Results for 'Jason Porter'

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  1.  78
    Wisdom Through Adversity: The Potential Role of Humility.Tenelle Porter, Georgi Gardiner, Don E. Davis & Jason Baehr - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):475-477.
    Adversity provides a chance to reckon with, and properly attend to, our limitations. Appreciating one’s limitations is crucial for humility; and developing humility enhances wisdom.
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    The Apophora and the “Leasing” of Property to Slaves and Manumitted Slaves in Classical Athens.Jason D. Porter - 2021 - História 70 (2):185.
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    Taylor’s Dilemma.Jan Taylor Morris & Jason Porter - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:267-274.
    This instructional case explores ethical and leadership issues within the context of public accounting. The case examines one senior manager in a public accounting firm who failed to receive an anticipated promotion to partner and the resulting discussions and actions that follow. The primary objectives of the case are to increase students’ awareness of select ethical issues commonly faced by auditors as they attempt to serve the public trust, their clients, and their firms, and to consider their own value system (...)
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  4. Hermeneutics: an introduction to interpretive theory.Stanley E. Porter - 2011 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans. Edited by Jason Robinson.
    In this concentrated, intelligible, and useful introductory volume Stanley Porter and Jason Robinson give a splendid overview of hermeneutical and interpretive thought. Neither an all-inclusive survey that moves too quickly over the surface of complex issues nor a specialized volume on a single, narrow topic, Porter and Robinson's Hermeneutics provides critical analysis of major movements and figures in hermeneutics and interpretive theory in the modern era -- from Schleiermacher and Heidegger to Thiselton and Culpepper -- showing especially (...)
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    Trust in numbers: the pursuit of objectivity in science and public life.Theodore M. Porter - 1995 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    What accounts for the prestige of quantitative methods? The usual answer is that quantification is desirable in social investigation as a result of its successes in science. Trust in Numbers questions whether such success in the study of stars, molecules, or cells should be an attractive model for research on human societies, and examines why the natural sciences are highly quantitative in the first place. Theodore Porter argues that a better understanding of the attractions of quantification in business, government, (...)
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  6. Past, Present, Future. Designing across many lands and cultures.Neil Porter - 2012 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 80:61.
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  7. Verse: Fragment.Jenny Lind Porter - 1955 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 36 (4):378.
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    Supervaluations and the Strict-Tolerant Hierarchy.Brian Porter - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1367-1386.
    In a recent paper, Barrio, Pailos and Szmuc (BPS) show that there are logics that have exactly the validities of classical logic up to arbitrarily high levels of inference. They suggest that a logic therefore must be identified by its valid inferences at every inferential level. However, Scambler shows that there are logics with all the validities of classical logic at every inferential level, but with no antivalidities at any inferential level. Scambler concludes that in order to identify a logic, (...)
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    Bioethics in the Ruins.Allen Porter - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (3):259-276.
    In The Foundations of Bioethics, former senior editor of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. radically reassessed the nature and scope of bioethics, as well as the possibilities for this still-young field that he helped found, in light of the prevailing sociohistorical context, which he argued had been inadequately considered by bioethicists. This issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy provides a snapshot of how bioethics is developing in the wake of Engelhardt’s critique. Topics covered (...)
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  10. The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit: Revisiting Alston’s Interpersonal Model.Steven L. Porter & Brandon Rickabaugh - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:112-130.
    Of the various loci of systematic theology that call for sustained philosophical investigation, the doctrine of sanctification stands out as a prime candidate. In response to that call, William Alston developed three models of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit: the fiat model, the interpersonal model, and the sharing model. In response to Alston’s argument for the sharing model, this paper offers grounds for a reconsideration of the interpersonal model. We close with a discussion of some of the implications (...)
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    The Ages of the World.Jason M. Wirth (ed.) - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    _A new English translation of Schelling’s unfinished magnum opus, complete with a contextualizing introduction by the translator._.
