Results for 'Jörn Knobloch'

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  1.  17
    »Transoleszenz«?Jörn Grebe - 2023 - Psyche 77 (8):688-712.
    In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll das komplexe Zusammenwirken von unbewusst Psychischem, biologischem Körper in der Pubertät und gesellschaftlichen Verschiebungen hin zu multiplen Genderidentitäten untersucht und differenziert werden. Ausgangspunkt ist eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen, die sich in der Spezialsprechstunde für Geschlechtsdysphorie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf vorstellen und als »Transgender« identifizieren; meist ist der Anlass der Vorstellung der Wunsch nach einer medizinischen Transition (Hormonbehandlung etc.). Der Autor versteht die frühe Adoleszenz als einen sozio-psychischen Umschlagsplatz, der per se einer psychischen und körperlichen, zumal hochgradig (...)
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  2. Das Erscheinen des Menschen: Hannah Arendt und Franz Rosenzweig.Jörn Ahrens - 2001 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 48 (3):401-431.
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    "Les dictionnaires nous diront que aqua signifie le feu". Du Marsais zum Problem der kontrastiven Metaphorik und Idiomatik.Jörn Albrecht - 1981 - In Jürgen Trabant (ed.), Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie Und der Sprachwissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 215-228.
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    Der Beitrag deutsch-jüdischer Juristen zum Handelsrecht.Jörn Eckert - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 48 (4):338-352.
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    Die Zukunft der Aufklärung.Jörn Rüsen, Eberhard Lämmert & Peter Glotz (eds.) - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Generality and Infinitely Small Quantities in Leibniz’s Mathematics - The Case of his Arithmetical Quadrature of Conic Sections and Related Curves.Eberhard Knobloch - 2008 - In Douglas Jesseph & Ursula Goldenbaum (eds.), Infinitesimal Differences: Controversies Between Leibniz and His Contemporaries. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Changement de Méthode causé par la Numérisation.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    La numérisation va de pair avec un changement fondamental des méthodes qui a le potentiel de changer la pensée, les décisions et les actions des gens. Sur la base de cette thèse, une structure est proposée pour l’analyse de le changement de méthode induit par la numérisation. L’article donne un bref aperçu des forces motrices, des formes et des effets de ce changement méthodologique.
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    Task-Specificity of Muscular Responses During Motor Imagery: Peripheral Physiological Effects and the Legacy of Edmund Jacobson.Jörn Munzert & Britta Krüger - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9. Ethical Issues Surrounding Intellectual Property Rights.Jorn Sonderholm - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (12):1107-1115.
    Much of today’s international trade is conducted according to trade agreements that involve substantial and uniform protections of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights are a socio‐economic tool that create a temporary monopoly for inventor firms and enable such firms to charge prices for their innovations that are many times higher than the marginal cost of production of the innovations. This allows the inventor firms to salvage their research‐costs and secure a profit on their innovations. A large body of contemporary (...)
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  10. World poverty, positive duties, and the overdemandingness objection.Jorn Sonderholm - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (3):308-327.
    One objection that has been consistently raised for theorists who are committed to the idea that we have a positive duty to aid the global poor is the overdemandingness objection. This article is a critical discussion of this objection. First, the objection is laid out in some detail. A number of influential attempts to meet the overdemandingness objection are then discussed, and it is argued that they all fail in their intended purpose. The conclusion of the article is not that (...)
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  11. Leibniz's rigorous foundation of infinitesimal geometry by means of riemannian sums.Eberhard Knobloch - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1-2):59 - 73.
    In 1675, Leibniz elaborated his longest mathematical treatise he everwrote, the treatise ``On the arithmetical quadrature of the circle, theellipse, and the hyperbola. A corollary is a trigonometry withouttables''. It was unpublished until 1993, and represents a comprehensive discussion of infinitesimalgeometry. In this treatise, Leibniz laid the rigorous foundation of thetheory of infinitely small and infinite quantities or, in other words,of the theory of quantified indivisibles. In modern terms Leibnizintroduced `Riemannian sums' in order to demonstrate the integrabilityof continuous functions. The (...)
