Results for 'Jaroslav Pokluda'

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  1.  19
    The origin of lattice instability in bcc tungsten under triaxial loading.Miroslav Černý, Petr Řehák & Jaroslav Pokluda - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (32):2971-2984.
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    Jaroslav Pelican, Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism. [REVIEW]Jaroslav Pelikan - 1997 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 41 (3):184-186.
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  3. Nieznany utwór dramatyczny z pogranicza czesko-niemieckiego jako wyraz myśli społecznej końca XVI wieku/Jaroslav Panék.Jaroslav Pánek - 2002 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 47:247-255.
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    Jaroslav Peregrin.Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    The paper presents an argument against a "metaphysical'* conception of logic according to which logic spells out a specific kind of mathematical structure that is somehow inherently related to our factual reasoning. In contrast, it is argued that it is always an empirical question as to whether a given mathematical structure really does captures a principle of reasoning. lMore generally, it is argued that it is not meaningful to replace an empirical investigation of a thing by an investigation of its (...)
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    Pseudointersection numbers, ideal slaloms, topological spaces, and cardinal inequalities.Jaroslav Šupina - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):87-112.
    We investigate several ideal versions of the pseudointersection number \(\mathfrak {p}\), ideal slalom numbers, and associated topological spaces with the focus on selection principles. However, it turns out that well-known pseudointersection invariant \(\mathtt {cov}^*({\mathcal I})\) has a crucial influence on the studied notions. For an invariant \(\mathfrak {p}_\mathrm {K}({\mathcal J})\) introduced by Borodulin-Nadzieja and Farkas (Arch. Math. Logic 51:187–202, 2012), and an invariant \(\mathfrak {p}_\mathrm {K}({\mathcal I},{\mathcal J})\) introduced by Repický (Real Anal. Exchange 46:367–394, 2021), we have $$\begin{aligned} \min \{\mathfrak (...)
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  6. Moderate anti-exceptionalism and earthborn logic.Jaroslav Peregrin & Vladimír Svoboda - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8781-8806.
    In this paper we put forward and defend a view of the nature of logic that we call moderate anti-exceptionalism. In the first part of the paper we focus on the problem of genuine logical validity and consequence. We make use of examples from current debates to show that attempts to pinpoint the one and only authentic logic inevitably either yield irrefutable theories or lead to dead ends. We then outline a thoroughly naturalist account of logical consequence as grounded in (...)
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    Whence Correctness?Jaroslav Peregrin - forthcoming - Topoi:1-6.
    We know that lots of things are correct. (Helping people in need is correct. Moving the bishop diagonally when playing chess is correct. Adding 7 to 5 to make 12 is correct.) But where does this correctness come from? I argue that correctness is best seen as something we humans created in the process of forming our societies. This, admittedly, is speculative; but aside of this, there are facts that are more than speculations. In particular, I argue that our correctness (...)
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  8. What is inferentialism?Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    Inferentialism is the conviction that to be meaningful in the distinctively human way, or to have a 'conceptual content', is to be governed by a certain kind of inferential rules. The term was coined by Robert Brandom as a label for his theory of language; however, it is also naturally applicable (and is growing increasingly common) within the philosophy of logic.
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  9. Review of 'Wilfrid Sellars' (James O'Shea 2007) and 'Wilfrid Sellars' (Willem deVries 2005).Jaroslav Peregrin, James O'shea & James R. O'Shea - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (1):131-135.
    A review of deVries' and O'Shea's books, both titled "Wilfrid Sellars". By Jaroslav Peregrin.
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    K rozlíšeniu medzi ontológiou a metafyzikou U e. lévinasa.Jaroslav Cepko - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7).
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    Aktuálne otázky filozofie výchovy.Jaroslav Daniš - 1969 - Bratislava,: SPN, t. Tlač. SNP, B. Bystrica.
  12. The Panorama of the Crusades, to, as Seen in Yates Thompson MS. in the British Library1.Jaroslav Folda - 1986 - Speculum 61:886-90.
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    Performance, promotion and information.Zajac Jaroslav - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (2):187-198.