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    The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge.Dallas Willard, Steven L. Porter, Aaron Preston & Gregg TenElshof - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Based on an unfinished manuscript by the late philosopher Dallas Willard, this book makes the case that the 20th century saw a massive shift in Western beliefs and attitudes concerning the possibility of moral knowledge, such that knowledge of the moral life and of its conduct is no longer routinely available from the social institutions long thought to be responsible for it. In this sense, moral knowledge--as a publicly available resource for living--has disappeared. Via a detailed survey of main developments (...)
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    Disability, Enhancement, and Flourishing.Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (5):597-611.
    Recent debate among bioethicists concerns the potential to enhance human beings’ physical or cognitive capacities by means of genetic, pharmacological, cybernetic, or surgical interventions. Between “transhumanists,” who argue for unreserved enhancement of human capabilities, and “bioconservatives,” who warn against any non-therapeutic manipulation of humanity’s natural condition, lie those who support limited forms of enhancement for the sake of individual and collective human flourishing. Many scholars representing these views also share a concern over the status and interests of human beings with (...)
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    Erratum to: Schedule-induced and water-deprivation-induced drinking in rats: Effects of hypertonic saline challenges to homeostatic thirst mechanisms.James J. Mcdonough & Joseph H. Porter - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (6):501-501.
  15.  10
    Concept learning and heuristic classification in weak-theory domains.Bruce W. Porter, Ray Bareiss & Robert C. Holte - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 45 (1-2):229-263.
  16.  41
    Arguments Over Life Extension in Contemporary Bioethics.Allen Porter - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros, Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 247-276.
    In this chapter, I provide a critical exposition of the contemporary bioethics of life extension (LE). First, I provide critical socio-historical contextualization for contemporary bioethics in general by locating it within postmodernity, which discloses crucial implications for what normative claims can possibly be justified within contemporary bioethics and clarifies the typical form that transgression of these limits takes in contemporary bioethics. In the next section, I analyze the structure of the debate over LE into arguments for the necessary desirability (or (...)
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    Conscience, Compromise, and Complicity.Jason T. Eberl & Christopher Ostertag - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:161-174.
    Debate over whether health care institutions or individual providers should have a legally protected right to conscientiously refuse to offer legal services to patients who request them has grown exponentially due to the increasing legalization of morally contested services. This debate is particularly acute for Catholic health care providers. We elucidate Catholic teaching regarding the nature of conscience and the intrinsic value of being free to act in accord with one’s conscience. We then outline the primary positions defended in this (...)
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    Theater of the Absurd.James I. Porter - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2):313-336.
    The paper seeks to demystify Nietzsche’s concept of genealogy. Genealogy tells the story of historical origins in the form of a myth that is betrayed fromwithin, while readers have naively assumed it tells a story that Nietzsche endorses—whether of history or naturalized origins. Looked at more closely, genealogy,I claim, tells the story of human consciousness and its extraordinary fallibility. It relates the conditions and limits of consciousness and how these are activelyavoided and forgotten, for the most part in vain. The (...)
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    Losing One’s Head or Gaining a New Body?Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (2):189-209.
    A surgical head-transplant technique, HEAVEN, promises to offer significantly improved quality of life for quadriplegics and others whose minds are functional, but whose bodies require artificial support to continue living. HEAVEN putatively actualizes a thought-experiment long debated by philosophers concerning the definition of personhood and criterion of personal identity through time and change. HEAVEN’s advocates presume to preserve the identity of the person whose head is transplanted onto another’s living body, leaving one’s previous body behind as one would their corpse. (...)
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    Life Cycles beyond the Human: Biomass and Biorhythms in Heraclitus.James I. Porter - 2024 - Classical Antiquity 43 (1):50-96.
