Results for 'Joachim Stark'

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  1.  24
    John C. Eccles: Das Rätsel Mensch. Die Gifford Lectures an der Universität von Edinburgh 1977-1978. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag München/Basel 1982; 240 pp. [REVIEW]Joachim Stark - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 37 (2):192.
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    Taubes, Jacob : Religionstheorie und politische Theologie, Bd. 1: Der Fürst dieser Welt. Carl Schmitt und die Folgen; München/Paderborn/Wien/Zürich 1983; 321pp. [REVIEW]Joachim Stark - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 37 (2):173-174.
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  3. The personal nature of health.Joachim P. Sturmberg - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):766-769.
    "Every man has his particular way of being in good health" - Emanuel Kant. Emanuel Kant's description of health stands in stark contrast to accepted definitions of health. For example, the WHO defines ‘health’ as ‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. However, as people get on with day-to-day living, no one can achieve the goal of ‘complete physical, mental and social well-being’. It is odd to define ‘health’ (...)
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    Zur Wirkungsgeschichte des Dopplerprinzips im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert.Joachim Thiele - 1971 - Annals of Science 27 (4):393-407.
    In 1783 John Michell published a note entitled ‘On the Means of Discovering the Distance, Magnitude etc. of the Fixed Stars, in Consequence of the Diminution of the Velocity of their Light’, but it was Christian Doppler who in 1842 for the first time formulated the principle : If a source of sound or light is in motion relative to an observer, or an observer in motion relative to a source, the period of the waves received by the observer will (...)
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    Käthe Starke: Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. Impressionen-Reportagen-Dokumente, Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Berlin 1975, 260 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (4):373-375.
  6. The Nature of Truth.H. H. Joachim - 2005 - In José Medina & David Wood, Truth. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    The Theater.Stark Young - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (13):359-361.
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    Hegel et la Révolution francais.Joachim Ritter - 1970 - Paris,: Beauchesne.
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  9. Ideology and practice of the 'green economy' : world views shaping science and politics.Joachim H. Spangenberg - 2015 - In Dieter Birnbacher & May Thorseth, The Politics of Sustainability: Philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  10. Cosmopsychism and Consciousness Research: A Fresh View on the Causal Mechanisms Underlying Phenomenal States.Joachim Keppler & Itay Shani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11 (Article 371):1-7.
    Despite the progress made in studying the observable exteriors of conscious processes, which are reflected in the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC), there are still no satisfactory answers to two closely related core questions. These are the question of the origin of the subjective, phenomenal aspects of consciousness, and the question of the causal mechanisms underlying the generation of specific phenomenal states. In this article, we address these questions using a novel variant of cosmopsychism, a holistic form of panpsychism relying (...)
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  11. The Role of the Brain in Conscious Processes: A New Way of Looking at the Neural Correlates of Consciousness.Joachim Keppler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9 (Article 1346):1-8.
    This article presents a new interpretation of the consciousness-related neuroscientific findings using the framework of stochastic electrodynamics (SED), a branch of physics that sheds light on the basic principles underlying quantum systems. It is propounded that SED supplemented by two well-founded hypotheses leads to a satisfying explanation of the neural correlates of consciousness. The theoretical framework thus defined is based on the notion that all conceivable shades of phenomenal awareness are woven into the frequency spectrum of a universal background field, (...)
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    Königsberger Kantiana: [Immanuel Kant. Werke. Volksausgabe Bd. 1].Immanuel Kant, Arnold Kowalewski & Werner Stark - 2000 - Meiner, F.
    Arnold Kowalewski (1873-1945) war der letzte Vertreter der Königsberger Kant-Forschung, die mit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges abbrach. Von dem unabgeschlossenen Projekt einer Volksausgabe der Kantischen Schriften in 5 Bänden, mit dem er von der Stadt Königsberg 1941 beauftragt worden war, um einen Überblick über das Kantische Schaffen zu erleichtern, ist allein das Typoskript für Band 1 vollständig ausgearbeitet worden. Der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit war der erreichte Stand der Realisierung unbekannt. Typoskript, korrigierte Druckfahnen und weitere Dokumente zur Entstehung der Ausgabe blieben (...)