    If a firm provides incentives by promoting those who have performed well in a job, it may transfer them to a job to which they are not well suited and agents are promoted to their levels of incompetence. Tournaments are an alternative to reputation as a means of ensuring that firms reward good performance when performance is unverifiable.
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    The Human Predicament: Its Changing Image: A Study in Comparative Religion and History.Jaroslav Krejci - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (4):741-743.
  15.  24
    Contribution to the Identification of Some Trees and Shrubs in the Oldest Works of European Literature.Jaroslav Levy - 1961 - Isis 52 (1):78-86.
  16. Helena Kurzova (ed.), The Megarians: Fragments.Jaroslav Rytiř - 2009 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:215-220.
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    Truth and its Nature.Jaroslav Peregrin - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The question how to turn the principles implicitly governing the concept of truth into an explicit definition of the concept hence coalesced with the question how to get a finite grip on the infinity of T-sentences. Tarski's famous and ingenious move was to introduce a new concept, satisfaction, which could be, on the one hand, recursively defined, and which, on the other hand, straightforwardly yielded an explication of truth. A surprising 'by-product' of Tarski's effort to bring truth under control was (...)
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    Tales of the Mighty Dead.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53 (3):782-785.
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    Normativity between philosophy and science.Jaroslav Peregrin - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent decades are marked by the upswing of the use of the term “normativity“ not only in philosophical discussions, but increasingly also within reports of empirical scientists. This may invoke the question how far these developments overlap and in how far they go past each other. A significant overlap might lead to an interesting coalescence of the two approaches to norms, which may provide for a ”naturalization” of some philosophical speculations about normativity, putting them on a firmer foundation, while offering (...)
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  20. Rules as the Impetus of Cultural Evolution.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):531-545.
    In this paper I put forward a thesis regarding the anatomy of “cultural evolution”, in particular the way the “cultural” transmission of behavioral patterns came to piggyback, through us humans, on the transmission effected by genetic evolution. I claim that what grounds and supports this new kind of transmission is a complex behavioral “meta-pattern” that makes it possible to grasp a pattern as something that “ought to be”, i.e. that transforms the pattern into what we can call a rule. (Here (...)
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  21. Antisthenes and Paideia. On the Socratic Model of Education.Jaroslav Cepko - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):535-544.
    ?lánok sa sústre?uje na Antisthenovo chápanie výchovy, ktoré bolo nepochybne inšpirované Sókratom. K?ú?ový zlomok – „po?iatkom výchovy je skúmanie mien“ – je dokladom o úzkom spojení logiky a etiky, aké môžeme nájs? aj v Platónových a Xenofóntových dialógoch. Autor ?lánku porovnáva Antisthenov koncept paideie s Isokratovým rétorickým ideálom a poukazuje na variácie sókratovského modelu výchovy u významných predstavite?ov Sókratovho krúžku . Na rozdiel od Platóna Antisthenés neprejavuje záujem o metafyzické rozvinutie náuky svojho u?ite?a, ale ponúka pozitívny etický ideál, ktorý treba (...)
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    Ako sa stala Hipparchia z Maróneie slávnou filozofkou (historicko-filozofická interpretácia fragmentu SSR V I 1).Jaroslav Cepko, Andrej Kalaš & Vladislav Suvák - 2021 - Studia Philosophica 68 (1):6-27.
    Cieľom článku je nanovo reflektovať činnosť jednej z najslávnejších ženských filozofiek, Hip­parchie z Maróneie. Naším zámerom je ukázať, prečo sa stala v porovnaní s inými ženami antiky taká významná a v mnohom signifikantná pre ďalší vývoj procesu ženskej eman­cipácie. Hlavným svedectvom je pre nás fragment SSR V I 1 od Diogena Laertského, ktorý kladieme do súvislosti s ďalšími antickými správami o Antisthenovi a raných kynikoch. Dve hlavné témy Diogenovho svedectva sú Kratétova svadba s Hipparchiou a spor Hipparchie s Theodórom. Vo (...)
