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John Raymaker [9]John Anthony Raymaker [3]John A. Raymaker [1]
  1.  14
    Bringing Bernard Lonergan down to earth and into our hearts and communities.John A. Raymaker - 2018 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    Focuses on Lonergan's approach to community. Refers to various philosophers and how Lonergan has helped evaluate them with the aim of building a better world responsive to the longings of the human heart.
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    Steps toward Vatican III: Catholics Pathfinding a Global Spirituality with Islam and Buddshim.Gerald Grudzen & John Raymaker - 2008 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    In the tradition of Catholic bridge-building the authors strive to bridge modernist secularism with the religious traditions of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. It offers a "middle-way" based on a global ethic and a global spirituality. The role of community is emphasized as underpinning the book's bridging efforts.
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    A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge.John Raymaker - 2002 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart explores the philosophies of Being and Nothingness as expounded in the Buddhist and Christian point of view with particular emphasis on the socioethical implication that all human beings, despite vast differences in history, language, and culture, share the cognitional, intentional makeup as emphasized by Nishida and Lonergan.
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    "Attentive, intelligent, rational, and responsible": transforming economics to save the planet.John Raymaker - 2023 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Edited by Pierre W. Whalon.
    The great philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan is best known for his transcendental method, but he considered his most important work to be in macroeconomics. The authors lift up his innovative theory as a model of his method, and they propose developments in both fields.
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    Bernard Lonergan’s Third Way of the Heart and Mind: Bridging Some Buddhist-Christian-Muslim-Secularist Misunderstandings with a Global Secularity Ethics.John Raymaker - 2016 - Lanham Md: Hamilton Books.
    The book relies on Bernard Lonergan’s method. It addresses today’s religious conflicts in the Middle East which have led to migrations of millions of persons. It systematically explores possible breakthroughs that might help people open their hearts to one another.
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    Empowering Bernard Lonergan's Legacy: Toward Implementing an Ethos for Inquiry and a Global Ethics.John Raymaker - 2012 - Lanham, MD: Upa.
    Raymaker offers an interdisciplinary approach to Bernard Lonergan’s work. He presents a series of five “feedback matrices” to situate his work within a historical context. One can best empower Lonergan’s legacy through a correct understanding and implementation of how the data of human consciousness affects all human knowledge and activities.
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  7. Empowering Climate Change Strategies with Bernard Lonergan's Method.John Anthony Raymaker & Ijaz Durrani - 2015 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    The book addresses the climate change crisis through scientific, historical and spiritual lenses. Using Lonergan's functional specialization method,it analyzes data to rebut the claims of climate change deniers. It seeks to motivate and coordinate needed action by persons, groups and nations. Lonergan's method helps us study the past with a view to change the future.
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    Empowering Philosophy and Science with the Art of Love: Lonergan and Deleuze in the Light of Buddhist-Christian Ethics.John Raymaker - 2006 - Lanham, Maryland USA: University Press of America.
    Philosophy and Science are subject to conflicting interpretations, such as the rules of positivism and analytic thought. Bernard Lonergan and Gilles Deleuze have both assessed such issues in complementary fashion. This book examines their arguments through the application of mathematical theories and Buddhist-Christian ethics in an attempt to bridge the religious-secularist divide exacerbated by postmodernism.
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    Empowering the Lonely Crowd: Pope John Paul Ii, Lonergan and Japanese Buddhism.John Raymaker - 2003 - Upa.
    In Empowering the Lonely Crowd, John Raymaker simplifies and extends arguments made in his previous book, A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart, in particular the notion of a spiritual genome. Raymaker explores and compares John Paul II and Lonergan's thought in relation to Buddhism, concluding that while all life has a coded genome, all humans have a free, uncoded spiritual genome that is a viable alternative to postmodern scepticism.
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    Pope Francis, Conscience of the World.John Anthony Raymaker - 2019 - Lanham, MD, USA: Hamilton Books.
    Pope Francis has set a new tone in papal policies, prioritizing the Good News of the Gospel. and fostering interfaith dialogue. He has won the resoect of youth and the marginalized.
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  11. Some Challenges to a Religious Global Ethics in an Increasingly Secularized World.John Raymaker - 2011 - In Ariane Hentsch Cisneros Shanta Premawardhana, Sharing Values. Globethics.net Series No. 4. pp. 345-362.
    The article appeals to Gibson Winter's social ethics and to Bernard Lonergan's method to give perspectives on implementing a method adequate to effectively share values in our challenged, globalizing world.
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  12. Spiritual Paths to an Ethical and Ecological Global Civilization.John Anthony Raymaker, Gerald Grudzen & Joe Holland - 2013 - Washington, DC: Pacem in Terris Press.
    Reading the signs of the times against a background of cultural-civilization and global financial-ecological conflicts, the book explores a "new cosmology" influenced by Teilhard de Chardin. It upholds evolution as a co-creative artistic-mystical process in contrast to modern secularist-determinist perspectives. It links a global spirituality to a global ethics.
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    Focus introduction: Toward sharing values across cultures and religions.Jayandra Soni & John Raymaker - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):193-203.
    The contributors to this focus issue participated in a unique gathering of over sixty scholars in Lukenya, Kenya in January 2009, organized by Globethics.net. The three contributions here by Sumner B. Twiss, Shanta Premawardhana, and Ariane Hentsch Cisneros are not the outcome of the deliberations and discussions there; however, they led to the idea of this focus issue. Each essay incorporates major aspects of the general themes discussed in different groups at the Lukenya meeting: (1) defining global ethics; (2) ensuring (...)
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