Results for 'Jingxin Nie'

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  1.  20
    Meta-Network Analysis of Structural Correlation Networks Provides Insights Into Brain Network Development.Xiaohua Xu, Ping He, Pew-Thian Yap, Han Zhang, Jingxin Nie & Dinggang Shen - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  2.  10
    Si xiang de mian xiang: Nie Yunwei zi xuan ji = The face of thought: Nie Yunwei's optional set.Yunwei Nie - 2018 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Describing groups.André Nies - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):305-339.
    Two ways of describing a group are considered. 1. A group is finite-automaton presentable if its elements can be represented by strings over a finite alphabet, in such a way that the set of representing strings and the group operation can be recognized by finite automata. 2. An infinite f.g. group is quasi-finitely axiomatizable if there is a description consisting of a single first-order sentence, together with the information that the group is finitely generated. In the first part of the (...)
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    To Set a Gross Distortion Straight: A Reply to Reidar Lie's Book Review of Jing-Bao Nie's Medical Ethics in China: A Transcultural Interpretation (Routledge 2011).Jing-Bao Nie - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (4):399-406.
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    A New Spectrum of Recursive Models.André Nies - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):307-314.
    We describe a strongly minimal theory S in an effective language such that, in the chain of countable models of S, only the second model has a computable presentation. Thus there is a spectrum of an -categorical theory which is neither upward nor downward closed. We also give an upper bound on the complexity of spectra.
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    Coarse groups, and the isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.André Nies, Philipp Schlicht & Katrin Tent - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    Let S∞ denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup G of S∞ is called oligomorphic if for each n, its natural action on n-tuples of natural numbers has onl...
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    Healing Without Waging War: Beyond Military Metaphors in Medicine and HIV Cure Research.Jing-Bao Nie, Adam Gilbertson, Malcolm de Roubaix, Ciara Staunton, Anton van Niekerk, Joseph D. Tucker & Stuart Rennie - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):3-11.
    Military metaphors are pervasive in biomedicine, including HIV research. Rooted in the mind set that regards pathogens as enemies to be defeated, terms such as “shock and kill” have become widely accepted idioms within HIV cure research. Such language and symbolism must be critically examined as they may be especially problematic when used to express scientific ideas within emerging health-related fields. In this article, philosophical analysis and an interdisciplinary literature review utilizing key texts from sociology, anthropology, history, and Chinese and (...)
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  8.  12
    Medical ethics in China: a transcultural interpretation.Jing-Bao Nie - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Drawing from a wide range of primary historical and sociological sources, this book presents medical ethics in China from a Chinese-Western comparative perspective, and in doing so it provides a fascinating exploration of cultural differences and commonalities exhibited by China and the West in medicine and medical ethics. The book focuses on a number of key issues in medical ethics including: attitudes towards foetuses; disclosure of information by medical professionals; informed consent; professional medical ethics; and human rights. This careful examination (...)
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  9. The plurality of chinese and american medical moralities: Toward an interpretive cross-cultural bioethics.Jing-Bao Nie - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (3):239-260.
    : Since the late 1970s, American appraisals of Chinese medical ethics and Chinese responses to American bioethics range from frank criticism to warm appreciation, from refutation to acceptance. Yet in the United States as well as in China, American bioethics and Chinese medical ethics have been seen, respectively, as individualistic and communitarian. In this widely-accepted general comparison, the great variation in the two medical moralities, especially the diversity of Chinese experiences, has been unfortunately minimized, if not totally ignored. Neither American (...)
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    Kongzi fa zheng zhe xue de xian dai xing chan shi =.Changjian Nie - 2013 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Ru xue yu yi shu jiao yu =.Zhenbin Nie - 2006 - Nanjing Shi: Nanjing chu ban she.
    本书系统地阐述了经典儒学理论中的艺术教育思想及儒学演变与艺术教育的发展。全书分为两部分:上篇分别阐述孔子、孟子、荀子等先秦思想家和儒家经典著述中的艺术教育思想,下篇逐一剖析汉、魏晋齐梁、唐等各朝儒学的 变迁与艺术教育的发展。.
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    Wo guo dang dai zhu liu yi shi xing tai ren tong yan jiu.Liqing Nie - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Guido Meyer/Marco Sorace/Clara Vasseur/Johannes Bündgens, Identitätsbildung. Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne.Johannes Maximilian Nießen - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (1):173-175.
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    Influence of Loss Aversion and Income Effect on Consumer Food Choice for Food Safety and Quality Labels.Wenjing Nie, Huimin Bo, Jing Liu & Taiping Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Food safety and food quality are two closely related aspects of the food management system. The difference between the two is that one keeps consumers safe while the other keeps consumers satisfied. This study examined the differences in how consumers value food safety and food quality with a focus on the influence of loss aversion on one’s psychological level and of income effect on one’s socio-demographic level. Our findings indicate that loss aversion and income effect significantly influence the way consumers (...)
