Results for 'Jiaxi Peng'

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  1.  14
    The Network Structure of Decision-Making Competence in Chinese Adults.Jiaxi Peng, Lei Ren, Nian Yang, Luming Zhao, Peng Fang & Yongcong Shao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:563023.
    Decision-making competence refers to the ability to make better decisions, as defined by decision-making principles posited by models of rational choice. The adult decision-making competence (A-DMC) scale is a relatively mature evaluation tool used for decision-making competence. However, the A-DMC is yet far from other mature psychological evaluation tools, and especially the structure of A-DMC remains unclear. In the current study, we estimated a regularized partial correlation network of decision-making competence in a Chinese sample consisting of 339 adults who were (...)
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  2.  44
    A New Look at the Impact of Maximizing on Unhappiness: Two Competing Mediating Effects.Jiaxi Peng, Jiaxi Zhang, Yan Zhang, Pinjia Gong, Bing Han, Hao Sun, Fei Cao & Danmin Miao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Does COVID-19 impact the frequency of threatening events in dreams? An exploration of pandemic dreaming in light of contemporary dream theories.Jiaxi Wang, Steve Eliezer Zemmelman, Danping Hong, Xiaoling Feng & Heyong Shen - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 87 (C):103051.
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    Cosmic Explorations in Chinese Folk Science Fiction Mockumentaries: Anti-Rational Narrative and Cosmic Ecological Sensibility.Jiaxi Lu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):272-294.
    The Chinese folk science fiction genre, as an emerging sub-genre of Chinese science fiction films, has sparked a certain amount of attention and discussion in conjunction with the mockumentary form. The Chinese folk science fiction mockumentary shows the science fiction of the folk, explores traces of extraterrestrial life in real space, and intrinsically expresses reflections on the cosmic ecological ethics and the relationship between human beings and the universe. It becomes worthwhile to explore how this genre presents the discourse of (...)
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    Dujiangyan irrigation system: A case of East Asia local knowledge with universal significance.Peng Bangben - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (4):533-550.
    Dujiangyan irrigation system of more than 2000 years history is a symbol of originality of Chinese ancestors both in its conception and project mode. It is still working well and benefit Chengdu Plain nowadays while other comparable water conservancy projects of the same or later age have vanished and been forgotten. More than just a world-famous cultural heritage, it shows the harmonious relationship between man and nature. And it also reveals us how to solve problems in the era of economic (...)
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    Yuan shi ru jia xiao, zhong, li, de guan nian de bian yi =.Peng Chen - 2019 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    (1 other version)Foster the Study Style of Integrating Theory with Practice.Peng Chong - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 11 (1):19-34.
    The Party school has always been an important bastion through which our Party trains and educates its cadres in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. The Party Central Committee headed by Chairman Hua has laid great emphasis on the Party school since the smashing of the "gang of four" and has made special decisions on how successfully to run the Party schools on different levels. Chairman Hua and Vice Chairman Ye personally made important speeches at the opening ceremony of the Central (...)
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  8.  70
    A Characterization of a Semimodular Lattice.Peng He & Xue-Ping Wang - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):691-698.
    A geometric lattice is the lattice of closed subsets of a closure operator on a set which is zero-closure, algebraic, atomistic and which has the so-called exchange property. There are many profound results about this type of lattices, the most recent one of which, due to Czédli and Schimdt, says that a lattice L of finite length is semimodular if and only if L has a cover-preserving embedding into a geometric lattice G of the same length. The goal of our (...)
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  9. Zhongguo ke xue ji shu shi.Jiaxi Lu & Zezong Xi (eds.) - 2001 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  10. Local Responsiveness Pressure, Subsidiary Resources, Green Management Adoption and Subsidiary’s Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufactures.Yu-Shu Peng & Shing-Shiuan Lin - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):199-212.
    This study aims to explore if local responsiveness pressure and subsidiary resources influence green management adoption of overseas subsidiaries, and to investigate the relationships between the level of green management adoption and performance. The 101 effective samples were collected from 583 Taiwanese firms, which are listed in the top 1000 manufactory firms and have invested in China. Though structural equation model analysis' empirical results indicate that local responsiveness pressure and subsidiary resources both have positive effects on the level of green (...)
