Results for 'Jessica Slater'

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  1.  30
    Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds.Nina Kraus, Jane Hornickel, Dana L. Strait, Jessica Slater & Elaine Thompson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  2. The unity and priority arguments for Grounding.Jessica M. Wilson - 2016 - In Ken Aizawa & Carl Gillett, Scientific Composition and Metaphysical Ground. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 171-204.
    Grounding, understood as a primitive posit operative in contexts where metaphysical dependence is at issue, is not able on its own to do any substantive work in characterizing or illuminating metaphysical dependence---or so I argue in 'No Work for a Theory of Grounding' (Inquiry, 2014). Such illumination rather requires appeal to specific metaphysical relations---type or token identity, functional realization, the determinable-determinate relation, the mereological part-whole relation, and so on---of the sort typically at issue in these contexts. In that case, why (...)
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  3. Logic and the Laws of Thought.Jessica Leech - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
    An approach to explaining the nature and source of logic and its laws with a rich historical tradition takes the laws of logic to be laws of thought. This view seems intuitively compelling, after all, logic seems to be intimately related with how we think. But how exactly should we understand it? And what arguments can we give in favour? I will propose one line of argument for the claim that the laws of logic are laws of thought. I will (...)
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  4. Newtonian Forces.Jessica Wilson - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):173-205.
    Newtonian forces are pushes and pulls, possessing magnitude and direction, that are exerted (in the first instance) by objects, and which cause (in particular) motions. I defend Newtonian forces against the four best reasons for denying or doubting their existence. A running theme in my defense of forces will be the suggestion that Newtonian Mechanics is a special science, and as such has certain prima facie ontological rights and privileges, that may be maintained against various challenges.
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  5. Much Ado About 'Something'.Jessica M. Wilson - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):172-188.
    Every paper in this collection is worth reading, for one reason or another. Still, due to certain problematic metametaphysical presuppositions most of these discussions miss the deeper mark, on the pessimist as well as the optimist side. My reasons for thinking this come from considering how best to answer three metametaphysical questions. First, why be pessimistic about metaphysics – why be Carnapian in a post-positivist age? There is, I’ll suggest, a post-positivist strategy for reviving Carnapian pessimism, but it is almost (...)
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  6. Provocative Dress and Sexual Responsibility.Jessica Wolfendale - 2016 - Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 17 (2):599-624.
    Numerous studies have found that many people believe that a provocatively dressed woman is at greater risk for sexual assault and bears some responsibility for her assault if she is attacked. Furthermore, in legal, academic, and public debates about sexual assault the appropriateness of the term ‘provocative’ as a descriptor of certain kinds of women’s clothing is rarely questioned. Thus, there is a widespread but largely unquestioned belief that it is appropriate to describe revealing or suggestive women’s clothing as ‘provocative’ (...)
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    Essence and Dependence.Jessica M. Wilson - 2020 - In Mircea Dumitru, Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes From Kit Fine. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    I first discuss Kit Fine's distinctive 'schema-based' approach to metaphysical theorizing, which aims to identify general principles accommodating any intelligible application of the notion, by attention to his accounts of essence and dependence. I then raise some specific concerns about the general principles Fine takes to schematically characterize these notions. In particular, I present various counterexamples to Fine's essence -based account of ontological dependence. The problem, roughly speaking, is that Fine supposes that an object's essence makes reference to just what (...)
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  8. World Religions.H. D. Lewis & Robert Lawson Slater - 1967 - Religious Studies 3 (1):421-423.
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    CEO International Assignment Experience and Corporate Social Performance.Daniel J. Slater & Heather R. Dixon-Fowler - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):473-489.
    Research suggests that international assignment experience enhances awareness of societal stakeholders, influences personal values, and provides rare and valuable resources. Based on these arguments, we hypothesize that CEO international assignment experience will lead to increased corporate social performance (CSP) and will be moderated by the CEO's functional background. Using a sample of 393 CEOs of S&P 500 companies and three independent data sources, we find that CEO international assignment experience is positively related to CSP and is significantly moderated by the (...)
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    The Ethics of Continued Life‐Sustaining Treatment for those Diagnosed as Brain‐dead.Jessica Toit & Franklin Miller - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (3):151-158.
    Given the long-standing controversy about whether the brain-dead should be considered alive in an irreversible coma or dead despite displaying apparent signs of life, the ethical and policy issues posed when family members insist on continued treatment are not as simple as commentators have claimed. In this article, we consider the kind of policy that should be adopted to manage a family's insistence that their brain-dead loved one continues to receive supportive care. We argue that while it would be ethically (...)
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    Context, Compositionality and Calamity.Jessica Rett - 2006 - Mind Language 21 (5):541-552.
    This paper examines an attempt made in a series of articles (Stanley, 2002, et al.) to create a syntactic placeholder for contextual information. The initial shortcoming of Stanley’s proposal is that it does not easily integrate these placeholders with domain‐restricting information syntactically encoded elsewhere in the utterance. Thus, Stanley makes erroneous predictions in the case of sentences in which quantifier‐restricting information encoded in (for example) a prepositional phrase conflicts with quantifier‐restriction valued by context is internally incoherent. I explore the space (...)
