Results for 'Jialin Wan'

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  1.  19
    Culturally Grounded Scapegoating in Response to Illness and the COVID-19 Pandemic.Qian Yang, Isaac F. Young, Jialin Wan & Daniel Sullivan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:632641.
    For years, violence against doctors and healthcare workers has been a growing social issue in China. In a recent series of studies, we provided evidence for a motivated scapegoating account of this violence. Specifically, individuals who feel that the course of their (or their family member's) illness is a threat to their sense of control are more likely to express motivation to aggress against healthcare providers. Drawing on existential theory, we propose that blaming and aggressing against a single individual represents (...)
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  2. Li Shih-tsʻên chʻing pien wan yen shu.Wan-chʻêng Hsü - 1964
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    A Preliminary Review of Fatigue Among Rail Staff.Jialin Fan & Andrew P. Smith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Effects of Occupational Fatigue on Cognitive Performance of Staff From a Train Operating Company: A Field Study.Jialin Fan & Andrew P. Smith - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How Does the Implicit Awareness of Consumers Influence the Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements? A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Jialin Fu, Xihang Li, Xi Zhao, Keyi Zhang & Nan Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A large number of scholars have conducted detailed studies on the effectiveness of commercial advertising by using neuroimaging methods, but only a few scholars have used this method to study the effectiveness of public service announcements. To research the relationship between the effectiveness of PSAs and the audience’s implicit awareness, functional near-infrared spectroscopy was employed to record the neural activity data of participants in this study. The results showed that there was a correlation between activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and (...)
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    Pathways of Becoming Political Party Activists: The Experience of Malay-Muslim Grassroots Party Activists.Wan Rohila Ganti Bt Wan Abdul Ghapar & Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):5-33.
    : Whilst the recent electoral performance of Parti Islam seMalaysia and Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu in Terengganuhas generated much interest, there are lack of studies over the involvementand motivations of the most committed party players; the grassrootsparty activists. PAS and UMNO are strongly supported by committed andextraordinary party members at the grassroots level who devote their time,money, effort, and energy to ensure the party they support wins elections andremains relevant. Unlike other professions, they are working for the party on afull-time (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Fa lü luo ji xue.Jialin Wu, Zuozhou Yang & Zijian Shi (eds.) - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Zhongguo gong chan dang fan fu chang lian jian she shi lun.Jialin Xu (ed.) - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo fang zheng chu ban she.
    本书以党的十七大精神为指导,坚持历史与逻辑相统一的原则,全面梳理中国共产党八十多年来开展反腐倡廉建设的理论与实践活动,在总结优良传统与汲取宝贵经验的基础上,从清晰的历史流变中,对新时期我国反腐倡廉建设 的现状与趋势作出准确判断,及提供了当前我国反腐倡廉建设的合理借鉴,也有助于读者感受我国政治文明的历史进步.
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    The growth of nursing professional values – A grounded theory.Jialin Li & Xiaohan Li - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):543-559.
    Background The formation of nursing professional values is crucial to the development of the nursing profession, but it is influenced by various factors. The process of shaping nursing professional values in different growth contexts has been overlooked. In order to establish professional values in the context of Chinese nursing, it is necessary to investigate the evolution of nursing professional values throughout history. Purpose To develop a theory of professional values growth from a nursing context. Design: This study adopted a grounded (...)
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  10.  49
    How Can Prosocial Behavior Be Motivated? The Different Roles of Moral Judgment, Moral Elevation, and Moral Identity Among the Young Chinese.Wan Ding, Yanhong Shao, Binghai Sun, Ruibo Xie, Weijian Li & Xiaozhen Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11.  15
    Kongnijuŭi, kaehyŏkchuŭi, chayujuŭi.Wan-jin Kim - 1996 - Sŏul-si: Sŏul Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu. Edited by Hyŏn-ho Song & Chae-yul Yi.
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    Sparse Graph Embedding Based on the Fuzzy Set for Image Classification.Minghua Wan, Mengting Ge, Tianming Zhan, Zhangjing Yang, Hao Zheng & Guowei Yang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    In recent years, many face image feature extraction and dimensional reduction algorithms have been proposed for linear and nonlinear data, such as local-based graph embedding algorithms or fuzzy set algorithms. However, the aforementioned algorithms are not very effective for face images because they are always affected by overlaps and sparsity points in the database. To solve the problems, a new and effective dimensional reduction method for face recognition is proposed—sparse graph embedding with the fuzzy set for image classification. The aim (...)