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  23. O socialistickém humanismu.Jaroslav Engst - 1962 - Praha,: Nakl. Československé akademie věd.
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    Das methodologische erbe Des tschechischen strukturalismus.Jaroslav Hroch - 1993 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (5):8-15.
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    Superinteligence a problém kontroly: Skutečný problém nebo pseudo-problém?Jaroslav Malík - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 13 (2).
    V tomto článku se zabývám konceptem SI (superinteligence) a s ní spojeným problémem kontroly. Podle určité skupiny teoretiků umělé inteligence stojíme na prahu události, která může radikálně změnit povahu technologického pokroku a lidské společnosti obecně. Touto událostí má být takzvaná technologická singularita, která je často spojována se vznikem první větší než lidské inteligence. Lidé jako Nick Bostrom varují před nebezpečím, které pro nás vznik SI znamená a upozorňují, že musíme co nejdříve najít metody kontroly této inteligence. Podle Bostroma a dalších (...)
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    Ramsey classes of topological and metric spaces.Jaroslav Nešetřil - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 143 (1-3):147-154.
    This paper is a follow up of the author’s programme of characterizing Ramsey classes of structures by a combination of model theory and combinatorics. This relates the classification programme for countable homogeneous structures to the proof techniques of the structural Ramsey theory. Here we consider the classes of topological and metric spaces which recently were studied in the context of extremally amenable groups and of the Urysohn space. We show that Ramsey classes are essentially classes of finite objects only. While (...)
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  27. Inside Human Practices.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2025 - In Maciej Dybowski, Weronika Dzięgielewska & Wojciech Rzepiński (eds.), Practice theory and law: on practices in legal and social sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  28. What is the Logic of Inference?Jaroslav Peregrin - 2008 - Studia Logica 88 (2):263-294.
    The topic of this paper is the question whether there is a logic which could be justly called the logic of inference. It may seem that at least since Prawitz, Dummett and others demonstrated the proof-theoretical prominency of intuitionistic logic, the forthcoming answer is that it is this logic that is the obvious choice for the accolade. Though there is little doubt that this choice is correct (provided that inference is construed as inherently single-conclusion and complying with the Gentzenian structural (...)
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  29. Criteria for logical formalization.Jaroslav Peregrin & Vladimír Svoboda - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2897-2924.
    The article addresses two closely related questions: What are the criteria of adequacy of logical formalization of natural language arguments, and what gives logic the authority to decide which arguments are good and which are bad? Our point of departure is the criticism of the conception of logical formalization put forth, in a recent paper, by M. Baumgartner and T. Lampert. We argue that their account of formalization as a kind of semantic analysis brings about more problems than it solves. (...)
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  30. Inferentializing Semantics.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (3):255 - 274.
    The entire development of modern logic is characterized by various forms of confrontation of what has come to be called proof theory with what has earned the label of model theory. For a long time the widely accepted view was that while model theory captures directly what logical formalisms are about, proof theory is merely our technical means of getting some incomplete grip on this; but in recent decades the situation has altered. Not only did proof theory expand into new (...)
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  31. The Enigma of Rules.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3):377-394.
    In a remarkable early paper, Wilfrid Sellars warned us that if we cease to recognize rules, we may well find ourselves walking on four feet; and it is obvious that within human communities, the phenomenon of rules is ubiquitous. Yet from the viewpoint of the sciences, rules cannot be easily accounted for. Sellars himself, during his later years, managed to put a lot of flesh on the normative bones from which he assembled the remarkable skeleton of the early paper; and (...)
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    Consequence & inference.Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    Logic is usually considered to be the study of logical consequence – of the most basic laws governing how a statement’s truth depends on the truth of other statements. Some of the pioneers of modern formal logic, notably Hilbert and Carnap, assumed that the only way to get hold of the relation of consequence was to reconstruct it as a relation of inference within a formal system built upon explicit inferential rules. Even Alfred Tarski in 1930 seemed to foresee no (...)
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    Logica Dominans vs. Logica Serviens.Jaroslav Peregrin & Vladimír Svoboda - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-25.
