Results for 'JoAnne Benzing'

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  1.  33
    A Practically Real Fantasy.JoAnne Benzing - 1992 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 10 (3):14-16.
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    Business Ethics Pioneers: Joanne B. Ciulla.Joanne B. Ciulla - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (3):295-307.
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    Soziologie und Anti-Soziologie: ein Diskurs und seine Rekonstruktion.Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz & Gerhard Wagner - 2001
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    Seeking the neurobiological bases of speech perception.Joanne L. Miller & Peter W. Jusczyk - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):111-137.
  5.  86
    Statistical Learning Is Related to Reading Ability in Children and Adults.Joanne Arciuli & Ian C. Simpson - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):286-304.
    There is little empirical evidence showing a direct link between a capacity for statistical learning (SL) and proficiency with natural language. Moreover, discussion of the role of SL in language acquisition has seldom focused on literacy development. Our study addressed these issues by investigating the relationship between SL and reading ability in typically developing children and healthy adults. We tested SL using visually presented stimuli within a triplet learning paradigm and examined reading ability by administering the Wide Range Achievement Test (...)
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  6. Animal Morality: What It Means and Why It Matters.Susana Monsó, Judith Benz-Schwarzburg & Annika Bremhorst - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (3-4):283-310.
    It has been argued that some animals are moral subjects, that is, beings who are capable of behaving on the basis of moral motivations. In this paper, we do not challenge this claim. Instead, we presuppose its plausibility in order to explore what ethical consequences follow from it. Using the capabilities approach, we argue that beings who are moral subjects are entitled to enjoy positive opportunities for the flourishing of their moral capabilities, and that the thwarting of these capabilities entails (...)
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    How Authentic Leadership Influences Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Reflexivity.Joanne Lyubovnikova, Alison Legood, Nicola Turner & Argyro Mamakouka - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):59-70.
    This study examines how authentic leadership influences team performance via the mediating mechanism of team reflexivity. Adopting a self-regulatory perspective, we propose that authentic leadership will predict the specific team regulatory process of reflexivity, which in turn will be associated with two outcomes of team performance, effectiveness and productivity. Using survey data from 53 teams in three organizations in the United Kingdom and Greece and controlling for collective trust, we found support for our stated hypotheses with the results indicating a (...)
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    Sync or sink? Interpersonal synchrony impacts self-esteem.Joanne Lumsden, Lynden K. Miles & C. Neil Macrae - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    In Pursuit of “Informed Hope” in the Stem Cell Discourse.Joanne Reimer, Emily Borgelt & Judy Illes - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (5):31-32.
  10.  34
    The unconscious as sedimentation: threefold manifestations of the unconscious in consciousness.Joanne Chung-yan Wun - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-23.
    This article explores the notion of the unconscious (das Unbewusste) in terms of its nature and constitutive manifestations in consciousness. In contrast to the psychoanalytic formulation, the unconscious is conceptualized here distinctively as sedimentation (die Sedimentierung) within the Husserlian framework. All `experiences sediment and are “stored” in a darkened, affectless region of the psyche, which is nonetheless not in any sense separated from the sphere of consciousness. Rather, the sedimented experiences move dynamically between the unconscious and consciousness, constantly affecting and (...)
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    The affect of vision and compassion upon role factors in physician leadership.Joann F. Quinn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    (1 other version)Changes in Diet, Sleep, and Physical Activity Are Associated With Differences in Negative Mood During COVID-19 Lockdown.Joanne Ingram, Greg Maciejewski & Christopher J. Hand - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Doctors' views of clinical practice guidelines: a qualitative exploration using innovation theory.Joanne M. Hader, Robin White, Steven Lewis, Jeanette L. B. Foreman, Paul W. McDonald & Laurence G. Thompson - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):601-606.
  14.  15
    Continuity in Discontinuity: Changing Discourses of Science in a Market Economy.Joanne Duberley, John McAuley & Laurie Cohen - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (2):145-166.
