Results for 'Javier Palos'

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  1. Diálogos De Teologia, Vi. El Matrimonio Y La Familia, Claves De La Nueva Evangelización.Javier Palos, Carlos Cremades & Luis García - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 46:456-457.
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    The mesencephalon as a source of preattentive consciousness.Francisco Aboitiz, Javier López-Calderón & Vladimir López - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):81-82.
    By themselves, mesencephalic subcortical mechanisms provide a preattentive kind of consciousness, related to stimulus-related, short-latency dopamine release triggered by collicular input. Elaborate forms of consciousness, containing identifiable objects (visual, auditory, tactile, or chemical), imply longer-lasting phenomena that depend on the activation of prosencephalic networks. Nevertheless, the maintenance of these higher-level networks strongly depends on long-lasting mesencephalic dopamine release. (Published Online May 1 2007).
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    Are Properties Particular, Universal, or Neither?Javier Cumpa - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):165-174.
    Are properties universal or particular? According to Universalism, properties are universals because there is a certain fundamental tie that makes properties capable of being shareable by more than one thing. On the opposing side, Particularism is the view that properties are particulars due to the existence of a fundamental tie that makes properties incapable of being shared. My aim in this paper is to critically examine the connections between the notions of the fundamental tie and universality and particularity. I argue, (...)
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  4. The regress argument against realism about structure.Javier Cumpa - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):726-737.
    Is structure a fundamental and indispensable part of the world? Is the question of ontology a question about structure? Structure is a central notion in contemporary metaphysics [Sider 2011. Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Clarendon Press]. Realism about structure claims that the question of ontology is about the fundamental and indispensable structure of the world. In this paper, I present a criticism of the metaphysics of realism about structure based on a version of Russell’s famous regress argument against (...)
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  5. Categories.Javier Cumpa - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (1):e12646.
    Categories play a major role in contemporary metaphysics. They have not only been invoked in a number of philosophical theories but are themselves objects of epistemological and metaphysical scrutiny. In this article, we will discuss the following questions: How do we know when something belongs to a certain category? Is there a fundamental category of the world? Can we give a satisfactory account of the number of categories and the completeness of systems of categories? Are categories the genuine subjects of (...)
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    Naturalism and the Question of Ontology.Javier Cumpa - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):37-48.
    What is the so-called “question of ontology?” Is the question of ontology genuinely a question about “categories” (Lowe 2006), “structure” (Sider 2011), “existence” (Thomasson 2015), or rather “reality” (Fine 2009)? In this article, I defend the neo-Sellarsian approach to the question of ontology, a novel, naturalistic approach according to which the foundational question of ontology is about “understanding the manifest and the scientific images of the world, and their multiple relationships.” First, I argue for the thesis of Impure Eliminativism, a (...)
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  7. A Materialist Criterion of Fundamentality.Javier Cumpa - 2014 - American Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):319-324.
    1. Categories and the Scientific Turn of Metaphysics: The Notion of World-Fundamentality What are the fundamental inhabitants of the world? This question, as old as it is new, is about the fundamental structure of our world. Is our world a world of Aristotle's ordinary substances, Locke's physical substances, Husserl's wholes, Wittgenstein's facts, Sellars's processes, or Quine's sets? In order to distinguish the sort of metaphysical fundamentality at stake in this discussion from other possible types of fundamentality, I shall call it (...)
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    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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  9.  72
    A Naturalist Ontology of Instantiation.Javier Cumpa - 2018 - Ratio 31 (2):155-164.
    The aim of this paper is to defend a naturalistic approach to instantiation and the Principle of Instantiation. I argue that the instantiation of an ordinary property F consists of two coordinated relationships at the levels of the manifest and scientific images, namely, constituency and entailment. Also, I offer an account of the Principle of Instantiation related to this conception of instantiation based on the notion of scientific prediction.
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    Structure and Completeness: A Defense of Factualism in Categorial Ontology.Javier Cumpa - 2019 - Acta Analytica 34 (2):145-153.
    The aim of this paper is to offer two novel solutions to two perennial problems of categorial ontology, namely, the problem of the categorial structure: how are the categories related to one another? And the problem of categorial completeness: how is the completeness of a proposed list of categories justified? First, I argue that a system of categories should have a structure such that there is a most basic category that is a bearer of all other categories and that has (...)