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    What is a deductive system?Joachim Lambek - 1994 - In Dov M. Gabbay, What is a logical system? New York: Oxford University Press.
  14. Building Blocks for the Development of a Self-Consistent Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness.Joachim Keppler - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:723415.
    The goal of this work is to compile the basic components for the construction of an electromagnetic field theory of consciousness that meets the standards of a fundamental theory. An essential cornerstone of the conceptual framework is the vacuum state of quantum electrodynamics which, contrary to the classical notion of the vacuum, can be viewed as a vibrant ocean of energy, termed zero-point field (ZPF). Being the fundamental substrate mediating the electromagnetic force, the ubiquitous ZPF constitutes the ultimate bedrock of (...)
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  15. The Common Basis of Memory and Consciousness: Understanding the Brain as a Write–Read Head Interacting With an Omnipresent Background Field.Joachim Keppler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10 (Article 2968):1-13.
    The main goal of this article consists in addressing two fundamental issues of consciousness research and cognitive science, namely, the question of why declarative memory functions are inextricably linked with phenomenal awareness and the question of the physical basis of memory traces. The presented approach proposes that high-level cognitive processes involving consciousness employ a universal mechanism by means of which they access and modulate an omnipresent background field that is identified with the zero-point field (ZPF) specified by stochastic electrodynamics, a (...)
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    Nachforschungen Zu Briefen Und Handschriften Immanuel Kants.Werner Stark - 1993 - Akademie Verlag.
  17. The Eucharistie Words of Jesus.Joachim Jeremias & Norman Perrin - 1966
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  18.  24
    Judith Butler’s post-Hegelian ethics and the problem with recognition.Hannah Stark - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (1):89-100.
    Judith Butler’s recent work is exemplary of the trend in contemporary theory to consider ethics. Her deliberation over ethical questions, and the place of ethics in intellectual work, has undeniably intensified since September 11. This article will demonstrate, however, that this is a rendering explicit of what has always been implicit in her work. Rather than perceiving the ethical dimension of Butler’s writings in her increasing interest in thinkers such as Emmanuel Levinas and Hannah Arendt, I contend that it is (...)
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    Vorlesung zur Moralphilosophie.Werner Stark - 2004 - Walter de Gruyter.
    DieVorlesung über Moralphilosophie aus den 1770er Jahren ist eine wichtige Erläuterung und Ergänzung zur Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sittenvon 1785. Die Neuedition der so genannten Menzer-Vorlesung präsentiert diese Vorlesung auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Zugrunde gelegt ist die Nachschrift Kaehler, die seit 1997 zum Kant-Archiv in Marburg gehört. Abgeglichen ist der Text mit mehreren Handschriften des Archivs der Berlin-Bandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Ein Anhang mit textkritischem Apparat und Erläuterungen zu Literatur und Personen sowie eine Einleitung (...)
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  20.  29
    The Importance of Biosemiotics for Morphology.Joachim Schult, Onno Preik & Stefan Kirschner - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):167-179.
    Morphology and its relevance for systematics is a promising field for the application of biosemiotic principles in scientific practice. Genital coupling in spiders involves very complex interactions between the male and female genital structures. As exemplified by two spider species,Nephila clavipesandNephila pilipes ssp. fenestrata, from a biosemiotic point of view the microstructures of the male bulb’s embolus and the corresponding female epigynal and vulval parts form the morphological zone of an intraspecific communication and sign-interpreting process that is one of the (...)
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    On the Issue of Developing Creative Players in Team Sports: A Systematic Review and Critique From a Functional Perspective.Stephan Zahno & Ernst-Joachim Hossner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22. Meister und Jünger.Joachim Wach - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):115-115.
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  23. The Greatest Happiness Principle and Other Early German Anticipations of Utilitarian Theory.Joachim Hruschka - 1991 - Utilitas 3 (2):165.
    Bentham was once thought to be the father of the principle which he called ‘the greatest happiness principle’. Now Hutcheson with his ‘greatest happiness for the greatest numbers’ is the generally accepted source of this test of moral behaviour. It is not in Britain, however, but in Germany that one finds its origin. A quarter of a century before Hutcheson's An Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, a German philosopher provided a formulation of the principle (...)
