Results for 'Janine Lanza'

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  1.  10
    Raffaella Sarti, Anna Bellavitis.Janine Lanza - 2019 - Clio 50.
    Qu’est-ce que le travail? La question posée par le titre de ce recueil offre un tremplin pour des réponses multiples et nuancées, fruits de recherches sur un large spectre temporel et spatial. Les articles qui le composent répondent à cette question en interrogeant la façon dont le genre définit notre compréhension du travail. Se trouvent donc placés au premier plan les problèmes relatifs à l’égalité, le rôle du marché versus l’espace privé, la question des capacités de production comparée a...
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    When Parents Refuse: Resolving Entrenched Disagreements Between Parents and Clinicians in Situations of Uncertainty and Complexity.Janine Penfield Winters - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):20-31.
    When shared decision making breaks down and parents and medical providers have developed entrenched and conflicting views, ethical frameworks are needed to find a way forward. This article reviews the evolution of thought about the best interest standard and then discusses the advantages of the harm principle (HP) and the zone of parental discretion (ZPD). Applying these frameworks to parental refusals in situations of complexity and uncertainty presents challenges that necessitate concrete substeps to analyze the big picture and identify key (...)
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    Looking for a sociology worthy of its name: Claude Lefort and his conception of social division.Andrea Lanza - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):70-87.
    The aim of this article is to question the nature of the socio-anthropological approach in Lefort’s thought. The author explores the complex relationship between Lefort and the Durkheimian French school of sociology in four stages: in the first, he shows Lefort as a sociologist ‘worthy of its name’ or, in other words, a sociologist interested in questioning the ‘institution of the social’. In the second, he focuses on the disturbing elements that Lefort introduces: the political and the division into the (...)
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  4. The impairment of empathy in goodwill whites for african americans.Janine Jones - 2004 - In George Yancy, What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question. Routledge.
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    Francis J. Ambrosio (Ed.), the Question of Christian Philosophy Today.Janine Marie Idziak - 1999
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  6. La vie philosophique - travaux Des sociétés.Janine Chanteur - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:565.
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    Gradation als ästhetische Denkform des 18. Jahrhunderts: Figuren der Steigerung, Minderung und des Crescendo.Janine Firges - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The study examines gradation as a central mode of 18th century thought. Originally a structural notion in the natural sciences, gradation underwent a change in the 17th century to become a major descriptive trope for gradually intensifying patterns of change. As a trope that extends across disciplinary boundaries, gradation became an important aesthetic concept of the period in areas as diverse as rhetoric, aesthetics, dramatic art, and music."--Provided by publisher.
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    Democracy versus Republic: Inclusion and Desire in Social Struggles.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):45-53.
    This paper argues that the idea of inclusion is linked to the democratic tradition rather than to the republican one. By analyzing the origins and meaning of these two concepts, the author holds that democracy is rather linked to desire and republic to will (and to the expression of desire), and concludes that, since North Atlantic political tradition has not given a key role to desire, democracy, in order to overcome the difficulties it has been encountering in all parts of (...)
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  9. An Actuality-Oriented Picture of the Notion What Could Turn Out.Janine Jones - 1993 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    The subject of my dissertation is the notion, what could turn out, extracted from Naming and Necessity, in a context in which it is being used to show the contingency of gold's yellowness. ;In general, I seek to establish an actuality-oriented notion of what could turn out that makes a break with an epistemological picture of this notion as well as another making what could turn out for an object depend on what's metaphysically possible for it. ;In particular, I distinguish (...)
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    A espiritualidade no atendimento de mulheres usuárias de subst'ncias.Janine Targino - 2021 - Horizonte:1078.
    O artigo apresenta e analisa as representações acerca da espiritualidade presentes nos relatos de mulheres usuárias de substâncias que buscam acolhimento em comunidades terapêuticas (CTs) de perfil religioso. Os dados observados são provenientes de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas ao longo do segundo semestre de 2020 com mulheres acolhidas em duas CT’s, sendo uma delas de perfil católico carismático e outra vinculada a uma igreja que compõe o protestantismo histórico. As lideranças dessas instituições foram igualmente ouvidas com a intenção de alcançar informações (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Les quatre fléaux.Lanza del Vasto & Joseph Jean - 1959 - Paris: Denoël ;.
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    Mismanagement of Sustainability: What Business Strategy Makes the Difference? Empirical Evidence from the USA.Janine Maniora - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):931-947.
    This paper examines whether and to what extent the overall business strategy influences the firm’s mismanagement of sustainability. Specifically, an empirical measure for the mismanagement of sustainability is developed by exploiting the newly available materiality guidelines for US firms to define industry-specific material sustainability issues. Using this measure, this paper shows that mismanagement of sustainability can represent unethical business behavior when firms intentionally perform better on immaterial issues than on material issues by diverting stakeholders’ attention from the firm’s low overall (...)
