Results for 'Jd Quesada'

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  1. Nuevas tendencias en la teoría de modelos de lenguajes naturales.Ramón I. Jansana & Jd Quesada - 1985 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 15 (1-2):185-211.
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  2. Lógica, razón y humanismo: la obra filosófica de Francisco Miró Quesada C.: libro de homenaje por sus 70 años.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias, David Sobrevilla & Domingo García Belaúnde (eds.) - 1992 - Lima: Universidad de Lima.
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  3. The dynamics of awareness.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada & Johan van Benthem - 2010 - Synthese 177 (S1):5 - 27.
    Classical epistemic logic describes implicit knowledge of agents about facts and knowledge of other agents based on semantic information. The latter is produced by acts of observation or communication that are described well by dynamic epistemic logics. What these logics do not describe, however, is how significant information is also produced by acts of inference— and key axioms of the system merely postulate "deductive closure". In this paper, we take the view that all information is produced by acts, and hence (...)
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    Balancing act: competition and cooperation in US Asia-Pacific regionalism.Jd Kenneth Boutin - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (2):179-194.
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    Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Implicit and Explicit Beliefs.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2):107-140.
    Epistemic logic with its possible worlds semantic model is a powerful framework that allows us to represent an agent’s information not only about propositional facts, but also about her own information. Nevertheless, agents represented in this framework are logically omniscient: their information is closed under logical consequence. This property, useful in some applications, is an unrealistic idealisation in some others. Many proposals to solve this problem focus on weakening the properties of the agent’s information, but some authors have argued that (...)
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  6. Executive summary of project conclusions.Jd Arras & Nn Dubler - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (5).
  7. Preparedness was overrated.Jd Burns & Jc Malone - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):509-510.
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    François Mauriac: novelista y apologeta de la fe. A los 50 años de su fallecimiento.Andrés Francisco Rodríguez Quesada - 2020 - Isidorianum 29 (1):145-188.
    François Mauriac desarrolló fundamentalmente su producción literaria en la primera mitad del siglo pasado, un periodo marcado por las dos Guerras Mundiales en una Francia en creciente proceso de secularización. Así las cosas, con motivo del cincuenta aniversario de su fallecimiento la pretensión de este trabajo es hacer emerger la figura de Mauriac como apologeta que, desde el ámbito literario, defendió algunos de los principales postulados católicos cuestionados por el alma moderna. En efecto, el premio Nobel de literatura pertenece a (...)
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  9. Inference and update.Fernando Raymundo Velázquez-Quesada - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):283-300.
    We look at two fundamental logical processes, often intertwined in planning and problem solving: inference and update. Inference is an internal process with which we uncover what is implicit in the information we already have. Update, on the other hand, is produced by external communication, usually in the form of announcements and in general in the form of observations, giving us information that might not have been available (even implicitly) before. Both processes have received attention from the logic community, usually (...)
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  10. Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje).Francisco Miró Quesada Rada (ed.) - 2018 - Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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  11. Behavior regulation on simple variable interval schedules.Jd Dougan - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):473-473.
  12. On the necessary and sufficient conditions for competitive behavioral-contrast.Jd Dougan - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):502-502.
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  13. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 69: 1983.Fleeman Jd - 1984
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  14. Sujetos, predicados y nombres propios.Raúl Quesada - 1975 - Dianoia 21 (21):103.
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  15. Machine Models for the Growth of Knowledge: Theory Nets in Prolog in Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change.Jd Sneed - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 111:245-268.
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  16. Adopt a Dalit village - Ravulapally, India: Annual progress report for the year 2014.Jd Veeraswamy & Gogineni - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 118:14.
    Veeraswamy, JD; Gogineni, Babu As part of the Adopt a Dalit Village Project the following awareness programs were organized to help bring the Dalits of Ravulapally out of a life of superstition and to point them to a life of scientific temper. This was done through various activities, all of which were aimed to provide an overall boost to the human development of the community, by involving them in their own growth, in such a manner as to build capacity and (...)
