Results for 'Jay Aronson'

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  1.  35
    'Molecules and Monkeys': George Gaylord Simpson and the Challenge of Molecular Evolution.Jay Aronson - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3/4):441 - 465.
    In this paper, I analyze George Gaylord Simpson's response to the molecularization of evolutionary biology from his unique perspective as a paleontologist. I do so by exploring his views on early attempts to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among primates using molecular data. Particular attention is paid to Simpson's role in the evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s, as well as his concerns about the rise of molecular biology as a powerful discipline and world-view in the 1960s. I argue that Simpson's (...)
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    Book Review: Science, Democracy, and Truth, by Philip Kitcher. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. xii + 256 pp. ISBN: 0-195-14583-6 (hard-back). Science, Technology, and Democracy, edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. x + 224 pp. ISBN: 0-791-44708-1. [REVIEW]Jay Aronson - 2003 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 28 (1):162-168.
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    Wilfrid Sellars: fusing the images.Jay F. Rosenberg - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents Rosenberg's previously published studies of the central elements and implications of Sellars' philosophy, along with three new essays that ...
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  4. Normativity, Commitment, and Instrumental Reason.Jay Wallace - 2001 - Philosophers' Imprint 1.
    This paper addresses some connections between conceptions of the will and the theory of practical reason. The first two sections argue against the idea that volitional commitments should be understood along the lines of endorsement of normative principles. A normative account of volition cannot make sense of akrasia, and it obscures an important difference between belief and intention. Sections three and four draw on the non-normative conception of the will in an account of instrumental rationality. The central problem is to (...)
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    Brain Death in Pregnant Women.Jay E. Kantor & Iffath Abbasi Hoskins - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):308-314.
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    Pinching and dreaming.Jay Kantor - 1970 - Philosophical Studies 21 (1-2):28 - 32.
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  7. Influencing choice without awareness.Jay A. Olson, Alym A. Amlani, Amir Raz & Ronald A. Rensink - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37 (C):225-236.
    Forcing occurs when a magician influences the audience's decisions without their awareness. To investigate the mechanisms behind this effect, we examined several stimulus and personality predictors. In Study 1, a magician flipped through a deck of playing cards while participants were asked to choose one. Although the magician could influence the choice almost every time (98%), relatively few (9%) noticed this influence. In Study 2, participants observed rapid series of cards on a computer, with one target card shown longer than (...)
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  8. Nothing in ethics makes sense except in the light of evolution? Natural goodness, normativity, and naturalism.Jay Odenbaugh - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1031-1055.
    Foot , Hursthouse , and Thompson , along with other philosophers, have argued for a metaethical position, the natural goodness approach, that claims moral judgments are, or are on a par with, teleological claims made in the biological sciences. Specifically, an organism’s flourishing is characterized by how well they function as specified by the species to which they belong. In this essay, I first sketch the Neo-Aristotelian natural goodness approach. Second, I argue that critics who claim that this sort of (...)
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  9. Some Rights of Some Non Moral Agents - Necessary Conditions for Moral Rights Possession.Jay E. Kantor - 1979 - Dissertation, City University of New York
  10.  42
    Glass Houses? Market Reactions to Firms Joining the UN Global Compact.Jay J. Janney, Greg Dess & Victor Forlani - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (3):407-423.
    We examine market reactions to publicly held multinational firms announcing their affiliation with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The UNGC is a voluntary initiative to support four areas of United Nations viz. Human Rights, Labor, Environmental, and Anti-Corruption. Because firms must file annual Communication on Progress (COP) reports toward these initiatives, we argue this creates a differentiating transparency of interest to stakeholders. Using a sample of 175 global firms, we find support to the theory for joining the UNGC. Returns (...)
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    Semblance or similarity? Reflections on Simulation and Similarity: Michael Weisberg: Simulation and similarity: using models to understand the world. Oxford University Press, 2013. 224pp. ISBN 9780199933662, $65.00.Jay Odenbaugh - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (2):277-291.
