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Jason Barker [12]Jason E. Barker [1]
  1.  13
    Alain Badiou: A Critical Introduction.Jason Barker - 2002 - Pluto Press (UK).
    A clear and concise introduction to the political philosophy of Alain Badiou, centred in a political context.
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  2.  53
    Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?: Althusser and Turing.Jason Barker - 2015 - Diacritics 43 (2):92-121.
  3.  71
    Missed Encounter: althusser–mao–spinoza.Jason Barker - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):71-89.
    This paper considers the trajectory of Althusser's Spinozism pre- and post-May ‘68. Where Althusser's application of Spinoza would often lead him into unknown or non-Marxist territory, one alternative way to think this relation is through the figure of Mao, whose concept of non-antagonistic contradiction I propose to read in terms of Spinoza's “determinate negation.” Although not going so far as to suggest that a certain combination of Mao and Spinoza would have enabled Althusser to “complete” Marx, this paper speculates on (...)
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  4. The topology of revolution.Jason Barker - 2003 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 36 (1-2):61-72.
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    Slow Down: on benjamin noys’ critique of accelerationism.Jason Barker - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (2):227-235.
    This paper reviews Benjamin Noys’ recent attempt in Malign Velocities: Accelerationism and Capitalism to mount a critique of accelerationism. The book, persuasive in certain respects, bypasses the institutional dynamics of accelerationism’s theoretical progenitors, viz. Nick Land and the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit of Warwick University, and instead portrays it as a “defeatist strategy” of the post-’68 conjuncture of “Deleuzian Thatcherism.” Such portrayal is debatable to the extent that it exhibits a questionable appropriation of “theory” in the strict sense of the (...)
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  6.  17
    Najprej kot farsa, nato kot tragedija: Louis Rossel in državljanska vojna v Franciji.Jason Barker - 2018 - Filozofski Vestnik 39 (2).
    Kljub temu, da je bil Louis Rossel eden vodilnih akterjev v francoski državljanski vojni, se ga veliko manj spominjamo in je tudi veliko manj spoštovan kot vodilni misleci komune. Tu analiziram njegovo sodelovanje pri tem dogodku in pri predhodni kampanji Nacionalne obrambe, opirajoč se pri tem tako na biografijo Edith Thomas kot na Rosslova lastna posthumna dela. Prevladujoča domneva, da je Rossla motivirala lastna ambicioznost, ki naj bi bila pogubna za usodo komune in nasprotujoča njenim revolucionarnim egalitarnim načelom, se na (...)
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  7.  15
    Nazaj v šolo: politično branje Althusserja.Jason Barker - 2014 - Filozofski Vestnik 35 (1).
    Članek ponovno odpira razpravo o recepciji dela Louisa Althusserja v teoriji in kritiki kulture v luči nedavnih angleških prevodov posthumnih del tega francoskega filozofa, vključno z nedokončanim Sur la reproduction, ki vsebuje tudi spis »Ideologija in ideološki aparati države«. Izmed marksističnih mislecev njegove generacije ni bil nihče v tolikšni meri tarča očitkov teoreticizma in političnega odpadništva kot prav Althusser, kar Rancière opisuje kot »althusserjansko zanikanje političnih učinkov«. Članek predstavi pregled zgodovinskih teženj in nasprotnih teženj, ki jih najdemo v Althusserjevih spisih (...)
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  8.  7
    Shizoanalitične kartografije: zemljevidi in modeli kapitalizma.Jason Barker - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (1).
    Kakšne možnosti obstajajo za reprezentacijo kapitalizma kot takega? To vprašanje se opira na predstavo o kognitivnem mapiranju, kot sta ga raziskovala Toscano in Kinkle v Cartographies of the Absolute, v nadaljevanju pa avtor glede na to vprašanje obravnava abstraktne potenciale računalnikov in Turingovega stroja, ki omogočajo izdelavo algoritmičnega modela kapitalizma.
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  9.  19
    Wherefore Art Thou Philosophy? Badiou without Badiou.Jason Barker - 2012 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 8 (1):78-93.
    Given the encroaching, seemingly pernicious backlash against Alain Badiou’s thinking, which appears partly motivated by the bad faith of “philosophical” rivalries, this essay aims to argue in favour of the ongoing and authentically philosophical stakes of Badiou’s ontology. At the same time the essay attempts to highlight the methodological difficulties Badiou encounters in attempting to reconcile an intrinsic ontology as the dominant condition of philosophy, with a philosophy of the event. The essay concludes by speculating on the “unbound”, “unconditioned” potential (...)
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  10.  43
    On Alain Badiou's Manifesto for Philosophy, Deleuze: The Clamor of Being, and Ethics. An Essay on the Understanding of Evil.Jason Barker - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (1):197-211.
  11.  43
    Minimal Interference from Possessor Phrases in the Production of Subject-Verb Agreement.Janet L. Nicol, Andrew Barss & Jason E. Barker - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12. Brill Online Books and Journals.Wal Suchting, Alan Carling, Peter E. Jones, John McIlroy, John Foster, Paul Wetherly, Jason Barker, Paul Blackledge, Paul Burkett & Jan Dumolyn - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (1).
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