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    Reasoning Processes as Epistemic Dynamics.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (1):41-60.
    This work proposes an understanding of deductive, default and abductive reasoning as different instances of the same phenomenon: epistemic dynamics. It discusses the main intuitions behind each one of these reasoning processes, and suggest how they can be understood as different epistemic actions that modify an agent’s knowledge and/or beliefs in a different way, making formal the discussion with the use of the dynamic epistemic logic framework. The ideas in this paper put the studied processes under the same umbrella, thus (...)
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  18. Simultaneous conditioning in honeybees.Jd Batson, Js Hoban & Me Bitterman - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):484-484.
  19. San Juan de la Cruz: teología y comunión con Dios.Jd Gaitan - 1995 - Ciencia Tomista 122 (1):5-23.
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  20. Identifying the innocent bystander-a field-study of unconscious transference.Jd Read & R. Hammersley - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):350-350.
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    The dynamics of awareness.Johan Benthem & Fernando Velázquez-Quesada - 2010 - Synthese 177 (Suppl 1):5-27.
    Classical epistemic logic describes implicit knowledge of agents about facts and knowledge of other agents based on semantic information. The latter is produced by acts of observation or communication that are described well by dynamic epistemic logics. What these logics do not describe, however, is how significant information is also produced by acts of inference—and key axioms of the system merely postulate “deductive closure”. In this paper, we take the view that all information is produced by acts, and hence we (...)
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    Public Announcements for Non-omniscient Agents.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya, Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 220--232.
  23. ST M. Blondel sur la nature et la grâce| raison et croyance.Jd Dengerink - 1985 - Philosophia Reformata 50 (1):21-46.
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  24. Johnson poetry.Jd Fleeman - 1984 - In Fleeman Jd, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 69: 1983. pp. 356-369.
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    Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces.George García-Quesada - 2021 - Brill.
    Through a discussion with current perspectives in philosophy of history and a rigorous reading of his oeuvre this book highlights the possibilities of the best Marx in terms of his capacity to account for the development of spatiotemporally complex societies.
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  26. On Rupture and Destruction in History.Jd Hondt - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 15 (4):345-358.
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    What's in it for us?Hull Jd - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson, Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 141--8.
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  28. Education and Cultural Difference.Jd Marshall - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (1):5-14.
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    Islam y derecho: las escuelas jurídicas en al-Ándalus.Juan Martos Quesada - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731):433-442.
    Incluso basándose en unos mismos principios jurídicos, en el Derecho islámico se registra la existencia de cuatro maneras diferentes de interpretación, de cuatro escuelas jurídicas: la escuela malikí, hanafí, shafi‘í y hanbalí. Estas cuatro escuelas predominantes tienen sus propios tratados jurídicos, diferentes maneras de resolver problemas similares y forma distinta de aplicar la prioridad en las fuentes jurídicas. En este artículo veremos la implantación de la escuela jurídica malikí en al-Andalus.
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    Memoria de la muerte.Federico Ortiz Quesada - 1996 - [México, D.F.]: Laboratorios Columbia.
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  31. Reflexiones: ciencia medica y derechos humanos.Federico Ortiz Quesada - 1993 - México, D.F.: Editorial Némesis.
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    ST Structure et personne.Jd Dengerink - 1986 - Philosophia Reformata 51 (1-2):29-44.
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  33. Philosophy and the Birth of Latin America.Francisco Miró Quesada - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (154):47-69.
    Philosophy affected the birth of Latin America in two ways. First it inspired the famous men who started the independence movements, which led to the definitive liberation from the Spanish yoke. Once the revolution was over, philosophy influenced the development of the legal and political systems that were created to organize the life of the new states.
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  34. Filosofía de las matemáticas.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias - 1980 - [Lima, Perú]: Ignacio Prado Pastor.
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  35. Lógica.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias - 1946 - Lima,:
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  36. The ontogeny of eating in the ring Dove-contributions of learning.Jd Deich & Pd Balsam - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):334-334.