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  13.  43
    Hume on Identity.Wan-Chuan Fang - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (1):59-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:59. HUME ON IDENTITY It is well-known that Hume has a quite unusual theory of personal identity. For him, personal identity is but the identity of mind. But to him mind is just a bundle of perceptions which keeps changing its constituent members; hence a mind is not something constant. In other places he also argues that mind is not a substance which unites all the perceptions which a (...)
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  14.  29
    Brain Networks Underlying Strategy Execution and Feedback Processing in an Efficient Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback Training Performed in a Parallel or a Serial Paradigm.Wan Ilma Dewiputri, Renate Schweizer & Tibor Auer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Neurofeedback is a complex learning scenario, as the task consists of trying out mental strategies while processing a feedback signal that signifies activation in the brain area to be self-regulated and acts as a potential reward signal. In an attempt to dissect these subcomponents, we obtained whole-brain networks associated with efficient self-regulation in two paradigms: parallel, where the task was performed concurrently, combining feedback with strategy execution; and serial, where the task was performed consecutively, separating feedback processing from strategy execution. (...)
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  15. Ju chia ti liang ta ti chu.Wan-chʻun Hsü - 1976 - Tʻai-nan: Chʾun kuang chʾu pan she fa hsing.
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  16.  89
    Ethics and Ethicists in the Modern Context.Wan Junren & Yan Xin - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (2):227 - 237.
    Ethics in the modern context is under the dual pressure of scientific-technological rationality and market commercialization, which has led to breakthroughs in the original boundaries of knowledge and academic methodology. The gradual separation of the domain of public life and that of private life in modern society and the former's increasing pressure on the latter, in addition to the above dual pressure on ethics, is causing a dramatic transformation of the structure of ethical knowledge itself. All of these raise new (...)
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  17.  10
    Chuchʻe ŭi yullihak yŏnʼgu.Wan-sŏn Kim - 2010 - [Pyongyang]: Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
  18.  59
    Socializing robots: constructing robotic sociality in the design and use of the assistive robot PARO.Selma Šabanović & Wan-Ling Chang - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (4):537-551.
  19. Pembelajaran Sastra: Keriangan dan Kearifan. dalam Anshori, D & Sumiyadi.Wan Anwar - 2009 - In Dadang S. Anshori, Sumiyadi & S. Kosadi Hidayat, Bahasa dan sastra dalam perspektif pendidikan. Bandung: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FPBS UPI. pp. 308--313.
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  20.  11
    현대사회와 직업윤리.Wan-sin Pak (ed.) - 1995 - Sŏul-si: Chigu Munhwasa.
    001. 인간의 본질 002. 한민족과 전통사상 003. 민주주의 004. 현대사회와 직업윤리 005. 산업사회와 환경윤리 006. 북한체제의 신 정치이념 007. 민족통이론.
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    I ttang ŭi chʻorhakcha muŏt ŭl saenggak hanŭnʼga.Wan-gyu Pak (ed.) - 2005 - Sŏul-si: Chʻŏrhak kwa Hyŏnsilsa.
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  22.  19
    Analysis of the visual language of lotus patterns in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties.Jinbo Wan - 2021 - Философия И Культура 10:16-32.
    Lotus is one of the traditional Chinese patterns that runs deep in the history of China. During the rule of Wei and Jin dynasties, as well as Northern and Southern dynasties, Buddhism teaching has become widespread in China. Buddhism affected the traditional Chinese lotus patterns in terms of the used artistic means and methods of expression. Analysis is conducted on manifestation and evolution of the artistic form of the lotus pattern in Chinese culture, as well as the changes in its (...)
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  23.  65
    Desire and Desperation: An Analysis of the Female Characters in Cao Yu's Play The Thunderstorm.Ning Wan - 1986 - Chinese Studies in History 20 (2):75-90.
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  24.  11
    Gang Tai xian dai xin ru jia mei xue si xiang yan jiu.Xiaoping Wan - 2014 - Hefei: Anhui da xue chu ban she. Edited by Aihua Fu.