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    Exemplification as molecular function.Javier Cumpa - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):335-342.
    Since the publication of Universals and Scientific Realism (Armstrong 1978a, b) until Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics (Armstrong 2010), via Universals: An Opinionated Introduction (Armstrong 1989), a World of States of Affairs (Armstrong 1997), and Truth and Truthmakers (Armstrong 2004), David Armstrong has developed one of the most influential theories of instantiation in contemporary analytic metaphysics (see, for example, Lewis, in Aust J Phil 61(4), 343–377, 1983; Baxter in Aust J Phil, 79, 449–464, 2001; Forrest, in Aust J Phil, 83, (...)
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    Physical Demands in Elite Futsal Referees During Spanish Futsal Cup.Carlos Serrano, Javier Sánchez-Sánchez, Jose Luis Felipe, Enrique Hernando, Leonor Gallardo & Jorge Garcia-Unanue - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In futsal there are two referees on the playing court and their capacity to respond to physical and physiological demands imposed during the game is essential for the success. The futsal characteristics such as size pitch, referees position and rules of games or type of league could impose specific physical efforts probably. The aim of this study were to analyze the physical demands of eight elite referees from seven matches of Spanish Futsal Cup 2020. The physical activity of each referee (...)
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    Factualism and the Scientific Image.Javier Cumpa - 2018 - Humana Mente 26 (5):669-678.
    The Sellarsian task of ontology is to reconcile two seemingly divergent images of ordinary objects such as persons, tomatoes and tables, namely, the manifest image of common sense and the scientific image provided by fundamental physics (Sellars, Science, Perception, and Reality, 1963). Can the genuine categories of the ontologies of Substantialism (Heil, The World as We Find It, 2012), Structural Realism (Ladyman and Ross,Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized, 2007; French, The Structure of the World: Metaphysics and Representation, 2014), and (...)
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  14.  45
    The Neutralist Analysis of Similarity.Javier Cumpa - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (1):37-47.
    Consider two similarity facts: a is similar to b with respect to G, and c is similar to d with respect to G. According to the Platonist approach to similarity, the analysis of such facts forces us to admit that similarity facts are to be analyzed into facts about universal similarities of the form: a is similar to b with respect to G, and c is similar to d with respect to G, where similarity is a universal. In this paper, (...)
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    Ontological Categories.Javier Cumpa & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    This volume is about ontological categories. The categories of an ontology are designed to classify all existents. They are crucial and characterize an ontology.
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    Competición entre grandes potencias y militarización del espacio exterior.Javier Jordán Enamorado - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (53).
    El espacio ultraterrestre es cada vez más relevante para la conducción de las operaciones militares. Este artículo contextualiza la importancia que le conceden Estados Unidos, China, Rusia e India en el marco de las teorías estratégicas del poder espacial y en los nuevos conceptos militares relacionados con las operaciones en todos los dominios.
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  17. El milagro del gallo y la gallina interpretado al fin razonablemente.Javier Pérez Escohotado - 1998 - El Basilisco 23:83-90.
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    La desconstrucción de la globalización.Javier de la Higuera Espín - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:401-409.
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    ¿Puede la filosofía pensar en la política?Javier de la Higuera Espín - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 36:353-362.
    Recesión de D. Blanco Fernández, Principios de filosofía política, Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, 2000.
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    El ser como entidad actual en la filosofía del organismo de Alfred North Whitehead.Javier Oroz Ezcurra - 1985 - Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
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    Función de la creatividad en la filosofía de A.N Whitehead.Javier Oroz Ezcurra - 1995 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 7:50.
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    Finitud y compromiso: alternativas del humanismo europeo.Javier Oroz Ezcurra - 1987 - Bilbao: Universidad Deusto.
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    La entidad actual, razón última en A.N. Whitehead.Javier Oroz Ezcurra - 1985 - Universitas Philosophica 4:45-52.
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    Teoría del proceso en A.N Whitehead.Javier Oroz Ezcurra - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 34 (102):413-433.
  25. Coloquio internacional sobre Leibniz en Chantilly (Francia).Javier Echeverría Ezponda - 1976 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 11:165-168.