    There is an emerging consensus that we are experiencing radical change in the way that science is organized and performed. Frequently described as a shift from Mode 1 to Mode 2, this view emphasizes application, transdisciplinarity, collaboration, and accountability. This article examines the ways in which U.K. public sector scientists make sense of scientific endeavor. The data reveal that the extent to which science is being constructed varied both across and between institutions. Data highlight how individual scientists weave their own (...)
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  15. Quaestiones quodlibetales.Joannes Italus - 1956 - Ettal,: Buch-Kunstverlag.
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  16.  38
    Statistical learning under incidental versus intentional conditions.Joanne Arciuli, Janne von Koss Torkildsen, David J. Stevens & Ian C. Simpson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Inclusion of the Nature of Science in Nine Recent International Science Education Standards Documents.Joanne Olson - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (7-8):637-660.
    Understanding the nature of science has long been a desired outcome of science education, despite ongoing disagreements about the content, structure, and focus of NOS expectations. Addressing the concern that teachers likely focus only on student learning expectations appearing in standards documents, this study examines the current state of NOS in science education standards documents from nine diverse countries to determine the overt NOS learning expectations that appeared, NOS statements provided near those learning expectations, but not identified as learning outcomes, (...)
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  18.  56
    Are the Patients Who Become Organ Donors under the Pittsburgh Protocol for "Non-Heart-Beating Donors" Really Dead?Joanne Lynn - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):167-178.
    The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) "Policy for the Management of Terminally Ill Patients Who May Become Organ Donors after Death" proposes to take organs from certain patients as soon as possible after expected cardiopulmonary death. This policy requires clear understanding of the descriptive state of the donor's critical cardiopulmonary and neurologic functional capacity at the time interventions to sustain or harvest organs are undertaken. It also requires strong consensus about the moral and legal status of the donor during (...)
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  19.  86
    Leadership and the Ethics of Care.Joanne B. Ciulla - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):3-4.
    The job of a leader includes caring for others, or taking responsibility for them. All leaders face the challenge of how to be both ethical and effective in their work. This paper focuses on the requirement that leaders be present to care for their followers in times of crisis. It examines the story of Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burns. This is a tale that has been repeated in various forms by ancient historians and modern writers. The fact that (...)
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  20.  41
    Making Corporations Responsible: The Parallel Tracks of the B Corp Movement and the Business and Human Rights Movement.Joanne Bauer & Elizabeth Umlas - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (3):285-325.
    The business and human rights movement shares several goals with the Benefit Corporation movement: corporations respecting human rights; maintaining a “wide aperture” so that all impacts of a company on people and communities are addressed; and creating rigorous standards of conduct and means of accountability. This paper argues that nonetheless the movements are traveling along parallel tracks and thus missing an opportunity for mutual learning that can improve their effectiveness. The BHR movement can look to B Corps for concrete examples (...)
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  21.  21
    Cognitive Kin, Moral Strangers? Linking Animal Cognition, Animal Ethics & Animal WelfareVERWANDTE IM GEISTE – FREMDE IM RECHT. SOZIO-KOGNITIVE FÄHIGKEITEN BEI TIEREN UND IHRE RELEVANZ FÜR TIERETHIK UND TIERSCHUTZ.Judith Benz-Schwarzburg - 2019 - BRILL.
    In _Cognitive Kin, Moral Strangers?_, Judith Benz-Schwarzburg investigates whether non-human animals share complex socio-cognitive abilities like culture, language and theory of mind with humans. She questions our supposedly human uniqueness and explores how cognitive kinship matters for animal ethics.
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  22. Die Bedingung der Möglichkeit von Differenz. Das transzendentallogische Mißverständnis in der Systemtheorie Luhmanns.Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz - 2000 - In Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz & Gerhard Wagner, Die Logik Der Systeme. Universitätsverlag Konstanz. pp. 37--72.
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    Die Logik Der Systeme.Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz & Gerhard Wagner (eds.) - 2000 - Universitätsverlag Konstanz.
    Inhalt: - Systemtheorie und klassische Philosophie - Systemtheorie und transklassische Philosophie - Materiale, metatheoretische und ideologische Aspekte der Systemtheorie.
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    A Nurse's Perspective on the Victorian Euthanasia Bill.Joanne Grainger - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (1):4.
