Results for 'Jeanne Férentinou-Nicolacopoulou'

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  1. Sur quelques relations entre Les zéros et Les poLes Des fonctions méromorphes. Applications au developpement de Mittag-Leffler.Jeanne Férentinou-Nicolacopoulou - forthcoming - Eleutheria.
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    Penser dans le temps: mélanges offerts à Jeanne Hersch.Jeanne Hersch & Raymond Aron (eds.) - 1977 - Lausanne: Éditions l'Age d'homme.
    Fessard, G. Jeanne Hersch, genèse d'une œuvre.--Muralt, A. de. Phénoménologie et métaphysique.--Philonenko, A. Leibniz et le platonisme.--Christoff, D. Représentation et décision dans la temporalité selon Kant.--Tilliette, X. De l'illusion au savoir, la philosophie.--Widmer, G. Variations kierkegaardiennes sur l'édifiant.--Dufour-Kowalska, G. L'imagination maîtresse de vérité.--Leyvraz, J.-P. Des noms.--Piguet, J.-C. Liberté esthétique et liberté éthique.--Schaerer, R. Le philosophe entre oui et non.--Scheurer, P.-B. Vues nouvelles sur la science du temps et l'histoire.--Starobinski, J. La littérature et l'irrationnel.--Aron, R. De la libéralisation.--Werner, E. La (...)
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    »Witnessing« – aktive Zeugenschaft in der analytischen Praxis.Jeanne Wolff Bernstein - 2023 - Psyche 77 (9-10):900-921.
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    Uma filosofia moral negativa?Jeanne Marie Gagnebin - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 49 (117):143-152.
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    Sweet surrender, but what's the gender? Nature and the body in the writings of nineteenth-century Mormon women'.Jeanne Kay - 1997 - In John Paul Jones, Heidi J. Nast & Susan M. Roberts, Thresholds in feminist geography: difference, methodology, and representation. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 361--382.
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    Meeting Our Obligations to International Students.Jeanne Natali - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 10 (1):47-48.
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    Les traductions d’οὐσία dans le Timée cicéronien.Jeanne Ravaute - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:65-91.
    Dans sa traduction partielle du Timée de Platon, Cicéron traduit le terme grec οὐσία par aeternitas et materia. Ces choix de traduction sont particulièrement intéressants à étudier puisqu’il n’existe pas de traduction fixe d’οὐσία en latin à l’époque de Cicéron – il n’est, en effet, pas à l’origine du néologisme essentia. Pourquoi Cicéron choisit-il deux termes latins pour traduire un même mot grec? Pourquoi deux mots si différents à la fois l’un de l’autre et du terme οὐσία? Quelle compréhension du (...)
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    Revenir aux sensations mêmes.Jeanne-Marie Roux - 2012 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 103 (4):555.
    Résumé Cet article se propose de préciser la portée exacte de la critique sellarsienne du mythe du donné quant aux rapports entre science et perception, et ce à la lumière d’une confrontation avec la phénoménologie et, plus précisément, avec la manière dont Merleau-Ponty traite de leurs relations. Si Sellars nie bien dans Empirisme et philosophie de l’esprit que la perception puisse jouer aucun rôle fondationnel pour la science, s’il semble dans certains textes penser que la science doit se constituer indépendamment (...)
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    The Legend of Hegel’s Labor Theory of Reason.Jeanne Schuler - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 14:301-316.
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    The effects of social interaction upon persistence of self-punitive behavior.Jeanne Walker, Sharon Williams & R. Chris Martin - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (4):423-425.
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    Macmurray and Consciousness.Jeanne Warren - 2004 - Philosophy Now 48:18-19.
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    Urgent History.Jeanne Morefield - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):164-191.
    This article argues for the recovery and re-incorporation of lost voices and debates into the history of political thought by focusing on the issue of sovereignty. It begins by examining why such a narrow understanding of the canon has come to dominate the sub-discipline and argues for critical approaches that treat the past as a “contested terrain” rather than an unfolding plot. It then turns to early twentieth-century Britain as an example of an era when thinkers who have been largely (...)
