Results for 'John Bowyers'

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  1.  27
    An Unfortunate Experiment?John Mcmillan & Lynne Bowyer - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (3):268-271.
    Abstract:This report describes the system of ethical review that was adopted in New Zealand based on the findings and recommendations from the Cartwright Inquiry in 1988. It discusses the changes made to this system under recent governmental initiatives enacted by the National Party, and some of the implications of those changes.
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  2. Referees for Ethics, Place and Environment, Volume 6, 2003.James Ryan, John Bowyer, Noel Castree, Sandie Suchet, Pamela Shurmer-Smith, Tim Creswell, Felix Driver, Ian Thompson, Nigel Veitch & Jody Emel - 2003 - Ethics, Place and Environment 6 (3):285.
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  3. Referees for Ethics, Place and Environment: A Journal of Philosophy & Geography, Volume 8, 2005.Peder Anker, Richard Baker, Michael Benedikt, Michael Bonnett, John Bowyers, Edmunds Bunske, Anne Buttimer, Allen Carlson, Steve Corbridge & Denis Cosgrove - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3):394.
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  4. Mind-on-the-drive: real-time functional neuroimaging of cognitive brain mechanisms underlying driver performance and distraction.Richard A. Young, Li Hsieh, Francis X. Graydon, I. I. Richard Genik, Mark D. Benton, Christopher C. Green, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran & Norman Tepley - manuscript
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    Book Review: John Kiess, Hannah Arendt and Theology. [REVIEW]Andrew Bowyer - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (4):504-507.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Charles R. Kniker, Sterling Fishman, Melvin Ezer, Andrew Spaull, Carlton H. Bowyer, John M. Mcquiston, John Halsey, W. Bruce Leslie, Victor N. Kobayashi & Gail P. Kelly - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (3):374-413.
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  7. There Are No Purely Aesthetic Obligations.John Dyck - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (4):592-612.
    Do aesthetic reasons have normative authority over us? Could there be anything like an aesthetic ‘ought’ or an aesthetic obligation? I argue that there are no aesthetic obligations. We have reasons to act certain ways regarding various aesthetic objects – most notably, reasons to attend to and appreciate those objects. But, I argue, these reasons never amount to duties. This is because aesthetic reasons are merely evaluative, not deontic. They can only entice us or invite us – they can never (...)
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  8. Deceptive worlds, skepticism, and axiarchism.John Pittard - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1367-1402.
    Axiarchism holds that fundamental concrete reality is necessarily ordered toward goodness. I argue that it is not fully rational to reject axiarchism while also rejecting radical skepticism. A key premise in the argument is that among conceivable worlds that contain one’s internal duplicate, ‘epistemically inhospitable’ worlds (i.e. worlds where all or most of one’s internal duplicates are radically deceived) are predominant. This predominance of inhospitable worlds provides a prima facie reason for thinking that the actual world is probably inhospitable. To (...)
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  9. The Ethics of Virtual Sexual Assault.John Danaher - 2021 - In Carissa Véliz, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter addresses the growing problem of unwanted sexual interactions in virtual environments. It reviews the available evidence regarding the prevalence and severity of this problem. It then argues that due to the potential harms of such interactions, as well as their nonconsensual nature, there is a good prima facie argument for viewing them as serious moral wrongs. Does this prima facie argument hold up to scrutiny? After considering three major objections – the ‘it’s not real’ objection; the ‘it’s just (...)
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  10. One: but not the same.John Schwenkler, Nick Byrd, Enoch Lambert & Matthew Taylor - 2021 - Philosophical Studies (6).
    Ordinary judgments about personal identity are complicated by the fact that phrases like “same person” and “different person” have multiple uses in ordinary English. This complication calls into question the significance of recent experimental work on this topic. For example, Tobia (2015) found that judgments of personal identity were significantly affected by whether the moral change described in a vignette was for the better or for the worse, while Strohminger and Nichols (2014) found that loss of moral conscience had more (...)
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  11. Set Theory.John P. Burgess - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Set theory is a branch of mathematics with a special subject matter, the infinite, but also a general framework for all modern mathematics, whose notions figure in every branch, pure and applied. This Element will offer a concise introduction, treating the origins of the subject, the basic notion of set, the axioms of set theory and immediate consequences, the set-theoretic reconstruction of mathematics, and the theory of the infinite, touching also on selected topics from higher set theory, controversial axioms and (...)
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    Social Capital and Individual Ethics: Evidence from Financial Adviser Misconduct.John Bai, Chenguang Shang, Chi Wan & Yijia Eddie Zhao - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):495-518.