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  15.  5
    Origin of Mas̆ or Bar and the Development of Its MeaningsOrigin of Mas or Bar and the Development of Its Meanings.James B. Nies - 1919 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 39:91.
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  16.  23
    Textological studies and a new understanding of Marx’s thought in contemporary China.Jinfang Nie - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1778-1785.
    Textology has gradually become an important field and special research area in the overall pattern of Chinese Marxism since the beginning of the 21st century. Scholars have honed new explanations with new understandings concerning the relations between the origins of Marx’s thought and the Western cultural tradition, the continuity and essence of Marx’s thought through change, the complexity of Marx’s theory of capital and the arduousness of the criticisms against it, and the concrete contents of communism. Reflecting on the various (...)
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  17. Can a Bodily Theorist of Pain Speak Mandarin?Chenwei Nie - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (1):261-272.
    According to a bodily view of pain, pains are objects which are located in body parts. This bodily view is supported by the locative locutions for pain in English, such as that “I have a pain in my back.” Recently, Liu and Klein (Analysis, 80(2), 262–272, 2020) carry out a cross-linguistic analysis, and they claim that (1) Mandarin has no locative locutions for pain and (2) the absence of locative locutions for pain puts the bodily view at risk. This paper (...)
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    Hierarchical organization in visual working memory: From global ensemble to individual object structure.Qi-Yang Nie, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):85-96.
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  19.  27
    The reverse mathematics of theorems of Jordan and lebesgue.André Nies, Marcus A. Triplett & Keita Yokoyama - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1657-1675.
    The Jordan decomposition theorem states that every function $f \colon \, [0,1] \to \mathbb {R}$ of bounded variation can be written as the difference of two non-decreasing functions. Combining this fact with a result of Lebesgue, every function of bounded variation is differentiable almost everywhere in the sense of Lebesgue measure. We analyze the strength of these theorems in the setting of reverse mathematics. Over $\mathsf {RCA}_{0}$, a stronger version of Jordan’s result where all functions are continuous is equivalent to (...)
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  20. Definability in the recursively enumerable degrees.André Nies, Richard A. Shore & Theodore A. Slaman - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):392-404.
    §1. Introduction. Natural sets that can be enumerated by a computable function always seem to be either actually computable or of the same complexity as the Halting Problem, the complete r.e. set K. The obvious question, first posed in Post [1944] and since then called Post's Problem is then just whether there are r.e. sets which are neither computable nor complete, i.e., neither recursive nor of the same Turing degree as K?Let be the r.e. degrees, i.e., the r.e. sets modulo (...)
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  21.  24
    Levinas on the Ethics of the Other.H. U. Lijun & P. U. Jingxin - 2024 - Philosophy Study 14 (1).
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  22. Introduction.Nie Minli - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (4):515-518.
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  23.  63
    Effects of responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions.Dan Nie, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):29-41.
    This study focuses on the effects of socially responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions and the moderating effect of supervisor gender on this relationship. With a sample of 212 female employees from eight different industries in Finland, the results indicate that SR-HRM practices promoting equal career opportunities and work–family integration play a significant role in reducing women's turnover intentions. The study adds to the academic discourse of corporate social responsibility by highlighting the impact of the organizational-level (...)
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  24.  64
    Computability and Randomness.André Nies - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The interplay between computability and randomness has been an active area of research in recent years, reflected by ample funding in the USA, numerous workshops, and publications on the subject. The complexity and the randomness aspect of a set of natural numbers are closely related. Traditionally, computability theory is concerned with the complexity aspect. However, computability theoretic tools can also be used to introduce mathematical counterparts for the intuitive notion of randomness of a set. Recent research shows that, conversely, concepts (...)
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    The Benevolent Polity: A Confucian Socio-Ethical Vision of Eldercare.Jing-Bao Nie - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (3):260-276.
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    Evidence of Cross-Cultural Consistency of the S-Five Model for Misophonia: Psychometric Conclusions Emerging From the Mandarin Version.Silia Vitoratou, Jingxin Wang, Chloe Hayes, Qiaochu Wang, Pentagiotissa Stefanatou & Jane Gregory - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Misophonia is a disorder generally characterised by a decreased tolerance to everyday sounds. Although research is increasing in misophonia, a cross-cultural validation of a psychometric tool for measuring misophonia has not been evaluated. This study investigated the validity of the S-Five multidimensional model of the misophonic experience in a sample of Chinese participants. The S-Five was translated in a forward-backward method to Mandarin to establish a satisfactory translation. The translation was also independently back translated to English, with no significant differences (...)