    In this essay, I critically evaluate components of Michael Weisberg’s approach to models and modeling in his book Simulation and Similarity. First, I criticize his account of the ontology of models and mathematics. Second, I respond to his objections to fictionalism regarding models arguing that they fail. Third, I sketch a deflationary approach to models that retains many elements of his account but avoids the inflationary commitments.
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    Impossible Obligations are not Necessarily Deliberatively Pointless.Christopher Jay - 2013 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (3pt3):381-389.
    Many philosophers accept that ought implies can (OIC), but it is not obvious that we have a good argument for that principle. I consider one sort of argument for it, which seems to be a development of an Aristotelian idea about practical deliberation and which is endorsed by, amongst others, R. M. Hare and James Griffin. After briefly rehearsing some well-known objections to that sort of argument (which is based on the supposed pointlessness of impossible obligations), I present a further (...)
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  13.  9
    Entrepreneurship, Conflict, and Peace: The Role of Inclusion and Value Creation.Jay Joseph & I. I. I. Harry J. Van Buren - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (6):1558-1593.
    Conflict zone entrepreneurs—local entrepreneurs running small businesses in conflict settings—have paradoxical impacts on stability: holding the ability both to foster peace but also to enhance conflict. Prior scholarly work has been unable to explain this divergence, as existing entrepreneurial indicators do not account for fundamental peacebuilding elements. In response, the article consolidates divergent fields of study, applies paradox theory to analyze underlying tensions in the field, and reframes entrepreneurship through a peacebuilding lens based on intergroup inclusivity and value-creating business practices. (...)
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  14. A virtual ghost in the digital machine : whole brain emulation, disembodied gender, and queer mystical animality.Jay Emerson Johnson - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  15. The Use of Race and Ethnicity in Medicine: Lessons from the African-American Heart Failure Trial.Jay N. Cohn - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):552-554.
    Race or ethnic identity, despite its imprecise categorization, is a useful means of identifying population differences in mechanisms of disease and treatment effects. Therefore, race and other arbitrary demographic and physiological variables have appropriately served as a helpful guide to clinical management and to clinical trial participation. The African-American Heart Failure Trial was carried out in African-Americans with heart failure because prior data had demonstrated a uniquely favorable effect in this subpopulation of the drug combination in BiDil. The remarkable effect (...)
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  16.  26
    A reexamination of dominance rank and hierarchy in primates.Jay R. Kaplan - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):442-443.
  17.  18
    (1 other version)Introduction.M. Jay - 1980 - Télos 1980 (45):77-81.
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  18.  48
    The Edges and Boundaries of Biological Objects.Jay Odenbaugh & Matt H. Haber - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):219-224.
  19.  73
    Nothing in Ethics Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution? Natural Goodness and Evolutionary Biology.Jay Odenbaugh - unknown
    Philippa Foot and Rosalind Hursthouse, along with other philosophers, have argued for a metaethical position, the natural goodness approach, that claims moral evaluations are, or are on a par with, teleological claims made in the biological sciences. Specifically, an organism’s flourishing is characterized by how well they function as specified by the species to which they belong. In this essay, I first sketch the Neo-Aristotelian natural goodness approach. Second, I argue that critics who claim that this sort of approach is (...)
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  20.  13
    Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea.Martin Jay (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In these original and imaginative essays, delivered as the Tanner Lectures at the University of California, Berkeley in 2005, the philosopher Axel Honneth attempts to rescue the concept of reification by recasting it in terms of the philosophy of recognition he has been developing over the past two decades.
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  21.  37
    Decedents’ Reported Preferences for Physician-Assisted Death: A Survey of Informants Listed on Death Certificates in Utah.Jay A. Jacobson, Evelyn M. Kasworm, Margaret P. Battin, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Leslie P. Francis & David Green - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (2):149-157.
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  22.  51
    The “interests” of natural objects.Jay E. Kantor - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (2):163-171.
