in history, Fichte’s readers seem to be interested in a cultural aspect of his philosophical argument that is not discussed by him. Fichte is looking for a way to explain the unity of (...)
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    Two Kinds of Ethical Intuitionism: Brentano’s and Reid’s.Olson Jonas - 2017 - The Monist 100 (1):106-119.
    This paper explores Franz Brentano’s metaethics by comparing it to Thomas Reid’s. Brentano and Reid share a commitment to moral realism and they are both aptly classified as intuitionists concerning moral knowledge and the nature of moral judgment. However, their respective versions of intuitionism are importantly different, in ways that reflect more general differences between their respective epistemological views. Sections III and IV of the paper focus more exclusively on Brentano’s metaethics and some of its unorthodox features. These features tie (...)
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  34. Da técnica à poética: Reverberações Das tradições afrobrasileiras populares no corpo do artista em cena.Sales Jonas de Lima - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):7-19.
    Este artigo é uma exposição fragmentada de pesquisa realizada no âmbito de doutoramento no PPGArtes/UnB. Mostra-se como uma proposta cênica-pedagógica, sendo um diálogo do corpo com as técnicas e poéticas que se encontram nas expressões de artes do povo que trazem matrizes africanas. Abordar-se-á reflexões sobre os aspectos que envolvem o trabalho do artista cênico no que concerne a sua criação estética. Com isso, pretende-se corroborar com a elaboração de saberes no que concerne ao universo das artes populares na contemporaneidade.
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    Germany and the French Wars of Religion, 1560-1572.Jonas van Tol - 2018 - Brill.
    _Germany and the French Wars of Religion, 1560-1572_ explores how the first decade of the religious wars in France was interpreted by German Protestants and why they felt compelled to intervene.
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    Using science to investigate Jackson Pollock's drip paintings.Richard P. Taylor & D. Jonas - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (8-9):8-9.
    We present a scientific analysis of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings and show that his patterns are fractal. The analysis also shows that he refined the fractal content of his paintings over the period 1943 -- 1952. We present a novel interpretation of Pollock's work described as Fractal Expressionism -- a direct expression of the generic imagery of nature's scenery.
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    The world of political science: a critical overview of the development of political studies around the globe: 1990-2012.John E. Trent & Michael B. Stein (eds.) - 2012 - Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
    How well is the field of political studies doing and where is it headed? Such questions are examined and answered in this broad world overview of political science, along with the advances and shortcomings, as well as the recommended prescriptions for the future decades of the new century. The book includes three world regional assessments of the discipline, along with an in-depth survey of various sub-disciplinary fields and a concluding critical essay on the future of political studies. This is the (...)
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    A descriptivist approach to trait conceptualization and inference.Katherine G. Jonas & Kristian E. Markon - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):90-96.
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    Among Demons and Wizards: The Nuclear Energy Discourse in Sweden and the Re-Enchantment of the World.Jonas Anshelm - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (1):43-53.
    In 1956, the Swedish Parliament decided to invest in a national nuclear energy program. The decision rested on the conviction that it would be in the interest of the nation to use the assets of natural uranium, the advanced reactor technology, and the expertise on nuclear physics that the country had at its disposal. Since the decision concerned the largest investment ever in Swedish industrial politics, the scientists and engineers had to promise that it would lead to a prosperous future. (...)
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    Indistinguibilidade, não reflexividade, ontologia e física quântica.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (1):41-69.
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    On Material Exclusion and Absolute Contradiction.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (4):413-425.
    Francesco Berto has argued that a primitive concept of material exclusion could be employed to formulate a notion of absolute contradiction that not even dialetheists could accept. The machinery of material exclusion and absolute contradiction could then be employed as a common ground by both dialetheists as well as their opponents in debates about negation and truth. In this paper, we first put the idea on a clear basis, and then present some criticism to it. We shall argue that the (...)
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  42.  26
    Quando a ciência é ídolo: um comentário crítico sobre a psicologia moral nietzschiana de Leiter.Jonas Backendorf - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (3):189-213.
    Resumo: A finalidade deste artigo é bastante pontual e específica: evidenciar os problemas do tratamento acrítico dado à psicologia por Brian Leiter em seu recente Moral Psychology with Nietzsche. O autor inclui, sem se empenhar em qualquer discussão metodológica, a psicologia no rol do que chama de “ciências bem-sucedidas”, tomadas como i) certificadoras do m-naturalismo nietzschiano; ii) dotadas de primazia sobre a própria filosofia na determinação do que é um “raciocínio filosófico” significativo; iii) fornecedoras de um amplo e inconteste corpo (...)
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    Sobre a amplitude do cuidado como virtude moral.Jonas Muriel Backendorf - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):93-105.
    O presente texto discute a ética do cuidado sob a ótica da amplitude prática de seu escopo. Carol Gilligan e, principalmente, Nel Noddings, são apresentadas como defensoras da tese segundo a qual o cuidado exige uma espécie de conexão ou encontro pessoal entre as partes envolvidas, sendo, desse modo, inerentemente “pessoal” e “parcial”. A posição de Cláudia Card é apresentada como crítica dessas teses, especialmente pela lacuna de tal modelo quanto às pessoas que jamais estarão diretamente ligadas a nós, mas (...)
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    The Personal and the Fitting.Jonas Olson - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (3):341-352.
    This paper is a critical notice of a recent significant contribution to the debate about fitting attitudes and value, namely Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen’s Personal Value. In this book, Rønnow-Rasmussen seeks to analyse the notion of personal value—an instance of the notion of good for a person—in terms of fitting attitudes. The paper has three main themes: Rønnow-Rasmussen’s discussion of general problems for fitting attitude analyses; his formulation of the fitting attitude analysis of personal value and the notion of ‘for someone’s sake (...)
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    An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture.Jonas C. Greenfield, G. S. Glanzman & J. A. Fitzmyer - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (2):244.
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    Mélanges Marcel CohenMelanges Marcel Cohen.Jonas C. Greenfield & David Cohen - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):112.
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    Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. Volume 1: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions.Jonas C. Greenfield & John C. L. Gibson - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):509.
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    Ugaritic-Hebrew Philology.Jonas C. Greenfield & Mitchell Dahood - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):174.
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  49. Ewing, AC.Jonas Olson & Mark Timmons - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Ethik der Freundschaft. Über eine nachgelassene Idee im Werk Friedrich Nietzsches.Jonas Holst - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1).
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