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  13. The Benefit Corporation and Corporate Social Responsibility.Janine S. Hiller - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):287-301.
    In the wake of the most recent financial crisis, corporations have been criticized as being self-interested and unmindful of their relationship to society. Indeed, the blame is sometimes placed on the corporate legal form, which can exacerbate the tension between duties to shareholders and interests of stakeholders. In comparison, the Benefit Corporation (BC) is a new legal business entity that is obligated to pursue public benefit in addition to the responsibility to return profits to shareholders. It is legally a for-profit, (...)
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    Os arquivos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (PR) sobre a esquerda católica no interior paranaense (1975-1985).Fábio Lanza & Otávio Paes Ramiro - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226805-226805.
    O presente artigo trata da esquerda católica paranaense a partir do arquivo de documentos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI-PR), da agência de Curitiba. O objetivo geral foi compreender criticamente, servindo-se da perspectiva de Otto Maduro, as expressões político-ideológicas descritas, anexadas e julgadas nos relatórios dos agentes do SNI-PR sobre a esquerda católica do interior do Paraná, no período de abertura política da ditadura militar. Por meio da pesquisa documental qualitativa de tipo exploratória, composta pelos diferentes registros dos agentes do (...)
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  15. Author/Xtle Index, Books Reviewed.Janine Chanteur - 1995 - Philosophy 7 (3):208-211.
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  16. Prolog for automatic processing of synonymy.Santiago Fernandez Lanza - 2000 - Logica Trianguli 4:25-39.
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  17. Tue was du willst, sei das ganze Gesetz" : Reflexionen bei Plotin und Nietzsche.Janine Harnischfeger & Alexander Kuhfuss - 1996 - In Edith Düsing, Thorsten Dietz & Yurie A. Ignatieff, Zur Philosophie der Individualität: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. phil. Edith Düsing zu ihrem 45. Geburtstag. Aachen: Shaker.
  18. The transfer of patients 'ethics information among cooperating institutions: A future function of ethics networks Jocelyn C. white, md'.Esq Janine Sarti - forthcoming - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues.
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    A dramatização do mito.Diego Lanza - 2003 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 44 (107):86-99.
  20.  10
    Erótica y destierro. Inspiración poética y filosofía en Platón.Henar Lanza González - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:355-364.
    Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la relevancia de la teoría informacional del conocimiento para el problema de la suerte epistémica. Argumento que el clásico enfoque de Dretske es equivalente a la condición de seguridad de Pritchard. Sin embargo, considero que esta manera de eludir la suerte epistémica exige lidiar con el llamado "problema de la generalidad". Argumento que una respuesta a este problema requiere una noción de seguridad diferente y propongo un enfoque informacional equivalente a esta versión (...)
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  21.  14
    Equivocadas y malditas: la conquista de América desde la obra de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio. Dios, historia y sentido.Henar Lanza - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Antes incluso de que la España de 1992 celebrara e l V centenario del descubrimiento de América, Ferlosio publi có en la prensa varios textos críticos sobre la con q uista que luego fueron reuni dos en Esas Yndias equivocadas y malditas. Comentarios a la historia. Part iend o de aquí, p lante o la s pregunta s de qué es la historia y cómo debería escribirse y ensayo una r esp uesta de sde la crítica de la violencia de (...)
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  22.  10
    Recensione a "La seconda Polis" di B. Centrone.Michele Lanza - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e03233.
  23.  19
    The Value of the Parochial: Film and the Commonplace.Janine Marchessault - 2009 - Mediatropes 2 (1):24-36.
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    Avaliação do raciocínio abstrato, numérico e espacial em adolescentes surdos.Janine Kieling Monteiro & Clarissa Galecki Andrade - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 21:93-99.
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    Mind and morality in nineteenth-century japanese religions: Misogi-kyō and Maruyama-kyō.Janine Anderson Sawada - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (1):108-141.
    The early history and teachings of two Japanese "new religions" that originated in the late Tokugawa and early Meiji periods are described. The focus is on views of the mind/heart in the writings of Inoue Masakane (considered the founder of Misogi-kyō) and Itō Rokurōbei (founder of Maruyama-kyō); particular attention is given to the question of Neo-Confucian influence.
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    Eligibility for assisted dying: not protection for vulnerable people, but protection for people when they are vulnerable.Janine Penfield Winters - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):672-673.