    Christopher D. Stone has claimed that natural objects can and should have rights. I accept Stone’s premise that the possession of rights is tied to the possession of interests; however, I argue that the concept of a natural object needs a more careful analysis than is given by Stone. Not everything that Stone calls a natural object is an object “naturally.” Some must be taken as artificial rather than as natural. Thistype of object cannot be said to have intrinsic interests (...)
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  23.  89
    Rational Norms for Degreed Intention (and the Discrepancy between Theoretical and Practical Reason).Jay Jian - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):360-374.
    Given the success of the formal approach, within contemporary epistemology, to understanding degreed belief, some philosophers have recently considered its extension to the challenge of understanding intention. According to them, (1) intentions can also admit of degrees, as beliefs do, and (2) these degreed states are all governed by the norms of the probability calculus, such that the rational norms for belief and for intention exhibit certain structural similarity. This paper, however, raises some worries about (2). It considers two schemes (...)
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  24.  39
    Adorno and Blumenberg.Martin Jay - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 173–191.
    Both the metaphorology of Hans Blumenberg and negative dialectics of Theodor W. Adorno recognized the value of the “nonconceptual” as an antidote to the tyranny of rational concepts imposed on a reality that was too diverse, contingent, and qualitatively unique to be subsumed under them. But whereas Blumenberg focused on metaphor and myth as rhetorical alternatives to concepts designed to deal with the incomprehensibility of “absolute reality,” Adorno understood nonconceptuality in terms of the material and corporeal limits to cultural constructivism (...)
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  25. Social signs and natural bodies: On T.J. Clark’s Farewell to an Idea.Jay Bernstein - 2000 - Radical Philosophy 104.
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  26.  35
    Ressentiment and power: On Reginster's The Will to Nothingness.R. Jay Wallace - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):494-500.
    A critical discussion of Bernard Reginster's book The Will to Nothingness. The contribution engages with Reginster's interpretation of Nietzschean ressentiment, arguing that it is an essentially interpersonal attitude in two different senses. It is a response to a social situation of structural deprivation, and it involves an element of antagonism toward those who are better off within this social structure. The contribution then discusses Reginster's claim that modern morality restores the sense of power of the masses by adjusting the goals (...)
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  27. The Concept of Totality in Lukacs and Adorno.Martin Jay - 1977 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1977 (32):117-137.
  28.  22
    Intersecting with PB.Martin Jay - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 179 (1):32-35.
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    Curbing the Epidemic of Community Firearm Violence after the Bruen Decision.Jonathan Jay & Kalice Allen - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (1):77-82.
    The Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen undermines the ability of cities and states to regulate firearms safety. Nonetheless, we remain hopeful that firearm violence can decline even after the Bruen decision. Several promising public health approaches have gained broader adoption in recent years. This essay examines the key drivers of community firearm violence and reviews promising strategies to reverse those conditions, including community violence intervention (CVI) programs and place-based and structural interventions.
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  30.  18
    Market reactions to the Business Roundtable August 19, 2019 announcement on the Purpose of a Corporation.Jay Janney & Malika Chaudhuri - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):241-250.
    The Business Roundtable's “Purpose of a Corporation” letter announced a shift from stockholder primacy to stakeholder primacy. Interestingly, we contend the letter's language employed a technical efficiency emphasis, suggesting a firm's executives chose to make this shift because they believed doing so would improve the firm's financial performance, via improved corporate governance. We examine whether investors actually accepted the technical efficiency arguments at face value, or in contrast believed the announcements were merely a “rational myth,” what management thought investors would (...)
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  31.  48
    Human Nature, Anthropology, and the Problem of Variation.Jay Odenbaugh - unknown
    In this essay, I begin with an overview of a traditional account of natural kinds, and then consider David Hull's critique of species as natural kinds and the associated notion of human nature. Second, I explore recent "liberal" accounts of human nature provided by Edouard Machery and Grant Ramsey and criticized by Tim Lewens. They attempt to avoid the criticisms of- fered by Hull. After examining those views, I turn to Richard Boyd's Homeostatic Property Cluster account of natural kinds which (...)