    Logic is usually presented as a tool of rational inquiry; however, many logicians in fact treat logic so that it does not serve us, but rather governs us – as rational beings we are subordinated to the logical laws we aspire to disclose. We denote the view that logic primarily serves us as logica serviens, while denoting the thesis that it primarily governs our reasoning as logica dominans. We argue that treating logic as logica dominans is misguided, for it leads (...)
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  34. Should One Be A Left or A Right Sellarsian?Jaroslav Peregrin - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (2):251-263.
    The followers of Wilfrid Sellars are often divided into “right” and “left” Sellarsians, according to whether they believe, in Mark Lance's words, that “linguistic roles constitutive of meaning and captured by dot quoted words are ‘normative all the way down.’” The present article anatomizes this division and argues that it is not easy to give it a nontrivial sense. In particular, the article argues that it is not really possible to construe it as a controversy related to ontology, and goes (...)
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    Sprache und ihre Formalisierung.Jaroslav Peregrin - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (3):237-244.
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  36. Inferentialism: Why Rules Matter.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2014 - London and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this study two strands of inferentialism are brought together: the philosophical doctrine of Brandom, according to which meanings are generally inferential roles, and the logical doctrine prioritizing proof-theory over model theory and approaching meaning in logical, especially proof-theoretical terms.
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    The pragmatization of semantics.Jaroslav Peregrin - 1999 - In Ken Turner (ed.), The semantics/pragmatics interface from different points of view. New York: Elsevier. pp. 419--442.
  38. Co dává filosofie pro život.Jaroslav Engst - 1954 - Praha,: Orbis.
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  39. Nekotorye problemy nauchnoĭ ėtiki.Jaroslav Engst - 1960
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  40. Některé problémy vědecké ethiky.Jaroslav Engst - 1957 - V Praze: Státní nakl. politické literatury.
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  41. (1 other version)Absolute and Relative Concepts In Logic.Peregrin Jaroslav - 2001 - In Ondrey Majer (ed.), The Logica Yearbook 2000. Filosofia. pp. 71--77.
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  42. History and Epics in China and in the West: A Study of Differences in Conception of the Human Story.Jaroslav Prusek - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (42):20-43.
    My study cannot give more than some comments on a very extensive theme that requires a number of studies which have not even been precisely formulated, as yet. I should like to show that the specific thought pattern, the specific perception of reality, intrinsic to a specific cultural category—that which is the predominant one in the given cultural complex—influences all other categories and determines their nature. I want to illustrate my thesis on the relationship between literature and history. With some (...)
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  43. L'ogetto della scienza giuridica.Jaroslav Kallab - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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    Investigating growth models with linearization domain analysis and residual analysis.Jaroslav Marek, Alena Pozdílková & Libor Kupka - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):739-750.
    Growth modelling is of interest to scientists in various disciplines. In our article, we will collect 17 models designed for growth modelling, appraise these models and contribute to the discussion of their applicability. The merit of the paper lies in studying the convergence properties of nonlinear regression in selected models. Our studies will be performed mainly concerning the quality of the obtained estimates, which are closely related to the intrinsic curvature of the model according to Bates and Watts. This curvature (...)
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    Foundations of logic.Jaroslav Peregrin (ed.) - 2010 - Prague: Charles University in Prague/Karolinum Press.
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    Spory o realismus, Hegel a jazyk (y) matematiky.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1):66-83.
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    Tomáš Marvan. Otázka významu.Jaroslav Růžička - 2011 - Pro-Fil 11 (2).
    Tomáš Marvan Otázka významu: Cesty analytické filosofie jazyka. 1. vyd. Praha: Togga, 2010, ISBN 978-80-87258-33-0, 150 stran.
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  48. "Masaryk's" New Europe".Jaroslav Sabata - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (5):705-736.
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    Která formule je ta pravá?(Kritéria adekvátnosti logické analýzy).Jaroslav Peregrin–Vladimír Svoboda - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19:163-179.
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  50. Meaning and Structure.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:686-688.
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