Results for 'Johannes Keck'

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    When the timing is right: The link between temporal coupling in dyadic interactions and emotion recognition.Julia Bachmann, Britta Krüger, Johannes Keck, Jörn Munzert & Adam Zabicki - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105267.
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  2. Die höchsten kulturaufgaben des modernen staates.Johannes Unold - 1902 - München,: J. F. Lehmann.
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  3. Die Bedeutung der niederen Empfindungen fur die asthetische Einfuhlung.Johannes Volkelt - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12:676.
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    Symbole und Symbolgestalten des Wassers in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit.Johannes Maringer - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (3):244-251.
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    Personsein, Freiheit und Verantwortung: anthropologische Voraussetzungen der Ethik bei Bernhard Welte.Johannes Lorenz - 2016 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Person- und Freiheitsverstandnis des Freiburger Religionsphilosophen Bernhard Welte (1906-1983). Damit werden unter Berucksichtigung bisher unveroffentlichter Schriften anthropologische Voraussetzungen ethisch relevanter Grundphanomene menschlichen Daseins zuganglich gemacht.
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  6. Die welt des menschen.Johannes Baptist Lotz - 1940 - Regensburg,: F. Pustet. Edited by Joseph de Vries.
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  7. Le jugement et l'être. Les fondements de la métaphysique 1 vol. Bibliothèque des Archives de Philosophie.Johannes B. Lotz & R. Givoro - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (3):375-377.
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    Kritik über Hengelbrock (2018): Zeit und Freizeit: Seneca, Epistulae morales.Johannes Groß - 2020 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 23 (1):297-301.
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  9. A. Referat über deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen - Erfahrung und Gegenstand.Johannes Haag & Boris Hennig - 2007 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (3):209.
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    Listening to Homer. Tradition, Narrative, and Audience (Book).Johannes Haubold - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:199-200.
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    The puzzle of mirror self-recognition.Johannes L. Brandl - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (2):279-304.
  12. Putting career morality on the agenda of business students : how one could use a play and survey results for triggering moral reflection.Johannes Brinkmann - 2011 - In Ronald R. Sims & William I. Sauser, Experiences in teaching business ethics. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age.
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    Erich Fromm und die Pädagogik: Gesellschafts-Charakter und Erziehung.Johannes Classen (ed.) - 1987 - Weinheim: Beltz.
  14. Wesen und Bewusstsein.Johannes-Jürgen Meister - 1967 - [München,: Dissertationsdruck F. Frank].
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    Byzantinische Landschaften.Johannes Miliopoulos - 1900 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 9 (2).
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  16. August Pütter (1879–1929) and the Mechanistic Origins of the Temperature–Size Rule.Johannes Müller & Paulien Koster - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-13.
    One of the consequences of global warming is reduced final body sizes in animals of different orders, mainly in aquatic ectotherms like fish or water-breathing invertebrates. In this article, we identify August Pütter (1879–1929) as the originator of what is now called the “temperature–size rule” and as the first physiologist to develop a mechanistic explanation for this phenomenon. While Pütter’s growth model was indirectly influential through its adaptation by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901–1972), his explanation of the influence of temperature on (...)
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    Ibe and ebi.Johannes Persson - 2007 - In Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski, Rethinking Explanation. Springer. pp. 137--147.
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    Love as the core of the diaconal dimension of the church.Johannes Eurich - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-06.
    This article will discuss different understandings of love. In particular, two modern perceptions of love will be differentiated: love as consisting of individual, often inconstant, emotions between human beings, and a Christian understanding of love, which is often expressed through caring for other members of the community. Aspects of Christian love will then be examined in ethical terms, emphasising the relevance of love for the diaconal dimension of the church. Before one is able to help one's neighbour, one first has (...)
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  19. Die Univozität des Seienden. Texte zur Metaphysik.Johannes Duns Scotus - 2002
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  20. Meditative Exerzitlen am Beginn der Neuzeit : Cartesische Philosophie und ignatianische Spiritualität im Vergleich.S. J. Johannes Herzgsell - 2019 - In Johannes Schaber & Martin Thurner, Philosophie und Mystik - Theorie oder Lebensform? Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  21. Natürliches Stimm- und Sprachgestalten -- gesünderes Leben.Johannes Karl Kaufmann - 1971 - Zürich,: Meier-Bosshard-Str. 14,) im Selbstverlag.
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  22. De subjectieve rechten in het positieve privaat- en publiekrecht.Johannes Philippus Suijling - 1949 - Haarlem,: Erven F. Bohn.
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    Der philosophische Relativismus.Johannes Thyssen - 1955 - L. Röhrscheid.
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  24. Humanisme en godsdienst.Johannes Bernardus Tielrooy - 1946 - Amsterdam,: Boek- en Brochurehandel van het Hoofdbestuur van de Vrijdenkersvereeniging "De Dageraad,".
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    Sexes of winds and packs: rethinking feminism with Deleuze and Guattari.Johannes Ungelenk - 2014 - Hamburg: Marta Press.
    Is Feminism without the agency of sexed subjects possible? Can the problems of a highly gendered world be formulated and tackled without resorting to the notion of fundamental sexual difference? Is it possible for a Feminism that is not based on the assumption of sexed beings to gain any consistency and follow any concerted strategy? The project of this study is not only to show that all these questions can be answered with a full-hearted – Yes! – but to explore (...)
