Results for 'John Nome'

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  1.  6
    Filosofisk kultur.John Nome - 1937 - Oslo,: Gyldendal.
    Den filosofiske tidssituasjon (innledning).--Georg Simmel.--Kritikken av intellektualismen.
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    Kritisk forskerholdning i etikk og religionsfilosofi.John Nome - 1970 - Oslo,: Universitetsforlaget.
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    Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome. Dynasties VI-XI.John A. Wilson & Henry George Fischer - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):348.
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    Nomes próprios gerais no contexto da semântica de J. S. Mill.Lúcio Lourenço Prado - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (1):67-83.
    O presente artigo apresenta argumentos em defesa da hipótese de que nomes próprios gerais são impossíveis no contexto da filosofia geral de Stuart Mill. Minha tese é contrária à posição de John Skorupski sobre esta questão. Ofereço dois argumentos que representam, respectivamente, duas diferentes perspectivas: pragmático e sistemático. No primeiro, analiso o problema dos nomes próprios gerais no contexto da linguagem natural. No segundo, discuto o problema no contexto interno do Sistema de Lógica de Mill.
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  5. Color and cognitive penetrability.John Zeimbekis - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):167-175.
    Several psychological experiments have suggested that concepts can influence perceived color (e.g., Delk and Fillenbaum in Am J Psychol 78(2):290–293, 1965, Hansen et al. in Nat Neurosci 9(11):1367–1368, 2006, Olkkonen et al. in J Vis 8(5):1–16, 2008). Observers tend to assign typical colors to objects even when the objects do not have those colors. Recently, these findings were used to argue that perceptual experience is cognitively penetrable (Macpherson 2012). This interpretation of the experiments has far-reaching consequences: it implies that the (...)
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    Algorithmic Decision-Making and the Control Problem.John Zerilli, Alistair Knott, James Maclaurin & Colin Gavaghan - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):555-578.
    The danger of human operators devolving responsibility to machines and failing to detect cases where they fail has been recognised for many years by industrial psychologists and engineers studying the human operators of complex machines. We call it “the control problem”, understood as the tendency of the human within a human–machine control loop to become complacent, over-reliant or unduly diffident when faced with the outputs of a reliable autonomous system. While the control problem has been investigated for some time, up (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The logic of chance.John Venn - 1876 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    No mathematical background is necessary to appreciate this classic of probability theory, which remains unsurpassed in its clarity, readability, and sheer charm. Its author, British logician John Venn (1834-1923), popularized the famous Venn Diagrams that are commonly used in teaching elementary mathematics.
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  8. The genesis of Kant's « Critique of Judgment».John H. ZAMMITO - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):639-639.
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  9. How to Remain (Reasonably) Optimistic: Scientific Realism and the "Luminiferous Ether".John Worrall - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:334 - 342.
    Fresnel's theory of light was (a) impressively predictively successful yet (b) was based on an "entity" (the elastic-solid ether) that we now "know" does not exist. Does this case "confute" scientific realism as Laudan suggested? Previous attempts (by Hardin and Rosenberg and by Kitcher) to defuse the episode's anti-realist impact. The strongest form of realism compatible with this case of theory-rejection is in fact structural realism. This view was developed by Poincare who also provided reasons to think that it is (...)
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    Breaking the Spell: A Civilization Critique Perspective.John Zerzan - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (137):171-178.
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    Questioning technology: a critical anthology.John Zerzan & Alice Carnes (eds.) - 1988 - London: Freedom Press.
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    Ciencia y sociedad civil.John Ziman - 2003 - Isegoría 28:5-17.
    En este artículo se analizan las relaciones del conocimiento científico con las sociedades en las que se produce. Tras repasar sus diversas funciones en tipos distintos de sociedades, la discusión se centra en los fines de la ciencia en las sociedades democráticas pluralistas. Frente al cada vez mayor rol instrumental de la ciencia, por el que ha recibido los nombres de «ciencia postacadémica» o «tecnociencia», se defienden los roles no instrumentales tradicionales de la investigación académica clásica. Se argumenta que sólo (...)
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    Science: the New Model.John Ziman - 1981 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 1 (1-2):27-31.
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    The college system at Oxford and Cambridge.John Ziman - 1963 - Minerva 1 (2):191-208.
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    The logic of fiction: a philosophical sounding of deviant logic.John Hayden Woods - 1974 - The Hague: Mouton.
    John Woods' The Logic of Fiction, now thirty-five years old, is a ground-breaking event in the establishment of the semantics of fiction as a stand-alone research programme in the philosophies of language and logic. There is now a large literature about these matters, but Woods' book retains a striking freshness, and still serves as a convincing template of the treatment options for the field's key problems. The book now appears in a second edition with a new Foreword by Nicholas (...)
