Results for 'Jia-Lu Shi'

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  1.  21
    Orchestrating Multi-Agent Knowledge Ecosystems: The Role of Makerspaces.Jia-Lu Shi & Guo-Hong Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the knowledge economy, the process of knowledge sharing and creation for value co-creation frequently emerge in a multi-agent and multi-level system. It's important to consider the roles, functions, and possible interactive knowledge-based activities of key actors for ecological development. Makerspace as an initial stage of incubated platform plays the central and crucial roles of resource orchestrators and platform supporter. Less literature analyses the knowledge ecosystem embedded by makerspaces and considers the interactive process of civil society and natural environment. This (...)
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  2. Dao jia, fang shi yu wang chao zheng zhi.Xichen Lü - 1991 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  3. Jin shi Zhongguo de ru xue yu shu ji: jia ting, zong jiao, wu zhi de wang lu: di si jie guo ji Han xue hui yi lun wen ji.Miaofen Lü (ed.) - 2013 - [Taibei Shi]: Lian jing chu ban zong jing xiao.
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    Zhonghua chuan tong mei de: jiao shi, xue sheng, jia zhang hu dong du ben.Lu Gao - 2004 - Beijing Shi: Zhao hua chu ban she.
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    Wei wu shi guan xin shi yu xia Zhong xi jia zhi guan bi jiao.Shuangxi Lu - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    本书主要内容是试图在完全遵从经典作家本意基础上,通过深入挖掘,创新,发展唯物史观中的原理,力图找到一种对广大人民群众而言最喜闻乐见而又最能贯彻经典作家本来意图的理论诠释,同时对长期附加在马克思主义原理 上的种种似是而非的错误观念进行拨乱反正,正本清源.并在此基础上对老百姓最为关心的社会领域中的各种社会现象,社会问题加以合情合理解释.重点是运用创新发展了的唯物史观理论对中西方在各个社会领域中的价值观加 以对比分析,揭示其中的产生根源,使广大读者特别是广大青年学生正确理解中西方的种种差异,深入理解中西方文化产生的自然环境,人文背景,社会根源以及各自的优缺点,正确对待老祖宗留给我们的文化遗产,杜绝各种历 史虚无主义思潮的干扰,避免陷入种种厚西薄中的错误观念.
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    Tao Xingzhi shi de li lun ji qi dang dai jia zhi.Dexiong Lü (ed.) - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
  7.  10
    Ru sheng gui lai: ru jia wang shi nian lu = Ru Jia Wang Ten Years Record.Zhong Ren (ed.) - 2020 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
    作為中華文化主幹並深深楔入中華民族生命形態塑造的儒學,在經歷了近代的跌宕起伏後也隨著時代變遷恢復生機回歸社會。中國大陸儒學傳承者們則開始從儒家文化系統與吾土吾民的精神生活、與國家國族建構的內在關係出發 來理解把握其意義,探索其當代功能及實現形式,在問題意識、學術範式和經典譜系等方面都形成了具有自己時代特徵的成果,並引起方方面面的關注。儒家網不僅是對這一成果集中展示的平臺,也是這一文化復興運動的重要參 與者。本書詳細介紹了儒家網在當下儒家復興中所處的位置和所起的作用,意在通過瞭解儒家網的發展歷程,推動傳統文化創造性轉化,促進儒家復興與中華民族復興的同頻共振,以對今後儒學的良性發展起到推動作用。.
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    Jian li xin dao jia zhi chang shi: cong Laozi chu fa.Jianhua Lu - 2011 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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  9. Shi jian ru jia: ru xue ru jiao de jian lü shi xing.Chaoyang Pan - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng.