    AbstractWe show that social capital has a strong mitigating effect on financial adviser misconduct in the United States. Moreover, advisers who have committed misconduct are also more likely to relocate to counties with a relatively lower level of social capital than that of his previously residing county. These findings provide support for both the deterrence and displacement effects of social capital on financial adviser misconduct, and are robust to tests that address potential endogeneity concerns. Our results shed new light on (...)
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  13.  28
    The Public and Private Morality of Climate Change: Symposium on the Tanner Lecture on Human Values.John Broome, William Nordhaus & Arun Agrawa - unknown
    Commentators on John Broome's Tanner Lecture. The Tanner Lectures are a collection of educational and scientific discussions relating to human values. Conducted by leaders in their fields, the lectures are presented at prestigious educational facilities around the world.
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    Kantianism and the Problem of Child Sex Robots.John-Stewart Gordon & Sven Nyholm - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):132-147.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)Voluntary Action, Chosen Action, and Resolve.John J. Drummond - forthcoming - Tandf: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology:1-12.
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    Futility: a perennial issue for medical ethics.John McMillan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):649-649.
    While the era following the Bland decision in 19931 might be thought of as the time when concepts such as ‘futility’ were placed under pressure and scrutiny, it’s an idea that has been debated for at least forty years. In a 1983 JME commentary Bryan Jennett distinguishes three kinds of reason why Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation might be withheld: > ‘… that CPR would be futile because it is very unlikely to be successful; that quality of life after CPR is likely to (...)
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  17. RNA’s Role in the Origins of Life: An Agentic ‘Manager’, or Recipient of ‘Off-loaded’ Constraints?John E. Stewart - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):643-650.
    In his Target Article, Terrence Deacon develops simple models that assist in understanding the role of RNA in the origins of life. However, his models fail to adequately represent an important evolutionary dynamic. Central to this dynamic is the selection that impinges on RNA molecules in the context of their association with proto-metabolisms. This selection shapes the role of RNA in the emergence of life. When this evolutionary dynamic is appropriately taken into account, it predicts a role for RNA that (...)
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    From Paternalism to Engagement: Bioethics Needs a Paradigm Shift to Address Racial Injustice During COVID-19.John Noel Viaña, Sujatha Raman & Marcus Barber - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):96-98.
    COVID-19 has disproportionately affected ethnic minorities and migrants, not only through an increased risk of infection and death (Pan et al. 2020), but also through experiences of harassment, mar...
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    The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of Meaning.John Tagg - 2009 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    John Tagg claims that, to answer this question, we must look at the ways in which everything that frames photography - the discourse that surrounds it and the institutions that circulate it - determines what counts as truth.
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    Hanf numbers for extendibility and related phenomena.John T. Baldwin & Saharon Shelah - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):437-464.
    This paper contains portions of Baldwin’s talk at the Set Theory and Model Theory Conference and a detailed proof that in a suitable extension of ZFC, there is a complete sentence of \ that has maximal models in cardinals cofinal in the first measurable cardinal and, of course, never again.
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    The Role of the Common in Cognitive Prosperity: Our Command of the Unspeakable and Unwriteable.John Woods - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (4):399-433.
    There are several features of law which rightly draw the interest of philosophers, especially those whose expertise lies in ethics and social and political philosophy. But the law also has features which haven’t stirred much in the way of philosophical investigation. I must say that I find this surprising. For the fact is that a well-run criminal trial is a master-class in logic and epistemology. Below I examine the logical and epistemological properties of greatest operational involvement in a criminal proceedings, (...)
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  22.  14
    The metaphysical method in ethics.John Dewey - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (2):181-188.
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  23.  22
    Reading Darwin during the New Zealand wars: Science, religion, politics and race, 1835–1900.John Stenhouse - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96 (C):87-99.
  24.  10
    The Templeton plan: 21 steps to success and happiness.John Templeton & James Ellison - 2013 - West Conshohocken, Pa.: Templeton Press. Edited by James Whitfield Ellison.
    Sir John Templeton (1912–2008), the Wall Street legend who has been described as “arguably the greatest global stock picker of the twentieth century,” clearly knew what it took to be successful. The most important thing, he observed, was to have strong convictions that guided your life—this was the common denominator he saw in all successful people and enterprises. Fortunately for us, he was eager to share his own blueprint for personal success and happiness with the rest of the world. (...)
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    The meaning of the tough-construction.John Gluckman - 2021 - Natural Language Semantics 29 (3):453-499.
    A formal semantic analysis of the _tough_-construction is provided building on the well-known observation that _events_ play a central role. A close look at the semantic characteristics of the class of _tough_-predicates and the syntactic and semantic properties of nonfinite clauses reveals the link between these pieces, expanding on recent advances in the semantics of clauses (Moulton in Natural selection and the syntax of clausal complementation, PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2009 ). Building on Salzmann (Reconstruction and resumption (...)
