Results for 'Jan Tarnas'

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    Recenzja monografii „Gender. Spojrzenie krytyczne”.Jan Tarnas - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 24 (1):184-191.
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  2. The Epistemic Condition.Jan Willem Wieland - 2017 - In Philip Robichaud & Jan Wieland, Responsibility - The Epistemic Condition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This introduction provides an overview of the current state of the debate on the epistemic condition of moral responsibility. In sect. 1, we discuss the main concepts ‘ignorance’ and ‘responsibility’. In sect. 2, we ask why agents should inform themselves. In sect. 3, we describe what we take to be the core agreement among main participants in the debate. In sect. 4, we explain how this agreement invites a regress argument with a revisionist implication. In sect. 5, we provide an (...)
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    The moral brain: essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality.Jan Verplaetse (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    Scientists no longer accept the existence of a distinct moral organ as phrenologists once did. A generation of young neurologists is using advanced technological medical equipment to unravel specific brain processes enabling moral cognition. In addition, evolutionary psychologists have formulated hypotheses about the origins and nature of our moral architecture. Little by little, the concept of a ‘moral brain’ is reinstated. As the crossover between disciplines focusing on moral cognition was rather limited up to now, this book aims at filling (...)
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  4. Brentanian Motives in Kazimierz Twardowski and His Students.Jan Woleński - 2017 - In Jan Woleński, Friedrich Stadler & Anna Brożek, The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  5. Husserl and the development of semantics.Jan Wolenski - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (4):151-158.
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    Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter.Jan Pinborg - 1985 - Aschendorff.
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  7. Naturalism and the Genesis of Logic.Jan Woleński - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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    Is a planet happier than a star? Cosmopolitanism in Plutarch's On Exile.Jan Opsomer - 2002 - In Philip Stadter & Luc Van der Stockt, Sage and Emperor. Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 A.D. Leuven University Press.
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  9. La philosophie analytique polonaise.Jan J. Ostrowski & Jean J. Ostrowski - 1971 - Archives de Philosophie 34:673-676.
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  10. The Reconstruction of Religion. Lessing, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.Jan-Olav Henriksen - 2002 - Ars Disputandi 2.
  11. Zum Begriff der Intentio Secunda, Radulphus Brito, Hervaeus Natalis und Petrus Aureoli in Discussion.Jan Pinborg - 1974 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 13:49-59.
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    Evropa a doba poevropská.Jan Patočka - 1992
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    Godel, Tarski and Truth.Jan Wolenski - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:459-490.
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  14. Intermezzo 7 : on dialogue.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser, Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  15. Intermezzo 15 : reverence for life, whatever its manifestations.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser, Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  16. Intermezzo 1 : the missing piece.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser, Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Encyklika Fides et ratio a świat współczesny.Jan Wadowski - 2010 - Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
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  18. On Rational Justification of the State.Jan Wilbanks - 1978 - Reason Papers 4:69-82.
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  19. Robert Boyle and the Limits of Reason: A Study in the Relationship Between Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England.Jan W. Wojcik - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Kentucky
    When Robert Boyle returned from his studies abroad in 1644, he found an England splintered into religious sects, each claiming to have attained a uniquely true understanding of the Christian religion. While trying to formulate an appropriate response to these various claims to truth, Boyle first expressed his views on the limits of human understanding. ;The members of one of these sects, the Socinians, claimed, specifically, that human reason is the criterion against which alternative and conflicting interpretations of disputed scriptural (...)
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  20. Tadeusz Kotarbiński and the Lvov-Warsaw School.Jan Woleński - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (1):14-24.
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  21. Michael Quante: Person.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2007 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (4):343.
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  22. On the relation of psychiatric disorder and neural defect.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5 (40).
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  23. Willenlos: Der Willensbegriff zwischen antiker Moralpsychologie und modernen Neurowissenschaften.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2017 - Münster, Deutschland: Mentis.
    Dieses Buch nimmt eine umfangreiche Erörterung des Willensbegriffs vor. Es beschreibt ausführlich die ideengeschichtlichen Entwicklungslinien verschiedener Willenskonzepte seit der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Dabei liegt der Fokus darauf, ob eine Epoche überhaupt einen Willensbegriff hatte,und wozu sie ihn verwendete. Die Darstellung ist wesentlich einer systematischen Perspektive verpflichtet, die historische Entwicklungsstränge als Kontrastfolie nutzt, um gegenwärtige Willensansätze argumentativ zu diskutieren. Der ideengeschichtlich-systematische Überblick über verschiedene Willenskonzepte mündet in einer Präzisierung und Klärung, sowie letztlich einer Kritik der aktuellen Debatte um die (...)
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    Działalność pedagogiczna Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Jan Hellwig - 1978 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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    Crisis and change: religion, ethics and theology under late modern conditions.Jan-Olav Henriksen & Tage Kurtén (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    A common basis for the project on which this volume is based is that one cannot understand religion and ethics without paying attention to the different contexts in, and by means of which, these cultural elements are expressed. This approach makes both religion and ethics liquid, and allows us to see them as based on specific contingencies rather than as expressions of some essential features. The changing societal and cultural conditions in late modern Western societies pose new challenges for established (...)