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    Fa lü de san wei tou shi: dui fa de jia zhi, gui ze, shi shi de tong yi xing yan jiu.Mingkai Guan - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  11.  17
    Jing jie, si wei, yu yan: Wei Jin xuan li yan jiu.Guizhen Lu - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    Wei Jin xuan xue jia de xuan lun, ru jin zhi zai zhi ben wen ju jian. Dan bing bu jing mo, na xie xuan lun zong shi dui du zhe zhan xian qi zi ji. Wei Jin zhi shi, xuan xiao rao rang, xuan si zhe huo sa tuo fang da, huo yi yu shen yin, ru he zai xian shi jian yi wei, shun ni shi Wei Jin xuan yin zhong zui shen ke de di yun. Zuo zhe (...)
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    Fan zui lun zheng yi wen ti yan jiu =.Jidong Jia - 2021 - Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi xing wei wu jia zhi er yuan lun wei yan jiu zhu xian, an zhao " ke guan gou cheng yao jian, pai chu ke guan wei fa de shi you, zhu guan gou cheng yao jian, pai chu zhu guan ze ren de shi you " si jie ceng fan zui lun ti xi de jia gou, cong ke guan yao jian, zhu guan yao jian, xiu zheng xing tai san ge wei du, lin xuan fan (...)
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    Tian ren he yi de jing shen xin yang.Junshi Lu - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Xian dai chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen li shi yu wen hua nei han,Shan zong li shi yu wen hua,Dao jiao li shi yu wen hua,Tian ren he yi de si xiang nei han deng duo ge lan mu lai jie shao ru jia si xiang.
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  14. Dao jia dao jiao shi lüe lun gao =.Jianxi You - 2006 - Beijing Shi: Guang ming ri bao chu ban she.
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    Guo jia jian gou yu fa lü wen ming: di si jie Shi jie Hua ren fa zhe xue nian hui wen ji.Zhangrun Xu, Kai Tu & Yida Li (eds.) - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    Xin shi ji da lu xin ru jia yan jiu.Gang Cui - 2012 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she.
    本书内容包括:纠结于现代和复古之间-评蒋庆的"政治儒学"思想,"原道"与"道源"-评陈明的"即用见体"思想,后现代主义儒学:从现象学到孔夫子-评张祥龙的"现象学儒学"思想,论当代儒学的"生活论"转向- 评黄玉顺的"生活儒学"思想,"天下主义"还是"中西比对"-评盛洪的"经济儒学"思想等.
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  17. Zhi xing ru jia: ru xue ru jiao de zhi shi zhi lu.Zhaoyang Pan - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju.
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  18.  10
    Fa xue jia de zhi hui: guan yu fa lu de zhi shi pin ge yu ren wen lei xing.Zhangrun Xu - 2004 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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  19.  18
    Dao jia xue shuo de guan nian shi yan jiu.Zhongjiang Wang - 2015 - Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben shu dui dao jia xing er shang xue de gai nian he yan jiu fang fa zuo le tan suo, bao kuo 'dao',' de', 'you wu zhi bian', 'zi ran', 'wu wei', 'tian ming','ren', 'hua'deng zhong yao shu yu yi ji dui sheng si de guan huai. Mu lu ru xia: shang bian yi dao jia yu xing er shang xue er dao jia xing er shang xue de dan sheng ji tui yan san dao jia dui ben ti (...)
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  20.  23
    Wearing weighted backpack dilates subjective visual duration: the role of functional linkage between weight experience and visual timing.Lina Jia, Zhuanghua Shi & Wenfeng Feng - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21.  7
    The political theories of P. J. Proudhon.Shi Yung Lu - 1922 - New York,: M. R. Gray.
    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a nineteenth-century French philosopher and socialist whose contributions played an integral role in anarchist and socialist thought. This book offers an in-depth analysis of Proudhon's political theories, including his ideas about property, labor relations, and the state. Through a close reading of primary sources, the author provides a nuanced and engaging account of Proudhon's contributions to political thought. This book is a valuable resource for scholars and anyone interested in the history of anarchist and socialist thought. This (...)
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  22.  8
    Shui cong wo de shi jie lu guo.Shuming Liang - 2016 - Beijing: Dang dai Zhongguo chu ban she.