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  26.  50
    Patriotism in the age of Trump.John Kleinig - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (3):393-402.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 393-402, Fall 2021.
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  27. Religie.John Caputo - 2002 - Routledge.
    In dit stimulerende en diepgravende boek onderzoekt John D. Caputo het religieuze denken. Tijdens dit onderzoek komen fascinerende vragen aan de orde: 'Wat heb ik lief als ik God liefheb?' en 'Wat heeft Star Wars ons te zeggen over de huidige beleving van religie?' (proberen we altijd een manier te vinden om te zeggen: 'God zij met je'?) Waarom betekent religie voor zoveel mensen een moreel houvast in een postmoderne, nihilistische tijd? Is het mogelijk om 'religie zonder religie' te (...)
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  28. Debilidades de la teoría política de Rawls e improcedencia del consenso entrecruzado en el liberalismo político.John Alexis Rengifo Carpintero - 2015 - Escritos 23 (51):409-437.
    The aim of the paper is to reconstruct and present in a critical perspective the main methodological devices of John Rawls’ Political Liberalism, which introduces the idea of the overlapped consensus as a way to guarantee, in a political sense, social justice within contemporary democratic societies. Those methodological devices are presented in order to reveal their conceptual failures when contrasted with real world situations and to indicate three elements: a) the psychologism of the theory which reduces the individuals of (...)
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    Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres: Delivered in the University of Glasgow by Adam Smith; Reported by a Student in 1762-63.John M. Lothian (ed.) - 1971 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This edition of John M. Lothian’s transcription of an almost com­plete set of a student’s notes on Smith’s lectures given at the University of Glasgow in 1762–63_ _brings back into print not only an important discovery but a valuable contribution to eighteenth-century rhetorical theory.
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  30. How Not to Read Philosophical Investigations: Brandom’s Wittgenstein.John H. McDowell & Kurt Wischin - 2019 - Disputatio 8 (9).
    This paper, originating from a Wittgenstein conference in Delphi, Greece in June 2001, questions Brandom’s reading of Wittgenstein on “Following a Rule”. For the purpose of our current investigative dispute, it is a very good starting point to draw our attention to some of the vital differences between Wittgenstein’s and Brandom’s approach to the relation between practice and rules that may not be quite as clear at first sight from Brandom’s own writings. This writing maintains that Brandom misconstrues Wittgenstein’s remarks (...)
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    Heidegger and Technology: On Thinking and Teaching Anew.John Sailer - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:315-328.
  32. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡.John Locke - 1960 - Moskva,: Izd-vo sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkon. lit-ry.
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    Computer Ethics.John Weckert (ed.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    The study of the ethical issues related to computer use developed primarily in the 1980s, although a number of important papers were published in previous decades, many of which are contained in this volume. Computer ethics, as the field became known, flourished in the following decades. The emphasis initially was more on the computing profession: on questions related to the development of systems, the behaviour of computing professionals and so on. Later the focus moved to the Internet and to users (...)
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  34. Worship and the Problem of Divine Achievement.John Pittard - 2021 - Faith and Philosophy 38 (1):65-90.
    Gwen Bradford has plausibly argued that one attains achievement only if one does something one finds difficult. It is also plausible that one must attain achievement to be worthy of “agential” praise, praise that is appropriately directed to someone on the basis of things that redound to their credit. These claims pose a challenge to classical theists who direct agential praise to God, since classical theism arguably entails that none of God’s actions are difficult for God. I consider responses to (...)
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    Plato's Statesman Story: The Birth of Fiction Reconceived.John Tomasi - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):348-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PLATO'S STATESMAN STORY: THE BIRTH OF FICTION RECONCEIVED by John Tomasi In "Plato's Atlantis Story and the Birth of Fiction," Christopher Gill wants to distinguish the story ofAdantis in the Critias from Plato's earlier stories—like diat in the Statesman.1 These stories, Gill claims, belong to different literary genres. While the Statesman story is but another example of fable, the Adantis story of the Critias represents the first example—the (...)
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  36.  12
    A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive 2 Volume Paperback Set: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation.John Stuart Mill - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This two-volume work, first published in 1843, was John Stuart Mill's first major book. It reinvented the modern study of logic and laid the foundations for his later work in the areas of political economy, women's rights and representative government. In clear, systematic prose, Mill disentangles syllogistic logic from its origins in Aristotle and scholasticism and grounds it instead in processes of inductive reasoning. An important attempt at integrating empiricism within a more general theory of human knowledge, the work (...)
