Results for 'Joachim Bischoff'

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  1.  13
    Entfremdung und Arbeit: Kommentar zu d. ökonomisch-philosophischen Manuskripten.Joachim Bischoff (ed.) - 1980 - Hamburg: VSA-Verlag.
  2. Philosophical Analysis: The Concept Grounding View.Joachim Horvath - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (3):724-750.
    Philosophical analysis was the central preoccupation of 20th-century analytic philosophy. In the contemporary methodological debate, however, it faces a number of pressing external and internal challenges. While external challenges, like those from experimental philosophy or semantic externalism, have been extensively discussed, internal challenges to philosophical analysis have received much less attention. One especially vexing internal challenge is that the success conditions of philosophical analysis are deeply unclear. According to the standard textbook view, a philosophical analysis aims at a strict biconditional (...)
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  3. Intuitive expertise and intuitions about knowledge.Joachim Horvath & Alex Wiegmann - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (10):2701-2726.
    Experimental restrictionists have challenged philosophers’ reliance on intuitions about thought experiment cases based on experimental findings. According to the expertise defense, only the intuitions of philosophical experts count—yet the bulk of experimental philosophy consists in studies with lay people. In this paper, we argue that direct strategies for assessing the expertise defense are preferable to indirect strategies. A direct argument in support of the expertise defense would have to show: first, that there is a significant difference between expert and lay (...)
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    A. Zur erklärung und kritik der schriftsteller.Theodor Bergk, A. Bischoff, Aug Laves & C. Hartung - 1873 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 32 (3):563-573.
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    Minimale Gruppen.Joachim Reineke - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):357-359.
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    No Pure Theory of Law without Free Will.Joachim Renzikowski - 2023 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 109 (4):482-496.
  7. The Greatest Happiness Principle and Other Early German Anticipations of Utilitarian Theory.Joachim Hruschka - 1991 - Utilitas 3 (2):165.
    Bentham was once thought to be the father of the principle which he called ‘the greatest happiness principle’. Now Hutcheson with his ‘greatest happiness for the greatest numbers’ is the generally accepted source of this test of moral behaviour. It is not in Britain, however, but in Germany that one finds its origin. A quarter of a century before Hutcheson's An Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, a German philosopher provided a formulation of the principle (...)
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  8. Aristotle, the Nicomachean Ethics: A Commentary.H. H. Joachim & D. A. Rees - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (104):81-83.
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    Ethics of Chemical Synthesis.Joachim Schummer - 2001 - Hyle 7 (2):103 - 124.
    Unlike other branches of science, the scientific products of synthetic chemistry are not only ideas but also new substances that change our material world, for the benefit or harm of living beings. This paper provides for the first time a systematical analysis of moral issues arising from chemical synthesis, based on concepts of responsibility and general morality. Topics include the questioning of moral neutrality of chemical synthesis as an end in itself, chemical weapons research, moral objections against improving material conditions (...)
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    Cultural diversity in nanotechnology ethics.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Along with the rapid worldwide advance of nanotechnology, debates on associated ethical issues have spread from local to international levels. However, unlike science and engineer- ing issues, international perceptions of ethical issues are very diverse. This paper provides an analysis of how sociocultural factors such as language, cultural heritage, economics and politics can affect how people perceive ethical issues of nanotechnology. By attempting to clarify the significance of sociocultural issues in ethical considerations my aim is to support the ongoing international (...)
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    The Importance of Biosemiotics for Morphology.Joachim Schult, Onno Preik & Stefan Kirschner - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):167-179.
    Morphology and its relevance for systematics is a promising field for the application of biosemiotic principles in scientific practice. Genital coupling in spiders involves very complex interactions between the male and female genital structures. As exemplified by two spider species,Nephila clavipesandNephila pilipes ssp. fenestrata, from a biosemiotic point of view the microstructures of the male bulb’s embolus and the corresponding female epigynal and vulval parts form the morphological zone of an intraspecific communication and sign-interpreting process that is one of the (...)
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    Does excusable ignorance absolve of liability for costs?Joachim Wündisch - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (4):837-851.
    Excusable ignorance not only undermines moral culpability but also agent-responsibility. Therefore, excusable ignorance absolves of liability for costs. Specifically, it defeats liability that is meant to be derived from causal responsibility wherever strict liability cannot be justified. To establish these claims this paper assesses the potential of arguments for liability of excusably ignorant agents and thereby demarcates the proper domain of strict liability and traces the intuition that seemingly supports strict liability accounts to more general principles. The paper concludes that (...)
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    Chor und Gesetz.Joachim Schulte - 1984 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 21 (1):1-32.