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  25.  17
    Examining Tang and Song Yingtang image halls from a clan sacrificial perspective.Wanli Cheng - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (3):229-248.
    Resumen: En las dinastías Tang y Song, los clanes zongzu oficiales comunes dominaron gradualmente la comunidad de clanes, lo que interrumpió el riguroso sistema de sacrificios orientado a los estratos. Por lo tanto, como una forma emergente de sacrificio ancestral privado, la sala de imágenes yingtang apareció en las mansiones de los funcionarios comunes o en las casas de la gente común. Cuando la estatua anterior dio paso a una imagen, este nuevo signo cultural llevó a cada ejecutor del sacrificio (...)
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  26.  24
    La difusión del té chino.Jialin Luo & Yongsheng Jia - 2022 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 6 (1):9-20.
    A diferencia de los productos estandarizados del té, la difusión del té chino nunca ha sido una simple cuestión de transporte y logística, y está estrechamente relacionado con la substancia, rutas de propagación, difusión localizada, cambios de épocas, etc. Todos estos elementos mezclados hacen que el té mantenga un equilibrio espontáneo entre propiedad mercantil y etiqueta cultural. Este trabajo investiga principalmente sobre la difusión vertical (cambios a lo largo de la historia de China) y horizontal del té chino. Y en (...)
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  27.  17
    Personal agency beliefs in self-regulation: the exercise of personal responsibility, choice and control in learning.Wan Har Chong - 2006 - New York: Marshall Cavendish Academic.
    Self-regulatory processes have predominantly been linked to the study of academic achievement in terms of learning behavior, cognitive engagement, and specific academic performance measures. If poorly regulated, academic behavior can have repercussions on social adaptation. Motivational processes constitute the other key element in ensuring successful regulation, as studies indicate that self-regulation can effectively influence achievement outcomes if learners have positive beliefs about their personal ability to negotiate difficulties and work towards the desired learning outcomes. This book takes a critical look (...)
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  28. Ming tao pien.Wan Huang - 1959
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  29.  43
    Habermas and Taylor on Religious Reasoning in a Liberal Democracy.Andrew Tsz Wan Hung - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):549-565.
    This article compares Habermas’s and Taylor’s approach to the role of religious language in a liberal democracy. It shows that the difference in their approach is not simply in their theories of religious language. The contrast lies deeper, in their incompatible moral theories: Habermas’s universal discourse ethics vs Taylor’s communitarian substantive ethics. I also explore William Rehg’s defence of discourse ethics by conceding that it is based on a metavalue of rational consensus. However, I argue that Habermas’s and Rehg’s discourse (...)
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  30.  47
    Synesthesia in non-alphabetic languages.Wan-Yu Hung - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard, Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press. pp. 205.
    Synaesthesia is a neurological condition in which a sensory or cognitive stimulus consistently co-activates another sensory/cognitive quality in addition to its usual qualities. For example, synaesthetes might see colours when they read words. Coloured language is one of the most common and most studied types of synaesthesia. The processes that govern the associations of colours and language have been linked to the mechanisms underlying the processing of language more generally. This chapter reviews evidence from current psycholinguistic synaesthesia research in Chinese, (...)
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  31.  16
    Cloaking the Pregnancy: Scientific Uncertainty and Gendered Burden among Middle-class Mothers in Urban China.Jialin Li - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (1):3-28.
    In this article, I use radiation-shielding maternity clothes as a window to explore motherhood and reproductive uncertainty in urban China. By engaging with literature on scientific uncertainty and intensive mothering, I argue that the scientific uncertainty over the possible negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on pregnancy has led to a situation in which uncertainty is being socially reproduced by experts, markets, and policy makers through different media channels. Middle-class mothers do not fully believe that the cloak is scientifically trustworthy. But (...)
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  32. Er Cheng zhe xue ti xi.Wanli Pang - 1992 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian zong dian ke ji fa xing suo fa xing.
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  33.  18
    Re-reading of the Western Modern Philosophy.Wan-Kyu Park - 2011 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 62:171-189.
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    The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: The Relationship Between Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Work Effort.Wan Jiang, Bingqian Liang & Linlin Wang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (4):1159-1172.