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    Continue to explore: In memory of Louise Rosenblatt (1904-2005).Jeanne M. Connell - 2005 - Education and Culture 21 (2):7.
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    Honesty in government and society.Jeanne Marie Ford - 2018 - New York: Cavendish Square Publishing.
    What about honesty? -- History of honesty in society -- Honesty and the Constitution -- Honesty in society today.
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    Numbers Matter: A Guide to Cost and Coverage Estimates in Health Reform Debates.Jeanne M. Lambrew - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):446-453.
    Health reform proposals tend to be rich with details and dimensions. The primary goal of health reform is typically to extend health coverage to people who lack it. Yet even the most similar of plans differ in terms of exactly who is targeted for assistance, the means by which assistance is delivered, and the type of health coverage promoted. Moreover, the Byzantine nature of the existing U.S. health system means that any reform plan can appear complex. The plan that aims (...)
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    Top 101 philosophers.Jeanne Nagle (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Britannica Educational Publishing, in association with Rosen Educational Services.
    Although their methodologies, areas of focus, and conclusions may diverge greatly, all philosophers in some form or another pose questions about universal truths. These individuals have elevated discourse and changed the way we interpret the world around us. Profiles of 101 of the most noteworthy individuals in the field introduce readers to the various philosophical schools of thought, as well as the ongoing questions and debates that have occupied philosophers and non-philosophers alike for centuries.
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    Entretien avec René Taton.Jeanne Peiffer - 1997 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 5 (1):65-89.
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  18. Cadres, cadrages et surcadrages dans les enluminures des Cantigas de Santa Maria d'Aphonse X (Códice rico).Jeanne Raimond - forthcoming - Iris.
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    Anne Monjaret & Catherine Pugeault (dir.), Le sexe de l’enquête. Approches sociologiques et anthropologiques.Jeanne Teboul - 2015 - Clio 42:317-317.
    19 janvier 2016 L’intérêt accru porté, depuis les années 2000 en France, aux questionnements réflexifs et à la méthodologie en sciences sociales succède à une longue phase d’invisibilisation des pratiques de l’enquête dans la littérature ethnologique, et surtout sociologique. L’ouvrage qui regroupe dix contributions d’ethnologues et de sociologues examine précisément ces façons de faire du terrain, en mettant en lumière leur dimension sexuée, autrement dit en questionnant l’impact du sexe et...
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  20. Corporate social performance, stakeholder orientation, and organizational moral development.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Kristi Yuthas - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1213-1226.
    This article begins with an explanation of how moral development for organizations has parallels to Kohlberg's categorization of the levels of individual moral development. Then the levels of organizational moral development are integrated into the literature on corporate social performance by relating them to different stakeholder orientations. Finally, the authors propose a model of organizational moral development that emphasizes the role of top management in creating organizational processes that shape the organizational and institutional components of corporate social performance. This article (...)
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    Feminist Morality and Competitive Reality: A Role for an Ethic of Care?Jeanne M. Liedtka - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):179-200.
    A language of care and relationship-building has recently appeared with prominence in the business literature, driven by the realities of the marketplace. Thus, it seems a propitious time to reflect on a decade of writing in feminist morality that has focussed on the concept of an ethic of care, and examine its relevance for today's business context. Is the idea of creating organizations that “care” just another management fad that subverts the essential integrity of concepts of ethical caring? Conversely, are (...)
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    Is food a motivation for urban gardeners? Multifunctionality and the relative importance of the food function in urban collective gardens of Paris and Montreal.Jeanne Pourias, Christine Aubry & Eric Duchemin - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):257-273.