    Zwischen Goethes Morphologiebegriff und Wittgensteins philosophischer Methode bestehen deutliche Parallelen, insofern man sie als Verfahren oder Anleitungen zur Erklärung und Darstellung natürlicher Phänomene (Goethe) bzw. der Begriffsbildung und -Verwendung (Wittgenstein) betrachtet. Den von Goethe als Entwicklungsmodelle und Vergleichshilfen gedeuteten Begriffen "Typus" und "Urbild" entsprechen Wittgensteins "Paradigmen" und "Muster"; beiden geht es um "übersichtliche" Darstellungen, und beide betonen die erklärungsrelevante Rolle der "Urphänomene".
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  14. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus.Joachim Jeremias, F. H. & C. H. Cave - 1969
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    Matter versus Form, and Beyond.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    There is the popular notion according to which the world is built up in a hierarchical order, such that combining entities from the lower level results in entities of the next higher level, and so on. It seems beyond doubt in this view that the entities at the lowest level are some subatomic particles, to be followed at the next levels by atoms, molecules, biological organs and organisms including humans, and eventually societies. Accordingly, a scientific discipline is assigned to each (...)
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    Interdisciplinary issues in nanoscale research.Joachim Schummer - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS. pp. 9--20.
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    A tale of four grammars.Claudia Casadio & Joachim Lambek - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (3):315-329.
    In this paper we consider the relations existing between four deductive systems that have been called categorial grammars and have relevant connections with linguistic investigations: the syntactic calculus, bilinear logic, compact bilinear logic and Curry''s semantic calculus.
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    Rezension Von.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Man ist sie fast schon leid, die Rede vom „Chaos“, mit der wissenschaftspublizistisch versierte Forscher bemüht sind, sich ihren Anteil am hart umkämpften Markt der Forschungsmittel und -reputation zu sichern. Die inflationäre Verkündigung von „wissenschaftlichen Revolutionen“, „Paradigmenwechseln“ und „postmoderner Wissenschaft“ mag manchem Philosophen zwar insgeheim noch schmeicheln wegen der Gebrauchs- und Marktfähigkeit - und Autorität - philosophischer Termini. So recht zu glauben sind solche Botschaften jedoch selten. Aber welcher Philosoph wollte sich da ein sachgerechtes und kritisches Urteil erlauben, ob die (...)
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    Chor und Gesetz.Joachim Schulte - 1984 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 21 (1):1-32.
    Zwischen Goethes Morphologiebegriff und Wittgensteins philosophischer Methode bestehen deutliche Parallelen, insofern man sie als Verfahren oder Anleitungen zur Erklärung und Darstellung natürlicher Phänomene (Goethe) bzw. der Begriffsbildung und -Verwendung (Wittgenstein) betrachtet. Den von Goethe als Entwicklungsmodelle und Vergleichshilfen gedeuteten Begriffen "Typus" und "Urbild" entsprechen Wittgensteins "Paradigmen" und "Muster"; beiden geht es um "übersichtliche" Darstellungen, und beide betonen die erklärungsrelevante Rolle der "Urphänomene".
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    Fichtes Notstandslehre und ihre Rezeption in der deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft.Joachim Renzikowski - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 36:339-355.
  21.  19
    Die Einheit von Gotteserkenntnis und Selbsterkenntnis Beobachtungen anhand von Luthers Römerbrief-Vorlesung.Joachim Ringleben - 1990 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 32 (2):125-133.
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    Freiheit im Widerspruch. Systematische Überlegungen zu Luthers Traktat »Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen«.Joachim Ringleben - 1998 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 40 (2):157-170.
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    Collegium Philosophicum.Joachim Ritter & Ernst Wolfgang Böckenförde (eds.) - 1965 - Basel,: Schwabe.
  24. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Band 4, 1 vol.Joachim Ritter & Karlfried Gründer - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):457-459.
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  25. (4 other versions)Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Band 2.Joachim Ritter - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (2):229-231.
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  26. Leitgedanken und Grundsätze eines Historischen Wörterbuchs der Philosophie.Joachim Ritter - 1965 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 47 (3):299.
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    Metaphysik und Politik.Joachim Ritter - 1969 - (Frankfurt a.M.): Suhrkamp.
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  28. « Naturrecht » bei Aristoteles. Zum Problem einer Erneuerung des Naturrechts.Joachim Ritter - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (4):566-566.
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  29. Positivismus Im 19. Jahrhundert Beiträge Zu Seiner Geschichtlichen Und Systematischen Bedeutung.Joachim Ritter, Jürgen Blühdorn & Forschungsunternehmen "Neunzehntes Jahrhundert" - 1971 - V. Klostermann.
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  30. Persona y propiedad: Un comentario de los parágrafos 34 a 81 de los ‘Principios de la Filosofía del Derecho’ de Hegel.Joachim Ritter - 1982 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 22.
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    On generation and corruption.H. H. Joachim - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes (ed.), Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press.
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  32. Species, signs, and intentionality.Joachim Schult - forthcoming - Biosemiotics: The Semiotic Web.