    The current study presents an integrative model examining the double-edged sword effect of unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) from the perspective of the actors. Drawing on the moral self-regulation perspective and psychological entitlement literature, we propose that employees who engage in UPB may experience an increase in moral deficits and psychological entitlement, resulting in increased organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and decreased work effort, respectively. We further propose that moral attentiveness strengthens the positive relationship between UPB and moral deficits but weakens the (...)
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  35.  17
    A Study on 「辨謗辭同副承旨疏」 and Dasan's Recognition of Western Studies.Kim Chi-Wan - 2009 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 54:209-233.
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    Joseon Confucianism of Jeju seen by Dual Eyes of the Subject and Others.Kim Chi-Wan - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 69:211-231.
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  37. Konsep ilmu dan implikasi kepada perkembangan kurikulum.Wan MohdNor Wan Daud - 1990 - In MohdIdris Jauzi, Faham ilmu: pertumbuhan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur: Nurin Enterprise.
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  38. Pandangan hidup Islam dan implikasi terhadap pendidikan di Malaysia.Wan MohdNor Wan Daud - 1990 - In MohdIdris Jauzi, Faham ilmu: pertumbuhan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur: Nurin Enterprise.
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  39. Ju tao hsüeh shu ching hua.Wan-chʻun Hsü - 1969
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  40.  10
    Hyŏndae sahoe wa chigŏp yulli.Wan-sin Pak (ed.) - 1995 - Sŏul-si: Chigu Munhwasa.
    001. 인간의 본질 002. 한민족과 전통사상 003. 민주주의 004. 현대사회와 직업윤리 005. 산업사회와 환경윤리 006. 북한체제의 신 정치이념 007. 민족통이론.
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    An intensional programming approach to multi-agent coordination in a distributed network of agents.Kaiyu Wan & Vasu S. Alagar - 2006 - In P. Torroni, U. Endriss, M. Baldoni & A. Omicini, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III. Springer. pp. 205--222.
  42.  11
    Eluosi ji shu zhe xue yan jiu =.Changsong Wan - 2004 - Shenyang: Dong bei da xue chu ban she.
    本书就研究俄罗斯技术哲学的必要性、主要文献和创新点进行了介绍,研究了俄罗斯技术哲学史前的一些情况,重点研究了俄罗斯技术哲学的两位思想重臣--工程学的技术哲学代表人物恩格迈尔和人文主义的技术哲学的代表人 物别尔嘉耶夫--的生平、著作、思想观点、主要贡献等内容。.
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  43. Fang Dongmei yu Zhong xi zhe xue.Xiaoping Wan - 2008 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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    "Guanzi" guan li zhe xue si xiang yan jiu.Yingmin Wan - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Jing ji ri bao chu ban she. Edited by Tingting Long.
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  45.  6
    Sate lun li si xiang yan jiu.Junren Wan - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  46. Wên i hsin shang chih shê hui hsüeh ti fên hsi.I. -wu Wan - 1945 - Edited by Levin Ludwig Schücking.
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  47.  69
    Intentional control based on familiarity in artificial grammar learning.Lulu Wan, Zoltán Dienes & Xiaolan Fu - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1209-1218.
    It is commonly held that implicit learning is based largely on familiarity. It is also commonly held that familiarity is not affected by intentions. It follows that people should not be able to use familiarity to distinguish strings from two different implicitly learned grammars. In two experiments, subjects were trained on two grammars and then asked to endorse strings from only one of the grammars. Subjects also rated how familiar each string felt and reported whether or not they used familiarity (...)
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  48.  24
    Shibumi: acerbic beauty of the aged face.Wan Lin Teo - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    > The Japanese have a word which summarizes all the best in Japanese life, yet it has no explanation and cannot be translated. It is the word shibui, and the best approximation to its meaning is 'acerbic good taste'.—James A. Michener in Iberia The austere beauty of lacquerware, the wizened lines and thickened trunk of a 100-year-old bonsai, the veiled beauty of murky jade—what do all these have in common? These are the qualities of shibumi, a Japanese aesthetic defined by (...)
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  49.  17
    Book Review: Being a Mother in a Strange Land: Motherhood Experiences of Chinese Migrant Women in the Netherlands by Shu-Yi Huang. [REVIEW]Jialin Li - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (4):679-681.
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    De cai jian bei tong lun.Guangjun Wan - 2014 - Jinan Shi: Shandong da xue chu ban she.
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