Results for 'Janet Ortiz Galelea'

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  1.  19
    El Paradigma de la Complejidad.Janet Ortiz Galelea - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):407 - 426.
    A segunda metade do século xx ficou profundamente marcada pela configuração de um novo diálogo com a natureza, o que aconteceu sobretudo mediante a introdução de um novo modo de ver as coisas centrado no reconhecimento da complexidade e do acaso como elementos constitutivos da realidade. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo tem por objectivo proceder a uma exposição dos princípios fundamentais desta emergente perspectiva, à qual se dá o nome de paradigma da complexidade, paradigma este que nasce a partir do (...)
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    El Paradigma de la Complejidad.Janet Ortiz Galilea - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1-3):407-426.
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  3. Philosophy of Science After Feminism.Janet A. Kourany - 2010 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    A feminist primer for philosophers of science -- The legacy of twentieth century philosophy of science -- What feminist science studies can offer -- Challenges from every direction -- The prospects of twenty-first century philosophy of science.
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    A composite holographic associative recall model.Janet M. Eich - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (6):627-661.
  5. Moral intensity and managerial problem solving.Janet M. Dukerich, Mary J. Waller, Elizabeth George & George P. Huber - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (1):29 - 38.
    There is an increasing interest in how managers describe and respond to what they regard as moral versus nonmoral problems in organizations. In this study, forty managers described a moral problem and a nonmoral problem that they had encountered in their organization, each of which had been resolved. Analyses indicated that: (1) the two types of problems could be significantly differentiated using four of Jones' (1991) components of moral intensity; (2) the labels managers used to describe problems varied systematically between (...)
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  6. Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (2):252-255.
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  7. Could Love be Like a Heatwave?Janet Levin - 2003 - In John Heil (ed.), Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Reflexiones sobre el concepto "realidad nacional".Rodolfo Ortiz Amiel - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:217-222.
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    The chiasma of equaliberty: the community of Castoriadis.Irene Ortiz Gala - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):159-177.
    This article presents the relationship between the notions of equality and freedom assumed by Castoriadis as necessary conditions for social autonomy project. The chiasmatic figure that Castoriadis establishes between equality and freedom will be approached with the aim of clarifying whether both notions should be addressed jointly or, on the contrary, they can be considered separately for an autonomy project as well. Once exposed the difficulties that appear in the representation that establishes a correspondence between both terms, attention will be (...)
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    KR2024: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.Pierre Marquis, Magdalena Ortiz & Maurice Pagnucco (eds.) - 2024 - IJCAI Organization.
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  11. El cognoscitivismo poético: ¿qué conocemos a través de la poesía?Gustavo Ortiz Millán - 2010 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:189-208.
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  12. Entre la moral y la prudencia: el comportamiento hacia uno mismo.Gustavo Ortiz Millán - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (60):175-185.
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    El trabajo del médico.Federico Ortiz Quesada - 1997 - México, D.F.: Jgh Editores.
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    Gender and professional ethics in the IT industry.Androniki Panteli, Janet Stack & Harvie Ramsay - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (1):51 - 61.
    In this paper, we discuss the ethical responsibility of the Information Technology (IT) industry towards its female workforce. Although the growing IT industry experiences skills shortages, there is a declining trend in the representation of women. The paper presents evidence that the IT industry is not gender-neutral and that it does little to promote or retain its female workforce. We urge that professional codes of ethics in IT should be revised to take into account the diverse needs of its staff.
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  15. Analytic philosophy.Gustavo Ortiz Millán & Diana I. Pérez - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Filosofía de la Trans-Historia y Joker de Todd Phillips en Surplus Enjoyment de Slavoj Žižek.Francisco Miguel Ortiz-Delgado - 2025 - Dialektika 7:0-0.
    This essay explores an overlooked dimension of Slavoj Žižek's thought: his perspective on, and engagement with, a concrete philosophy of Trans-History. Specifically, it examines the philosophy of Trans-History presented in Surplus Enjoyment. While I do not claim that Žižek constructs a new philosophy of Trans-History in this book, I demonstrate that he directly and consistently engages with this philosophical domain and adopts several premises from Hegelian, Marxist, and Christian philosophies of Trans-History. Building on this analysis, I elucidate Žižek's stance on (...)
