“Now Will You Be Good?”: Lovecraft, Teetotalism, and Philosophy
Lovecraft’s teetotalism is well known among Lovecraftians, but the lengths to which he went to
incorporate his views and how he sought to influence the people around him via his various writing
remain relatively unexplored. This essay focuses on Lovecraft’s teetotalism and opens with a brief sketch of the historical background from which his dry outlook emerged. It continues by providing evidence for Love-
craft’s advocacy of abstinence and Prohibition from a variety of sources, including biographical material, philosophical essays, letters, poetry, and fiction, with a view to showing how he communicated his dry philosophy and how it softened as he advanced into middle age. The essay ends by arguing that although there can be no doubt that Lovecraft was a teetotaler par excellence, his later softened position is more balanced and rooted partly in the realization of his own idiosyncrasy and anachronism.