Results for 'Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell'

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  1.  14
    Undergraduate Research Teams That Build Bridges, Produce Publishable Research, and Strengthen Grant Proposals.Brian Detweiler-Bedell & Jerusha B. Detweiler-Bedell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    IntroductionEngaging undergraduates in the research process is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a professor because it more deeply connects us to our work and helps shape the professional futures of students by immersing them in the culture of research (including peer-to-peer mentoring and authoring publications; Russell, Hancock, & McCullough, 2007). But there is a real trick to working with undergraduates in a way that both shapes students’ futures and produces high-quality, publishable research because mentors must invest a (...)
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    Mood-congruent perceptions of success depend on self-other framing.Brian Detweiler-Bedell, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell & Peter Salovey - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (2):196-216.
    Research on self-other framing suggests that self-judgements typically neglect information about others and instead use an ambiguous intrapersonal standard, making these judgements susceptible to the influence of mood as predicted by the affect infusion model (Forgas, 1995). Two experiments tested the hypothesis that mood-congruent judgements of personal success occur when these judgements are framed to maintain self-focus but are eliminated when participants first focus on other individuals. In Experiment 1, self-other framing moderated the influence of mood on perceived success for (...)
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    Disfiguring Socratic Irony.Eric Detweiler - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (2):149-172.
    Let us count, rather, on disarray. Perhaps “since the beginning of time” is an inauspicious way to begin a composition. And yet, given the project I am undertaking, it does not seem too far off. Let us say this: from the very start of the pedagogical tradition associated with Western rhetoric, which is often represented as having its roots in ancient Greece, the figure of the rhetoric teacher has had a remarkably fraught relationship with cultural and political authority. Just consider (...)
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  4. Bradley's Monistic Idealism.Gary Bedell - 1970 - The Thomist 34 (4):568-579.
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  5. Theistic Realism and Monistic Idealism.Gary Bedell - 1971 - The Thomist 35 (4):661-683.
  6. Langer and Tillich: Two Backgrounds of Symbolic Thought.Robert Detweiler - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):171.
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  7. Music and poetry.Alan G. Detweiler - 1961 - British Journal of Aesthetics 1 (3):134-143.
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    Has Peirce Refuted Egoism?Gary Bedell - 1980 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 16 (3):255 - 275.
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    Kierkegaard and Faulkner: Modalities of Existence.George C. Bedell - 1972 - Baton Rouge,: Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press.
    Soren Kierkegaard and William Faulkner are, to my mind, the most seminal religious thinker and the most brilliant novelist of our time. For a good many years I admired their works from a distance. Then in 1966 or so, my good friend and teacher William H. Poteat of Duke University suggested that I get to know them better by doing an essay on them. This book is the result, though I by no means want to hold Professor Poteat responsible for (...)
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  10. Derrida and Biblical Studies.Robert Detweiler - 1982 - [Society of Biblical Literature ;,] [Scholars Press [Distributor],].
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    Story, Sign, and Self: Phenomenology and Structuralism as Literary Critical Methods.Robert Detweiler - 1978 - Augsburg Fortress Publishing.
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    Greek Metaphor.Alister Cameron & W. Bedell Stanford - 1938 - American Journal of Philology 59 (4):505.
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    Bradley and Hegel.Gary Bedell - 1977 - Idealistic Studies 7 (3):262-290.
    It is encouraging to note the renewed interest in the study of Hegel, not only in Europe, but also in the United States. For too long has Hegel been known only through his adversaries, so much so that a “Hegel Myth” has grown up with little regard for either historical accuracy or fair judgment. Recent indications are that this myth is being dissipated by the work of serious scholars, and a more authentic knowledge of Hegel’s position is becoming possible. No (...)
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  14.  21
    Onomatopoeic Mimesis in Plato, Republic 396b–397c.William Bedell Stanford - 1973 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 93:185-191.
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    A unified theory for psychologists?Richard A. Carlson & Mark Detweiler - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):440-440.
  16.  40
    Apprentissage et sciences cognitives.Stanislas Dehaene, Paul Audi & Cyril Bedel - 2015 - Cités 63 (3):81-98.