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  26. God, semiosis and experience.Jan-Olav Henriksen - 2016 - In Asle Eikrem & Atle Ottesen Søvik, Talking seriously about God: philosophy of religion in the dispute between theism and atheism. Wien: Lit.
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    Relational humanism.Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr - 2011 - In John W. De Gruchy, The Humanist Imperative in South Africa. African Sun Media. pp. 181.
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    Slutet på filmen: o.s.v.Jan Holmberg - 2011 - Göteborg: Daidalos.
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  29. What are computers good for in school?Jan Holmqvist - unknown
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  30. In Search of the Truth. Academic Tendencies in Middle Platonism.Jan Opsomer - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):586-586.
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    Negativní platonismus.Jan Patočka - 1990 - Praha: Československý spisovatel.
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  32. Twentieth Lecture: Personal Spatiality, Husserl, Heidegger.Jan Patocka - 2003 - Kainós 3.
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    Etyka a życie publiczne: materiały VIII Jagiellońskiego Sympozjum Etycznego, Kraków, 7-8 czerwca 1996.Jan Pawlica (ed.) - 1997 - Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Konflikty moralne (Problematyka teoretyczna i praktyczna).Jan Pawlica - 1972 - [Państwowe Wydawn.: Naukowe, Oddz.w Krakowie].
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  35. “Now Will You Be Good?”: Lovecraft, Teetotalism, and Philosophy.Jan B. W. Pedersen - 2019 - Lovecraft Annual 13:119-144.
    Lovecraft’s teetotalism is well known among Lovecraftians, but the lengths to which he went to incorporate his views and how he sought to influence the people around him via his various writing remain relatively unexplored. This essay focuses on Lovecraft’s teetotalism and opens with a brief sketch of the historical background from which his dry outlook emerged. It continues by providing evidence for Love- craft’s advocacy of abstinence and Prohibition from a variety of sources, including biographical material, philosophical essays, letters, (...)
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  36. You Haven't Done Anything.Jan B. W. Pedersen - 2021 - Hippocampus.
    I joined Trevelyan College (Trevs), Durham University in 2011 as a mature student under former professor and principle of the college Martyn Evans. It was to be the beginning of a transformative journey culminating in my doctoral thesis: Balanced Wonder: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Role of Wonder in Human Flourishing. -/- In 2020 Trevs kindly asked me to contribute to the Alumni Magazine Hippocampus and in particular to the ‘Where Are They Now’ section. -/- “You Haven’t Done Anything” is (...)
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    Filozofie jazyka v díle K. Marxe a B. Engelse.Jan Petr & Ceskoslovenská Akademie Ved - 1980 - Praha: Academia.
  38. Semiotiek van het beeld: in het bijzonder van de film.Jan Marie Lambert Peters - 1978 - Leuven: Centrum voor Communicatiewetenschappen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
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    Historyczne i współczesne kierunki w filozofii matematyki [recenzja] Roman Murawski, Filozofia matematyki, 1995.Jan Pikul - 1996 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 18.
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  40. (1 other version)Addenda to ‘The Sophismata of Radulphus Brito’.Jan Pinborg - 1973 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 10:47-47.
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    Medieval semantics: selected studies on medieval logic and grammar.Jan Pinborg - 1984 - London: Variorum Reprints. Edited by Sten Ebbesen.
  42. The Ms. Bruxelles, B. Royale 3540-47, Radulphus Brito and the Sophistici Elenchi.Jan Pinborg - 1973 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 10:45-47.
  43. Niespójna laurka ku czci.Jan Pleszczyński - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):166-168.
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  44. Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2.Jan Plug (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford University Press.
    Completing the translation of Derrida's monumental work _Right to Philosophy_, _Eyes of the University_ brings together many of the philosopher's most important texts on the university and, more broadly, on the languages and institutions of philosophy. In addition to considerations of the implications for literature and philosophy of French becoming a state language, of Descartes' writing of the _Discourse on Method_ in French, and of Kant's and Schelling's philosophies of the university, the volume reflects on the current state of research (...)
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  45. Opus Artis Logicae.Jan Pinborg - 1982 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 42:151-164.
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  46. Radulphus Brito on Universals.Jan Pinborg - 1980 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 35:56-142.
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  47. El Movimiento De La Existencia Humana.Jan Patocka - 2004 - Revista Agustiniana 45:470-472.
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  48. Logic, Semantics and Realism.Jan Woleński - 2004 - In [no title]. Editions le Fennec. pp. 135-148.
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  49. The Story of the German Translation of Tarski’s Book on Truth.Jan Woleński - 2017 - In Stefano Gattei & Nimrod Bar-Am, Encouraging Openness: Essays for Joseph Agassi on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  50. Gegebensein und Deutung. Theodor W. Adornos frühe Benjamin-Rezeption in "Die Aktualität der Philosophie" (1931).Jan Urbich - 2016 - In Jörg Zimmer, Studien zur frühen Rezeption Walter Benjamins. Köln: Dinter.
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