    In the cities of industrialized countries, the sudden keen interest in urban agriculture has resulted, inter alia, in the growth of the number and diversity of urban collective gardens. While the multifunctionality of collective gardens is well known, individual gardeners’ motivations have still not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this article is to explore the role, for the gardeners, of the food function as one of the functions of gardens, and to establish whether and how this function is a (...)
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    Commentary.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Steven L. Wartick - 1995 - Business and Society 34 (2):222-226.
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    Justification and update.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-10.
    In this commentary on Jun Otsuka’s first-rate book, we focus on the difference between justification and update.
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Sex-Discrimination in Job Evaluation.Jeanne Bruijn - 1993 - Business Ethics: A European Review 2 (1):25-29.
    Job evaluation systems are becoming increasingly important in Europe to counter sex‐discrimination, but evaluation criteria can themselves be discriminatory. Dr Jeanne de Bruijn is Professor in Women and Policy at the Free University of Amsterdam.
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    Ethical review and the assessment of research proposals using qualitative research methods.Jeanne Daly, Mridula Bandyopadhyay, E. Riggs & L. Williamson - 2008 - Monash Bioethics Review 27 (3):S43-S53.
    The role of Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) in health research is well established. Ethics committees have the good of research participants in mind but they must also assess scientific merit including the design and conduct of studies. In this article the authors’ focus is on qualitative research method and the challenge that the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) poses for ethics committees when they assess proposals using the methods outlined in the National Statement.We set out (...)
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    Déconstruire le « carno-phallogocentrisme » : l'écoféminisme comme critique de la rationalité occidentale.Jeanne Burgart Goutal - 2016 - PhaenEx 11 (1):22-48.
    L’écoféminisme repose sur l’idée qu’il existe d’étroites « connexions » entre la domination des femmes et la domination de la nature : malgré leur apparente hétérogénéité, ces deux phénomènes convergeraient en une seule et même « matrice de domination ». C’est une telle thèse que nous souhaitons explorer ici : quel peut bien être ce « système » qui les relie en un tout? Comment penser les liens entre les différents axes de domination, sans pour autant les confondre en une (...)
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  28. L'Individu, est-il condamné?: Réflexions sur l'idéologie de la "mort de l'homme".Jeanne Hersch (ed.) - 1978 - Genève: Centre européen de la culture.
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    Menschsein, Wirklichkeit, Sein.Jeanne Hersch - 1995 - De Gruyter.
    Karl Jaspers Vorlesungen zu Fragen der Zeit.
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    Tolérance entre Liberté et Vérité.Jeanne Hersch - 2000 - Philosophica 65 (1).
  31. Temps, tragique et liberté.Jeanne Hersch - 1961 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 55 (3):119.
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    Pheromone response in yeast.Jeanne P. Hirsch & Frederick R. Cross - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):367-373.
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    Selected books.Jeanne L. Lischer & Alida M. DeCoster - 1984 - Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):155-159.
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  34. Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem.Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Edited by Jeanne Peijnenburg.
    This Open Access book addresses the age-old problem of infinite regresses in epistemology. How can we ever come to know something if knowing requires having good reasons, and reasons can only be good if they are backed by good reasons in turn? The problem has puzzled philosophers ever since antiquity, giving rise to what is often called Agrippa's Trilemma. The current volume approaches the old problem in a provocative and thoroughly contemporary way. Taking seriously the idea that good reasons are (...)
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (Suppl 1):353-365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a “David vs. Goliath” showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs – in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use (...)
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    Partial dislocations associated with NbC precipitation in austenitic stainless steels.Jeanne M. Silcock & W. J. Tunstall - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (105):361-389.
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    The computational complexity of logical theories.Jeanne Ferrante - 1979 - New York: Springer Verlag. Edited by Charles W. Rackoff.
    This book asks not only how the study of white-collar crime can enrich our understanding of crime and justice more generally, but also how criminological ...
  38. Global Business Citizenship and Voluntary Codes of Ethical Conduct.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):55-67.