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  26. Sánchez Zavala In Memoriam.Javier Echeverría Ezponda & Joseba Andoni Ibarra Unzueta - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (1):3-4.
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    The Psycho-Bio-Physical Nature of Man, Possibility and Technology of Their Extended Mind.Javier Monserrat - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 78 (298 S. Esp):427-460.
    The facts and inferences exposed in this writing, and the arguments that support it, allow us to conclude that the «extension of the mind», opened during the evolutionary process, since always and today accelerated by the work of human intervention, in no case authorizes us to consider that the «extension of mind» has changed human nature, as we have always known it. Therefore, there is no justification to speak of transhumanism, as if a new man, a «transhuman», had appeared at (...)
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  28.  20
    El inmoralismo de Trasímaco y la pleonexía.Javier Echeñique Sosa - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):305-315.
    This article offers an interpretation of Thrasymachus’ Inmoralism, that is to say, of the set of judgements concerning the superior value of injustice in comparison with justice, issued by him in book I of Plato’s Republic. It is argued that both the argument in support of these judgements and its implicit resource to the concept of πλεονεξία cannot be interpreted descriptively, if they are to serve to justify the immoralists judgements. It is also argued that a particularly important subgroup of (...)
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    Against Mereological Nominalism: Reply to Effingham.Javier Cumpa & Alexandre Declos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8991-9011.
    Mereological Nominalism, as traditionally understood, states that properties are mereological wholes and that instantiation is mereological. Thus defined, this view faces a number of well-known issues, which make it virtually untenable. Recently, Effingham :160–185, 2020) has offered an alternative account of Mereological Nominalism, which intends to avoid these problems by accepting while rejecting. In this paper, we argue that this theory is not viable for two main reasons. First, it faces a threat of circularity. Second, the various non-mereological accounts of (...)
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    Hegel y las grandes civilizaciones americanas.Javier Eduardo Hernández Soto - 2024 - Metanoia 9 (1):5-34.
    Esta investigación analiza la interpretación hegeliana de América. Por un lado, mostraremos su carácter más problemático, al reducir toda actividad del hombre americano como parte de la categoría «culturas naturales», aun cuando se registraron noticias de las civilizaciones azteca e inca. Por otro lado, también se revalorará a las civilizaciones aludidas, especialmente la andina, teniendo en cuenta la concepción hegeliana de la historia. Dicha reconsideración encuentra suficiente sustento para afirmar, contrario a lo propuesto por Hegel, que los incas fueron un (...)
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  31. El homicidio piadoso.Javier Valenzuela Madrid - 1953 - México,:
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    The Emotional Intelligence of Civil Engineers in Spain and its Relation with Professional Satisfaction.Javier Aguilar Villajos & Olga Pons Peregort - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1465-1478.
    Different studies show the relevance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) to the development of the work conducted by civil engineers in terms of their satisfaction and well-being, and also their individual and collective performance regarding good organisational results (Larson et al., 2015; Rezvani et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020). The purpose of this present work is to analyse the relation between the emotional intelligence of civil engineers in Spain and their degree of professional satisfaction, as well as to determine the (...)
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    Albert Heinekamp.Javier Echeverría - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):1219-1219.
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    (1 other version)A la memoria de Miguel Sánchez-mazas.Javier Echeverria - 1995 - Theoria 10 (3):13-15.
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    Aristotle on ethical ascription : a philosophical exercise in the interpretation of the role and significance of the hekousios/akousios distinction in Aristotle's Ethics.Javier Echeñique - 2010 - Dissertation, St. Andrews
    In his ethical treatises Aristotle offers a rich account of those conditions that render people’s behaviour involuntary, and defines voluntariness on the basis of the absence of these conditions. This dissertation has two aims. One is to offer an account of the significance of the notions of involuntariness and voluntariness for Aristotle’s ethical project that satisfactorily explains why he deems it necessary to discuss these notions in his Ethics. My own account of the significance of these notions for Aristotle’s Ethics (...)
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    (2 other versions)Arte Y ciencía: Una visión especular.Javier Echeverria - 1993 - Theoria 8 (1):174-175.
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    Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? Ensimismarnos: contra las amenazas transhumanistas.Javier Echeverría - 2019 - Isegoría 60:15-50.