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    Foucault y Lacan: hacia una ascesis del buen hereje.Juan Emilio Ortiz - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-18.
    El presente trabajo propone un diálogo entre la filosofía de Foucault y el psicoanálisis de Lacan, utilizando para eso el marco que ofrece el curso La Hermenéutica del sujeto del filósofo francés. A lo largo del mismo se exploran posibles puntos de contacto entre ambos discursos en torno a temas tales como una ascesis filosófica, el tratamiento de las pasiones, la función del otro y el deseo. El escrito parte de la convicción de que este diálogo puede ser mutuamente enriquecedor: (...)
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  18. Mujer y dictadura franquista.Manuel Ortiz Heras - 2006 - Aposta 28:1.
    Este texto describe y analiza el estatus social, político y económico de la mujer durante la dictadura de Franco. Las leyes impuestas por la dictadura, con el amparo moral de la Iglesia española, provocaron un fuerte retroceso en los derechos de las mujeres. La llegada de la democracia y el auge de los diversos movimientos feministas, unidos a los cambios de mentalidad que se habían ido produciendo, hicieron que poco a poco la discriminación se fuera erradicando y la situación se (...)
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  19. From Empirical Psychology to Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl on the 'Brentano Puzzle'.Claire Ortiz Hill - 1998 - In Roberto Poli (ed.), The Brentano puzzle. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate.
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    Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology.R. Alexander Schumacher & Janet B. Pierrehumbert - 2021 - Cognition 212:104512.
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    Plato’s Moral Theory: The Early and Middle Dialogues.Janet Sisson - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (113):345-347.
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    "Levels of processing, encoding specificity, elaboration, and CHARM": Correction to Eich.Janet Metcalfe Eich - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (4):461-461.
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    Special issue: Cultivating character for care.Janet Holt & Ann Gallagher - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (1):3-6.
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    A novel ethical approach to moral distress during COVID 19 in New York.Janet Dolgin, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Walter Markowitz & Maria Sanmartin - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092097710.
    The initial surge of COVID19 patients in New York, created a surge of unprecedented numbers in the largest integrated hospital system of the New York City and surrounding Long Island region. Due to innovation and clinician ingenuity ventilator allocation was going to have an easier solution than alleviating the moral distress of overworked and understaffed clinicians. Through the innovative work of clinicians, leadership and the leadership of Governor Cuomo and hospital executives, the need for triaging ventilators did not become a (...)
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    Acknowledgments.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 9-10.
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    Contents.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 7-8.
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    Conclusion: The Impact of Genetic Phenomenology.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 179-184.
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    Introduction.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 11-18.
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    3: On the Question of Intersubjectivity.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 71-118.
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    1: On the Distinction Between Static and Genetic Phenomenologies.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 19-42.
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    On Time Consciousness and Its Relationship to Intersubjectivity.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 43-70.
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    Select Bibliography.Janet Donohoe - 2004 - In Husserl on ethics and intersubjectivity: from static to genetic phenomenology. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 185-192.
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    Hello–Goodbye: An analysis of children′s telephone conversations.Janet Holmes - 1981 - Semiotica 37 (1-2).
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    Practical nursing philosophy.Janet Holt - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):71–72.
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    “She Starts Breakdancing, I Swear!”: Metaphor, Framing, and Digital Pregnancy Discussions.Janet Ho - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (3):171-187.
    In health communication metaphor studies, mental and terminal diseases are often the center of attention. Yet, one of the most important life stages especially for many women, pregnancy, has receiv...
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    True to our feelings: What our emotions are really telling us.Janet Etzi - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):284-287.
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    Causas comunes.Isabella Duarte Salgado & Giovana Suárez Ortiz - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):157-177.
    Este artículo desafía la narrativa tradicional de la historia de las mujeres colombianas en la filosofía. Para ello se evita el recurso de la historia heroica de los “grandes pensadores” y se propone el método de pensar causas comunes. Como se trata de una apuesta del feminismo filosófico, se subraya la importancia de una ontología corporal y una política de posicionamiento, a partir del estudio de caso del IV Congreso Internacional femenino realizado en Bogotá (1930). En el cierre, el método (...)
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    The Metamorphoses of Autochthony in the Days of National Identity.Marcel Detienne & Janet Lloyd - 2008 - Arion 16 (1):85-96.