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  26. Historia de la Filosofía Medieval.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1970 - Editorial Nova.
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  27. Grundwissenschaftliche Philosophie.Johannes Erich Heyde - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (1):14-14.
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    Sokrates: Versuch einer Biografie.Johannes Irmscher - 1982 - Leipzig: Reclam.
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  29. Economic growth and social capital: A critical refection.Fedderke Johannes, de Kadt Raphael & Luiz John - 1999 - Theory and Society 28 (5):109-745.
  30. Strena : vom sechsickigen Schnee = Strena : about the hexagonal snow.Johannes Kepler - 2015 - In Rudolf Finsterwalder, Kristin Feireiss & Frei Otto, Form follows nature: eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst = a history of nature as model for design in engineering, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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    Ratio, wetenschap en recht: een onderzoek naar de opvatting van "wetenschap," "recht" en de "grundnorm" in de Reine rechtslehre van Hans Kelsen.Johannes Henricus Maria Klanderman - 1986 - Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink. Edited by Hans Kelsen.
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  32. Called out of chaos: modern man and his religion.Johannes Knudsen - 1971 - Chicago: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Press. Edited by Catherine Hiebert Kerst.
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    Wille und Norm: die zivilisationskritische Rechts- und Staatskonzeption J.-J. Rousseaus.Johannes Caspar - 1993 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Vorlesungen über moderne Naturphilosophen.Johannes Wilhelm Classen - 1908 - Hamburg,: C. Boysen.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    § 2. Zur Entwicklung der Verfügungstechnik über Rechte – die bürgerlich-rechtliche Ausgangslage.Johannes W. Flume - 2008 - In Vermögenstransfer Und Haftungtransfer of Assets and Liability: Eine Studie Zur Nutzbarmachung der Universalsukzession Für Die Unternehmenspraxis. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore Ziolkowski (review).Johannes Haubold - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):669-672.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore ZiolkowskiJohannes HauboldTheodore Ziolkowski. Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2011. xvi + 226 pp. 3 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $35.This book surveys modern receptions of the Gilgamesh Epic from the earliest lectures and publications of George Smith to recent reworkings of the epic in Western literature and art. The argument (...)
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  37. Aktzentrum und Person-sein. Zu Martin Heideggers Ablehnung eines Personalismus.Johannes Vorlaufer - 1986 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 49 (2-3):217-233.
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    The Structure-Phenomenological Concept of Brain-Consciousness Correlation.Johannes Wagemann - 2011 - Mind and Matter 9 (2):185-204.
    Based on a short presentation of the unexplained relation of brain and consciousness, the mereological fallacy is addressed as a main point of criticism on typical, especially materialistic attempts of solution. Facing the risk of an unrefected mixing of different descriptive levels, purified phenomenologies of brain and consciousness have to be elaborated. Comparing the analytical results, not only incommensurable aspects but also superordinated structure factors can be shown which allow us to formulate a first featurebased relation. Because this interim result (...)
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    Prudentia und Contemplatio: Ethik und Metaphysik im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Georg Wieland zum 65. Geburstag.Johannes Brachtendorf (ed.) - 2002 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    Heidegger on Machination, the Jewish Race, and the Holocaust.Johannes Fritsche - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (4):312-333.
    ABSTRACTIn the Black Notebooks, Heidegger ascribes in 1938/9 to the Jewish race an “empty rationality and calculative ability,” in his view the cause of its “worldlessness.” To assess this characterisation, I present Heidegger’s theories of history as a decline in Being and Time and in his later history of Being. For this purpose, I discuss his notions of Rechnen, Machenschaft, and Geviert, several existentialia from Being and Time, and Heidegger’s identification of modern machination and modern technology. Furthermore, I examine Heidegger’s (...)
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    Eudoxus' axiom and archimedes' lemma.Johannes Hjelmslev - 1950 - Centaurus 1 (1):2-11.
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    Bildhauerisches denken und haptische bilder.Johannes Myssok - 2013 - In Iris Wenderholm, Jörg Trempler & Markus Rath, Das haptische bild: Körperhafte bilderfahrung in der neuzeit. De Gruyter. pp. 185-226.
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  43. Der Ursprung des alttestamentlichen Gottesglaubens.Johannes Nikel - 1908 - Münster in Westfalen: Verlag der Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung.
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  44. Filosofie der geschiedenis.Johannes Hille Nota - 1962 - Roermond,: J. J. Romen.
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    Die stoische Beurteilung Alexanders des Großen.Johannes Stroux - 1933 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 88 (1-4):222-240.
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    Zu Quintilian.Johannes Stroux - 1936 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 91 (1-4):222-237.
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  47. Die Philosophische Methode, Erster Teil.Johannes Thyssen - 1932 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 39 (1):11-12.
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    Die wissenschaftliche Wahrheit in der Philosophie.Johannes Thyssen - 1950 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier.
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    Philosophie und Theologie im Mittelalter: die historischen Voraussetzungen des Anti-Modernismus.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1911
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    Wagner und Nietzsche.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1926 - Strecker Und Schröder.
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