    Grainger, Joanne This article explores the proposed Victorian Medical Treatment (Physician Assisted Dying) Bill from a nursing perspective. Public trust of the nursing profession will be lessened with the introduction of any law that permits euthanasia or assisted suicide. In Australian society, care of the dying is a compelling social duty and responsibility. In health and social terms, this is known as palliative care, whereby the provision of physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional support to terminally ill people and their (...)
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  25. Optimal assertions, and what they implicate. A uniform game theoretic approach.Anton Benz & Robert van Rooij - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):63-78.
    To determine what the speaker in a cooperative dialog meant with his assertion, on top of what he explicitly said, it is crucial that we assume that the assertion he gave was optimal. In determining optimal assertions we assume that dialogs are embedded in decision problems (van Rooij 2003) and use backwards induction for calculating them (Benz 2006). In this paper, we show that in terms of our framework we can account for several types of implicatures in a uniform way, (...)
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  26.  49
    Must Patients Always Be Given Food and Water?Joanne Lynn & James E. Childress - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (5):17-21.
  27.  69
    Provincializing Albert Schweitzer's Ethical Colonialism in Africa.Joanne Miyang Cho - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (1):71-86.
    Unlike many commentators who tend to see Schweitzer's mission one-sidedly, I show the coexistence of liberal and conservative elements in his mission. While his mission intent was mostly motivated by the former, his mission practices largely show the latter. In this essay, I analyze them in detail in three parts. I first explain how such opposite elements can coexist by applying Dipesh Chakrabarty's notion of provincializing Europe. Like most nineteenth-century Western liberals, Schweitzer advocated Enlightenment rights for Europeans, but denied them (...)
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    Is Chordin a morphogen?Joanne Hama & Daniel C. Weinstein - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (2):121-124.
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    Latinx Bioethics: Toward a Braver, Broader, and More Just Bioethics.Joanne C. Suarez - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):60-62.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S60-S62, March‐April 2022.
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  30. (1 other version)Leadership Ethics.Joanne B. Ciulla - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (1):5-28.
    In this paper I argue that a greater understanding of the part of ethics in leadership will improve leadership studies. Debates over thedefinition of leadership are really debates over what researchers think constitutes good leadership. The ultimate question is not “What is leadership?” but “What is good leadership?” The word good is refers to both ethics and competence. Research into leadership ethics would explore the ethical issues of current leadership research, serve as a critical study of the field, analyze and (...)
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  31.  51
    Mandarin learners use syntactic bootstrapping in verb acquisition.Joanne N. Lee & Letitia R. Naigles - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):1028-1037.
  32.  61
    Ethical decision making in environmental communication.Joann Myer Valenti - 1998 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 13 (4):219 – 231.
    Environmental journalism has been criticized by various special interest groups and some editors for advocacy and faulted for inaccuracies. Sources, in turn, many from the science communities, have been accused of inaccessibility, and public relations representatiws from both industry and environmental organizations are regularly blamed for unethical behaviors rangingfrom hyperbole to more serious discussion or omission of factual information. This article reports a preliminary study of ethical decision making among members of the Society of Environmental Journalists, identifying ethical motivation diljerences (...)
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  33.  39
    Embedded implicature: what can be left unsaid?Anton Benz & Nicole Gotzner - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1099-1130.
    Previous research on scalar implicature has primarily relied on meta-linguistic judgment tasks and found varying rates of such inferences depending on the nature of the task and contextual manipulations. This paper introduces a novel interactive paradigm involving both a production and a comprehension side and a precise conversational goal. The main research question is what is reliably communicated by some in this communicative setting, both when the quantifier occurs in unembedded and embedded positions. Our new paradigm involves an action-based task (...)
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    Correspondance: Maurice Blondel - Joannes Wehrle. (Extraits).Maurice Blondel, Joannès Wehrlé & Henri de Lubac - 1969 - Aubier-Montaigne.