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  23.  23
    The Development and Validation of the Doctoral Student Identity Scale.Jia-lu Zhao, Fu Chen & Xiao-Ming Jia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Based on how the identity of doctoral students is recognized and understood in the context of Chinese culture, we developed a doctoral identity scale using both qualitative and quantitative analyses.Methods: The initial project of the Scale was formed through qualitative analyses and expert consultation. Nine hundred and ninety-one doctoral students were officially tested, and 982 valid questionnaires were obtained. They were randomly divided into two parts, and 491 of which were assessed for item Response Theory and exploratory factor analysis (...)
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  24.  22
    Financial Distress Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine with a Modified Kernel Function.Chong Wu, Lu Wang & Zhe Shi - 2016 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 25 (3).
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  25.  33
    Validation and Psychometric Testing of the Chinese Version of the Mental Health Literacy Scale Among Nurses.Anni Wang, Shoumei Jia, Zhongying Shi, Xiaomin Sun, Yuan Zhu & Miaoli Shen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Mental Health Literacy Scale is the most widely used and strong theory-based measurement tool to gain an understanding of mental health knowledge and ability. This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Mental Health Literacy Scale and to document the norm and its influential factors of mental health literacy among nurses. The MHLS was translated following Brislin’s translation model and tested with a sample of 872 clinical registered nurses. The Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Health (...)
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  26.  20
    Song Ming shi qi Jiangxi ru xue yan jiu.Xiaojiang Zheng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhucai Yang.
    Ben shu wei "Song Ming shi qi Chang Jiang zhong you de ru xue yan jiu" cong shu zhi yi: ben cong shu shi ren wen she hui ke xue chong dian yan jiu ji di-Wuhan da xue Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua yan jiu zhong xin tou biao, jing jiao yu bu zu zhi zhuan jia ping shen tong guo, zheng shi pi zhun de jiao yu bu ren wen she hui ke xue 2001 nian du zhong da yan (...)
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  27.  12
    Dao jia si xiang yu xian dai wen ming.Kangsheng Xu - 2015 - Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben shu shou lu wen zhang si shi yu pian, shi zuo zhe dui dao jia yu dao jiao wen hua duo nian lai yan jiu cheng guo de zong he zhan xian.
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  28.  48
    The Neural Correlate Difference Between Positive and Negative Awe.Fang Guan, Sasa Zhao, Shaona Chen, Shi Lu, Jun Chen & Yanhui Xiang - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  29.  25
    Lu Jia's New Discourses: a Political Manifesto from the Early Han Dynasty.Jia Lu - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Paul Rakita Goldin & Elisa Sabattini.
    Lu Jia's New Discourses: A Political Manifesto from the Early Han Dynasty is a readable yet accurate translation by Paul R. Goldin and Elisa Levi Sabattini. Celebrated as "a man-of-service with a mouth [skilled] at persuasion", Lu Jia (c. 228-140 BCE) became one of the leading figures of the early Han dynasty, serving as a statesman and diplomat from the very beginning of the Han empire. This book is a translation of Lu Jia's New Discourses, which laid out the reasons (...)
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  30.  36
    On the Relationship Between Sensory Eye Dominance and Stereopsis in the Normal-Sighted Adult Population: Normative Data.Yonghua Wang, Lele Cui, Zhifen He, Wenman Lin, Jia Qu, Fan Lu, Jiawei Zhou & Robert F. Hess - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    (1 other version)The Binocular Balance at High Spatial Frequencies as Revealed by the Binocular Orientation Combination Task.Yonghua Wang, Zhifen He, Yunjie Liang, Yiya Chen, Ling Gong, Yu Mao, Xiaoxin Chen, Zhimo Yao, Daniel P. Spiegel, Jia Qu, Fan Lu, Jiawei Zhou & Robert F. Hess - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  32.  21
    Dang dai xue zhe shi ye zhong de Makesi zhu yi zhe xue.Lixin Han (ed.) - 2014 - Beijing: Beijng shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu ji zhong fan ying le dang dai ri ben zhe xue jia dui ma ke si zhu yi zhe xue de li jie.Shu zhong shou lu le ti ming xiu zi ran li shi guo cheng de si xiang,Ping tian qing ming xun huan= ji lei li lun yu li shi ren shi,Yan yuan qing yi ri ben de1844 nian jing ji xue zhe xue shou gao yan jiu deng wen zhang.