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  27.  71
    The Leader–Member Exchange Theory in the Chinese Context and the Ethical Challenge of Guanxi.Dan Nie & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):851-861.
    The leader–member relationship has been identified as a key determinant of successful working relationships and business outcomes in China. A high-quality leader–member relationship helps managers and employees to meet the demands they face and gives them the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally and morally. Such relationships form the basis of the overall well-being and success of the organisation. This article contributes to relationally oriented leadership theories and more specifically to the leader–member exchange theory by examining the theory in the context (...)
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    The United States Cover-up of Japanese Wartime Medical Atrocities: Complicity Committed in the National Interest and Two Proposals for Contemporary Action.Jing-Bao Nie - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):W21-W33.
    To monopolize the scientific data gained by Japanese physicians and researchers from vivisections and other barbarous experiments performed on living humans in biological warfare programs such as Unit 731, immediately after the war the United States government secretly granted those involved immunity from war crimes prosecution, withdrew vital information from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and publicly denounced otherwise irrefutable evidence from other sources such as the Russian Khabarovsk trial. Acting in “the national interest” and for the (...)
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  29. Akratic Beliefs and Seemings.Chenwei Nie - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    How does it come about that a person akratically believes that P, while at the same time believing that the available evidence speaks against that P? Among the current accounts, Scanlon offers an intuitive suggestion that one’s seeming experience that P may play an important role in the aetiology of their akratic belief that P. However, it turns out to be quite challenging to articulate what the role of seeming experience is. This paper will offer a novel development of Scanlon’s (...)
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  30.  93
    China’s One-Child Policy, a Policy without a Future.Jing-bao Nie - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (3):272-287.
    :The Chinese Communist Party government has been forcefully promoting itsjihua shengyu program, known as the “one-child policy,” for more than three decades. A distinctive authoritarian model of population governance has been developed. A pertinent question to be asked is whether China’s one-child policy and the authoritarian model of population governance have a future. The answer must be no; they do not. Although there are many demographic, economic, and social rationales for terminating the one-child policy, the most fundamental reason for opposing (...)
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  31.  47
    Confucianism and organ donation: moral duties from xiao (filial piety) to ren (humaneness).Jing-Bao Nie & D. Gareth Jones - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):583-591.
    There exists a serious shortage of organs for transplantation in China, more so than in most Western countries. Confucianism has been commonly used as the cultural and ethical reason to explain the reluctance of Chinese and other East-Asian people to donate organs for medical purposes. It is asserted that the Confucian emphasis on xiao (filial piety) requires individuals to ensure body intactness at death. However, based on the original texts of classical Confucianism and other primary materials, we refute this popular (...)
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  32. Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction.M. F. Fultot, L. Nie & C. Carello - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):298-307.
    Context: The dominant approach to the study of perception is representational/computational, with an emphasis on the achievements of the brain and the nervous system, which are taken to construct internal models of the world. Alternatives include ecological, embedded, embodied, and enactivist approaches, all of which emphasize the centrality of action in understanding perception. Problem: Despite sharing many theoretical commitments that lead to a rejection of the classical approach, the alternatives are characterized by important contrasts and points of divergence. Here we (...)
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  33. Czystego (materialnego) a priori.Jan Piasecki - W. Poszukiwaniu nie - 2007 - Principia.
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    Differences of Computably Enumerable Sets.A. Nies & S. Lempp - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):555-562.
    We consider the ower semilattice [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL D] of differences of c.e. sets under inclusion. It is shown that [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL D] is not distributive as a semilattice, and that the c.e. sets form a definable subclass.
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    Erwünschte weitere Optionen und unerwünschte Nebeneffekte der Förderinitiative: Anmerkungen aus Sicht der Forschungsförderung.Manfred Nießen - 2005 - In Heinz Mandl & Birgitta Kopp, Impulse Für Die Bildungsforschung: Stand Und Perspektivendokumentation Eines Expertengesprächs. Akademie Verlag. pp. 138-142.
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  36.  9
    Französische Klassik: Theorie, Literatur, Malerei.Fritz Nies, Karlheinz Stierle & Romanistisches Kolloquium - 1985 - Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich.
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    两极论与中介论.Tun Nie - 2001 - Nanchang Shi ;: Jiangxi ren min chu ban she.
    本书分为七篇,即:传统的中道和两极矛盾观、辩证法的“中介”观、辩证法的“两极”观、二类范畴与三大规律的说明和发挥、时空观和意识观的再发挥、认识论和思想方法的“两极与中介”、若干具体关系的“两极与中介” 。.
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    Wolf recovery and management as value-based political conflict.Martin A. Nie - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):65 – 71.