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    Caratteristiche delI’ecumenismo di S. Basilio.Ignazio Ortiz de Urbina - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (3):389-401.
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    Análisis y crítica del “realismo mínimo” de Maurizio Ferraris.Fernando E. Ortiz Santana - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 60:153-174.
    This paper analyzes Maurizio Ferraris’s “minimal realism” with the aim of showing that his criticisms of correlationism and constructivism are not convincing. Ferraris preserves both a substantivist vision of the objects of knowledge and a substantial difference between sensible things and concepts. These two issues prevent his Manifesto of New Realism from being considered the founding moment of the “new realism.” The paper concludes with a reflection on those aspects that should be considered and avoided when proposing a philosophical realism.
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    A real argument to defy classical logic.Héctor Hernández Ortiz - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):7-13.
    In this paper, an argument by Fisher (2004) is formalized and evaluated by means of some tools of classical logic. The argument presented by Fisher is a version of a piece of reasoning of great historical importance known as Pascal’s Wager. According to Fisher, “this is a fascinating piece of reasoning. It is complex and important and hard to handle”. Here is shown that, although formal logical analysis has limitations to evaluate everyday deductive arguments, it is perfectly capable to formalize (...)
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    Box scores are for baseball.Janet Dixon Elashoff - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):392-392.
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    What Would You Do?: What If Polluting Is Legal?Janet Q. Evans - 2002 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 16 (5):20-20.
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    (1 other version)Juggling Act.Janet Falon - 1994 - Business Ethics 8 (2):13-13.
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    Love and rationality: on some possible rational effects of love.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (115):127-144.
  46.  24
    The Role of NGOs in Ameliorating Sweatshop‐like Conditions in the Global Supply Chain: The Case of Fair Labor Association (FLA), and Social Accountability International (SAI).S. Prakash Sethi & Janet L. Rovenpor - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (1):5-36.
    Over the last 20+ years, globalization has made international trade and investment more efficient and productive. In the absence of coordinated global regulatory regimes, it has also made multinational corporations (MNCs) impervious to social concerns in the countries where they operate. There is considerable debate in the academic, political, and business arena as to the causes of the apparently inequitable distribution of benefits between labor and capital. Notwithstanding, the relative merits of this debate, and facing tremendous societal pressure, companies have (...)
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    Heidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung.Federica Ma González-Luna Ortiz - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (74):184-188.
    En esta discusión abordo la hermenéutica analógica de Mauricio Beuchot comparándola con la hermenéutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Argumento que Beuchot vuelve a la idea clásica de la hermenéutica como método de interpretación y no la juzga, como Gadamer, como una fenomenología de la comprensión. Sin embargo, Beuchot no atiende las razones de Gadamer en contra de concebir la hermenéutica como una metodología. Si se considera como metodología centrada en la analogía, la hermenéutica analógica deja de lado otros recursos interpretativos (...)
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    La interacción entre los sistemas vivos, psíquicos y sociales en la teoría sistémica de Niklas Luhmann.Alexander Ortiz-Ocaña - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 52:159-176.
    La recepción de Luhmann en Latinoamérica se ha profundizado mucho en el siglo XXI, su concepción epistemológica es cada vez más conocida en ámbitos no sólo sociológicos. La obra de Luhmann es un intento de transformación y reconfiguración de anticuadas nociones que eran sagradas y de las ideas, paradigmas o enfoques tradicionales: la ontología, la teleología, el antropocentrismo, incluso la ética. Para hacerlo acude al pensamiento sistémico, pero se percata que con el instrumental teórico heredado de la Teoría General de (...)
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  49. Errors committed with high confidence are hypercorrected.Butterfield Brady & Metcalfe Janet - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27 (6).
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    Sobre la afectividad de la racionalidad poética en el pensamiento de María Zambrano.Humberto Ortiz Buitrago - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:235-261.
    Here they are revised notions of the Western tradition that conform the discourse of poetic reason, and the way that Maria Zambrano assumed them. Her thought examines the possibilities of the words, either poetic or philosophical, to allow persons to get conscience. She attempts to unify both types of words using a notion of love as essential intent for dealing with the otherness, allowing, also, the human being conscious reflection on the affectivity. To achieve this, she revises culture to find (...)
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