Results for 'Jan Kraj'

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  1.  18
    Dual weak pigeonhole principle, pseudo-surjective functions, and provability of circuit lower bounds.Jan Kraj�?Ek - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):265-286.
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    Approximate Euler characteristic, dimension, and weak pigeonhole principles.Jan Kraj�?Ek - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):201-214.
  3.  18
    On the number of steps in proofs.Jan Kraj\mIček - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 41 (2):153-178.
    In this paper we prove some results about the complexity of proofs. We consider proofs in Hilbert-style formal systems such as in [17]. Thus a proof is a sequence offormulas satisfying certain conditions. We can view the formulas as being strings of symbols; hence the whole proof is a string too. We consider the following measures of complexity of proofs: length , depth and number of steps For a particular formal system and a given formula A we consider the shortest (...)
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
  5.  70
    Do we understand the intervention? What complex intervention research can teach us for the evaluation of clinical ethics support services.Jan Schildmann, Stephan Nadolny, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Marjolein Gysels, Jochen Vollmann & Claudia Bausewein - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):48.
    Evaluating clinical ethics support services has been hailed as important research task. At the same time, there is considerable debate about how to evaluate CESS appropriately. The criticism, which has been aired, refers to normative as well as empirical aspects of evaluating CESS. In this paper, we argue that a first necessary step for progress is to better understand the intervention in CESS. Tools of complex intervention research methodology may provide relevant means in this respect. In a first step, we (...)
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    Participation and Degrees.Jan Willem Wieland - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):39-56.
    What's wrong with joining corona parties? In this article, I defend the idea that reasons to avoid such parties come in degrees. I approach this issue from a participation-based perspective. Specifically, I argue that the more people are already joining the party, and the more likely it is that the virus will spread among everyone, the stronger the participation-based reason not to join. In defense of these degrees, I argue that they covary with the expression of certain attitudes.
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    Przyroda południowoafrykańska w relacjach Polaków.Arkadiusz Żukowski - 1994 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo:165-175.
    Ukazano relacje Polaków dotyczące przyrody południowoafrykańskiej z perspektywy ponad 400 lat. Afryka Południowa, praktycznie do naszych czasów, jawiła się im zawsze jako kraj nie tylko bardzo odległy, ale też egzotyczny i interesujący. Determinowało to w poważnym stopniu charakter relacji. Podkreślały one przede wszystkim różnorodność i bogactwo przyrody południowoafrykańskiej. Przyrodę południowoafrykańską postrzegano również przez pryzmat wielkich możliwości łowieckich. Wielu Polaków odwiedzających Afrykę Południową wyrażało zdziwienie z obecności w tym kraju dwóch wykluczających się w zasadzie światów – nietkniętej przyrody i cywilizacji (...)
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  8. Pacifism: A philosophical analysis.Jan Narveson - 1965 - Ethics 75 (4):259-271.
    Of all the attitudes and theories associated with or identified as "pacifism," only the doctrine that everyone ought not to resist violence with force is of philosophical interest, And it is logically incoherent. Pacifism's popularity rests on confusions about what the doctrine really is. If we have rights, We have the right to prevent infringements upon them. We have the right to use force to protect our rights, And in the degree necessary to accomplish that end. (staff).
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  9. An Interpretation of Weights in Linear Opinion Pooling.Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2024 - Episteme 21 (1):19-33.
    This paper explores the fact that linear opinion pooling can be represented as a Bayesian update on the opinions of others. It uses this fact to propose a new interpretation of the pooling weights. Relative to certain modelling assumptions the weights can be equated with the so-called truth-conduciveness known from the context of Condorcet's jury theorem. This suggests a novel way to elicit the weights.
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    The Early Axiomatizations of Quantum Mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the Continuation of Hilbert's Program.Jan Lacki - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):279-318.
