Results for 'John Kemm'

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  1.  74
    The limitations of 'evidence‐based' public health.John Kemm - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):319-324.
  2. How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe?John Anderson - 2007 - Oup Usa.
    The human cognitive architecture consists of a set of largely independent modules associated with different brain regions. This book discusses in detail how these various modules can combine to produce behaviours as varied as driving a car and solving an algebraic equation.
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    Logic of Imagination: The Expanse of the Elemental.John Sallis - 2012 - Indiana University Press.
    The Shakespearean image of a tempest and its aftermath forms the beginning as well as a major guiding thread of Logic of Imagination. Moving beyond the horizons of his earlier work, Force of Imagination, John Sallis sets out to unsettle the traditional conception of logic, to mark its limits, and, beyond these limits, to launch another, exorbitant logic—a logic of imagination. Drawing on a vast range of sources, including Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Freud, as well as developments (...)
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    The Spirit of American Philosophy.John Edwin Smith - 1963 - New York,: State University of New York Press.
    This revised edition of John E. Smith’s classic details the phenomenal growth in American philosophy in the years since the book first appeared. Through the addition of a new chapter and the readdressing of earlier material, Smith advances his reflections on the present decade. The book also considers the impact of British linguistic philosophy and other currents of thought abroad on classical American philosophy.
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  5. Contemporary Debates in Epistemology.John Hawthorne - 2005 - Malden, Ma: Blackwell.
  6. (1 other version)Public Knowledge.John Ziman - 1969 - Philosophy of Science 36 (2):222-224.
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    Scientific Genius: A Psychology of Science.John Ziman & Dean Keith Simonton - 1989 - British Journal of Educational Studies 37 (3):299.
  8. Basics of Semiotics.John DEELY - 1990
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    Le temps, l'éternité et la prescience de Boèce à Thomas d'Aquin.John Marenbon - 2005 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Irène Rosier-Catach.
    Si Dieu prévoit toute chose, rien n’arrive sauf par nécessité car il y a incompatibilité entre la certitude de la connaissance et la contingence. Une des réponses classiques est celle que la philosophie analytique nomme « la solution boécienne » ou « de Thomas d’Aquin » et qui repose sur l’idée que Dieu est atemporellement éternel.Dans ce livre, John Marenbon démontre que les théories de ces deux auteurs ne correspondent pas à cette solution dans le sens où, selon eux, (...)
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    Spacings - of reason and imagination in texts of Kant, Fichte, Hegel.John Sallis - 1987 - University of Chicago Press.
    And yet, in these very texts Sallis identifies outbreaks of spacing that would disrupt the tranquil space of reason. Rather than closure, he finds an opening of reason to imagination.
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  11. Equality: from theory to action.John Baker, Kathleen Lynch, Sara Cantillon & Judy Walsh - 2004
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    The Fifth Dimension: An Exploration of the Spiritual Realm.John Hick - 2013 - Oneworld Publications.
    Many of us today are all too willing to accept a humanist and scientific account of the universe which considers human existence as a fleeting accident. The triumph of John Hick’s gripping work is his exposure of the radical insufficiency of this view. Drawing on mystical and religious traditions ancient and modern, and spiritual thinkers as diverse as Julian of Norwich and Mahatma Ghandi, he has produced a tightly argued and thoroughly readable case for a bigger, more complete, picture (...)
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  13. Executive compensation : unjust or just right?John R. Boatright - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    America's Philosophical Vision.John E. Smith - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In these previously uncollected essays, Smith argues that American philosophers like Peirce, James, Royce, and Dewey have forged a unique philosophical tradition—one that is rich and complex enough to represent a genuine alternative to the analytic, phenomenological, and hermeneutical traditions which have originated in Britain or Europe. "In my judgment, John Smith has no equal today in combining two scholarly qualities: the analysis of philosophical texts with penetration and rigor, and the discernment of what it is in these texts (...)
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    Social Psychology and the Unconscious: The Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes.John A. Bargh (ed.) - 2006 - Psychology Press.
    This volume is a state-of-the-art review of the evidence and theory supporting the existence and significance of automatic processes in our daily lives, with chapters by the leading researchers in this field today.
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  16. Logical Reflections On the Kochen-Specker Theorem.John L. Bell - unknown
    IN THEIR WELL-KNOWN PAPER, Kochen and Specker (1967) introduce the concept of partial Boolean algebra (pBa) and show that certain (finitely generated) partial Boolean algebras arising in quantum theory fail to possess morphisms to any Boolean algebra (we call such pBa's intractable in the sequel). In this note we begin by discussing partial..