    Downie and Schuklenk1 provide a clear narrative of the development of Canadian policy on medically assisted dying. This is very helpful for considering specific aspects of the continuing deliberations in Canada. This commentary presents an alternative perspective on the authors’ argument that narrow eligibility criteria for medical assistance in dying are discriminatory and unjustified. I argue that disability or mental illness as sole reason for accessing MAiD removes protections for all people who have times in their life when they have (...)
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    The Truth about Impossibility.Janine Reinert - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (271):307-327.
    Any worlds semantics for intentionality has to provide a plenitudinous theory of impossibility: For any impossible proposition, it should provide a world where it is true. Hence, also any semantics for impossibility statements that extends Lewis’s concretism about possible worlds should be plenitudinous. However, several such proposals for impossibilist semantics fail to accommodate two kinds of impossibility that, albeit not unheard of, have been largely neglected in the literature on impossible worlds, but that are bound to arise in the Lewisian (...)
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    Is Integrated Reporting Really the Superior Mechanism for the Integration of Ethics into the Core Business Model? An Empirical Analysis.Janine Maniora - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (4):755-786.
    This paper examines the impact of integrated reporting on the integration of environmental, social, and governance issues into the business model and the related economic and ESG performance changes. To investigate these internal and external transformational effects of IR, important differences between IR and alternative ESG reporting strategies are worked out. Using three matched samples of companies from around the world for the sample period 2002–2011, IR companies are matched with companies applying no ESG reporting, stand-alone ESG reporting, or ESG (...)
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    Collective liberation and its end.Fabio Lanza - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1462-1468.
    This review of Salar Mohandesi's Red Internationalism focuses on the author's contribution to our understanding of a movement of transnational solidarity in the 1960s under the framework of anti-imperialist internationalism as well as of its collapse in the 1970s and of the emergence of the discourse of “human rights.” This was not a case of an evolutionary transformation, with anti-imperialist discourse slowly morphing into human rights, but one of “displacement.” Anti-imperialism entered into a crisis in the early 1970s, and that (...)
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    From Power Elites to Influence Elites: Resetting Elite Studies for the 21st Century.Janine R. Wedel - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):153-178.
    The dominant theory of elite power, grounded in Weberian bureaucracy, has analyzed elites in terms of stable positions at the top of enduring institutions. Today, many conditions that spawned these stable ‘command posts’ no longer prevail, and elite power thus warrants rethinking. This article advances an argument about contemporary ‘influence elites’. The way they are organized and the modus operandi they employ to wield influence enable them to evade public accountability, a hallmark of a democratic society. Three cases are presented, (...)
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    Evaluating an Adolescent’s Decision-Making Capacity Whilst in the Harsh World of Detention.Janine P. Winters, Fiona Owens & Elisif Winters - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):243-251.
    Reports of children participating in hunger strikes while detained in offshore detention centres raise interrelated ethical issues and recognizable challenges for the medical decision-makers at these sites. A composite case study, informed by reports in the public domain, is employed to explore the unique challenges of consent and decision-making in these circumstances and the perennial issues inherent in adolescents’ developing capacity and autonomy. We present an amalgamated case of a fourteen-year-old adolescent who refused to consent to medical reversal of her (...)
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    De lo óptico a lo mental. La poética cognitiva de Bernard Noël.Amelia Gamoneda Lanza - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):480.
    Paralelamente a su poesía, Bernard Noël desarrolla una obra en prosa que plantea interrogantes de orden cognitivo, en particular en torno a la percepción visual. La exploración de dispositivos tecnológicos (la cámara fotográfica) y de escenificaciones del acto de creación (la escena del pintor trabajando) es ocasión para contrastar la pertinencia de las intuiciones y reflexiones del poeta puestas bajo el foco de las actuales ciencias cognitivas. El trayecto de lo óptico a lo mental queda inscrito en una comprensión encarnada (...)
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    Maria del Guadaloupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines, and Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds), Convergences: Black Feminism and Philosophy.Janine Jones - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (1):165-169.
    Review of Maria del Guadaloupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines, and Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds), Convergences: Black Feminism and Philosophy (Albany: SUNY, 2010).
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    Kinesthetic Unity as Motivated Association.Andrea Lanza - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):271-286.
    Summary Within Husserl’s theory of perception, the role attributed to kinesthetic sensations determines a phase of the perceptive constitution that marks the boundary between pure receptivity and a first form of self-determination of consciousness. Kinesthetic experiences are, in fact, characterized not just as acts that are performed but rather that can be performed, albeit according to predetermined paths. This primitive form of ‘instinctive’ spontaneity of the Ego (linked to primal impulses) as realization of pre-established potentialities, characterizes what Husserl defines the (...)
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    La memoria degli Dei.Diego Lanza - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (1):3-20.
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    Lo que ocultan los peplos. Atuendos femeninos en Hécuba de Eurípides.Joaquín Lanza - 2024 - Argos 51:e0064.
