Results for 'Jes Förster'

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  1.  77
    Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Process. Pat Langley, Herbert A. Simon, Gary L. Bradshaw, Jan M. Zytkow.Malcolm R. Forster - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):336-338.
  2.  14
    Jes Bjarup: Natural Law, Practical Reason and Autonomous Persons – A Critical Review of Neil MacCormick: Practical Reason in Law and Morality. (Rezensionsabhandlung).Jes Bjarup - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (3):428-439.
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    Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Processes.Malcolm R. Forster - 1987 - MIT Press (MA).
    Scientific discovery is often regarded as romantic and creative - and hence unanalyzable - whereas the everyday process of verifying discoveries is sober and more suited to analysis. Yet this fascinating exploration of how scientific work proceeds argues that however sudden the moment of discovery may seem, the discovery process can be described and modeled. Using the methods and concepts of contemporary information-processing psychology (or cognitive science) the authors develop a series of artificial-intelligence programs that can simulate the human thought (...)
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  4. How to Tell When Simpler, More Unified, or Less A d Hoc Theories Will Provide More Accurate Predictions.Malcolm R. Forster & Elliott Sober - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (1):1-35.
    Traditional analyses of the curve fitting problem maintain that the data do not indicate what form the fitted curve should take. Rather, this issue is said to be settled by prior probabilities, by simplicity, or by a background theory. In this paper, we describe a result due to Akaike [1973], which shows how the data can underwrite an inference concerning the curve's form based on an estimate of how predictively accurate it will be. We argue that this approach throws light (...)
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    The Twenty-Five Years of Philosophy: A Systematic Reconstruction.Eckart Förster - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    Kant declared that philosophy began in 1781 with his Critique of Pure Reason. In 1806 Hegel announced that it had been completed. Förster assesses the steps that led from Kant’s “beginning” to Hegel’s “end” and concludes that both Kant and Hegel were indeed right. His study reveals Goethe’s significant contribution to post-Kantian thinking.
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    Hegel’s Idea of a ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’.Michael N. Forster - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Hegel's Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit, Michael N. Forster advances an original reading of the work.
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    Socrates' demand for definitions.Michael N. Forster - 2006 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 31:1-47.
  8. Hegel and Skepticism.Michael N. Forster - 1989 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Forster demonstrates that Hegel did not in fact ignore epistemology, but on the contrary he fought a tireless and subtle campaign to defeat the threat of skepticism. Forster's work should dispel once and for all the view that Hegel was naive or careless in epistemological matters. Along the way, Forster makes much that has hither to remained obscure in Hegel's texts intelligible for the first time.
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  9. The Significance of §§ 76 and 77 Of the Critique of Ju dgment for the Development of Po st-K antian Philosophy (Part 1).E. Ckart Förster - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (2).
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  10.  62
    After Herder: Philosophy of Language in the German Tradition.Michael N. Forster - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the course of developing these historical points, this book also shows that Herder and his tradition are in many ways superior to dominant trends in more ...
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  11.  57
    (1 other version)Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar.Michael N. Forster - 2004 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.
    What is the nature of a conceptual scheme? Are there alternative conceptual schemes? If so, are some more justifiable or correct than others? The later Wittgenstein already addresses these fundamental philosophical questions under the general rubric of "grammar" and the question of its "arbitrariness"--and does so with great subtlety. This book explores Wittgenstein's views on these questions. Part I interprets his conception of grammar as a generalized version of Kant's transcendental idealist solution to a puzzle about necessity. It also seeks (...)
  12.  60
    Commonality in Codes of Ethics.Margaret Forster, Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S2):129 - 139.
    We create a database of company codes of ethics from firms listed on the Standard & Poor's 500 Index and, separately, a sample of small firms. The SEC believes that "ethics codes do, and should, vary from company to company." Using textual analysis techniques, we measure the extent of commonality across the documents. We find substantial levels of common sentences used by the firms, including a few cases where the codes of ethics are essentially identical. We consider these results in (...)
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  13.  83
    Kant’s Transcendental Deductions: The Three ‘Critiques’ and the ‘Opus Postumum’.Eckart Förster (ed.) - 1988 - Stanford University Press.
  14.  54
    Harnessing the wandering mind: the role of perceptual load.Sophie Forster & Nilli Lavie - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):345-355.
  15.  89
    Unification, explanation, and the composition of causes in Newtonian mechanics.Malcolm R. Forster - 1988 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (1):55-101.
    William Whewell’s philosophy of scientific discovery is applied to the problem of understanding the nature of unification and explanation by the composition of causes in Newtonian mechanics. The essay attempts to demonstrate: the sense in which ”approximate’ laws successfully refer to real physical systems rather than to idealizations of them; why good theoretical constructs are not badly underdetermined by observation; and why, in particular, Newtonian forces are not conventional and how empiricist arguments against the existence of component causes, and against (...)