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  17. Mind-World Identity and the Anti-Realist Challenge.John Haldane - 1993 - In John Haldane & Crispin Wright, Reality, representation, and projection. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 15--37.
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  18. Principles of political economy. Books IIII-V.John Stuart Mill, Introduction by V. W. Bladen & J. M. Robson Textual Editor - 1981 - In The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund.
  19. Nietzsche's freedoms.John Richardson - 2009 - In Ken Gemes & Simon May, Nietzsche on freedom and autonomy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Mill's ethical writings.John Stuart Mill - 1965 - New York,: Collier Books. Edited by J. B. Schneewind.
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  21.  12
    Robert Grosseteste, Peter John Olivi and John Duns Scotus on Freedom of the Will.John Marenbon - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):231-250.
    Duns Scotus’s claim that the will, both human and divine, has a capacity for opposites at a single instant has been seen as a turning point in the history of modality. But historians have discovered anticipations of Scotus’s position in Robert Grosseteste and Peter John Olivi. I argue that none of these three authors focuses on modality or has a new modal theory, but that the discussions do show the development of a new view about freedom of the will (...)
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  22. Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian Logic.John N. Martin - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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  23. Social structure.John Scott - 2017 - In Håkon Leiulfsrud & Peter Sohlberg, Concepts in action: conceptual constructionism. Boston: Brill.
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    Feyerabend and Mach.John Preston - unknown
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  25. Problems of Religious Pluralism.John Hick - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 25 (3):187-189.
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    All Under Heaven: Transforming Paradigms in Confucian-Christian Dialogue.John H. Berthrong - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    This book is a study of comparative philosophy and theology. The themes are the critical issues arising from the modern interpretation of Confucian doctrine as they confront the Christian beliefs of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
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    Fantasy and Common Sense in Education.John Wilson - 1979 - Halsted Press.
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    Wretched subterfuge: a defense of the compatibilism of freedom and natural causation.John Perry - 2010 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 84 (2):93-113.
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  29. (1 other version)Human Conduct: An Introduction to the Problems of Ethics.John Hospers - 1961 - Philosophy 38 (144):192-193.
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  30. Where is the Love? The Topography of Mercy.John Tasioulas - 2011 - In Rowan Cruft, Matthew H. Kramer & Mark R. Reiff, Crime, punishment, and responsibility: the jurisprudence of Antony Duff. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  31. Infinity and continuity.John E. Murdoch - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 564--91.
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives.John Sniegocki - 2009 - Marquette University Press.
    Introduction -- Overview of the contemporary global context : life stories -- Data on poverty, hunger, and inequality in an age of globalization -- The goals and structure of this book -- Development theory and practice : an overview -- Origins of the concept of development -- Modernization theory -- Modernization theory and U.S. aid policy -- The impact of modernizationist development -- Structuralist economic theories -- Dependency theories -- Basic needs approach -- New international economic order -- Alternative development (...)
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    The Musical Structure of Plato's Dialogues.John Bernard Kennedy - 2011 - Acumen Publishing.
    Kennedy shows that Plato gave his dialogues a similar musical structure, dividing each dialogue into twelve parts and inserting symbols at each twelfth to mark a musical note. These passages are either harmonious or dissonant and traverse the ups and downs of a known musical scale. Many of Plato's early followers insisted that Plato used symbols to conceal his own views within the dialogues, but modern scholars have denied this. Kennedy, an expert in Pythagorean mathematics and music theory, is able (...)
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    Critical Theory and Public Life.John Forester (ed.) - 1987 - MIT Press.
    Jurgen Habermas's critical communications theory of society has excited widespread interest in recent years. The essays in this book explore the research implications of Habermas's theory for the analysis of modern problems of public life.
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    The development of self-recognition: A review.John R. Anderson - 1984 - Developmental Psychobiology 17:35-49.
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    Why must scientists become more ethically sensitive than they used to be?John Ziman - 1998 - Science 282 (5395):1813-1814.
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  37. Temptation and the Will.John Bigelow, Susan M. Dodds & Robert Pargetter - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):39-49.
    The authors argue, against Frank Jackson, that weakness (and strength) of will involves higher-order mental states. The authors hold that this is compatible with a decision-theoretic belief-desire psychology of human action.
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    Life Stories: Martin Luther King Jr.John J. Ansbro - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    From the "New York Times" bestselling author of "If I Stay" Allyson Healeys life is exactly like her suitcase--packed, planned, ordered. Then on the last day of her three-week post-graduation European tour, she meets Willem. A free-spirited, roving actor, Willem is everything shes not, and when he invites her to abandon her plans and come to Paris with him, Allyson says yes. This uncharacteristic decision leads to a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform (...)