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  11. Part III: Chinese Aesthetics. Introduction: From the Classical to the Modern / Gao Jianping ; Several Inspirations from Traditional Chinese Aesthetics / Ye Lang ; The Theoretical Significance of Painting as Performance / Gao Jianping ; A Study in the Onto-Aesthetics of Beauty and Art: Fullness (chongshi) and Emptiness (kongling) as Two Polarities in Chinese Aesthetics / Cheng Chung-ying ; On the Modernisation of Chinese Aesthetics.Peng Feng & Reflections on Avant-Garde Theory in A. Chinese-Western Cross-Cultural Context - 2010 - In Ken'ichi Sasaki, Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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  12.  51
    Neural Correlates of Feedback Processing in Visuo-Tactile Crossmodal Paired-Associate Learning.Peng Gui, Jun Li, Yixuan Ku, Lei Li, Xiaojin Li, Xianzhen Zhou, Mark Bodner, Fred A. Lenz, Xiao-Wei Dong, Liping Wang & Yong-Di Zhou - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Contemporary Chinese studies of Wang Yangming and his followers in Mainland China.Guoxiang Peng - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 2 (2):311-329.
  14. Liu Yuanqing nian pu.Shuxin Peng - 2021 - Nanchang: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she.
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  15.  11
    On Transfinite Levels of the Ershov Hierarchy.Cheng Peng - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):220-221.
    In this thesis, we study Turing degrees in the context of classical recursion theory. What we are interested in is the partially ordered structures $\mathcal {D}_{\alpha }$ for ordinals $\alpha <\omega ^2$ and $\mathcal {D}_{a}$ for notations $a\in \mathcal {O}$ with $|a|_{o}\geq \omega ^2$.The dissertation is motivated by the $\Sigma _{1}$ -elementary substructure problem: Can one structure in the following structures $\mathcal {R}\subsetneqq \mathcal {D}_{2}\subsetneqq \dots \subsetneqq \mathcal {D}_{\omega }\subsetneqq \mathcal {D}_{\omega +1}\subsetneqq \dots \subsetneqq \mathcal {D}$ be a $\Sigma _{1}$ (...)
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  16.  29
    A Paradigm for Matching Waking Events Into Dream Reports.JiaXi Wang, JingYu He, Ting Bin, HuiYing Ma, Jing Wan, XinQuan Li, XiaoLing Feng & HeYong Shen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Incorporation by Balancing? Critical Remarks on Alexy's Necessary Incorporation Thesis.Peng-Hsiang Wang - 2010 - Rechtstheorie 41 (3):305-318.
  18. Traditional Confucian Constitutionalism: Current Explorations and Prospects.Peng Chengyi - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8 (1):76-98.
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  19.  21
    Significance or presence: re-conceptualizing Pluralism from a confucian perspective.Peng Feng - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 72:19-29.
    Under the influence of the linguistic turn in philosophy, contemporary Western philosophers typically limit their thinking on pluralism to the realm of language. This sort of pluralism can be named as pluralism of significance. I propose another version of pluralism in light of Confucianism, which extends the concerns from the realm of language to the realm of experience – I call it pluralism of presence. In this article, I first expound the aforementioned two versions of pluralism on the basis of (...)
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  20.  30
    Xi Han jing xue yu zai yi si chao =.Peng Feng - 2022 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    全书以灾异思想为切入点,以西汉经学灾异思想与思潮为中心,结合先秦至西汉间的时代背景与思想氛围,在细致考察与解读相关文本的基础上,对西汉经学灾异思想的观念来源与理论先导、创立过程与时代特色、理论形态与建 构方法,以及灾异思潮与现实政治的互动等问题,进行了全面深入的研究和探讨;对于经学灾异思想何以会在西汉建立、经学灾异思潮缘何会在西汉爆发、经学灾异论造成了怎样的历史影响,以及如何评价灾异论氛围中的西汉儒 学与儒生群体等问题,本书也进行了系统的反思,并提出了一系列见解。.
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  21.  4
    中國佛教思想史: 漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教思想.Peng Guo - 1994 - Fuzhou: Fujian ren min chu ban she.
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  22. Zhongguo fo jiao si xiang shi.Peng Guo - 1994 - Fuzhou: Fujian ren min chu ban she.
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  23.  17
    Church and State in Malaysia.Goh Keat-Peng - 1989 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 6 (3):16-20.
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  24.  8
    Kuai le ren sheng di zhui xun.Jinlong Peng - 1994 - Taibei Shi: Ye qiang chu ban she.
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  25.  1
    MA[math] does not imply [math].Yinhe Peng & Liuzhen Wu - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 24, Issue 03, December 2024. We construct a model in which MA[math] holds and [math] fails. This shows that MA[math] does not imply [math] and answers an old question of Larson and Todorcevic in [Katetov’s problem, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354(5) (2002) 1783–1791]. We also investigate different strong colorings in models of MA[math].
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  26. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue ti xi yan jiu.Zenong Peng - 1984 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Pu Lin.