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  33.  14
    Fa zhi li shi zhong de Kai'ersen li lun ji qi shi jian yan jiu =.Yinhong Wang - 2021 - Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi han si{692126}kai mi sen de fa lü li lun ji qi shi jian wei zhong xin lun shu le kai mi sen xiang guan fa lü li lun de yuan yuan, chuan tong ji qi shi jian te xing, lun shu le kai mi sen zuo wei " ao di li xian fa de she ji shi " dui yu ao di li fa lü li lun ji qi shi jian suo zuo chu de gong xian. tong (...)
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  34.  9
    Ma Yifu jiao wang lu.Jinghan Ding - 2013 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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  35.  18
    Users' Feedback on COVID-19 Lockdown Documentary: An Emotion Analysis and Topic Modeling Analysis.Xiaochuan Shi, Miaoyutian Jia, Jia Li, Quiyi Chen, Guan Liu & Qian Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Conducting emotion analysis and generating users' feedback from social media platforms may help understand their emotional responses to video products, such as a documentary on the lockdown of Wuhan during COVID-19. The results of emotion analysis could be used to make further user recommendations for marketing purposes. In our study, we try to understand how users respond to a documentary through YouTube comments. We chose “The lockdown: One month in Wuhan” YouTube documentary, and applied emotion analysis as well as a (...)
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  36. Lantian Lü shi yi zhu ji jiao.Junmin Chen & Dalin Lü (eds.) - 1993 - Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju.
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  37.  53
    Does Servant Leadership Affect Employees’ Emotional Labor? A Social Information-Processing Perspective.Junting Lu, Zhe Zhang & Ming Jia - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):507-518.
    Emotion management in the workplace is drawing increasing attention from researchers. However, they still know little about how positive leadership affects employees’ emotional labor. Building on social information-processing theory, we examine whether and how a servant leadership style influences employees’ emotional labor. Using a sample of 305 employees in 81 work units of 25 subcorporations at a food company in China, we find that servant leadership relates negatively to surface acting but relates positively to deep acting at work. We also (...)
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  38.  19
    Influence of Ambidextrous Learning on Eco-Innovation Performance of Startups: Moderating Effect of Top Management’s Environmental Awareness.Shi-Zheng Huang, Jian-Ying Lu, Ka Yin Chau & Hai-Liang Zeng - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Ecological innovation is an inevitable trend for firms to enhance competitiveness and sustainably operate in the context of green economy. The previous literature has rarely discussed the influence of ambidextrous learning on the eco-innovation performance of startups and ignored the moderating effect of top management’s environmental awareness from the perspective of microscopic psychology. We have conducted a questionnaire survey on 212 firms established within 4 years in the Pearl River Delta of China, using the structure mode and the PROCESS by (...)
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  39.  30
    Does Awareness of the Affordable Care Act Reduce Adverse Selection? A Study of the Long-term Uninsured in South Carolina.Shi Lu, Feng Chaoling, Griffin Sarah, E. Williams Joel, A. Crandall Lee & Truong Khoa - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801772710.
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    Openness to Experience as a Moderator of the Relationship between Intelligence and Creative Thinking: A Study of Chinese Children in Urban and Rural Areas.Baoguo Shi, David Y. Dai & Yongli Lu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  41. Sun zi bing fa.Shi san jia zhu - 2007 - In Xi Zhu, Jiyu Ren & Yuan Pan, Zhong guo wen hua jing dian. Hangzhou: Xi leng yin she chu ban she.