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    A bridge too far: a response to Jacob Klapwijk.Jd Dengerink - 1988 - Philosophia Reformata 53 (1):29-32.
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    El indio, la antropología y la muerte del Hombre. Una ontología latinoamericana del presente.Julio Andrés Camarillo Quesada - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):227-257.
    Con el objetivo de esbozar una ontología del presente, este artículo sigue las transformaciones de la antropología en México en busca de sus condiciones políticas y epistémicas de enunciación. El gobierno mexicano del siglo XIX dedicó mútliples esfuerzos poblar correctamente el territorio, es decir, con una población sana, educada y civilizada. A principios del siglo XX, las políticas indigenistas promovieron la aculturación de los pueblos indígenas, pero esta aculturación fue luego denunciada como etnocida por una nueva generación de antropólogos, defensores (...)
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  39. Ontique et/ou intentionnel? Contribution à la discussion touchant la nature et la structure de la pensée scientifique dans la philosophie de la Réforme En néerlandais.Dengerink Jd - 1977 - Philosophia Reformata 42 (1-2):13-49.
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  40. 4,500,000,000-years of semiosis, isisss-83 in review.Jd Johansen - 1985 - Semiotica 53 (1-3):273-287.
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  41. Hermenéutica, lenguaje y política: Nietszche, Heidegger y Ortega.Julio Quesada Martín - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 33:55-90.
  42. Arte en debate.Luis Miró Quesada Garland - 1966 - Lima,: Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.
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  43. Curso de moral.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias - 1940 - Lima, Perú,: Imp. Lib. D. Miranda.
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  44. El mito de la invalidación intuicionista del tertium non datur.Francisco Miró Quesada - 1982 - Dianoia 28 (28):117-128.
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    (1 other version)Filosofía, ideología y revolución. Sobre los fundamentos éticos de la política.Francisco Miró Quesada - 1990 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 2:211-229.
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  46. Sentido del movimiento fenomenológico.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias - 1941 - Lima, Perú: [Librería e imprenta D. Miranda].
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    Universalismo y latinoamericanismo.Francisco Miró Quesada - 1998 - Isegoría 19:61-77.
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  48. Levels of Explanation Vindicated.Víctor M. Verdejo & Daniel Quesada - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (1):77-88.
    Marr’s celebrated contribution to cognitive science (Marr 1982, chap. 1) was the introduction of (at least) three levels of description/explanation. However, most contemporary research has relegated the distinction between levels to a rather dispensable remark. Ignoring such an important contribution comes at a price, or so we shall argue. In the present paper, first we review Marr’s main points and motivations regarding levels of explanation. Second, we examine two cases in which the distinction between levels has been neglected when considering (...)
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    Bisimulations for Knowing How Logics.Raul Fervari, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada & Yanjing Wang - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):450-486.
    As a new type of epistemic logics, the logics of knowing how capture the high-level epistemic reasoning about the knowledge of various plans to achieve certain goals. Existing work on these logics focuses on axiomatizations; this paper makes the first study of their model theoretical properties. It does so by introducing suitable notions of bisimulation for a family of five knowing how logics based on different notions of plans. As an application, we study and compare the expressive power of these (...)
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    De solidaridades problemáticas y utopías sin armonizar: una lectura de Limón Reggae (2007), de Anacristina Rossi, y Big Banana (2000), de Roberto Quesada[REVIEW]Veronica Rios Quesada - 2016 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 19:189-201.
    En este artículo se analizan los límites de la solidaridad desde el descentramiento de los protagonistas mestizos en Limón Reggae, de la costarricense Anacristina Rossi (2007), y Big Banana, del hondureño Roberto Quesada (2000). En la primera novela se representa a los descendientes costarricenses de los migrantes antillanos (jamaiquinos en su mayoría), y en la segunda, a los garífunas hondureños. Mientras Limón Reggae explora una solidaridad de carácter político-estructural, tanto en Costa Rica como en Estados Unidos, así como la (...)
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