    Hilbert's axiomatization program of physical theories met an interesting challenge when it confronted the rise of quantum mechanics in the mid-twenties. The novelty of the mathematical apparatus of the then newly born theory was to be matched only by its substantial lack of any definite physical interpretation. The early attempts at axiomatization, which are described here, reflect all the difficulty of the task faced by Jordan, Hilbert, von Neumann and others. The role of von Neumann is examined in considerable detail (...)
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    Επιβολη τησ διανοιασ: Reflections on the fourth epicurean criterion of truth.Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):601-616.
    This paper discusses ἐπιβολαὶ τῆς διανοίας, which later Epicureans are supposed to have elevated to a fourth criterion of truth to complement perceptions, preconceptions and feelings. By examining Epicurus’ extant writings, the paper distinguishes three different senses of the term: ‘thought in general’, ‘act of attention’ and ‘mental perception’. It is argued that only the sense ‘mental perception’ yields a plausible reading of ἐπιβολαί as a criterion of truth. The paper then turns to the textual evidence on ἐπιβολαί in later (...)
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  12.  24
    Unendliches Bewusstsein: Berkeleys Idealismus und dessen kritische Weiterentwicklung bei Kant und Schopenhauer.Jan Kerkmann - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Die leitende These der Untersuchung lautet, dass der von Berkeley inaugurierte und uneingeschränkt verteidigte Idealismus bei Kant und Schopenhauer eine spannungsreiche Bewegung der Problematisierung und Kritik freisetzt. In der bisherigen Forschung wurden die Positionen George Berkeleys, Immanuel Kants und Arthur Schopenhauers noch nicht systematisch miteinander verglichen. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Idealismus erstmals anhand dieser drei Referenzautoren zu dokumentieren, bildet das zentrale Thema der Untersuchung, das die detaillierten Einzeluntersuchungen organisch verbindet. Darüber hinaus ist es ein eminentes Beweisziel der vorliegenden Monographie, Berkeley als (...)
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    Lvov-warsaw school.Jan Woleński - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  14. Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance.Jan Dejnožka - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (2):289-294.
  15. Strong and Weak Regress Arguments.Jan Willem Wieland - 2013 - Logique and Analyse 224:439-461.
    In the literature, regress arguments often take one of two different forms: either they conclude that a given solution fails to solve any problem of a certain kind (the strong conclusion), or they conclude that a given solution fails to solve all problems of a certain kind (the weaker conclusion). This gives rise to a logical problem: do regresses entail the strong or the weaker conclusion, or none? In this paper I demonstrate that regress arguments can in fact take both (...)
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    Could Machines Replace Human Scientists? Digitalization and Scientific Discoveries.Jan G. Michel - 2020 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten (eds.), Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences. pp. 361–376.
    The focus of this article is a question that has been neglected in debates about digitalization: Could machines replace human scientists? To provide an intelligible answer to it, we need to answer a further question: What is it that makes (or constitutes) a scientist? I offer an answer to this question by proposing a new demarcation criterion for science which I call “the discoverability criterion”. I proceed as follows: (1) I explain why the target question of this article is important, (...)
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  17. The promises and perils of non-invasive brain stimulation.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2012 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 35:121-129.
    Non-invasive brain stimulation promises innovative experimental possibilities for psychology and neurosci- ence as well as new therapeutic and palliative measures in medicine. Because of its good risk–benefit ratio, non-invasiveness and reversibility as well as its low effort and cost it has good chances of becoming a wide- spread tool in science, medicine and even in lay use. While most issues in medical and research ethics such as informed consent, safety, and potential for misuse can be handled with manageable effort, the (...)
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  18.  21
    Derrida and/to Žižek on the Spectral Victim of Human Rights in Anil’s Ghost.Jan Gresil de los Santos Kahambing - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (3).
    There is a wide spectrum in reading Michael Ondaatje’s novel Anil’s Ghost, ranging from thinkers who explore literary, historical, to ethico-ontological and political aspects. I confine the study by strictly retrieving the subjectivity of the human rights victim as not rested in its being a subject and victim, hence as a specter that haunts or ‘retaliates’ into exposing its victimization. This article attempts to read the spectral nature of this victim using Derrida and Žižek. The Derridean reading grounds the central (...)