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  27.  16
    Zhi zhe de xian shi guan huai: Mou Zongsan de zheng zhi yu she hui si xiang.Guoxiang Peng - 2016 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    余英時(美國普林斯頓大學榮休教授)推薦! 《智者的現世關懷:牟宗三的政治與社會思想》 遍檢《牟宗三先生全集》相關文獻 利用新發現的佚著和《全集》未收的通信 將牟宗三的政治與社會思想 置於其所在社會、歷史與思想的整體脈絡中, 予以全面與深入的梳理和考察 探討牟宗三的「現世關懷」 作為現代新儒學的代表人物,牟宗三(1909-1995)不僅有其心性之學的詮釋與建構,同時有其政治與社會的關懷與思考。從20世紀30年代到90年代,其政治與社會思想一直都有表達。從早年對唯物辯證法和唯物 史觀的批判、對中國社會史和中國農村問題的探究,到晚年對兩岸關係與臺灣認同的申論,以及一生批判共產主義,在反省與檢討的基礎上提倡自由、民主,都是力圖要為現代中國政治社會的實踐提供一個正確的思想基礎。 彭國翔透過本書遍檢《牟宗三先生全集》相關文獻,利用新發現的佚著和《全集》未收的通信,將牟宗三的政治與社會思想置於其所在社會、歷史與思想的整體脈絡之中,予以了全面與深入的梳理和考察。本書採取了微觀分析和 宏觀綜合交互為用的研究方式,依據具體內涵,將牟宗三的「現世關懷」分成七章,一一詳加論述;通過概念的分析和澄清,微觀的功效在全書中獲得了充分的發揮。但著者並不是為分析而分析,把每一章當作一種孤立現象來處 理。相反的,他的目的是展現牟宗三的「現世關懷」的全貌。因此,各章之間都互相關聯,合而讀之,即成一宏觀的整體。本書的另一重大特色是網羅牟宗三的著作鉅細不遺,從佚文到未刊書信,凡是和「現世關懷」相關的文獻 ,已搜集到應有盡有的地步。 本書第一章是牟宗三對於唯物辯證法和唯物史觀的批判。第二章是牟宗三關於中國社會史發展階段和形態的主張。第三章是牟宗三關於中國農村問題的看法。第四章是牟宗三一生對於共產主義的批判。第五章是牟宗三關於「自由 」和「自由主義」的看法。第六章是牟宗三對於民主政治的肯定和反省。第七章是牟宗三關於中國大陸與台灣兩岸關係的見解。 《智者的現世關懷》既從結構上展現了牟宗三政治與社會思想的各個方面,也大體照顧了牟宗三政治與社會思想在時間發展上的順序。此外,如果第一章到第四章主要反映牟宗三政治與社會思想中「破」的方面,第五至第七章則 主要反映他政治與社會思想中「立」的方面。 總的來說,本書顧及牟宗三一生政治與社會思想的各個方面,同時力求對每一個方面都予以徹底的把握和分析。其二、以盡可能全面掌握牟宗三的各種原始文獻作為研究的基礎。其三,對牟宗三政治與社會思想的處理方式。.
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  28. v. 8.Xian dai juan.Peng Feng zhu - 2014 - In Lang Ye & Liangzhi Zhu, Zhongguo mei xue tong shi =. Nanjing Shi: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she.
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    POMDP-based control of workflows for crowdsourcing.Peng Dai, Christopher H. Lin, Mausam & Daniel S. Weld - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 202 (C):52-85.
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  30. How to understand Chinese aesthetics.Peng Feng - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (1):153 - +.
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  31.  73
    Li Yu's Theory of Drama: A Moderate Moralism.Peng Feng - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):73-91.
    Chinese drama was developed in the thirteenth century, but its roots can be traced back to music, one of the six arts, the main subjects in the Confucian curriculum. Yue is not only a synthesis of instrumental music, song, poetry, and dance as aspects of the fine arts, but also a method to promote moral education. In Confucianism, moral implications trump all other considerations in the discussion and evaluation of yue. This is what makes Confucianism the radical moralism that dominated (...)
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  32.  6
    Wu zhi yu yuan rong: Fang Yizhi san jiao hui tong guan yan jiu.Zhanguo Peng - 2012 - Beijing: Min zu chu ban she.
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    A Study of Cognitive Mechanism of Polysemy Word “Star” From the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy.Peng Xiaoshuang - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (8).
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    Individualist–Collectivist Differences in Climate Change Inaction: The Role of Perceived Intractability.Peng Xiang, Haibo Zhang, Liuna Geng, Kexin Zhou & Yuping Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  35. The Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Financial Performance: The Moderating Effect of Ownership Concentration.Chih-Wei Peng & Mei-Ling Yang - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (1):171-182.
    The purpose of this study is to extend prior research on this topic by investigating whether the impact of ownership concentration moderates the link between corporate social performance and financial performance. This study uses a set of unique, hand-collected pollution control data to measure CSP, based on a sample of Taiwanese listed companies during the period from 1996 to 2006. The results of the empirical analysis provide firm support for the idea that the divergence between control rights and the cash (...)