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    Does Blackburn’s Expressivism Have a Problem with Respect to Supervenience? A Reply to Wright and Zangwill.Jorn Sonderholm - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (1):89-95.
    This paper is concerned with the expressivist account of moral supervenience that Simon Blackburn has offered. First, the account is presented, and an objection to it is thereafter discussed. In short, the objection is that the supervenience constraint in moral discourse is mysterious, given that no similar constraint governs speech and thought in other areas of discourse that seem to be prime candidates for an expressivist analysis. The conclusion of the paper is that this objection can be fended off.
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    Exaggerating the Importance of Diachronic Base Property Exemplification in Moral Supervenience.Jorn Sonderholm - 2011 - Metaphysica 12 (1):45-50.
    Jeff Wisdom has recently defended the proposition that any view of moral supervenience worth its salt must incorporate a diachronic view of base property exemplification. Let us call the proposition defended by Wisdom p. In this paper, I try to show that Wisdom has offered no good reasons for accepting p. My argumentative strategy proceeds along two separate tracks. First, I try to show that the thought experiment Wisdom employs in order to underwrite p does not offer the intended support (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche und Das „sprachliche relativitätsprinzip“.Jörn Albrecht - 1979 - Nietzsche Studien 8 (1):225-244.
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    Wahrnehmung - Konstruktion - Text: Bilder des Wirklichen im Werk Georg Forsters.Jörn Garber (ed.) - 2000 - De Gruyter.
    Im Gegensatz zu dem Weltreisenden und Revolutionär Georg Forster (1754-1794) ist der Autor Forster, der Theoretiker der Wahrnehmung und der Beschreibung weniger bekannt. Der Band vereinigt Studien zu unterschiedlichen Werkgruppen Forsters, die befragt werden nach der Aneignung des 'Wirklichen' durch 'Erfahrung', 'Verstand', 'Idee', 'Bild' und 'Totaleindruck' im Spannungsfeld von Perzeption und Möglichkeitskonstruktion. Konkrete Textanalyse, Bestimmung der Wirkungsabsicht des Autors bzw. der Arbeitsverfahren des 'gesellschaftlichen Schriftstellers' eröffnen ein neues Forster-Bild.
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  16. Digital Era Framework. Ein Bezugsrahmen für das Digitale Informationszeitalter.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019 - 88339 Bad Waldsee, Deutschland:
    Der »Digital Era Framework« ist ein Bezugsrahmen für das digitale Informationszeitalter. Gerichtet an Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermaßen, bietet das Konzept einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Einordnung und Analyse von Phänomenen des Digitalen Wandels, der Digitalisierung und der Digitalen Transformation. Dem »Digital Era Framework« liegt dabei ein integrierter Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Wandels zugrunde, insofern als Ursprungszustand, Veränderung und Endzustand in einem einheitlichen Schema dargestellt werden können. Der Bezugsrahmen stellt die Information in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung und beruht auf zwei Ordnungsmomenten: der (...)
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    Glossar der Öffentlichen Rede.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019 - 88339 Bad Waldsee, Deutschland:
    Das „Glossar der Öffentlichen Rede“ stellt prägnante Definitionen für zahlreiche Grundbegriffe im Bereich des öffentlichen Sprechens vor.
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    The Longue Durée of Empire.Jörn Leonhard - 2013 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 8 (1):1-25.
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    Adaequatio as Assimilatio: Two Puzzles in Aquinas’ Theory of Truth.Jörn Müller - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (3-4):341-372.
    This article explores the epistemological ramifications of understanding Thomas Aquinas’ conception of truth in terms of a dynamic process of cognitive assimilation within the human psyche. In particular, the author addresses two potential pitfalls for his theory, namely ‘failed assimilation’ as the basis of false judgments and ‘negative assimilation’, i.e., correspondence to non-being: how is the human mind capable of assimilation to ‘nothing’ at all? Aquinas addresses these two problems in various passages throughout his works; the author connects and reviews (...)