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  16. Dr. George Cheyne, Chevalier Ramsay, and Hume's Letter to a Physician.John P. Wright - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (1):125-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 1, April 2003, pp. 125-141 Dr. George Cheyne, Chevalier Ramsay, and Hume's Letter to a Physician JOHN P. WRIGHT The publication of a new intellectual biography of George Cheyne1 provides a "propitious" occasion for "a thoroughly skeptical review"2 of the question which has long exercised Hume scholars, whether Cheyne was the intended recipient of David Hume's fascinating pie-Treatise Letter to a Physician,3 the (...)
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    Tra romanzo e rivoluzione. Il millenarismo medievale sotto la penna di Umberto Eco.Roberto Rossi - 2021 - Doctor Virtualis 16:169-188.
    A partire dalla produzione saggistica e letteraria di Umberto Eco, l’articolo analizzerà l’immaginario del Medioevo inteso come culla di ogni genere di millenarismo. La trattazione prenderà avvio dal suo saggio Palinsesto su Beato ; tenendo conto dell’originalità della prospettiva strutturalista di Eco, si confronterà l’ultima riedizione di questo scritto con un quadro bibliografico sul ruolo dell’Apocalisse di San Giovanni in seno alla tradizione occidentale. Il primo riferimento sarà la tesi genealogica di Karl Löwith, il quale nel suo Significato e fine (...)
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    Max Horkheimer and the foundations of the Frankfurt School.John Abromeit - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides an intellectual biography of Max Horkheimer during the early and middle phases of his life and analyzes his model of early Critical Theory.
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    On being present to the mind.John W. Yolton - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (3):373--88.
    I want to discuss a doctrine and a concept in theory of knowledge which has various manifestations from at least the seventeenth to the early twentieth century. The concept is that of direct or immediate cognition, the doctrine says that only what is like mind can be directly or immediately present to mind. This doctrine raises the question of how we can know things other than ourselves and our experiences: the concept of direct presence most usually had the consequence of (...)
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    Leisure the Basis of Culture.John W. Yolton - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (1):151.
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    A “mística do logos” E o fundamento da filosofia da linguagem de nicolau de cusa.José Teixeira Neto - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):9-28.
    Partimos da afirmação de K.-O. Apel, repetida por João Maria André, de que "[...] é na ‘mística' do ‘logos' e na teologia negativa do Pseudo-Dionísio que, de modo determinante, Nicolau de Cusa irá beber os traços fundamentais da sua filosofia da linguagem". Com base no De filiatione Dei propomo-nos refletir sobre a relação fundamental e constitutiva entre o verbo mental humano e o Verbo ou Logos eterno. A importância desse texto, no âmbito do problema da linguagem em Nicolau de Cusa, (...)
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    Hume's Intentions.John Arthur Passmore - 1952 - London: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David Hume.
    John Passmore was a renowned Australian empirical philosopher and historian of ideas. In this book, which was originally published in 1952, Passmore's intention was to disentangle certain main themes in Hume's philosophy and to show how they relate to Hume's main philosophic purpose. Rather than offering a detailed commentary, the text provides an account based on specificity and critical scholarship, seeking to complement the other more comprehensive works on Hume's philosophy that had become available around the same time. This (...)
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    Osservazioni per una fenomenologia delle "we-intention": conoscenza pubblica e azione collettiva.Roberto Miraglia - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 39:171-187.
    1. Premessa Nel filone di studi che prende il nome di “ontologia sociale” l’espressione “intenzionalità collettiva”, o “we-intention”, si riferisce agli stati soggettivi indicati dall’uso (appropriato) della prima persona plurale – ad esempio “noi vogliamo x”, “noi facciamo y”, “noi crediamo z” ecc. Come è noto, tutta la ricostruzione teorica che John Searle, il punto di riferimento di questa letteratura, propone della realtà socio-politica si basa su tre nozioni principali, di cui una è prop...
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    Is there a history of philosophy? Some difficulties and suggestions.John W. Yolton - 1986 - Synthese 67 (1):3 - 21.
    Philosophy as a separate discipline is a rather new phenomenon. This presents problems for our understanding of what constitutes the history of philosophy. Past writers often approached their concerns from a multi-disciplinary perspective; thus to understand them we have to do more than answer a contemporary set of issues. To that end, I suggest we attend to Locke's advice on how to read a text. Following this advice may permit us to avoid several puzzles which result from misreading a text.
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  25. Hume on the origin of 'modern honour' : a study in Hume's philosophical development.John P. Wright - 2012 - In Ruth Savage (ed.), Philosophy and religion in Enlightenment Britain: new case studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  26. The sense of justice.John Rawls - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (3):281-305.
