Results for 'Jane McLeod'

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  1.  38
    Petitioning the King: The Case of Provincial Printers in Eighteenth-Century France. [REVIEW]Hans V. Hansen & Jane McLeod - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):161-170.
    This essay studies an argumentative practice in eighteenth-century France by exploring the persuasiveness of some petitions to obtain printer licences. Those who wanted to enter the printing business in eighteenth-century France had to obtain licences from the King to do so. The French government had established limits to the number of printers it would permit to operate in the realm; hence, there was competition for any vacancy that became open. Thus, the context is that of trained printers in provincial towns, (...)
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    A Perfect Storm for Epistemic Injustice.Heather Stewart, Emily Cichocki & Carolyn McLeod - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Over the past decade, feminist philosophers have gone a long way toward identifying and explaining the phenomenon that has come to be known as epistemic injustice. Epistemic injustice is injustice occurring within the domain of knowledge (e.g., knowledge production and transmission), which typically impacts structurally marginalized social groups. In this paper, we argue that, as they currently work, algorithms on social media exacerbate the problem of epistemic injustice and related problems of social distrust. In other words, we argue that algorithms (...)
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    Preserving planet Earth: changing human culture with lessons from the past.Jane Roland Martin - 2024 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book encourages readers to acknowledge humanity's contribution to the environmental crisis, proposing a way forward by exploring the power of ordinary people to bring about large-scale cultural change. Is it possible for humankind to change its ways and shed the belief that the planet is ours to do with as we like? Internationally acclaimed philosopher of education Jane Roland Martin argues that "humancentrism" is a learned affair, and what is learned can be unlearned. Turning to the past to (...)
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  4. Justification for Conscience Exemptions in Health Care.Lori Kantymir & Carolyn McLeod - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (8):16-23.
    Some bioethicists argue that conscientious objectors in health care should have to justify themselves, just as objectors in the military do. They should have to provide reasons that explain why they should be exempt from offering the services that they find offensive. There are two versions of this view in the literature, each giving different standards of justification. We show these views are each either too permissive (i.e. would result in problematic exemptions based on conscience) or too restrictive (i.e. would (...)
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  5. In His Likeness: Forty Selections on the Imitation of Christ Through the Centuries.G. McLeod Bryan - 1959
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    Suchting and the educational dangers of decontextualising science.Jane Roland Martin - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (1):73-75.
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    Theorising the Ethical Organization.Jane Collier - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):621-654.
    Abstract:The aim of this paper is to create a framework which can serve as a guide to the understanding of organizational ethicality. This is done by linking ethical and organizational theory. Organizational ethicality is about “being” as well as “doing”: relevant ethical theory is therefore both substantive (agent-centred, concerned with the “good”) as well as procedural (act-centred, concerned with the “right” in the sense of the moral or just thing to do). The ethical theories of Alasdair MacIntyre and Jurgen Habermas, (...)
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  8. The Concept of Entrapment.Daniel J. Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):539-554.
    Our question is this: What makes an act one of entrapment? We make a standard distinction between legal entrapment, which is carried out by parties acting in their capacities as (or as deputies of) law- enforcement agents, and civil entrapment, which is not. We aim to provide a definition of entrapment that covers both and which, for reasons we explain, does not settle questions of permissibility and culpability. We explain, compare, and contrast two existing definitions of legal entrapment to commit (...)
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    The relationship amongst ethical position, religiosity and self-identified culture in student nurses.Jane H. White, Anne Griswold Peirce & William Jacobowitz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2398-2412.
    Background/purpose: Research from other disciplines demonstrates that ethical position, idealism, or relativism predicts ethical decision-making. Individuals from diverse cultures ascribe to various religious beliefs and studies have found that religiosity and culture affect ethical decision-making. Moreover, little literature exists regarding undergraduate nursing students’ ethical position; no studies have been conducted in the United States on students’ ethical position, their self-identified culture, and intrinsic religiosity despite an increase in the diversity of nursing students across the United States. Participants and Research Context (...)
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  10.  21
    Towards a Feminist Theory of Distrust.Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu & Carolyn McLeod - 2023 - In David Collins, Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Mark Alfano & Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu, The Moral Psychology of Trust. Lexington Books. pp. 125-143.