    La noción de intimidad tiene diversos orígenes y acepciones. En la tradición filosófica, Séneca, Agustín de Hipona, Lutero, Pascal, Descartes, Leibniz, Rousseau, Kant, Mill, Freud, Ortega y Zambrano concibieron la intimidad desde diferentes enfoques. Esta contribución dedica especial atención a Ortega y Gasset, porque vinculó ensimismamiento y técnica. Asimismo afirma una intimidad voluntariamente compartida que se desarrolla mediante relaciones íntimas en red. Sin embargo, algunos sistemas tecnológicos amenazan la intimidad. Es el caso de la inteligencia artificial promovida por el transhumanismo, (...)
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  38. Consensus-building and its impact on policy : the national agreement forum in Peru.Javier M. Iguiniz Echeverria - 2019 - In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko, Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Comentario a la ponencia «Concepto y número: Invariantes numéricas y juicios de existencia en la perspectiva intensional de Leibniz» presentada por Miguel Sánchez-Mazas.Javier Echeverría - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):279-283.
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    (1 other version)Conceptos científicos.Javier Echeverria - 1985 - Theoria 1 (2):589-590.
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    Cultura digital y memoria en red.Javier Echeverría - 2009 - Arbor 185 (737):559-567.
    El sistema tecnológico TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) genera el espacio electrónico, los objetos digitales y una memoria distribuida. El desarrollo en la sociedad de la información implica el problema estructural de preservar esa memoria digital, en particular los objetos “de origen digital”, que sólo existen en red. Se analizan los principios promovidos por la UNESCO en su carta para la preservación de la memoria digital (2003) y se afirma que el patrimonio público debería ser conservado en (...)
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    Cálculos Geométricos en Leibniz.Javier Echeverría - 1991 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 6 (1-2):29-54.
    In a letter of September 1679 to Huygens, Leibniz proposed a calculus situs directly applicable to geometric relations without use of magnitudes. His researehes on this kind of Geometric Calculus were developed along all his life but, unfortunately, only a few Leibniz’ s writings on these matters had been published by Gerhardt and Couturat. They were closely connected to his own researches on Logic Calculus. From a chronological point of view, the unpublished manuscript Circa Geometrica Generalia may be considered as (...)
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  43. C+ I+ D+ I: cooperar en investigación, desarrollo e innovación.Javier Echeverría - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:100-105.
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  44. Coloquio internacional sobre Leibniz en Chantilly.Javier EcheverrÍa - 1976 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 11:165.
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    Calculemos-- matemáticas y libertad: homenaje a Miguel Sánchez-Mazas.Javier Echeverría & Javier de Lorenzo - 1996
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    Consideraciones sobre una semiología de la ciencia.Javier Echeverría - 1985 - Critica 17 (51):71-96.
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    De la filosofía de la ciencia a la filosofía de la tecnociencia.Javier Echevarría - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 50:31-41.
    Este artículo describe los cambios experimentados por la filosofía de la ciencia durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Parte del positivismo lógico y comenta el giro naturalista, el giro historicista, el giro cognitivo y la concepción CTS de la ciencia y la tecnología. Se afirma que una filosofía del conocimiento científico no es suficiente para analizar y reconstruir la tecnociencia contemporánea, que difiere en muchos aspectos de la ciencia moderna. Como conclusión, se propone una filosofía de la práctica científica (...)
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    Enseñanza de la ciencia y educación en valores.Javier Echevarría - 2001 - Endoxa 1 (14):41.
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    (1 other version)Elementos para Una teoría formal Del sistema social.Javier Echeverría - 1985 - Theoria 1 (1):315-319.
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    Gobernanza de las nanotecnologías.Javier Echeverría - 2005 - Arbor 181 (715):301-315.
    Las nanotecnologias y los programas Converging Technologies (CT) plantean importantes desafíos a la gobernanza de la ciencia y la tecnología, al desarrollarse en un sistema transnacional de l+D+i con una pluralidad de agentes que compiten y cooperan entre sí, y que tienen intereses y objetivos diversos. Integrar esa pluralidad de agencias tecnocientíficas y fijar las prioridades de los diversos programas CT es el principal problema. Tras comparar los programas norteamericano (NBIC) y europeo (CTEKS), este artículo analiza sus principales puntos comunes, (...)
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