    All parts of Heraclitus’ cosmos are simultaneously living and dying. Its constituent stuffs (“biomasses”) cycle endlessly through physical changes in sweeping patterns (“biorhythms”) that are reflected in the dynamic rhythms of Heraclitus’ own thought and language. These natural processes are best examined at a more-than-human level that exceeds individuation, stable identity, rational comprehension, and linguistic capture. B62 (“mortals immortals”), one of Heraclitus’ most perplexing fragments, models these processes in a spectacular fashion: it describes the imbrication not only of humans and (...)
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    Statistics and the politics of objectivity.Theodore M. Porter - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (1):87-101.
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  22. Essay review-Robert Boyle (1627-91): Scrupulosity and science.Michael Hunter & Roy Porter - 2001 - History of Science 39 (2):215-248.
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  23. Earth Sciences-Images of the Earth: Essays in the History of the Environmental Sciences.Ludmilla Jordanova, Roy Porter & D. Oldroyd - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (3):326-327.
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    Failure to block opiate effects of oral etonitazene with naltrexone during 24-h choice testing.Minda R. Lynch & Joseph H. Porter - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):241-244.
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    Six Thousand Years of History.Edgar Sanderson, John Porter Lamberton & Charles Morris - 2016 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    Hypothesis: transcript‐templated repair of DNA double‐strand breaks.Deborah A. Trott & Andrew C. G. Porter - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (1):78-83.
    Two mechanisms are available for the repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) in eukaryotic cells: homology directed repair (HDR) and non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ). While NHEJ is not restricted to a particular phase of the cell cycle, it is incapable of accurately repairing DBSs that have suffered a loss or gain of nucleotide sequence information. In contrast, HDR achieves accurate repair of such DSBs by use of a sister chromatid as a DNA template, but is restricted to cell cycle phases (S/G2) (...)
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  27. The Cases Philosophers Have Dreamt Of.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  28. Review essay,"Another Small Piece of a War: a Review of 'Charlie and his Orchestra'".Gary James Jason - 2017 - Liberty (December 4, 2017).
    In this essay, I explore a documentary about the curious case of Charlie and his Orchestra. While swing music was outlawed in Nazi Germany as “degenerate,” the Nazi regime created a radio program called “Charlie and his Orchestra” for foreign consumption. The propaganda lay in the changes to the original lyrics of the songs played, making them convey the anti-Semitic and other themes of the Nazi ideology. The review discusses just how good the musicians were, and how popular the program (...)
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    Passion, Reasons and the Virtues as Perfecting Habits.Jean Porter - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (2):231-253.
    According to the spontaneity view of the role of the passions in moral deliberation, Aquinas holds that virtuous passions play an active role in moral deliberation, prior to the formation of moral judgement and choice. This article offers a qualified defense of this view. Qualified, because critics of this view are right to point out that Aquinas is generally suspicious of the passions, and he is careful to delimit the role that they can plan in processes of moral deliberation and (...)
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    Ethics as Usual? Unilateral Withdrawal of Treatment in a State of Exception.Jason T. Eberl - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):210-211.
    Do extraordinary crisis situations requiring life-and-death decisions create a “state of exception” in which ordinary social, political, and ethical norms must be altered or suspended altogether? Daniel Sulmasy contends that the extraordinary circumstances of a pandemic do not require abandoning or altering ethical values and principles. Rather, “ethics as usual” ought to guide policy formation and clinical decision-making. One critical question raised by the current pandemic, and which stresses ordinary ethical standards, is whether ventilators or other scarce life-sustaining resources may (...)
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  31. Books of the Body: Anatomical Ritual and Renaissance Learning. By Andrea Carlino.R. Porter - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (6):856-856.
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    Commentary from the left to the right side of the ledger: Fully expressing the real value of nursing.Tim Porter-O'Grady - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12567.
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    Don DeLillo (review).Chris Porter - 2005 - Symploke 13 (1):366-367.
  34. Doctoral reform for the 21st century.Susan Porter - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt, The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  35. Eternal Law, natural law, natural rights : freedom and power in Aquinas.Jean Porter - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Essay Review: Danger: Science at Work: Technology and Toil in Nineteenth Century Britain.Roy Porter - 1980 - History of Science 18 (4):303-304.