    Feminist philosophers need a theory of distrust that can make sense of the institutional distrust that is common among people who face systemic oppression. Our purpose in this chapter is to lay the groundwork for such a theory. Our strategy is to use feminist insights about institutional distrust to critique the most general and well-developed theory of distrust in philosophy—Katherine Hawley’s commitment account—and to learn from this exercise about what a feminist theory of distrust should be like. Though not designed (...)
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    ‘Goals’ are not an integral component of imitation.Jane Leighton, Geoffrey Bird & Cecilia Heyes - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):423-435.
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  12. Expert and “novice” problem solving strategies in chess: Sixty years of citing de Groot (1946).Fernand Gobet, Peter McLeod & Merim Bilalić - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (4):395-408.
    In a famous study of expert problem solving, de Groot (1946/1978) examined how chess players found the best move. He reported that there was little difference in the way that the best players (Grand Masters) and very good players (Candidate Masters) searched the board. Although this result has been regularly cited in studies of expertise, it is frequently misquoted. It is often claimed that de Groot found no difference in the way that experts and novices investigate a problem. Comparison of (...)
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    Introduction.Jane Collier & John Roberts - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (1):67-71.
    Often when a new scientific theory is introduced, new terms are introduced along with it. Some of these new terms might be given explicit definitions using only terms that were in currency prior to the introduction of the theory. Some of them might be defined using other new terms introduced with the theory. But it frequently happens that the standard formulations of a theory do not define some of the new terms at all; these terms are adopted as primitives. The (...)
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    The changing landscape of higher education internationalisation – for better or worse?Jane Knight - 2013 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 17 (3):84-90.
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    Changes in U.s. Men's attitudes toward the family provider role, 1972-1989.Jane Riblett Wilkie - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (2):261-279.
    This article examines changes in men's attitudes toward the family provider role using data from the National Opinion Research Center, General Social Surveys for 1972 through 1989. Men's attitudes have become more egalitarian over this period; however, men approve more of sharing provider-role enactment than of sharing provider-role responsibility. Cohort succession was a more important source of change than change within cohorts. Differences among men in attitudes toward the provider role were associated with differences in men's provider-role experiences, although there (...)
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    The Promise, the Challenge, of Everyday Aesthetics.Jane Forsey - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):5-21.
    This paper provides a critical assessment of two diverse methodological approaches in the contemporary movement of Everyday Aesthetics. The “weak formulation” asserts that ordinary objects are best understood on the model of fine art. I counter this claim with a distinction between aesthetic and artistic value. The “strong formulation” develops an ethical-existential theory of the everyday as one of belonging and familiarity which nevertheless causes us to lose what is uniquely aesthetic about our ordinary lives. I strive to find a (...)
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  17.  6
    Distributive justice and value trade-offs in antibiotic use in aged care settings.Jane Williams, Sittichoke Chawraingern & Chris Degeling - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):41-50.
    Residential aged care facilities (RACF) are sites of high antibiotic use in Australia. Misuse of antimicrobial drugs in RACF contributes to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) burdens that accrue to individuals and the wider public, now and in the future. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices in RACF, e.g. requiring conformation of infection, are designed to minimise inappropriate use of antibiotics. We conducted dialogue groups with 46 participants with a parent receiving aged care to better understand families’ perspectives on antibiotics and care in RACF. (...)
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  18.  30
    The complexity principle and the morphosyntactic alternation between case affixes and postpositions in Estonian.Jane Klavan & Ole Schützler - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (2):297-331.
    This paper investigates three morphosyntactic alternations in Estonian – those between the exterior locative cases allative, adessive and ablative and the corresponding postpositionspeale‘onto’,peal‘on’ andpealt‘off’. Based on the Complexity Principle (e.g., Rohdenburg, Günter. 2002. Processing complexity and the variable use of prepositions in English. In Hubert Cuyckens & Günter Radden (eds.),Perspectives on prepositions, 79–100. Tübingen: Niemeyer), we expect cognitively more complex constructions to use more explicit (i.e., morphologically more substantial) marking by means of a postposition. Further, we expect variation to be (...)
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  19.  32
    A peaceful revenge: achieving structural and agential transformation in a South African context using cognitive justice and emancipatory social learning.Jane Burt, Anna James & Leigh Price - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (5):492-513.
    ABSTRACTThis is an account of the emancipatory struggle that faces agents who seek to change the oppressive social structures associated with neo-liberalism. We begin by ‘digging amongst the bones’ of the calls for resistance that have been declared dead or assimilated/co-opted by neoliberal theorists. This leads us to unearth, then utilize, Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Steve Biko’s Black Consciousness and Shiv Visvanathan's ideas; which are examples of Roy Bhaskar’s transformative dialectic. We argue, using examples, that cognitive justice – (...)