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  36. Taixu si xiang yan jiu.Peng Guo - 1997 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Directions in Taiwan's Historical Study.Peng Minghui - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 42 (4):78-119.
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  38. At the margins of a liberal-democratic state: Ethnic minorities in Japan.Lam Peng-Er - 2005 - In Will Kymlicka & Baogang He, Multiculturalism in Asia. Oxford University Press. pp. 223--243.
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  39. Cognitive Connotations of Discourse Subjectivity from the Philosophic Perspective.Bingzhuan Peng & Xinyue Wang - 2025 - Filosofija. Sociologija 36 (1).
    Discourse serves as a medium through which speakers (or writers) express their stance, affect and intentions, that is, subjectivity. Subjectivity in discourse is omnipresent, meaning that it manifests whenever discourse is generated. Nevertheless, current research lacks a thorough exploration of discourse subjectivity (DS) and its particular cognitive connotations. A framework for analysing the cognitive connotations of DS from the philosophic perspective was constructed to delve deeper into the cognitive aspects of DS. This approach utilised qualitative research and conceptual analysis methods. (...)
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  40.  40
    Internet Use of Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta.Yinni Peng - 2008 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (2):47-54.
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  41. Jin dai Zhongguo de si xiang li cheng, 1840-1949.Ming Peng & Xiao Cheng (eds.) - 1999 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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    Wan mei de zi ran: dang dai huan jing mei xue de zhe xue ji chu.Feng Peng - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    Xian Xiang Xue Yu Jian Zhu de Dui Hua.Nu Peng, Wenjun Zhi & Chun Dai (eds.) - 2009 - Tong Ji da Xue Chu Ban She.
    本书是一本研究建筑学的书籍, 全书包括有《现象学与建筑学的思考》、《建筑中的神性》等多篇文章.
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    Zhe xue ru men: xiang xiang zhe xue.Mengyao Peng - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Hong ye wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
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  45. Culture and systems of thought: Holistic versus analytic cognition.Richard E. Nisbett, Kaiping Peng, Incheol Choi & Ara Norenzayan - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):291-310.
    The authors find East Asians to be holistic, attending to the entire field and assigning causality to it, making relatively little use of categories and formal logic, and relying on "dialectical" reasoning, whereas Westerners, are more analytic, paying attention primarily to the object and the categories to which it belongs and using rules, including formal logic, to understand its behavior. The 2 types of cognitive processes are embedded in different naive metaphysical systems and tacit epistemologies. The authors speculate that the (...)
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  46.  40
    How and When Does Leader Behavioral Integrity Influence Employee Voice? The Roles of Team Independence Climate and Corporate Ethical Values.He Peng & Feng Wei - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):505-521.
    Management literature has repeatedly shown that an absence of voice can have serious negative influences on team and organization performance. However, employees often withhold suggestions or advices when they have ideas, concerns, or opinions. The present study proposes leader behavioral integrity as a key antecedent of employee voice, and investigates how and when leader behavioral integrity influences employee voice. Specifically, we argue that leader behavioral integrity affects employee voice via team independence climate. In addition, we propose a moderating effect of (...)
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  47.  21
    Presleep Ruminating on Intrusive Thoughts Increased the Possibility of Dreaming of Threatening Events.Xiaoling Feng & Jiaxi Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigated whether ruminating on an intrusive thought before sleeping led to an increased likelihood of dreaming of threatening events. One hundred and forty-six participants were randomly assigned to a rumination condition and a control condition. Participants completed a dream diary upon waking. The result showed that presleep ruminating on an intrusive thought increased the frequency of both threatening dreams and negative emotions in dreams. In addition, dreams with threatening events were more emotional and negative than dreams without threatening (...)
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  48. Xian dai xin ru xue yan jiu.Peng Chen - 2006 - Fuzhou Shi: Fujian ren min chu ban she.
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    Legitimacy, Horizon, and Subjectivity: A Reflection on and Prospects in Contemporary Studies of Chinese Philosophy.Peng Guoxiang - 2005 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 37 (1):89-96.
  50.  25
    Evaluation of Nursing Homes Using a Novel PROMETHEE Method for Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets.Peng Li & Zhiwei Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Aging has become a serious social problem in China. Traditional informal long-term care is hard to sustain because of the reduction in family size and elders’ children migration to big cities. The institution offering services for the disabled elders has been a tendency. There exists a strange phenomenon: some nursing homes are difficult to enter for most disabled elders, while the other ones must search for elders to maintain operation. Therefore, for the evaluation of nursing homes, two problems should be (...)
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