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    Fermi liquid behavior and Luttinger's theorem close to a diverging scattering length.S. Gaudio, J. Jackiewicz & K. S. Bedell - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1823-1830.
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    Gamma-range oscillations in backward-masking functions and their putative neural correlates.Gopathy Purushothaman, Haluk Öğmen & Harold E. Bedell - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (3):556-577.
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    THλyγetoσ.W. Bedell Stanford - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (05):168-.
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    Numérique, éducation et cosmopolitisme.Bernard Stiegler, Paul Audi & Cyril Bedel - 2015 - Cités 63 (3):13-36.
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  21.  25
    Aristotelian Logic. [REVIEW]Gary Bedell - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (1):175-176.
    This is a textbook on traditional deductive logic, designed for a one semester course. Topics such as definition and the informal fallacies take the scope of the book somewhat beyond the boundaries of formal logic. Although the subjects covered in this book are for the most part topics standard in Aristotelian textbooks, the detail of the analysis exceeds the standard treatment. The book is divided into five main parts. The first part deals with the basic concepts of logic, and the (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Alan Detweiler - 1962 - British Journal of Aesthetics 2 (3):275-c-276.
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    A Mou Zongsan’s criticism of Xunzi: ‘Morality is external’.Burcin Bedel - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (1):1-14.
    Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2023, Page 1-14.
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    Éducation, économie et transition numérique.Cyril Bedel - 2015 - Cités 63 (3):69-80.
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    Necessary Truths About the World.Gary Bedell - 1977 - New Scholasticism 51 (4):537-545.
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    Truth and Freedom.Gary Bedell - 1992 - Modern Schoolman 70 (1):53-62.
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    The Many Faces of Necessity in the Many-Faced Argument.Gary Bedell - 1979 - New Scholasticism 53 (1):1-21.
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    The Relation of Logic and Metaphysics in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley.Gary L. Bedell - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (3):221-235.
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    Teaching the Material Conditional.Gary Bedell - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (3-4):225-236.
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    Reduced representation sequencing: A success in maize and a promise for other plant genomes.W. Brad Barbazuk, Joseph A. Bedell & Pablo D. Rabinowicz - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):839-848.
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    Quantum fluctuation driven first-order phase transition in weak ferromagnetic metals.Jason A. Jackiewicz * & Kevin S. Bedell - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (16):1755-1763.
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    Γυναɩκòς ἀνδρόβουλον ἐλπίζον κέαρ.W. Bedell Stanford - 1937 - Classical Quarterly 31 (2):92-93.
    Most critics agree with varying emphasis that this is one of the most significant lines in the Watchman's speech, because of its emphasis on Clytaemnestra's unique masculinity. But the same interpreters widely disagree in deciding what exactly was her most masculine trait. In other words the meaning of the –βουλον part of the compound is in dispute. Here are some English renderings: ‘whose will is as a man's’ ; ‘manly’ ; ‘with man's resolve’ ; ‘into the council of men’ ; (...)
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    The Quality of ὌΨΙΣ in Words.W. Bedell Stanford - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (03):109-112.
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    Elicitation of situated values: need for tools to help stakeholders and designers to reflect and communicate. [REVIEW]Alina Pommeranz, Christian Detweiler, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):285-303.
    Explicitly considering human values in the design process of socio-technical systems has become a responsibility of designers. It is, however, challenging to design for values because (1) relevant values must be identified and communicated between all stakeholders and designers and (2) stakeholders’ values differ and trade-offs must be made. We focus on the first aspect, which requires elicitation of stakeholders’ situated values , i.e. values relevant to a specific real life context. Available techniques to elicit knowledge and requirements from stakeholders (...)
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  35.  47
    A Contemporary Introduction to Logic with Applications. [REVIEW]Gary Bedell - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (3-4):341-342.
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    Rudiments of Logic. [REVIEW]Gary Bedell - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (1):79-80.
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    The CI Review. [REVIEW]Rebecca Bedell - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 47 (1):172-173.
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    The Languages of Logic. [REVIEW]Gary Bedell - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (3):250-252.