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  35. Setting an International Research Agenda for Fear of Cancer Recurrence: An Online Delphi Consensus Study.Joanne Shaw, Helen Kamphuis, Louise Sharpe, Sophie Lebel, Allan Ben Smith, Nicholas Hulbert-Williams, Haryana Mary Dhillon & Phyllis Butow - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundFear of cancer recurrence is common amongst cancer survivors. There is rapidly growing research interest in FCR but a need to prioritize research to address the most pressing clinical issues and reduce duplication and fragmentation of effort. This study aimed to establish international consensus among clinical and academic FCR experts regarding priorities for FCR research.MethodsMembers of the International Psycho-oncology Society Fear of Cancer Recurrence Special Interest Group were invited to participate in an online Delphi study. Research domains identified in Round (...)
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    Het existentialisme.Joannes Henricus Robbers - 1948 - Den Bosch,: Geert Groote Genootschap.
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    Theory, technology and cultural power an interview with Manuel castells.Joanne Roberts - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (2):33 – 39.
  38.  13
    Wijsbegeerte en openbaring.Joannes Henricus Robbers - 1948 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Waiting in Christian Traditions: Balancing Ideology and Utopia.Joanne Maguire Robinson - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    As the first monograph on waiting in Christian traditions, this study breaks new ground by revealing how waiting becomes a stabilizing force that helps to solidify Christian identity and community. It analyzes various forms of Christian waiting through the lens of Paul Ricoeur’s ideas about ideology and utopia.
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    Review of Joannes N. Theodorakopoulos: System of Philosophical Ethics[REVIEW]Joannes N. Theodorakopoulos - 1955 - Ethics 65 (3):221-223.
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    Must Patients Always Be Given Food and Water?Joanne Lynn & James F. Childress - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (5):17.
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    Precarious Professionals: (in)Secure Identities and Moral Agency in Neocolonial Context.Joanne Jones & Kelly Thomson - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):747-770.
    We contribute to the literature on ethics in the professions by theorizing how global mobility precipitates professional insecurity and constrained moral agency. We present our findings of a study of accountants migrating to Canada. Using postcolonial theory and relational/poststructuralist theories of identity and ethics, we contrast the experiences of marginalized and privileged migrant accountants to show how those with “diverse” social identities are not recognized by professionals in Canada and must seek recognition from Canadian colleagues, employers, and clients to reconstitute (...)
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    The Gendered Implications of Apparently Gender-Neutral Theory.Joanne Martin & Kathleen Knopoff - 1997 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:30-49.
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    Settler-colonialism’s “miscarriage”.Joanne Faulkner - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (3):137-154.
    The relation between Australia’s First Nations peoples and settler-colonial Australians may be characterised as having “miscarried” to the extent that colonial difference is unacknowledged,...
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  45.  93
    Voting in Bad Faith.Joanne C. Lau - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (3):281-294.
    What is wrong with participating in a democratic decision-making process, and then doing something other than the outcome of the decision? It is often thought that collective decision-making entails being prima facie bound to the outcome of that decision, although little analysis has been done on why that is the case. Conventional perspectives are inadequate to explain its wrongness. I offer a new and more robust analysis on the nature of voting: voting when you will accept the outcome only if (...)
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  46.  57
    Cruzan and Caring For Others.Joanne Lynn - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (5):10-11.
  47.  22
    Prozesse wissenschaftlicher Differenzierung. Eine organisations- und wissenschaftssoziologische Fallstudie. Rainald von Gizycki.Joanne Mortimer - 1978 - Isis 69 (2):307-307.
  48.  16
    The effect of similarity between owner’s values and their perceptions of their pet’s values on life satisfaction.Joanne Sneddon, Sheng Ye & Julie A. Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    It is often assumed that pet ownership improves peoples’ wellbeing, but evidence of this pet effect has been mixed. We extended past research on pet personality, the pet effect, and value congruence to examine whether people perceive their pets to have humanlike values and if owner-pet values similarity has a positive effect on owners’ life satisfaction. In a large and diverse sample of Australian dog and cat owners, we find that people imbue their dogs and cats with humanlike values in (...)
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  49.  24
    (1 other version)A Gene Therapy Death.Joanne Silberner - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (2):6-6.
  50. [no title].Wolfgang Benz - unknown
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