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    Hume's 'a Treatise of Human Nature': An Introduction.John P. Wright - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    David Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature presents the most important account of skepticism in the history of modern philosophy. In this lucid and thorough introduction to the work, John P. Wright examines the development of Hume's ideas in the Treatise, their relation to eighteenth-century theories of the imagination and passions, and the reception they received when Hume published the Treatise. He explains Hume's arguments concerning the inability of reason to establish the basic beliefs which underlie science and morals, (...)
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    22. Filtration Structures and the Cut Down Problem for Abduction.John Woods & Dov M. Gabbay - 2005 - In Kent A. Peacock & Andrew D. Irvine (eds.), Mistakes of reason: essays in honour of John Woods. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 398-417.
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    The placebo effect and evidence-based policy.John Worrall - 2016 - Lse Philosophy Blog.
    What’s so bad about the placebo effect? John Worrall discusses the recent Nurofen labelling “scandal”.
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    What Vedanta means to me: a symposium.John Yale (ed.) - 1961 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company.
    Gerald Sykes -- Aldous Huxley -- Gerald Heard -- Christopher Isherwood -- John van Druten -- Marianna Masin -- J. Crawford Lewis -- Dorothy F. Mercer -- Kurt Friedrichs -- Swami Atulananda -- Jane Molard -- The Countess of Sandwich -- John Yale -- Joan Rayne -- Durgacharan -- Pravrajika Saradaprana.
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  31. The Subtleties of Aristotle on Non-Cause.John Woods - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43.
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    Some remarks on Perry’s reflexive content and cognitive significance.Filipe Martone - 2017 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):67-83.
    Neste artigo, apresento e discuto a solução oferecida por John Perry para o Problema de Frege em termos do conteúdo reflexivo de elocuções. Em primeiro lugar, discuto sua solução para a versão indexical do Problema de Frege, e argumento que o conteúdo reflexivo não pode explicar a trivialidade de certas e locuções. Se isso está correto, então o conteúdo reflexivo não é o tipo de coisa que explica adequadamente o valor cognitivo. Depois, discuto a solução de Perry para o (...)
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    Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine Blouin (review).Brendan Haug - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (3):528-532.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine BlouinBrendan HaugKatherine Blouin. Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. xxvi + 429 pp. 14 halftones, 28 tables, 5 maps. Cloth, $150.00.American journalist Hal Boyle is often said to have remarked, “What makes a river so restful (...)
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    Advice on the Logic of Argument.John Woods - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 1:7-34.
    Since its modern inception in the early 1970s, informal logic has placed a special emphasis on the analysis of fallacies and argumentative dialogue schemes. Concurrent developments in speech communication circles exhibit a like concentration on the dialectical character of argument.
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  35. Hume vs. Reid on ideas: The new Hume letter.John P. Wright - 1987 - Mind 96 (383):392-398.
    In the newly discovered letter Hume answers Reid's charge that he held a theory of ideas derived from his predecessors and criticizes Reid's own theory of innate ideas. He defends his own theory that ideas are derived from impressions. I discuss Reid's own puzzlement that in the first _Enquiry_ Hume ascribes a natural belief in necessary connections to the vulgar without an idea--and its influence on subsequent readings of Hume as a 'regularity theorist.' I argue that it was the 'Common (...)
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  36. Kant and the Medical Faculty.John H. Zammito - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2):429-451.
    The conflict between Kant and the medical faculty was far more complex and substantial than is indicated in the section of his famous Conflict of the Faculties addressing this matter. In this essay I will consider not only what Kant, as a philoso­pher, thought of medicine as a faculty, but what medicine as a faculty thought of Kant as a philosopher.
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  37. Lives from philosophers. Philosophy and Autobiography.Libera Pisano, Marco Carassai & Simone Guidi (eds.) - 2013 - Roma RM, Italia: Lo Sguardo.
    Chi è quel soggetto che nell’autobiografia dice “io”? Raccontarsi non è già diventare altro? L’autobiografia è un esercizio filosofico in cui l’identità si scopre tramata da altre vite e l’io emerge soltanto perché dislocato nei suoi segni. Sono forse proprio le condizioni di impossibilità di un’autopresentazione trasparente e definitiva che rendono possibile una soggettività autobiografica. Scrivere di sé infatti è già trascendenza: insinua il sospetto di un’alterità, di un’alterazione e turba la rigida identità, che si presume autonoma e precedente alle (...)
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    Can Simulated Green Exercise Improve Recovery From Acute Mental Stress?John James Wooller, Mike Rogerson, Jo Barton, Dominic Micklewright & Valerie Gladwell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  39. Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized.John M. Rist - 1994 - Religious Studies 31 (4):542-544.