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  16.  10
    Avant je criais fort.Jérémie McEwen - 2018 - [Montréal]: XYZ éditeur.
  17. Kant and Skepticism.Michael N. Forster (ed.) - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    This book puts forward a much-needed reappraisal of Immanuel Kant's conception of and response to skepticism, as set forth principally in the Critique of Pure Reason. It is widely recognized that Kant's theoretical philosophy aims to answer skepticism and reform metaphysics--Michael Forster makes the controversial argument that those aims are closely linked. He distinguishes among three types of skepticism: "veil of perception" skepticism, which concerns the external world; Humean skepticism, which concerns the existence of a priori concepts and synthetic a (...)
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  18.  58
    Attribution of autonomy and its role in robotic language acquisition.Frank Förster & Kaspar Althoefer - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):605-617.
    The false attribution of autonomy and related concepts to artificial agents that lack the attributed levels of the respective characteristic is problematic in many ways. In this article, we contrast this view with a positive viewpoint that emphasizes the potential role of such false attributions in the context of robotic language acquisition. By adding emotional displays and congruent body behaviors to a child-like humanoid robot’s behavioral repertoire, we were able to bring naïve human tutors to engage in so called intent (...)
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  19. The Significance of §§76 and 77 Of the Critique of Judgment for the Development of Post-Kantian Philosophy (Part 1).Eckart Förster - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (2):197-217.
  20. Kästner und die Philosophie. Zu Kants Kästnerkritik im Opus postumum. E. Förster - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (3):342.
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    [no title].Marc Forster - unknown
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  22. Socrates' profession of ignorance.Michael Forster - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 32:1-35.
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  23. Kant's Philosophy of Language?Michael N. Forster - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (3):485.
  24. Connectionism and the fate of folk psychology: A reply to Ramsey, Stich and Garon.Malcolm Forster & Eric Saidel - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (4):437 – 452.
    Ramsey, Stick and Garon (1991) argue that if the correct theory of mind is some parallel distributed processing theory, then folk psychology must be false. Their idea is that if the nodes and connections that encode one representation are causally active then all representations encoded by the same set of nodes and connections are also causally active. We present a clear, and concrete, counterexample to RSG's argument. In conclusion, we suggest that folk psychology and connectionism are best understood as complementary (...)
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  25.  30
    Neural correlates of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch: evidence for independent and interdependent mechanisms.Forster Bettina & Jones Alexander - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    What do we prime? On distinguishing between semantic priming, procedural priming, and goal priming.Jens Forster, Nira Liberman & Ronald S. Friedman - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 173--193.
  27.  48
    Pragmatism, Relativism, and the Critique of Philosophy.Paul D. Forster - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (1&2):58-78.
    The relativist strain in Rorty’s work should be distinguished from the Davidsonian strain. The latter may be exploited in support of Rorty’s critique of philosophy but it is at odds with his use of “solidarity” and “ethnocentrism”as explanatory concepts. Once this is recognized, there remains in Rorty’s work a consistent challenge to the search for general philosophical theories of truth, objectivity, and rationality (of which relativism itself is an example). On this reading, however, Rorty’s pragmatism is not a theory that (...)
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  28.  30
    Between science and literature : neurodiversity and the neuronovel, The Echo Maker.Je-Boon Yu - 2020 - Cogito 90:91-112.
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    (1 other version)Permutations and stratified formulae a preservation theorem.Thomas Forster - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (5):385-388.
  30. Is there "a gap" in Kant's critical system?Eckart Förster - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (4):533-555.
  31. Neither dogma nor common sense: Moore's confidence in his 'proof of an external world'.Paul Forster - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (1):163 – 195.
    (2008). Neither Dogma nor Common sense: Moore's confidence in his ‘proof of an external world’1. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 163-195.
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    German philosophy of language: from Schlegel to Hegel and beyond.Michael N. Forster - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book not only sets the historical record straight but also champions the Herderian tradition for its philosophical depth and breadth.
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    (1 other version)A Consistent Higher‐Order Theory Without a (Higher‐Order) Model.Thomas Forster - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (5):385-386.
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    Serial Mechanisms in Lexical Access: The Rank Hypothesis.W. S. Murray & K. I. Forster - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):721-756.
  35.  96
    The pros and cons of masked priming.Kenneth Forster - 1998 - Journal Of Psycholinguistic Research 27 (2):203-233.
  36. Model selection in science: The problem of language variance.M. R. Forster - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (1):83-102.