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    Types of Religious Experience, Christian and Non-Christian.Joachim Wach - 2013 - Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    „Prawo wolności”: najśmielsze zrownanie. „Stare” myśli na temat „nowej” moralności.Joachim Piegsa - 1973 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 21 (2):5-11.
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    Tugenden und Affekte in der Philosophie, Literatur und Kunst der Renaissance.Joachim Poeschke, Thomas Weigel & Britta Kusch (eds.) - 2002 - Münster: Rhema.
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    Drawing Lots of the Gods in Roman Egypt.Joachim Friedrich Quack - 2022 - Kernos 35:77-96.
    Recent research has brought to light substantial fragments in Egyptian demotic, Old Coptic and Greek of manuals of divination by means of drawing lots. Typically, the lots carry a number, and each is attributed to a particular deity. This article presents the documentation known today, including some strips of palm leaf which could have served as the actual lots. It also discusses the degree of variation between the different manuscripts, and possible specific links between the gods and the answers to (...)
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    Das Tier im Alten ÄgyptenDas Tier im Alten Agypten.Joachim Friedrich Quack & Philippe Germond - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):899.
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    (2 other versions)Acts & Events: Alfred Schutz and the Phenomenological Contribution to the Theory of Interaction.Joachim Renn & Linda Nell - 2013 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 5 (2013):37-48.
    The following article deals with Alfred Schutz’s contribution to the theory of action and interaction by pointing out the possibly most compelling phenomenological starting position, i.e, the decomposition of the unity of an action. The article stresses that Schutz’s methodical interpretive sociology in thissense has always refused the assimilation of action-events to material occurrences. In contrast to empiricist theories of action which wrongly substantialize actionevents by treating them as material events, the phenomenological account gives reason to the assumption that there (...)
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    Das problem des todes in der philosophie unserer zeit..Joachim Wach - 1934 - Tübingen,:
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  40. Religionswissenschaft, Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung.Joachim Wach - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):114-115.
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    The Role of Religion in the Social Philosophy of Alexis de Tocqueville.Joachim Wach - 1946 - Journal of the History of Ideas 7 (1/4):74.
  42.  22
    Tennis ohne Ball.Joachim Schulte - 2012 - Wittgenstein-Studien 3 (1):1-18.
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    Nanotechnologie: Eine neue soziale Dynamik an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit.Joachim Schummer - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (2):147-167.
    This paper investigates the development of nanotechnology from three different points of view: as a new technology, as social dynamics, and as an ideology. It argues that nanotechnology is not a new technology but a new social dynamics guided by programmatic ideas and situated at the interface between science and the public. Rather than being determined by social constructivism, the main argument is based on the poor scientific and technological identity of nanotechnology. Finally the paper concludes that nanotechnology is to (...)
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  44. „Verhaltensregeln und Zurechnungsregeln “.Joachim Hruschka - 1991 - Rechtstheorie 22:449-460.
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    (1 other version)Hegels „wahrheit Des sinnlichen“ oder die „zweite übersinnliche welt“.Joachim C. Horn - 1963 - Kant Studien 54 (1-4):252-258.
  46. Zur Weltgeltung der Leibnizschen Philosophie als Metaphysik Ein Manifest.Joachim Christian Horn - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):92-102.
    This article brings Leibniz' metaphysics down to earth. The long sought genesis of thinking is based on the organic nature. Leibniz' metaphysics is comprehensible as universal, because it links logic with the ontological fundamentals of the real. The paradox of individual substance is solvable. Herefore fact and concept of thinking are to be stretched towards acting, self-evolution as well as becoming self-conscious. So individual substance becomes the principle of organic nature, of becoming self-conscious, of historicity as well as the principle (...)
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    Einfalt. Zu einigen ästhetischen und rhetorischen Implikationen eines pietistischen Leitbegriffs.Joachim Jacob - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 341-352.
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    Ich bin kein Computer: der polare Dualismus als zeitgemässe Antwort auf das Leib-Seele-Problem.Joachim Jacobi - 2020 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Was ist der Mensch? Das ist die Kernfrage dieses Buches, die aus philosophischer Sicht bearbeitet wird. Es wird dafür argumentiert, dass der Mensch mehr ist als eine sehr komplexe Ansammlung materieller Elementarteilchen, die einfach nach den normalen Gesetzen der Physik miteinander zusammenwirken. Stattdessen muss man Menschen zusätzlich spezifisch menschliche Eigenschaften zuschreiben, die nicht vollständig aus den körperlichen Eigenschaften heraus erklärbar sind. Sie verfügen über Bewusstsein und können in einem gewissen Umfang frei handeln. Das sind psycho-physische Phänomene, die mit den Gesetzen (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Imagination and Reflection: Intersubjectivity and Fichte’s Grundlage of 1794.Joachim Widmann - 1982
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    The platonic distinction between 'true' and 'false' pleasures and pains.Harold H. Joachim - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (5):471-497.
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