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    Musurgia Universalis: Unknown Combinatorial Studies in the Age of Baroque Absolutism.Eberhard Knobloch - 1979 - History of Science 17 (4):258-275.
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    Kanonbildung und Editionspraxis.Jörn Bohr, Gerald Hartung & Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Die Editionswissenschaft, aber auch die editorisch arbeitenden Fachdisziplinen haben sich bisher nicht besonders intensiv um das spezifische Verhältnis von Kanon und Edition bemüht. Der vorliegende Band legt in einem interdisziplinären Zugriff exemplarische Studien aus der Literaturwissenschaft, der Musikwissenschaft und der Philosophie vor, die theoretische Fragestellungen der Kanonforschung mit Fällen der fachgeschichtlichen Editionspraxis verbinden, um so Konturen einer fachübergreifenden Beziehungsbeschreibung von Kanonbildung und Editionspraxis sichtbar zu machen. Dazu schlägt der Band vier Wege ein. In einer ersten, wissenschaftsgeschichtlich orientierten Rubrik werden „Aspekte (...)
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  22.  18
    Windelbands Psychologie-Projekte. Das Scheitern eines ambitionierten Programms an seinen Kontexten.Jörn Bohr - 2019 - In Thomas Kessel (ed.), Philosophische Psychologie Um 1900. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 17-38.
    Unter dem Titel „Windelbands Psychologie-Projekte“ schließt Jörn Bohr mit seinem philosophiehistorischen Überblick zur Lage der Psychologie zwischen 1872 und 1915 am Beispiel Windelbands an die vorangehende Einleitung an und zeichnet damit in eins die wissenschaftliche Landschaft vor, in welche die folgenden Beiträge eingebettet sind. Bohr zeigt neben dem wissenschaftlichen Werdegang des Protagonisten dessen Bemühungen um einen eigenen Entwurf einer Psychologie und deren Wendungen. Desgleichen betont er seine bildungspolitische Funktion in Bezug auf den Lehrstuhlstreit im März 1913. Ein Positionsstreit, der nicht (...)
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    Max Stirner, Identity Politics, and the Demand for Conformity from Its Opponents.Jorn Janssen - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (208):130-149.
    ExcerptWe are currently witness to a new rise of identity politics, only the content of which is prone to partisanship. On the one side of the political aisle, we are supposed to care about our particular place in a social hierarchy based on race, gender, or sexual orientation, while on the other side we are supposed to identify with our original geographical lineage. This approach to politics, which we commonly refer to as identity politics, has drawn the ire of liberal (...)
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  24. Historical Narration: Foundation, Types, Reason.Jorn Rusen - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (4):87-97.
    Historical narration is a system of mental operations defining the field of historical consciousness. It is poetic in that it is the performance of creative activity by the human mind in the process of historical thinking. The purpose of historical narration is to make sense of the experience of time in order to orient practical life in the course of time. Three elements distinguish an historical narration from other forms of narration: an historical narration is tied to the medium of (...)
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    Notes on Series VII and VIII of the Leibniz-Edition.Eberhard Knobloch - 2018 - In Maria Teresa Borgato, Erwin Neuenschwander & Irène Passeron (eds.), Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions. Springer Verlag. pp. 27-48.
    The article describes the difficult establishment of two of the eight series of the so-called Academy Edition of Leibniz’s Complete Writings and Letters. In 1976, Series VII, Mathematical writings, was realized by means of a collaboration between Knobloch in Berlin and Contro in Hannover. Juridical, staff, and technical problems had to be solved before the editorial work could begin. Series VIII, Scientific, Medical, and Technical writings, was realized in 2001, this time as an official project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy (...)
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    Heidegger auf Französisch – die ‚Poststrukturalisten‘ auf Deutsch. Ein Fall von ‚verschränktem‘ Kulturtrafsfer.Jörn Albrecht - 2008 - In Manfred Schmeling & Alberto Gil (eds.), Kultur Übersetzen: Zur Wissenschaft des Übersetzens Im Deutsch-Französischen Dialog. Akademie Verlag. pp. 17-32.