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    Foucault and the Critique of Institutions.John D. Caputo & Mark Yount (eds.) - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The issue of the institution is not addressed systematically anywhere in the literature on Foucault, although it is everywhere to be found in Foucault's writings._ Foucault and the Critique of Institutions_ not only interprets the work of Foucault but also applies it to the question of the institution. Foucault is a master at analyzing the web of social relations that effectively shape the modern individual. While these social relations are smaller and finer than institutions, institutions are, by Foucault's account, saturated (...)
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  38.  12
    The Idea of the American University.John Agresto, William B. Allen, Michael P. Foley, Gary D. Glenn, Susan E. Hanssen, Mark C. Henrie, Peter Augustine Lawler, William Mathie, James V. Schall, Bradley C. S. Watson & Peter Wood (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    As John Henry Newman reflected on 'The Idea of a University' more than a century and a half ago, Bradley C. S. Watson brings together some of the nation's most eminent thinkers on higher education to reflect on the nature and purposes of the American university today. Their mordant reflections paint a picture of the American university in crisis. This book is essential reading for thoughtful citizens, scholars, and educational policymakers.
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    XIV—The Characterisation of Actions and the Virtuous Agent.John Benson - 1963 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 63 (1):251-266.
    John Benson; XIV—The Characterisation of Actions and the Virtuous Agent, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 1963, Pages 251–266.
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  40. Worker deacons.John Francis Collins & Sandra Carroll - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):319.
    Collins, John Francis; Carroll, Sandra The publication of the 'Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons and Guidelines for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons' by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, in August 2016, has renewed focus on the role of permanent deacon. This article uses a heuristic structure to discuss the role of the permanent deacon in the Catholic Church in Australia. It then provides a historical perspective and background on the worker priest movement from the mid-twentieth (...)
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  41.  17
    The suppression of kindling with low-frequency brain stimulation: Statistical data with duration variable.John Gaito - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):332-334.
  42. Replies to Leidenhag and Trakakis.John L. Schellenberg - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):195-206.
    In this essay, I reply to the comments of Joanna Leidenhag and Nick Trakakis on my book Religion After Science: The Cultural Consequences of Religious Immaturity.
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  43. Liberalism as free thought.John Skorupski - unknown
    John Stuart Mill is the philosopher of liberalism. Or so some people think. Others disagree; they may give that status to Locke, or (perhaps) to Kant. Or they may think the question frivolous and insist – boringly but, I cannot deny, sensibly – that no one thinker is the philosopher of liberalism.
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  44. Further reflections on the gospel: After reading C. H. Dodd.John Thornhill - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (1):88.
    Thornhill, John Shortly after completing my article, 'Reflections on the Gospel: after Reading Christopher Dawson', I read for the first time, C.H. Dodd's Gospel and Law, lectures given at Columbia University in 1950. This challenging work by a leading scholar prompted me to make the comparison between Protestant and Catholic approaches to the Gospel I have attempted in the present article.
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  45. The Grammar of Restorationism.John Hill - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):178.
    Hill, John In a previous article, I discussed the arguments and tactics of those who are variously called 'restorationists' and 'reformers of the reform', in the liturgical areas of the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament, the eastward position (or otherwise) of the priest at Mass and liturgical translation. In this article, I wish to go more deeply into their arguments, specifically by examining the language they use. I propose, in other words, to examine their grammar (in a wide sense), (...)
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    The Theory of Models: Proceedings of the 1963 International Symposium at Berkeley.John West Addison, Leon Henkin & Alfred Tarski - 1972
  47.  35
    The Neoplatonists.John Gregory (ed.) - 1991 - London: Kyle Cathie.
    John Gregory presents new translations of a selection of key passages from Neoplatonist writings, an introduction that puts in context the writings, and an..
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    5 Space: Place.John Agnew - 2005 - In Paul Cloke & Ron Johnston, Spaces of geographical thought: deconstructing human geography's binaries. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. pp. 81.
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  49. Trent and modernity.John Thornhill - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (1):65.
    Thornhill, John The evolution of Catholic culture in the modern era, with its maturing historical awareness, brings a new self-understanding better able to enter into a productive relationship with an emerging world culture. This sums up the main argument of this article.
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    Divine Purpose and Heroic Response in Homer and Virgil: The Political Plan of Zeus.John Alvis - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Taking a critical perspective more political than that usually adopted by classicists, John Alvis demonstrates in this study that the Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid each present a distinct political teaching regarding human ends and the form of civil society most conducive to the realization of those ends. Referring to the mysterious "plan of Zeus" announced in the opening lines of the Iliad but never explained, Alvis argues that both Homer's Zeus and Virgil's Jupiter guide their heroes to embody principles (...)
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