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    Partial interpretation and meaning change.Jane English - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (2):57-76.
  21. Moving Forward with a Clear Conscience: A Model Conscientious Objection Policy for Canadian Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.Jocelyn Downie, Carolyn McLeod & Jacquelyn Shaw - 2013 - Health Law Review 21 (3):28-32.
    A model policy for conscientious objection in medicine.
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  22.  36
    Vigilance, arousal, and habituation.Jane F. Mackworth - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (4):308-322.
  23.  46
    Seeing Elephants: The Myths of Phallotechnology.Jane Caputi - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (3):487.
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    Books for Beginners.Jane O’Grady - 1996 - Philosophy Now 16:36-38.
  25.  43
    Who Is a Sikh? The Problem of Sikh Identity.T. N. Madan & W. H. McLeod - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):418.
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    “Not all Differences are Created Equal”: Multiple Jeopardy in a Gendered Organization.Jane Ward - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (1):82-102.
    The dictate in feminist intersectional theory to not “count oppressions” is difficult to reconcile with the experience of many lesbians of color that “not all differences are created equal” inside social movement organizations. Meso-level factors, such as organizational structure and sociopolitical environment, may result in the perception of individuals or groups that one form of structural inequality is more oppressive than others. The author focuses on the experiences of lesbian staff and clients at Bienestar, a large Latino health organization in (...)
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  27. The Conflict between Nurturance and Autonomy in Mother-Daughter Relationships and within Feminism.Jane Flax - 1978 - Feminist Studies 4 (2):171.
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    Selected Writings of Thomas Paine.Ian Shapiro & Jane E. Calvert (eds.) - 2014 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    A central figure in Western history and American political thought, Thomas Paine continues to provoke debate among politicians, activists, and scholars. People of all ideological stripes are inspired by his trenchant defense of the rights and good sense of ordinary individuals, and his penetrating critiques of arbitrary power. This volume contains Paine’s explosive _Common Sense_ in its entirety, including the oft-ignored Appendix, as well as selections from his other major writings: _The American Crisis_, _Rights of Man,_ and _The Age of (...)
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    Research Participants' Views on Ethics in Social Research: Issues for Research Ethics Committees.Jane Lewis & Jenny Graham - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (3):73-79.
    The study reported in this paper explored the ethical requirements of social research participants, an area where there is still little empirical research, by interviewing people who had participated in one of five recent social research studies. The findings endorse the conceptualization of informed consent as a process rather than a one-off event. Four different dynamics of decision-making were followed by participants in terms of the timing of decisions to participate and the information on which they were based. Multiple information (...)
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    How consumers use mandatory genetic engineering (GE) labels: evidence from Vermont.Jane Kolodinsky, Sean Morris & Orest Pazuniak - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (1):117-125.
    Food labels legislated by the U.S. government have been designed to provide information to consumers. It has been asserted that the simple disclosures “produced using genetic engineering” on newly legislated U.S. food labels will send a signal that influences individual preferences rather than providing information. Vermont is the only US state to have experienced mandatory labeling of foods produced using genetic engineering via simple disclosures. Using a representative sample of adults who experienced Vermont’s mandatory GE labeling policy, we examined whether (...)
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  31. Matthew: The Teacher's Gospel.Paul S. Minear & Jane Schaberg - 1982
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    Logical Argument Structures in Decision-making.Jane Macoubrie - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (3):291-313.
    Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's practical reasoning theory has attracted a great deal of interest since its publication in 1969. Their most important assertion, however, that argument is the logical basis for practical decision-making, has been under-utilized, primarily because it was not sufficiently operationalized for research purposes. This essay presents an operationalization of practical reasoning for use in analyzing argument logics that emerge through group interaction. Particular elements of discourse and argument are identified as responding to principles put forward by Perelman and (...)
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    Choice in Fertility Preservation in Girls and Adolescent Women with Cancer.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod - 2006 - Cancer 107 (S7):1686-1689.
    With the cure rate for many pediatric malignancies now between 70% and 90%, infertility becomes an increasingly important issue. Strategies for preserving fertility in girls and adolescent women occur in two distinct phases. The first phase includes oophorectomy and cryopreservation of ovarian cortex slices or individual oocytes; ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of oocytes, with or without in vitro maturation, followed by cryopreservation; and ovarian autografting to a distant site. The second phase occurs if the woman chooses to pursue pregnancy, and includes (...)