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    Stakeholder Pressures and Decarbonization Strategies in Mittelstand Firms.Jörn H. Block, Pramodita Sharma & Lena Benz - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):511-533.
    This study examines the influence of stakeholder pressures and family ownership on strategic decarbonization choices of German Mittelstand firms. It distinguishes between _symbolic_ strategies focusing on compensating CO 2 -emissions and _substantive_ strategies directed toward reducing carbon emissions. The relative pressure exerted by _internal_ and _external_ stakeholders on these strategic choices is examined. Data from 443 manufacturing firms reveal that overall stakeholder pressures increase the pursuit of decarbonization strategies. Internal stakeholders pressures are associated with increased reliance on substantive decarbonization strategies (...)
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    Raum als Sinnordnung bei Ernst Cassirer.Jörn Bohr - 2008 - Erlangen: Filos.
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    Wie den internationalen Logos fassen?Jörn Bohr - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (2):12-23.
    This essay shows the difficulties inherent in the very term of ›culture‹ itself, spe- cifically in political and philosophical contexts between 1910 and 1933. Despite the eagerness and the striking idealism of its founders, Logos never offered an under- standing of culture that was able to resist the totalitarian tendencies of its own time. The term ›culture‹ thus continues to contaminate every attempt to formulate the legacy of the Logos project. From today’s perspective, that means recognizing the need to come (...)
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    Otto von Guericke und die Kosmologie im 17.?Jahrhundert.Eberhard Knobloch - 2003 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 26 (4):237-250.
    Otto von Guericke's scientific method was based on reason and experimental science. His cosmology was embedded in theology and can be interpreted as a refutation of Descartes's worldview. He used Nicolaus Cusanus's theory of quantities in order to characterize the space. The notion of space has to be distinguished from that of world or heaven. Forces play a crucial role in this respect described by Kircher in his ‘Celestial journey’. Guericke read this work very diligently. In spite of some obvious (...)
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    Progrès et tâches futures de la recherche leibnizienne en mathématiques.Eberhard Knobloch - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Christophore Clavius (1538-1612).Eberhard Knobloch - 1988 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 41 (3):331-356.
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    Geschichte.Jörn Rüsen - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 187-194.
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    Historie und Historik: 200 Jahre Johann Gustav Droysen: Festschrift für Jörn Rüsen zum 70. Geburtstag.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2009 - Köln: Böhlau.
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  35. Is the publication of exit poll results morally permissible?Jorn Sonderholm - 2016 - Public Affairs Quarterly 30 (1):51-56.
    This article is about exit polls. It addresses the question of whether or not it is morally permissible to publish exit poll results. The conclusion of the article is that an affirmative answer should be given to this question. In section 2, the master argument in favor of the moral permissibility of the publication of exit poll results is introduced. This is a strong argument. It is, however, argued that it might be the case that the conclusion of this argument (...)
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    Wild-Card Patent Extensions as a Means to Incentivize Research and Development of Antibiotics.Jorn Sonderholm - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (2):240-246.
    Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health problem on a global scale. In both developed and developing countries, the unpleasant consequences of the phenomenon are being felt. This paper discusses wild-card patent extensions as a means to incentivize research and development of new antibiotics. The thesis defended in the paper is that the implementation of such patent extensions is an appropriate legislative response to the problem of antibiotic resistance. The general idea of wild-card patent extensions is presented in the first (...)
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  37.  48
    Some Theoretical Approaches to Intercultural Comparative Historiography.Jorn Rusen - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (4):5-22.
    Intercultural comparative historiography raises fundamental methodological problems: Is there any ground for comparison beyond the peculiarities and differences of cultures to be compared? One must avoid taking the Western cultural tradition of historical thinking as the basis for the comparison. Therefore one has to conceptualize the theoretical grounds for comparison and explicate elements of historical thinking which operate in every culture. Then cultural differences in historiography can be analyzed as peculiar constellations of these elements. In order to develop this comparative (...)