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  32.  17
    The Compatibilist Interpretation of Spinoza.Jay Newman - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):360-368.
  33. A Correspondence Theory of Truth.Jay Newhard - 2002 - Dissertation, Brown University
    The aim of this dissertation is to offer and defend a correspondence theory of truth. I begin by critically examining the coherence, pragmatic, simple, redundancy, disquotational, minimal, and prosentential theories of truth. Special attention is paid to several versions of disquotationalism, whose plausibility has led to its fairly constant support since the pioneering work of Alfred Tarski, through that by W. V. Quine, and recently in the work of Paul Horwich. I argue that none of these theories meets the correspondence (...)
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  34.  56
    The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape in the Arts.Jay Appleton - 1990 - Wiley-Blackwell.
  35. On the Semantics of Presupposition and Negation: An Essay in Philosophical Logic and the Foundations of Linguistics.Jay David Atlas - 1976 - Dissertation, Princeton University
  36.  31
    Dickie's Institutional Definition of Art: Further Criticism.Jay E. Bachrach - 1977 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 11 (3):25.
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    Ethics Consultations Should Mirror Other Clinical Consultations in Accountability.Jay Brenner - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (6):48-50.
    Weise and Daly (2014) provide a useful spectrum of accountability of the clinical ethics consultant (CEC), ranging from restricted to unbounded. They argue for a position chiseled out in the middle...
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  38. Buddhistische Ethik.Jay Garfield - 2012 - Polylog.
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    Social Cognition, Language Acquisition and The Development of the Theory of Mind.Candida C. Peterson Jay L. Garfield - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):494-541.
    Theory of Mind is the cognitive achievement that enables us to report our propositional attitudes, to attribute such attitudes to others, and to use such postulated or observed mental states in the prediction and explanation of behavior. Most normally developing children acquire ToM between the ages of 3 and 5 years, but serious delays beyond this chronological and mental age have been observed in children with autism, as well as in those with severe sensory impairments. We examine data from studies (...)
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    18. The Weimar Left: Theory and Practice.Martin Jay - 2013 - In John P. McCormick & Peter E. Gordon, Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy. Princeton University Press. pp. 377-393.
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  41. Medical Ethics for Physicians-in-Training.Jay E. Kantor - 1989
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  42.  24
    Dates and Destiny: Deleuze and Hegel.Jay Lampert - 2002 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (2):206-220.
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    Years of Plenty, Years of Want: France and the Legacy of the Great War.Jay Winter - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (8):867-869.
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    Hegel's conception of an introduction to philosophy.Jay William Hudson - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (13):345-353.
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  45. Journals and New Books.Jay William Hudson - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (8):221.
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    Keeping the Patient in the Loop: Ethical Issues in Outpatient Referral and Consultation.Jay A. Jacobson - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (4):301-309.
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  47. Vertical Transmission of Infectious Diseases and Genetic Disorder: Are the Medical and Public Responses Consistent?Jay A. Jackson, Margaret P. Battin, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Leslie Francis, James Mason & Charles B. Smith - 2009 - In Angus Dawson & Marcel Verweij, Ethics, Prevention, and Public Health. Oxford University Press.
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    Studies in Hittite Historical Phonology.Jay H. Jasanoff & H. Craig Melchert - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):832.
  49.  57
    African Books Collective.Mary Jay - 2012 - Logos 23 (4):21-29.
  50.  22
    1968 in an Expanded Field: The Frankfurt School and the Uneven Course of History.Martin Jay - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (2):89-105.
    ABSTRACTNo longer capable of serving as a nodal point of a single coherent narrative or as a marker for parallel events across national borders, “1968” is best understood in a tense relation to “1967”. Juxtaposed rather than reconciled, they can only be brought together in a dynamic field of conflicting forces still in play even after a half century has passed. Such an approach alerts us to the relativization of what seems to be a punctual moment in a single historical (...)
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