    El vocablo πέπλος (“peplo”), que designa típicamente la túnica vestida por lasmujeres, se registra un total de once veces en Hécuba de Eurípides. Teniendo encuenta la estructura bipartita de esta tragedia y la importancia de la vestimenta en elmundo griego antiguo, este artículo se propone analizar las apariciones del términoen sus contextos, con la hipótesis de que los peplos ocultan pero a la vez revelan elcarácter de los personajes femeninos: Políxena, el coro de cautivas troyanas yHécuba, como también habilitan la (...)
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    Propuesta para medir el perfil de los emprendedores de base tecnológica.Angela María Lanzas Duque, Victoria Eugenia Lanzas Duque & Francisco Danilo Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Sixteenth-Century Sentences Commentaries from Coimbra.Lidia Lanza & Marco Toste - 2018 - Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (2):217-284.
    In the second half of the sixteenth century, many universities influenced by Salamanca adopted the Summa theologiae as the textbook for teaching scholastic theology. At the same time, the universities decided that some minor chairs should teach one of the Sentences commentaries written by one of the following authors: Duns Scotus, Durand of Saint-Pourçain, or Gabriel Biel. As a result, some commentaries on these commentaries started to appear. This is most notably the case when it comes to the University of (...)
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    The grand biocentric design: how life creates reality.R. P. Lanza - 2020 - Dallas, TX: BenBella Books. Edited by Matej Pavšič & Bob Berman.
    A new installment in the series that blew readers' minds with Biocentrism and Beyond Biocentrism, The Grand Biocentric Design offers an even deeper dive in to the nature of reality and our universe based on the latest groundbreaking research.
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    Tempo senza tempo: la riflessione sul mito dal Settecento a oggi.Diego Lanza - 2017 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Political waves in the Zen sea: The Engaku-ji Circle in early Meiji Japan.Janine Sawada - 1998 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 25 (1-2):117-150.
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    Religious conflict in Bakumatsu Japan: Zen master Imakita Kōsen and Confucian scholar Higashi Takusha.Janine Sawada - 1994 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 21 (2-3):211-230.
  43. His fair lady weds my nigger son.Janine Jones - 2004 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18 (4):311-316.
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    From War to Peace.Janine Chanteur & Shirley Ann Weisz - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):217-224.
  45.  21
    Phenomenology of the Speech-Language Pathologist's Coming to a Diagnosis.Janine Chesworth - 2023 - Phenomenology and Practice 18 (1).
    For most of us, learning to communicate is as effortless as breathing, and like air, communication skills are elemental; integral to our human existence in this world. Our communicative competencies might be seen as a bridge, facilitating our relationship with the world we are immersed in. But what happens when a child has difficulty learning to communicate effectively? What happens when their most basic messages of hunger or thirst fail to be understood or they are unable to jointly share in (...)
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    Divine Command Morality: Historical and Contemporary Readings.Janine Marie Idziak - 1979 - New York ; Toronto : E. Mellon Press.
    An anthology that provides new translations and makes available much of the relevant historical literature needed for an exploration of the view that morality is very literally created by God. Contains 41 selections representing discussions of divine command morality in Ancient philosophy, scholastic philosophical theology, the Reformation tradition, the British modern period, and contemporary analytic philosophy. This book includes a bibliography of Latin, French, English, German, and Italian sources on divine command morality.
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    Sozialer Widerstand und räumliches Wissen – Protest gegen Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Venedig.Janine Schemmer - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (3):377-406.
    ZusammenfassungKreuzfahrtschiffe zählen gegenwärtig zu den beliebtesten und zugleich umstrittensten Verkehrsmitteln. Das überdimensionale Schiff vor der Kulisse des historischen Zentrums von Venedig wurde zu einem ikonischen Bild. Der Artikel beleuchtet den Hintergrund dieser Debatte und untersucht die Verräumlichung der Kreuzfahrtindustrie durch Infrastrukturen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Venedig und die Lagune aus kulturanalytischer Sicht, und nimmt die Schnittmenge von kulturwissenschaftlicher Technikforschung und Technikgeschichte, kulturwissenschaftlicher Stadtforschung und der Analyse sozialer Bewegungen in den Blick.In meinem Beitrag zeichne ich die Entwicklung dieser Zusammenhänge nach und (...)
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    Liar.Janine Amos - 1996 - London: Cherrytree. Edited by Gwen Green.
    Stories of young children who make up exaggerated stories provide questions for a discussion about lying.
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    J. Trilling, The Medallion Style.Janine Baity - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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  50. Doro levi, Antioch mosaic pavements: Cinquante ans après.Janine Balty - 2001 - Byzantion 71 (2):303-324.
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