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  39.  17
    Elements of formal semantics: an introduction to logic for students of language.John N. Martin - 1987 - Orlando: Academic Press.
  40.  21
    The Companionship of Books: Essays in Honor of Laurence Berns.John E. Alvis, George Anastaplo, Paul A. Cantor, Jerrold R. Caplan, Michael Davis, Robert Goldberg, Kenneth Hart Green, Harry V. Jaffa, Antonio Marino-López, Joshua Parens, Sharon Portnoff, Robert D. Sacks, Owen J. Sadlier & Martin D. Yaffe (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This volume is a collection of essays by various contributors in honor of the late Laurence Berns, Richard Hammond Elliot Tutor Emeritus at St. John's College, Annapolis. The essays address the literary, political, theological, and philosophical themes of his life's work as a scholar, teacher, and constant companion of the "great books.".
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  41. Peirce, James, and a pragmatic philosophy of religion.John W. Woell - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    In this book, John W. Woell shows us how contemporary readings of American Pragmatism founded on mistakenly used categories of the Analytic tradition have led to misreadings of Peirce and James. By focusing on terms drawn largely from Descartes and Kant, contemporary debates between metaphysical realists, antirealists, Realists and Nonrealists, have, argues Woell, failed to shed great light on pragmatism in general and a pragmatic philosophy of religion in particular. Woell contends that paying close attention to the internal relationships (...)
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    Introductory readings in aesthetics.John Hospers - 1969 - New York,: Free Press.
    John Hospers presents a unique, evoking collection of writings about aesthetics in this book sure to serve undergraduate studies. With a focus on the idea of art as form, expression, and symbol, Introductory Readings in Aesthetics provides necessary and interesting analysis on the readings of aesthetics. The perfect addition to undergraduate classrooms, Hospers strives to share relevant and fresh information within the pages of this anthology that is sure to keep readers and instructors interested and engaged.
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    Qualitative complexity: ecology, cognitive processes and the re-emergence of structures in post-humanist social theory.John A. Smith - 2006 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Chris Jenks.
    Qualitative Complexity offers a critique of the humanist paradigm in contemporary social theory. Drawing from sources in sociology, philosophy, complexity theory, 'fuzzy logic', systems theory, cognitive science and evolutionary biology, the authors present a new series of interdisciplinary perspectives on the sociology of complex, self-organizing structures.
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  44. Some types of law.John Gardner - manuscript
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    Emotions, values, and the law.John Deigh - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Emotions, Values, and the Law brings together ten of John Deigh's essays written over the past fifteen years. In the first five essays, Deigh ask questions about the nature of emotions and the relation of evaluative judgment to the intentionality of emotions, and critically examines the cognitivist theories of emotion that have dominated philosophy and psychology over the past thirty years. A central criticism of these theories is that they do not satisfactorily account for the emotions of babies or (...)
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  46. Reasons, Reasoning, Reasonableness.John Gardner & Timothy Macklem - 2002 - In Jules L. Coleman & Scott Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  47. Contempt of court: Unofficial voices from the dogs Australian high court case 1981 [Book Review].John August - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):20.
    August, John Review(s) of: Contempt of court: Unofficial voices from the dogs Australian high court case 1981, by Jean Ely, Dissenters Press, West Melbourne 2011 $29.95.
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  48. Scholasticism in the seventeenth century.John A. Trentman - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 818--37.
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    Keynes's Philosophical Development.John Bryan Davis - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this compelling book, John B. Davis examines the change and development in Keynes's philosophical thinking, from his earliest work through to The General Theory, arguing that Keynes came to believe himself mistaken about a number of his early philosophical concepts. The author begins by looking at the unpublished 'Apostles' papers, written under the influence of the philosopher G. E. Moore. These display the tensions in Keynes's early philosophical views, and outline his philosophical concepts of the time, including the (...)
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    (1 other version)Nishida kitarō.John Maraldo - unknown
    Nishida Kitarō was the most significant and influential Japanese philosopher of the twentieth century. His work is pathbreaking in several respects: it established in Japan the creative discipline of philosophy as practiced in Europe and the Americas; it enriched that discipline by infusing Anglo European philosophy with Asian sources of thought; it provided a new basis for philosophical treatments of East Asian Buddhist thought; and it produced novel theories of self and world with rich implications for contemporary philosophizing. Nishida's work (...)
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