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  40. Berlín.Maurice Blanchot - 2019 - Discusiones Filosóficas 20 (34):187-190. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    El presente texto de Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) apareció por primera vez en una traducción al italiano de Guido Neri bajo el título “II nome Berlino” [El nombre Berlín], publicado en 1964 en la revista literaria dirigida por Elio Vittorini e Italo Calvino Il menabó 7, año 6, pp. 121-25. El texto original en francés se extravió y, con la autorización del propio Blanchot, Hélène Jelen y Jean-Luc Nancy tradujeron la versión italiana al francés para publicarla en 1983 como “Le (...)
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  41. Aristotle's Earlier Logic (2nd edition).John Woods - 2014 - College Publications.
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    Peirce’s Abductive Enthusiasms.John Woods - 1999 - ProtoSociology 13:117-125.
  43. Pauline Christianity.John Ziesler - 1983
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  44. The economics of paradox: A response to Armour-garb.John Woods - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (1):103 – 113.
    For scientific essentialists, the only logical possibilities of existence are the real (or metaphysical) ones, and such possibilities, they say, are relative to worlds. They are not a priori, and they cannot just be invented. Rather, they are discoverable only by the a posteriori methods of science. There are, however, many philosophers who think that real possibilities are knowable a priori, or that they can just be invented. Marc Lange [Lange 2004] thinks that they can be invented, and tries to (...)
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  45. 1. introduction: The 'threat' to realism from underdetermination.John Worrall - unknown
    The appeal of scientific realism is chiefly based on the – staggering – empirical success of the theories currently accepted in science. The realist exhibits some currently accepted scientific theory (the General Theory of Relativity, say), points to its astounding empirical success (with the gravitational redshift, the precession of Mercury’s perihelion, etc) and suggests that it would be monumentally implausible to suppose that the theory could score such empirical successes and yet not reflect, at least to some good approximation, the (...)
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  46. (2 other versions)Da Educação enquanto Afirmação da Vida entre a Arte e a Filosofia segundo Nietzsche no Filme “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos”.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2022 - Griot 22 (2):121-138.
    Baseado no filme “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos” (1989), o artigo assinala o caos instaurado no âmbito da escola tradicional norte-americana Welton através do trabalho do professor John Keating na instauração de novos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem para a literatura, na medida em que tende a fomentar o questionamento acerca do sentido e do valor da vida e o cultivo de si como possibilidade de produção de um conteúdo novo e extemporâneo e o conhecimento enquanto afirmação das forças da (...)
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  47. A Rawlsian Pro-Life Argument against Vegetarianism.John Zeis - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (1):63-71.
    Animal rights and vegetarianism for ethical reasons are positions gaining in influence in contemporary American culture. Although I think that certain rights for animals are consistent with and even entailed by the Catholic understanding of morality, vegetarianism is not. There is a plausible argument for an omnivorous diet from a Rawlsian original position. It is in direct contradiction to the Rawlsian-influenced ethical vegetarianism espoused by Mark Rowlands. Vegetarianism is not the moral high ground: ethical vegetarianism is in fact contrary to (...)
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    A quadratic model of consciousness.John Wood - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):229-238.
    This article describes methods and ideas that emerged from a continuing enquiry into ‘metadesign’ that led us to think about the role of ‘consciousness’ in teams, communities and the biosphere. In the West the notion of ‘consciousness’ has been shaped by humanism, industrialization and some strident forms of individualism. These have encouraged us to see it in strongly anthropocentric and solipsistic terms. The global economic system also reflects this individualistic ideology, given that ‘growth’, is driven by personal avarice on a (...)
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    Can the Tale Be Told?John Woods - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):351 - 354.
    The distinctive feature of Professor Purtill's interesting, though somewhat promissory, paper, is its willingness to have the tail of pragmatics wag the dog of semantics. I myself find the pre-emption unfortunate, though I should hasten to add that Professor Purtill and I share something of a common view about the problems that should be solved by a decent account of fictionality; and some of our own solutions happen in fact to coincide. We part company, however, in respect of the following (...)
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    Friedrich A. Von Hayek: Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists, 2nd Series.John Cunningham Wood & Robert D. Wood (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    Hayek's reputation has gone through a remarkable cycle. An eminent exponent of the Austrian theory of business cycles in the 1930s, he was worsted in the controversy over Keynes' _Treatise on Money_. Following this defeat, Hayek retreated into capital theory, an esoteric branch of economics in which few economists then took an active interest. He gave up economics altogether after the war and turned to psychology, political philosophy, philosophy of law and the history of ideas. However, in 1974 he won (...)
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