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  24. Luck, Opportunity and Disability.Cynthia A. Stark - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (3):383-402.
    This paper argues that luck egalitarianism, especially in the guise of equality of opportunity for welfare, is in tension with the ideal of fair equality of opportunity in three ways. First, equal opportunity for welfare is compatible with a caste system in employment that is inconsistent with open competition for positions. Second, luck egalitarianism does not support hiring on the basis of qualifications. Third, amending luck egalitarianism to repair this problem requires abandoning fair access to qualifications. Insofar as luck egalitarianism (...)
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  25. The Reasonableness in Recklessness.Findlay Stark - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (1):9-29.
    Recklessness involves unreasonable/unjustified risk-taking. The argument here is that recklessness in the criminal law is best understood as nevertheless containing an element of reasonableness. To be reckless, on this view, the defendant must reasonably believe that she is exposing others to a risk of harm. If the defendant’s belief about the risk being imposed by her conduct is unreasonable, she should not be considered reckless. This point is most important in relation to offences of endangerment where recklessness sets the outer (...)
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    Emergence.Laura Stark - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):332-336.
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  27. Pornography, Verbal Acts, and Viewpoint Discrimination.Cynthia A. Stark - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (4):429-445.
    Catharine MacKinnon argues that pornography is action, rather than speech. She argues further that the speech/action distinction is what delineates the scope of the First Amendment. It follows, she thinks, that pornography does not fall within the scope of the First Amendment. I argue that the legal distinction between speech and action on which MacKinnon relies is unstable and therefore cannot determine which utterances fall within the scope of the First Amendment. Indeed, attempting to sort utterances by means of the (...)
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    Teaching Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology to Engineering Students Through Science Fiction.Joachim Schummer & Rosalyn W. Berne - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (6):459-468.
    Societal and ethical implications of nanotechnology have become a hot topic of public debates in many countries because both revolutionary changes and strong public concerns are expected from its development. Because nanotechnology is, at this point, mostly articulated in visionary and futuristic terms, it is difficult to apply standard methods of technology assessment and even more difficult to consider it in engineering ethics courses. In this article, the authors suggest using selected science fiction stories in the engineering ethics classroom to (...)
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    „Und das habt zum Zeichen“ (Lk 2,12).Joachim Jacob - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (4):356-365.
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    Det nya klassamhället.Joachim Israel & Hans-Erik Hermansson - 1996 - Stockholm: Ordfront. Edited by Hans-Erik Hermansson.
    Om samfundsudviklingen i Sverige med udgangspunkt i aktuel forskning inden for sociologi, nationaløkonomi og statsvidenskab, og samtidig et stridsskrift mod nyliberalismen.
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  31. Remarks on marxism and the philosophy of langauge.Joachim Israel - 2002 - In Gavin Kitching & Nigel Pleasants, Marx and Wittgenstein: Knowledge, Morality and Politics. New York: Routledge. pp. 35--213.
  32.  15
    Ich bin kein Computer: der polare Dualismus als zeitgemässe Antwort auf das Leib-Seele-Problem.Joachim Jacobi - 2020 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Was ist der Mensch? Das ist die Kernfrage dieses Buches, die aus philosophischer Sicht bearbeitet wird. Es wird dafür argumentiert, dass der Mensch mehr ist als eine sehr komplexe Ansammlung materieller Elementarteilchen, die einfach nach den normalen Gesetzen der Physik miteinander zusammenwirken. Stattdessen muss man Menschen zusätzlich spezifisch menschliche Eigenschaften zuschreiben, die nicht vollständig aus den körperlichen Eigenschaften heraus erklärbar sind. Sie verfügen über Bewusstsein und können in einem gewissen Umfang frei handeln. Das sind psycho-physische Phänomene, die mit den Gesetzen (...)
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    Immediate Experience and Mediation.Harold H. Joachim - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29:480.
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    Legal Aspects of Charitable Institutions.M. Ann Joachim - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (2):237-244.