  39. MRCT Center Post-Trial Responsibilities Framework Continued Access to Investigational Medicines. Guidance Document. Version 1.0, December 2016.Carmen Aldinger, Barbara Bierer, Rebecca Li, Luann Van Campen, Mark Barnes, Eileen Bedell, Amanda Brown-Inz, Robin Gibbs, Deborah Henderson, Christopher Kabacinski, Laurie Letvak, Susan Manoff, Ignacio Mastroleo, Ellie Okada, Usharani Pingali, Wasana Prasitsuebsai, Hans Spiegel, Daniel Wang, Susan Briggs Watson & Marc Wilenzik - 2016 - The Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center).
    I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The MRCT Center Post-trial Responsibilities: Continued Access to an Investigational Medicine Framework outlines a case-based, principled, stakeholder approach to evaluate and guide ethical responsibilities to provide continued access to an investigational medicine at the conclusion of a patient’s participation in a clinical trial. The Post-trial Responsibilities (PTR) Framework includes this Guidance Document as well as the accompanying Toolkit. A 41-member international multi-stakeholder Workgroup convened by the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University (...)
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    Thermodynamics and magnetism in U 1-x Th x Be 13-y B y.R. H. Heffner, W. P. Beyermann, M. F. Hundley, J. D. Thompson, J. L. Smith, Z. Fisk, K. Bedell, P. Birrer, C. Baines, F. N. Gygax, B. Hitti, E. Lippelt, H. R. Ott, A. Schenck & D. E. MacLaughlin - unknown
    We report specific heat and μSR measurements on Th and/or B substituted UBe13. The specific heat data show that either Th or B substitution reduces the Kondo temperature TK and increases the entropy at the superconducting transition by almost 20%, indicating an enhanced density of states. However, whereas μSR shows clear evidence for magnetic correlations for Th substitutions, no magnetism is observed for B substitutions. The enhanced specific heat jump in the B-substituted material is associated with a change in the (...)
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    Moving backward through perceptual compensation.Haluk Öğmen, Saumil S. Patel, Gopathy Purushothaman & Harold E. Bedell - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):212-213.
    In the target article Nijhawan speculates that visual perceptual mechanisms compensate for neural delays so that moving objects may be perceived closer to their physical locations. However, the vast majority of published psychophysical data are inconsistent with this speculation.
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    Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of a nearly saturated3He-4He mixture.G. M. Schmiedeshoff, A. W. Lounsbury, S. W. Tozer, E. C. Palm, S. T. Hannahs, T. P. Murphy, J. -H. Park, C. P. Opeil & K. S. Bedell - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):2071-2078.
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    A model for coexistent superconductivity and ferromagnetism.Jason A. Jackiewicz, Krastan B. Blagoev & Kevin S. Bedell - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (28):3247-3254.
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    Rober Detweiler (ed.). Life on the Borders. (Scholars Press, U.S.A., 1983.) Pp. 201. Price $22.50. JAAR Thematic Studies 49/2, Art/ Literature/ Religion. [REVIEW]Ruth Page - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (1):120-121.
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    Rebecca Bedell. The Anatomy of Nature: Geology and American Landscape Painting, 1825–1875. xiv + 186 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001. $45. [REVIEW]Alfred Runte - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):744-745.
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    George Orwell'in 'Bin Dokuz Yüz Seksen Dört' Adlı Romanı İle Cengiz Aytmatov'un 'Gün Olur Asra Bedel.Feyza İslamoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):701-701.
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    Sipsi ve Sipsi Yapımcısı Mehmet Bedel.Mahmut Karagenç - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):653-653.
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    Into the Dark: Seeing the Sacred in the Top Films of the 21st Century. By Craig Detweiler.Glenn Morrison - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):1083-1084.
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    Ambiguity in Greek Literature - W. Bedell Stanford: Ambiguity in Greek Literature. Pp. xi+185. Oxford: Blackwell, 1939. Cloth, 10s. 6 d[REVIEW]J. A. K. Thomson - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (01):14-15.
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    Greek Metaphor Greek Metaphor. Studies in Theory and Practice. By W. Bedell Stanford. Pp. x + 156. Oxford: Blackwell, 1936. Cloth, 10s. 6d. [REVIEW]J. A. K. Thomson - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (02):70-71.
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