    The debate over wolf recovery and management in the United States is best understood as a value-based political conflict that transcends issues strictly pertaining to science, biology and techno-rational approaches to problem solving. Political and cultural context will shape the future of the wolf as it has its past. A policy-oriented approach has much to offer the debate, especially if it is contextual and places human values and ethics at the center of its analysis. It is also important for those (...)
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    Xi Xia wen de xing ji yan jiu.Hongyin Nie - 2002 - Lanzhou Shi: Gansu wen hua chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo gu dai mei yu si xiang shi gang.Zhenbin Nie - 2004 - Zhengzhou Shi: Henan ren min chu ban she.
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  41. The Dark Side of Clarity.Chenwei Nie - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    We all have experiences in which it “seems clear” to us that something is true. This kind of clear experience can play significant roles in determining whether we believe something to be true. But what are the significant roles? So far, the literature has focused on optimal cases where a person's clear experience might provide prima facie justification for their belief. This article will develop the hypothesis that, in less optimal cases, these clear experiences can be epistemically damaging. Specifically, it (...)
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  42. Revisiting Maher’s one-factor theory of delusion.Chenwei Nie - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (2):1-16.
    How many factors, i.e. departures from normality, are necessary to explain a delusion? Maher’s classic one-factor theory argues that the only factor is the patient’s anomalous experience, and a delusion arises as a normal explanation of this experience. The more recent two-factor theory, on the other hand, contends that a second factor is also needed, with reasoning abnormality being a potential candidate, and a delusion arises as an abnormal explanation of the anomalous experience. In the past few years, although there (...)
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  43. Chapter thirteen.Iing-Bao Nie - 2010 - In Jackie Leach Scully, Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven & Petya Fitzpatrick, Feminist bioethics: at the center, on the margins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 257.
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    Ru shi dao ren sheng zhe li shu.Qing Nie (ed.) - 2004 - Beijing: Beijing tu shu guan chu ban she.
    v. [1]. Ru -- v. [2]. Shi -- v. [3]. Dao.
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    Sheng ming ti yan de quan shi yu dong xi wen hua zhi hui tong.Yating Nie - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
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  46. The undecidability of the II4 theory for the R. E. wtt and Turing degrees.Steffen Lempp & André Nies - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (4):1118 - 1136.
    We show that the Π 4 -theory of the partial order of recursively enumerable weak truth-table degrees is undecidable, and give a new proof of the similar fact for r.e. T-degrees. This is accomplished by introducing a new coding scheme which consists in defining the class of finite bipartite graphs with parameters.
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    The crisis of patient‐physician trust and bioethics: lessons and inspirations from China.Jing-Bao Nie, Lun Li, Grant Gillett, Joseph D. Tucker & Arthur Kleinman - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (1):56-64.
    Trust is indispensable not only for interpersonal relationships and social life, but for good quality healthcare. As manifested in the increasing violence and tension in patient-physician relationships, China has been experiencing a widespread and profound crisis of patient–physician trust. And globally, the crisis of trust is an issue that every society, either developing or developed, has to face in one way or another. Yet, in spite of some pioneering works, the subject of patient-physician trust and mistrust – a crucial matter (...)
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    Interpreting true arithmetic in the theory of the r.e. truth table degrees.André Nies & Richard A. Shore - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (3):269-311.
    We show that the elementary theory of the recursively enumerable tt-degrees has the same computational complexity as true first-order arithmetic. As auxiliary results, we prove theorems about exact pairs and initial segments in the tt-degrees.
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    The vicious circle of patient–physician mistrust in China: health professionals’ perspectives, institutional conflict of interest, and building trust through medical professionalism.Jing-Bao Nie, Yu Cheng, Xiang Zou, Ni Gong, Joseph D. Tucker, Bonnie Wong & Arthur Kleinman - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (1):26-36.
    To investigate the phenomenon of patient–physician mistrust in China, a qualitative study involving 107 physicians, nurses and health officials in Guangdong Province, southern China, was conducted through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. In this paper we report the key findings of the empirical study and argue for the essential role of medical professionalism in rebuilding patient-physician trust. Health professionals are trapped in a vicious circle of mistrust. Mistrust leads to increased levels of fear and self-protection by doctors which exacerbate difficulties (...)
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    Conflict of Interest in Scientific Research in China: A Socio-ethical Analysis of He Jiankui’s Human Genome-editing Experiment.Jing-Bao Nie, Guangkuan Xie, Hua Chen & Yali Cong - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):191-201.
    Extensive conflicts of interest at both individual and institutional levels are identifiable in scientific research and healthcare in China, as in many other parts of the world. A prominent new case from China is He Jiankui’s experiment that produced the world’s first gene-edited babies and that raises numerous ethical, political, socio-cultural, and transnational questions. Serious financial and other COI were involved in He’s genetic adventure. Using He’s infamous experiment as a case study, this paper explores the wider issue of financial (...)
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