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  42.  34
    Mixed Stimulus-Induced Mode Selection in Neural Activity Driven by High and Low Frequency Current under Electromagnetic Radiation.Lulu Lu, Ya Jia, Wangheng Liu & Lijian Yang - 2017 - Complexity:1-11.
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  43.  22
    The Compensatory Protective Effects of Social Support at Work in Presenteeism During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic.Jia Wun Chen, Luo Lu & Cary L. Cooper - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study investigated the lasting effects of sickness presenteeism on well-being and innovative job performance in the demanding Chinese work context compounded with the precarities of the post-pandemic business environment. Adopting the conservation of resources theory perspective, especially its proposition of compensation of resources, we incorporated social resources at work as joint moderators in the presenteeism–outcomes relationship. We employed a panel design in which all variables were measured twice with 6 months in between. Data were obtained from 323 Chinese (...)
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  44.  16
    The Impact of COVID-19-Related Work Stress on the Mental Health of Primary Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Social Support and Resilience.Lu-Shao-Bo Shi, Richard Huan Xu, Yi Xia, Dong-xue Chen & Dong Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveThe psychological condition of healthcare workers since the COVID-19 pandemic has attracted the attention of many studies. However, few have reported on psychosocial problems of primary healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to examine the mediating roles of social support and resilience in COVID-19-related work stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression.MethodsA total of 840 primary healthcare workers in 17 community health centers in Guangzhou, China, were recruited from May to July 2021. Data on demographic characteristics, COVID-19-related (...)
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  45.  74
    Investigations on the local structures of Cu2+ at various BaO concentrations in 59B2O3–10K2O–ZnO–xBaO–1CuO glasses.Jia-Rui Jin, Shao-Yi Wu, Jian Hong, Shi-Nan Liu, Min-Xian Song, Bao-Hua Teng & Ming-He Wu - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (31):2858-2870.
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    (1 other version)Visuospatial, rather than verbal working memory capacity plays a key role in verbal and figural creativity.Runhao Lu, Yanna Zhang, Naili Bao, Meng Su, Xingli Zhang & Jiannong Shi - forthcoming - Tandf: Thinking and Reasoning:1-33.
  47.  21
    An Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Risk Evaluation Model.Geng Peng, Lu Han, Zeyan Liu, Yanyang Guo, Junai Yan & Xinyu Jia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Conflicts in land exploration are incisive social problems which have been the subject in many studies. Risk assessment of land conflicts is effective to resolve such problems. Specifically, fuzzy mathematics and the analytic hierarchy process were combined together to evaluate risk in land conflicts in our work, which is proved useful to solve uncertainty and imprecision problems. Based on the analysis of the principles for the risk assessment of a land conflicts index system, a set of risk assessment indexes using (...)
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  48.  23
    The Evolution and Determinants of Interorganizational Coinvention Networks in New Energy Vehicles: Evidence from Shenzhen, China.Jia Liu, Zhaohui Chong & Shijian Lu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    With the increasing attention to climate change, air pollution, and related public health issues, China’s new energy vehicles industry has developed rapidly. However, few studies investigated the evolution of interorganizational collaborative innovation networks in the sector domain of NEVs and the influence of different drivers on the establishment of innovation relationships. In this context, this paper uses the joint invention patent of Shenzhen, a low-carbon pilot city of China, to investigate the dynamics of network influencing factors. The social network analysis (...)
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    Family Function and Self-esteem among Chinese University Students with and without Grandparenting Experience: Moderating Effect of Social Support.Jingyu Shi, Lu Wang, Yuhong Yao, Na Su, Xudong Zhao & Chenyu Zhan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Differentiation of Transformed Bipolar Disorder From Unipolar Depression by Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within Reward Circuit.Jiabo Shi, Jiting Geng, Rui Yan, Xiaoxue Liu, Yu Chen, Rongxin Zhu, Xinyi Wang, Junneng Shao, Kun Bi, Ming Xiao, Zhijian Yao & Qing Lu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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