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    Posthuman performativity, gender and 'school bullying': Exploring the material-discursive intra-actions of skirts, hair, sluts, and poofs.Jessica Ringrose & Victoria Rawlings - 2015 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 3 (2):80-119.
    In this article we take off from critiques of psychological and school bullying typologies as creating problematic binary categories of bully and victim and neglecting sociocultural aspects of gender and sexuality. We review bullying research informed by Judith Butler’s theories of discursive performativity, which help us to understand how subjectification works through performative repetitions of heterosexual gender norms. We then build on these insights drawing on the feminist new materialist approach of Karen Barad’s posthuman performativity, which we argue enlarges our (...)
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  13.  25
    Constituting Common Subjects: Toward an Education Against Enclosure.Graham B. Slater - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (6):537-553.
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    Reading on a jet plane: Business Ethics & Other Paradoxes.Jessica Lerm - 2015 - African Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1).
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    Ethical Integrity in Health Care Organizations: Currents in Contemporary Bioethics.Jessica Mantel - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):661-665.
    The rise of managed care initiated a steady decline in solo and small group physician practices and the emergence of new delivery models built around large health care organizations. Health care reform has only accelerated this trend as public and private payors shift to new payment methodologies that reward clinical and financial integration among providers. As a result, patients increasingly receive care from physicians and other health professionals organized into collaborative partnerships with one another and institutional providers, such as hospitals. (...)
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    Freaks of nature: images of Barbara McClintock.Jessica Nash - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (1):21-43.
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    Narrative Naturalism: An Alternative Framework for Philosophy of Mind.Jessica Wahman - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book addresses the nature of consciousness and the relation of mind to brain, body, and the material world. Against mechanistic and physicalist approaches, it employs a literary worldview that accommodates plural narratives, including those of neuroscience, pharmacology, psychology, and everyday experience.
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    Crossroads in the Flesh: An Interview with Mariana Ortega.Jessica Elkayam & Mariana Ortega - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):98-110.
    Abstract:Jessica Elkayam asks Mariana Ortega about the influence both Latina feminisms and Martin Heidegger have had on the development of Ortega's mestiza theory.
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  19. Beef, Bible, bullets : suicidal cows and the ecological imaginings of Brazil.Jessica Carey-Webb - 2025 - In Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth Mentor, Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements. New York: Routledge.
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  20. Taking up the torch from Max Weber : Norbert Elias and the challenging of classical sociology.Markus Schroer & Jessica Wilde - 2013 - In François Dépelteau & Tatiana Savoia Landini, Norbert Elias and social theory. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The Eating Motivation Survey in Brazil: Results From a Sample of the General Adult Population.Gudrun Sproesser, Jéssica Maria Muniz Moraes, Britta Renner & Marle dos Santos Alvarenga - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Choice and Logic.Hartley Slater - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (2):207-216.
    There is a little known paradox the solution to which is a guide to a much more thoroughgoing solution to a whole range of classic paradoxes. This is shown in this paper with respect to Berry's Paradox, Heterologicality, Russell's Paradox, and the Paradox of Predication, also the Liar and the Strengthened Liar, using primarily the epsilon calculus. The solutions, however, show not only that the first-order predicate calculus derived from Frege is inadequate as a basis for a clear science, and (...)
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    Quantum Theory of Matter.John C. Slater - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (4):344-345.
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    (1 other version)Russell's Essays in Analysis [review of Bertrand Russell, Essays in Analysis, ed. Douglas Lackey].John G. Slater - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12.
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  25. Art and aesthetics.Hartley Slater - 1997 - British Journal of Aesthetics 37 (3):226-231.
  26.  28
    Are blind babies delayed in achieving social understanding?Carol Slater - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):141-142.
    Barresi & Moore's account predicts that infants deprived of visual input will be delayed in achieving social understanding, a hypothesis that receives some support from studies of language use. by blind children. It is proposed that recently developed false belief and appearance/reality tasks be used to explore this issue further. Three possibly distracting conceptual issues are also discussed.
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    A clinical and genetic study of 1,280 cases of mental defect.Eliot Slater - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (3):208.
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    Correspondence.D. A. Slater - 1912 - The Classical Review 26 (06):206-207.
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  29.  44
    Prior’s individuals.Hartley Slater - 2016 - Synthese 193 (11):3497-3506.
    Criticisms have been aired before about the fear of certain Platonic abstract objects, propositions. That criticism extends to the widespread preference for an operator analysis of expressions like ‘It is true, known, obligatory that p’ as opposed to the predicative analysis in their equivalents ‘That p is true, known, obligatory’. The criticism in the present work also concerns Prior’s attitude to Platonic entities of a certain kind: not propositions, i.e., the referents of ‘that’-clauses, but individuals, i.e., the referents of Russell’s (...)