    Recent solutions to the curve-fitting problem, described in Forster and Sober ([1995]), trade off the simplicity and fit of hypotheses by defining simplicity as the paucity of adjustable parameters. Scott De Vito ([1997]) charges that these solutions are 'conventional' because he thinks that the number of adjustable parameters may change when the hypotheses are described differently. This he believes is exactly what is illustrated in Goodman's new riddle of induction, otherwise known as the grue problem. However, the 'number of adjustable (...)
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  37. The iterative conception of set.Thomas Forster - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):97-110.
    The phrase ‘The iterative conception of sets’ conjures up a picture of a particular settheoretic universe – the cumulative hierarchy – and the constant conjunction of phrasewith-picture is so reliable that people tend to think that the cumulative hierarchy is all there is to the iterative conception of sets: if you conceive sets iteratively, then the result is the cumulative hierarchy. In this paper, I shall be arguing that this is a mistake: the iterative conception of set is a good (...)
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    Forty-five years after Broadbent (1958): Still no identification without attention.Joel Lachter, Kenneth I. Forster & Eric Ruthruff - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (4):880-913.
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  39.  46
    Permutations and Wellfoundedness: The True Meaning of the Bizarre Arithmetic of Quine's NF.Thomas Forster - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):227 - 240.
    It is shown that, according to NF, many of the assertions of ordinal arithmetic involving the T-function which is peculiar to NF turn out to be equivalent to the truth-in-certain-permutation-models of assertions which have perfectly sensible ZF-style meanings, such as: the existence of wellfounded sets of great size or rank, or the nonexistence of small counterexamples to the wellfoundedness of ∈. Everything here holds also for NFU if the permutations are taken to fix all urelemente.
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    Toward a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics.Jèurgen Habermas - 1997 - Oxford, England: Polity.
    Universities must transmit technically exploitable knowledge. That is, they must meet an industrial society's need for qualified new generations and at the same time be concerned with the expanded reproduction of education itself. In addition, universities must not only transmit technically exploitable knowledge, but also produce it. This includes both information flowing from research into the channels of industrial utilization, armament, and social welfare, and advisory knowledge that enters into strategies of administration, government, and other decision-making powers, such as private (...)
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  41.  28
    1. Wittgenstein’s Conception of Grammar.Michael N. Forster - 2004 - In Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar. Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press. pp. 7-20.
  42. Wittgenstein on family resemblance concepts.Michael Forster - 2010 - In Arif Ahmed, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  43.  40
    The future of values: 21st century talks.Jérôme Bindé (ed.) - 2004 - [Paris]: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
    This volume brings together about 50 scientists and researchers from the four corners of the world to redefine and anticipate tomorrow's values, and reflect on ...
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  44.  60
    Sober’s Principle of Common Cause and the Problem of Comparing Incomplete Hypotheses.Malcolm R. Forster - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (4):538-559.
    Sober (1984) has considered the problem of determining the evidential support, in terms of likelihood, for a hypothesis that is incomplete in the sense of not providing a unique probability function over the event space in its domain. Causal hypotheses are typically like this because they do not specify the probability of their initial conditions. Sober's (1984) solution to this problem does not work, as will be shown by examining his own biological examples of common cause explanation. The proposed solution (...)
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  45.  54
    Reply to Friedman and Guyer.Eckart Förster - 2003 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 46 (2):228-238.
  46.  81
    Ramsey’s theorem and König’s Lemma.T. E. Forster & J. K. Truss - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (1):37-42.
    We consider the relation between versions of Ramsey’s Theorem and König’s Infinity Lemma, in the absence of the axiom of choice.
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  47. A Philosopher’s Guide to Empirical Success.Malcolm R. Forster - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):588-600.
    The simple question, what is empirical success? turns out to have a surprisingly complicated answer. We need to distinguish between meritorious fit and ‘fudged fit', which is akin to the distinction between prediction and accommodation. The final proposal is that empirical success emerges in a theory dependent way from the agreement of independent measurements of theoretically postulated quantities. Implications for realism and Bayesianism are discussed. ‡This paper was written when I was a visiting fellow at the Center for Philosophy of (...)
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  48. How do simple rules `fit to reality' in a complex world?Malcolm R. Forster - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (4):543-564.
    The theory of fast and frugal heuristics, developed in a new book called Simple Heuristics that make Us Smart (Gigerenzer, Todd, and the ABC Research Group, in press), includes two requirements for rational decision making. One is that decision rules are bounded in their rationality –- that rules are frugal in what they take into account, and therefore fast in their operation. The second is that the rules are ecologically adapted to the environment, which means that they `fit to reality.' (...)
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  49.  43
    Masked repetition priming: Lexical activation or novel memory trace?Kenneth Forster, Jill Booker, Daniel L. Schacter & Christopher Davis - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (4):341-345.
  50.  37
    Toward a Rational Society.Jèurgen Habermas - 1971 - Oxford, England: Polity.
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