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    Fregean Descriptivism.Ian H. Dunbar & Stephen K. McLeod - 2020 - In Heimir Geirsson & Stephen Biggs, The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference. New York: Routledge. pp. 41–52.
    We begin by setting out the posision dubbed 'Fregean descriptivism', that Kripke attributed to Frege. We then set out various descriptivist theses. We proced to argue that Kripke’s interpretation of Frege as a reference-fixing descriptivist stems from his ascription of two other views, each logically weaker than reference-fixing descriptivism itself, to Frege. These are sense descriptivism and the view that sense fixes reference. The meaning descriptivism and the reference-fixing descriptivism of Kripke’s Frege have sense descriptivism as their common, logically weaker, (...)
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    The Ethics of Isolation for Patients With Tuberculosis in Australia.Jane Carroll - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):153-155.
    This case study examines the ethical dimensions of isolation for patients diagnosed with tuberculosis in Australia. It seeks to explore the issues of resource allocation, liberty, and public safety for wider consideration and discussion.
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    Did Wittgenstein Have a Theory of Hinge Propositions?Deborah Jane Orr - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (2):134-153.
  37.  19
    Oracles in the Dionysiaca.Jane Lightfoot - 2014 - In Konstantinos Spanoudakis, Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 39-54.
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    Review Article: Callimachus.Jane L. Lightfoot - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:147-157.
    This paper discusses a new edition of Callimachus' Aitia by Annette Harder and a monograph, Callimachus in Context, by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes and Susan Stephens. A focus is common to both works, the edition no less than the monograph, which tackles the poem on what Harder calls the micro-, macro- and meso-levels, in order, not only to establish readings, explicate Realien and clarify detail, but also to explore literary techniques, structure and the degree to which the poem reflects the society and (...)
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  39. Breath, blood, and the spirit of God : the kenotic cost of giving life.Jane E. Linahan - 2010 - In Philip J. Rossi, God, Grace, and Creation. Orbis Books.
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    Case study: working with sexual abuse in East Jerusalem.Jane Lindsay, Mahmoud Baidoun & David N. Jones - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (3):298-305.
  41. January 4, 2009 Bioethics Bioethics Case Analysis.Jane I. Maddox - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Horned Lizards.Jane Manaster - 2002 - Texas Tech University Press.
    Jane Manaster has written this book for a general audience, but she discusses all aspects of the lizards’ biology as well as the horned lizard’s place in the culture of the West.
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    Education: Implementing the ‘GPEP report’.Hilliard Jason & Jane Westberg - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (2):84-85.
    In the April, 1985 issue of Bio Essays, F. Vella presented an evaluation of the recent GPEP report, concerning medical school education in the United States. Here, Hilliard Jason and Jane Westberg present an additional discussion of the issues.
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  44. Determining the limits of justified paternalism: is maximizing autonomy the key?Jane Wilson - 2010 - In Matti Häyry, Tuija Takala, Peter Herissone-Kelly & Gardar Árnason, Arguments and Analysis in Bioethics. Amsterdam: Brill | Rodopi.
  45.  19
    Des mots et des lieux: La dynamique du discours géographique. Vincent Berdoulay.Jane Camerini - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):805-806.
  46.  39
    Changing Perspectives on Wildlife in Southern Africa, C.1840 to C.1914.Jane Carruthers - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (3):183-200.
    This article analyzes how a number of writers in English articulated their attitudes toward southern Africa's indigenous mammal megafauna from c.1840 to just before the First World War. In changing contexts of declining wild animal numbers, it examines how attitudes and the expression of those attitudes—together with developments in biology—altered with the modernization of government and the economy. To some extent, it also explores the human and other values placed on certain species of animals, including ideas about extinction, notions of (...)
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  47. Business Ethics in China: A Systemic Perspective.Jane Collier - 2006 - In Xiaohe Lu & Georges Enderle, Developing business ethics in China. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 78.
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    The Ancient Near East in the Walters Art Gallery.Jane C. Waldbaum & Jeanny Vorys Canby - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):434.
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    Nurses, Gender and Sexuality.Jane Warner - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (2):106-107.
  50. Ingesting Jesus: Eating and Drinking In the Gospel of John.Jane S. Webster - 2003
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