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    References.John G. Slater - 2005 - In Minerva's Aviary: Philosophy at Toronto, 1843-2003. University of Toronto Press. pp. 597-606.
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    Singular subjects.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (3):362-372.
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    There's CULTURE and “culture”.P. J. B. Slater - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):356-357.
    While cetaceans clearly show social learning in a wide variety of contexts, to label this as hides more than it reveals: we need a taxonomy of culture to tease apart the differences rather than hiding them in a catch-all category.
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    (1 other version)Two Countesses and One Formidable Woman [review of Karen Usborne, `Elizabeth': the Author of `Elizabeth and Her German Garden' ].John G. Slater - 1987 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 7 (2).
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  34. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 10: A Fresh Look at Empiricism, 1927-1946.John Slater & Assisted by Peter Köllner (eds.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    During the period covered by this volume, Bertrand Russell first retired from and then resumed his philosophical career. In 1927 he published two philosophy books, The Analysis of Matter and An Outline of Philosophy . His next book in academic philosophy, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth , was not published until 1940. Yet, Russell published a significant amount of essays and popular books between 1927 and 1946, mostly to finance the running of Beacon Hill School, and his growing family. (...)
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    The nature and nurture of birdsong.P. J. B. Slater - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):648-649.
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    Two Notes on Catullus.D. A. Slater - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (1-2):25-26.
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  37. The Required Correction to Copi's Statement of UG.J. Slater - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 9 (34):267.
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    The Right Square.Hartley Slater - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette, Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 139--145.
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    Wittgenstein's Apriori.H. B. Slater - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):81-109.
    Gary Kemp defends Realist approaches to the paradox of analysis. Other, prima facie equally viable approaches to this problem are the Nominalist one of Langford and Camap and the Conceptualist one of Prior and Stalnaker. In the context of a fuller survey focus is set on the realist attempt. This puts one in a better position to arbitrate between these approaches and give a more final assessment of the realist one, including an assessment of Kemp's defence of it. The Conceptualist (...)
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  40. Do restabelecimento do prazo de validade dos créditos de celulares pré-pagos: Uma análise da decisão do stj a partir da legislação consumerista.Jéssica Helena Maruoka da Silva & Maise Gindre Mosseline - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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  41. Action representation as the bedrock of social cognition: a developmental neuroscience perspective.Jean Decety & Jessica A. Sommerville - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Splitting attention across the two visual fields in visual short-term memory.Jean-Francois Delvenne & Jessica L. Holt - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):258-263.
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    Characteristics of Children’s Media Use and Gains in Language and Literacy Skills.Rebecca A. Dore, Jessica Logan, Tzu-Jung Lin, Kelly M. Purtell & Laura Justice - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Big-5 Personality Traits as they Relate to Risk Behaviors: Comparisons of Traits with Participation in and Consideration of Risk Behaviors.Grace Freeman & Jessica Matyas - 2022 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 7 (2).
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    The importance of ecological validity, ultimate causation, and natural categories.Catherine A. Salmon & Jessica A. Hehman - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article raises important questions about the applicability of experimental social psychology research on topics with policy implications. This commentary focuses on the importance of attending to a variety of factors to improve ecological validity as well as considering the ultimate factors shaping behavior and the role of natural categories in the stability of stereotypes and their influence.
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  46. O governo de si, dos outros e das almas: um breve estudo sobre técnicas disciplinares.Elisete Medianeira Tomazetti, Jéssica Erd Ribas & Gilberto Oliari - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021013.
    The present article proposes an analysis of the foucauldians studies concerning the disciplinary techniques and its relation with the government of individuals and collectives conducts. To this end, this article focus in demonstrated, throughout the works “Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison ”, “The order of discourse ”and “Micro-physics of Power ”, how the discipline, understood as a technology of power, operates in the conduct of the subject practices.Thus, we will follow an analytical path of differentiation of the (...)
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  47. Could School Counselors be the Solution to Some of Italy's Important Problems in Education?John C. Carey & Jessica Bertolani - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 24:93-114.
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    The discursive construction of intelligence in introductory educational psychology textbooks.Rachael Gabriel & Jessica Nina Lester - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (6):776-791.
    The meaning of intelligence has varied across time and place, with these varied constructions holding consequences for people and society at large. There is, however, little consensus around what intelligence actually means and how the construct should be applied. Educational discourses, including textbooks used to train teachers, have commonly been the site for the dissemination of ‘authoritative’ information surrounding intelligence. In this article, we present findings from a discourse analysis informed by discursive psychology of passages related to defining and measuring (...)
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    Moving Beyond Standard Informed Consent for Interventional Organ Transplant Research.Jason Lesandrini, Jessica Ginsberg & Brooklyn Aaron - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):108-110.
    Achieving valid informed consent from a human research participant involves an ongoing process designed to protect the participant and ensure their rights, safety, and well-being are not compromise...
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    Resources: Bombs in the Classroom.Tim Wright & Jessica Morrison - 2008 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 16 (3):48.
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