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  38. Guy Debord and the Problem of the Accursed.Asger Jorn & Roxanne Lapidus - 1999 - Substance 28 (3):157-163.
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    Method Change caused by Digitalization.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    Digitalization goes hand in hand with a fundamental change in methods that has the potential to change people’s thinking, decisions and actions. Departing from this thesis, a structure is proposed for the analysis of the method change induced by digitalization. The article provides a brief outline of the driving forces, the forms and the effects of this method change.
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    In defence of priority review vouchers.Jorn Sonderholm - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (7):413-420.
    Infectious and parasitic diseases cause enormous health problems in the developing world whereas they leave the developed one relatively unscathed. Research and development (R&D) of drugs for diseases that mainly affect people in developing countries is limited. The problem that relatively few drugs are available for diseases that cause an enormous burden of disease in the developing world is called the 'availability problem'. In recent years, the availability problem has received quite a bit of attention. A number of proposals have (...)
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    Liebe als Zentralbegriff der Ethik nach Peter Abaelard.Jörn Müller - 2001 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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    6 Die Konzeption der Tugend in Ciceros De officiis: das Beispiel der Hochgesinntheit.Jörn Müller - 2023 - In Jörn Müller & Philipp Brüllmann (eds.), Cicero: De officiis. De Gruyter. pp. 89-106.
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    A Logical Response to Blackburn's Supervenience Argument.Jorn Sonderholm - 2007 - SATS 8 (1):178-185.
    Simon Blackburn’s supervenience argument against moral realism has been widely discussed since its first appearance more than thirty years ago. A number of different suggestions have been made as to how the argument can be countered. In a review of Blackburn’s Spreading the Word, Crispin Wright comments on the argument and rather briefly points out some technical difficulties with it that arise from the formula used in the definition of supervenience. In this paper, I try to show, building on Wright’s (...)
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  44.  47
    Contemporary ethical naturalism : a comparative metaethical evaluation of expressivism and Cornell realism.Jorn Sonderholm - 2005 - Dissertation, St. Andrews
    This thesis contains a critical discussion of two metaethical theories: expressivism, as developed in the works of Simon Blackburn, and Cornell realism, as presented by Richard Boyd and David Brink. In the introduction, a distinction is made between external and internal accommodation projects for moral discourse and it is argued that the external accommodation project should be guided by acceptance of methodological naturalism. Expressivism and Cornell realism are then subjected to an extended comparative evaluation, and an answer is sought to (...)
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    Roger Hahn, Correspondance de Pierre Simon Laplace (1749–1827), 2 Bde., (De Diversis Artibus; 90).Jörn Henrich - 2014 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37 (1):88-89.
    Turnhout: Brepols 2013. XVIII, 1416 S., € 120,00. ISBN 978‐2‐503‐54129‐7.
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    Vorzeitbelebung: Vergangenheits- und Gegenwarts-Reflexionen in der Musik heute.Jörn Peter Hiekel (ed.) - 2010 - Hofheim: Wolke.
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    Concerning form =.Asger Jorn - 2012 - Silkeborg: Museum Jorn.
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  48. Forschungsgrundlagen Wilhelm Windelband.Bohr Jörn & Hartung Gerald - 2020
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    Erkundung und erforschung: Alexander Von humboldts amerikareise.Eberhard Knobloch - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (4):267-287.
    Ähnlich wie Adalbert Stifters Erzähler im Roman ,,Nachsommer” verband A. v. Humboldt auf seiner Amerikareise Erkundung und Erforschung, Reiselust und Erkenntnisstreben. Humboldt hat sein doppeltes Ziel klar benannt: Bekanntmachung der besuchten Länder, Sammeln von Tatsachen zur Erweiterung der physikalischen Geographie. Der Aufsatz ist in fünf Abschnitte gegliedert: Anliegen, Route, Methoden, Ergebnisse, Auswertung.
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    In eigener Sache.Jörn Laakmann - 2016 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 90 (1):1-1.
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