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  37. Hall, Narrative and the Natural Law, and Westberg, Right Practical Reason.J. Porter - 1996 - Studies in Christian Ethics 9:71-78.
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    Introduction.Steven L. Porter - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):3-4.
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    Inheriting Wittgenstein's Augustine: A Grammatical Investigation of the Incarnation.Philip G. Porter - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1088):452-473.
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    Making Gender Matter: Paradigms for Equality, Equity, and Excellence.Maureen K. Porter - 2011 - In John N. Hawkins & W. James Jacob, Policy Debates in Comparative, International, and Development Education. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 131.
  41.  27
    Nature and nurture.Guy Porter - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 30 (4):310.
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    Profesor de posgrado se despertó temprano.Luis Porter - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-7.
    Este cuento es una composición literaria en la que se intenta criticar agudamente las costumbres y vicios de muchos profesores y profesoras que en una planta académica avejentada proliferan haciendo inconmensurable daño a los que pasan por sus manos. El cuento tiene una intención moralizadora, lúdica y más que nada, burlesca, aparte de lo dramático. Es decir, se trata de una sátira. El protagonista es un profesor que alguna vez hizo en Londres su doctorado, siguiendo un proceso que lo expuso (...)
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    Philosophy of Science for Nursing Practice: Concepts and Applications.Sam Porter - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (1):66-69.
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    Restorative Conferencing in Thailand: A Resounding Success with Juvenile Crime.Abbey J. Porter - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 18 (1/2):108-112.
    Restorative practices is providing Thailand with a culturally relevant and highly effective means of dealing with criminal offenders, especially juveniles. Spearheaded by Wanchai Roujanavong, director general of the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection of Thailand’s Ministry of Justice, the Thais have developed a restorative conferencing model. Called family and communitygroup conferencing, the approach is based on the International Institute for Restorative Practices restorative conferencing model, combined with elements of the New Zealand family group conferencing model. The resultant approach suits (...)
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    Teachers’ emotions in the time of COVID: Thematic analysis of interview data reveals drivers of professional agency.Karen Porter, Paula Jean Miles & David Ian Donaldson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeWe explored two complex phenomena associated with effective education. First, teachers’ professional agency, the volitional actions they take in response to perceived opportunities, was examined to consider individual differences in its enactment. Second, “strong” emotions have been proposed as important in teaching and learning, and we wished to clarify which basic emotions might be involved, besides curiosity, which is a known emotional factor in engagement in teaching. We also explored how agency and basic emotions might be related.ApproachThirteen teachers working in (...)
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    Translators in Action: Moments in a Dialogue.Catherine Porter - 2019 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 9 (1):127-132.
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    The uses of humanistic history.Theodore M. Porter - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (2):214-222.
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    Why Are the Habits Necessary? An Inquiry into Aquinas's Moral Psychology.Jean Porter - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 1 (1).
    This paper argues that according to Aquinas, the appetites require habits in order to function in order to complete the natural intentional structure of the appetite. In order to move the agent to act, the appetites must incline towards some specific good identified through sensory perception or reason. But human appetites, in contrast to the passions of non-rational animals, do not spontaneously incline towards particular objects. They must be shaped through processes of rationally governed formation, including in the case of (...)
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    Bibliography.Jonathan Porter Berkey - 1992 - In The Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval Cairo: A Social History of Islamic Education. Princeton University Press. pp. 219-228.
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    Does God exist?: the debate between theists & atheists.James Porter Moreland - 1990 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Kai Nielsen.
    In a lively debate, which includes questions from the audience, Christian philosopher and ethicist J.P. Moreland and Kai Neilsen, one of today's best-known atheist philosophers, go head to head on the fundamental issues and questions that have shaped individual lives, races, and nations throughout history.
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