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    Moving Beyond “Facts Are Facts”: Managing Emotions and Legitimacy After a Fake News Attack.Marie Joachim, Itziar Castelló & Glenn Parry - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Drawing upon case study research investigating the Irish Health Service Executive’s (HSE) response to a fake news attack on their human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign, we argue that responses to fake news should be analyzed from a legitimacy perspective. A model for emotional legitimacy management is proposed in which the HSE and a third-party collaborate to (a) connect with the emotional aspects of the issue; (b) leverage emotions to build vicarious legitimacy; (c) transfer the third-party’s legitimacy to the HSE; and (...)
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    The meaning of ‘meaning’.H. H. Joachim - 1920 - Mind 29 (4):404-414.
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    Bescheidene und ausführliche Entdeckung der falschen und schädlichen Philosophie in dem Wolffianischen Systemate Methaphysico von Gott, der Welt und dem Menschen.Joachim Lange - 1724 - New York: G. Olms.
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  38. Rooted transnational publics: Interfacing civic activism and foreign ties.David Stark, Balazs Vedres & Bruszt Laszlo - 2006 - Theory and Society 353:323-349.
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    ‘A remedy for this dread disease’: Achille Sclavo, anthrax and serum therapy in early twentieth-century Britain.James F. Stark - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (2):207-226.
    In the years around 1900 one of the most significant practical consequences of new styles of bacteriological thought and practice was the development of preventive vaccines and therapeutic sera. Historical scholarship has highlighted how approaches rooted in the laboratory methods of Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and their collaborators were transformed in local contexts and applied in diverse ways to enable more effective disease identification, prevention and treatment. Amongst these, the anti-anthrax serum developed by the Italian physician Achille Sclavo (1861–1930) has (...)
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  40.  34
    Taking responsibility for oppression: affirmative action and racial injustice.Susan Stark - 2004 - Public Affairs Quarterly 18 (3):205-221.
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    Erwartung. Zukunft zwischen Furcht und Hoffnung.Emil Angehrn & Joachim Küchenhoff (eds.) - 2018
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  42. Kant's Gesammelte Schriften im Jahr 2008.Tanja Gloyna, Jacqueline Karl & Werner Stark - 2008 - Studi Kantiani 21.
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  43. Un regalo para Rose Burger. Notas y comentarios sobre una recién hallada hoja de Kant.Steve Naragon & Werner Stark - 2013 - Isegoría 48:333-344.
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    Aristotle on happiness, virtue, and wisdom.Joachim Aufderheide & Daniel Ferguson - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1502-1507.
    Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2024, Page 1502-1507.
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    Class struggle and the transformation of the labor process.David Stark - 1980 - Theory and Society 9 (1):89-130.
  46.  46
    LOVE's LESSONS: intimacy, pedagogy and political community.Hannah Stark & Timothy Laurie - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):69-79.
    This article provides a philosophical account of love in relation to contemporary Marxist and post-structuralist conceptions of politics. Shifting the emphasis away from both the ontological question, “what is love?,” and the epistemological question, “how do we acquire certainty about love?,” this article advances a pedagogical question: how might love enable us to learn? To answer this question we turn to the work of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. After examining the tensions between ontological (...)
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  47. Ist der aer des Anaximenes als eine Substanz Konzipiert?Joachim Klowski - 1972 - Hermes 100 (2):131-142.
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  48. Benefit versus Numbers versus Helping the Worst-off: An Alternative to the Prevalent Approach to the Just Distribution of Resources.Andrew Stark - 2008 - Utilitas 20 (3):356-382.
    A central strand in philosophical debate over the just distribution of resources attempts to juggle three competing imperatives: helping those who are worst off, helping those who will benefit the most, and then – beyond this – determining when to aggregate such ‘worst off’ and ‘benefit’ claims, and when instead to treat no such claim as greater than that which any individual by herself can exert. Yet as various philosophers have observed, ‘we have no satisfactory theoretical characterization’ as to how (...)
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  49. New Testament Theology: The Proclamation of Jesus.Joachim Jeremias & John Bowden - 1971
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    Die Ethik der Natur.Joachim Kucias - 2000 - Hamburg: Autorenverlag A. Maeger.
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