    This article describes the theory and process of global business citizenship (GBC) and applies it in an analysis of characteristics of company codes of business conduct. GBC is distinguished from a commonly used term, “corporate citizenship,” which often denotes corporate community involvement and philanthropy. The GBC process requires (1) a set of fundamental values embedded in the corporate code of conduct and in corporate policies that reflect universal ethical standards; (2) implementation throughout the organization with thoughtful awareness of where the (...)
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  39. Software piracy: Is it related to level of moral judgment?Jeanne M. Logsdon, Judith Kenner Thompson & Richard A. Reid - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (11):849 - 857.
    The possible relationship between widespread unauthorized copying of microcomputer software (also known as software piracy) and level of moral judgment is examined through analysis of over 350 survey questionnaires that included the Defining Issues Test as a measure of moral development. It is hypothesized that the higher one''s level of moral judgment, the less likely that one will approve of or engage in unauthorized copying. Analysis of the data indicate a high level of tolerance toward unauthorized copying and limited support (...)
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    Ethique et écriture: actes du colloque international de Metz, 14-15 mai 1993.Jeanne-Marie Baude (ed.) - 1994 - Paris: Diffusion, Editions Klincksieck.
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    Statistics and Deviance: an Urban Contribution to Classification of Social Groups in America.Jeanne Chase - 1985 - Revue de Synthèse 106 (120):443-459.
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    Rastafari Reasoning and the Rastawoman: Gender Constructions in the Shaping of Rastafari Livity.Jeanne Christensen - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines the intersections of gender and race in a liberation movement propelled by an African spiritual ethos in the Caribbean and restores agency to the RastaWoman’s subversive participation in the ritual known as Reasoning. With powerful narrative, this book appeals to studies of religious transformation, resistance movements, gender and race theory, and Caribbean history and culture.
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    A better way of dying: how to make the best choices at the end of life.Jeanne Fitzpatrick - 2010 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Eileen M. Fitzpatrick.
    Advanced directives and living wills have improved our ability to dictate end-of-life care, but even these cannot guarantee that we will be allowed the dignity of a natural death. Designed by two sisters-one a doctor, one a lawyer-and drawing on their decades of experience, the five-step Compassion Protocol outlined in A Better Way of Dying offers a simple and effective framework for leaving caretakers concrete, unambiguous, and legally binding instructions about your wishes for your last days. Meant for people in (...)
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    The natural history of the bible: An environmental exploration of the hebrew scripture.Jeanne Kay Guelke - 2007 - Environmental Ethics 29 (1):91-93.
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    The subject is nothing.Jeanne L. Schroeder & David Gray Carlson - 1994 - Law and Critique 5 (1):93-112.
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  46. The understanding of good: thoughts on some of life's higher issues.Jeanne Vietinghoff - 1921 - New York,: John Lane company. Edited by Velleman, Ethel Ireland & [From Old Catalog].
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    A relationship between laterality of functioning at 2 days and at 7 years of age.Jeanne Viviani, Gerald Turkewitz & Eric Karp - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):189-192.
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353 - 365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a "David vs. Goliath" showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs-in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use of the (...)
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  49. When are thought experiments poor ones?Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):305-322.
    A characteristic of contemporary analytic philosophy is its ample use of thought experiments. We formulate two features that can lead one to suspect that a given thought experiment is a poor one. Although these features are especially in evidence within the philosophy of mind, they can, surprisingly enough, also be discerned in some celebrated scientific thought experiments. Yet in the latter case the consequences appear to be less disastrous. We conclude that the use of thought experiments is more successful in (...)
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  50. The Emergence of Justification.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252):546-564.
    A major objection to epistemic infinitism is that it seems to make justification impossible. For if there is an infinite chain of reasons, each receiving its justification from its neighbour, then there is no justification to inherit in the first place. Some have argued that the objection arises from misunderstanding the character of justification. Justification is not something that one reason inherits from another; rather it gradually emerges from the chain as a whole. Nowhere however is it made clear what (...)
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