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  19.  30
    Bolzano's logic.Jan Sebestik - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  20. Aesthetic Normativity and Realism.Jan Hrkut - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (5):353-361.
  21. Po metafizyce o metafizyce i realizmie świata stanowionego.Jan P. Hudzik - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:21-44.
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    Individual attitude change and societal dynamics: Computational experiments with psychological theories.Jan Lorenz, Martin Neumann & Tobias Schröder - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):623-642.
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  23. Maccoll On Modalities.Jan Woleński - 1998 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 3:133-140.
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  24. Becoming through technology.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen - 2009 - In Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen, Evan Selinger & Søren Riis (eds.), New waves in philosophy of technology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Experienced time is real time, the only time we know anything about and how we can go about to make it a scientific measure of natural processes.
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    The relativized Lascar groups, type-amalgamation, and algebraicity.Jan Dobrowolski, Byunghan Kim, Alexei Kolesnikov & Junguk Lee - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):531-557.
    In this paper we study the relativized Lascar Galois group of a strong type. The group is a quasi-compact connected topological group, and if in addition the underlying theory T is G-compact, then the group is compact. We apply compact group theory to obtain model theoretic results in this note. -/- For example, we use the divisibility of the Lascar group of a strong type to show that, in a simple theory, such types have a certain model theoretic property that (...)
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  26. Doxa and Epistêmê as Modes of Acquaintance in Republic V.Jan Szaif - 2007 - Les Études Platoniciennes. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 4:253-272.
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    Can education still be critical?Jan Masschelein - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 34 (4):603–616.
    The article investigates how two different conceptions of the edifying potential of education attempt to take into account the normative dimension of scientific knowledge. In the first conception it is the demand for truth that is edifying, whereas in the second concept it is a distinctively ethical demand. It is argued that the first concept in the end implies the subjection of education to the ‘brutality of facticity’, under which it risks losing its critical point. The second conception, drawing on (...)
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    In search of the truth: academic tendencies in middle platonism.Jan Opsomer - 1998 - Brussel: Paleis der Academiën Hertogsstraat I.
  29. The Right to Resist in the Approach of Samuel Pufendorf's De iure naturae et gentium and De officio hominis et civis.Jan Dobelmann - 2020 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosophie 106 (4):487-508.
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  30. Arystotelesowska.Jan Bigaj - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 43 (3):41-53.
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    Causal explanations - how to generate, identify, and evaluate them.Jan Borner - 2023 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The main goal of this dissertation is to provide a solid foundation for a formalization of Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE). This foundation consists of three major components. First, an intuitively adequate and formally precise model of causal explanation. Secondly, an intuitively adequate and formally precise measure of (causal) explanatory power. And third, an intuitively adequate and formally precise criterion of proportionality that is able to identify the most appropriate level of specificity for a causal explanation. While the first (...)
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  32. Posthuman sexlessness in cloning, Pokémon, and Nietzschean ethics.Jan Gresil S. Kahambing - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (2):47-50.
    An inquiry into the bioethical or ethical component of post-humanism can be through the question of sex. Following from Manoj’s idea of a cyborg as having a “sexless” possibility, this paper presents other arguments that advance the possibility of asexuality in the posthuman. First, I begin with a discussion of Žižek’s point concerning the cessation or voiding of sexual difference. Second, I will continue such an argument through the selfreplicating possibilities of cloning and full cyberspace immersion, the later as prototyped (...)
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    Distance to the Neutral Face Predicts Arousal Ratings of Dynamic Facial Expressions in Individuals With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.Jan N. Schneider, Timothy R. Brick & Isabel Dziobek - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Arousal is one of the dimensions of core affect and frequently used to describe experienced or observed emotional states. While arousal ratings of facial expressions are collected in many studies it is not well understood how arousal is displayed in or interpreted from facial expressions. In the context of socioemotional disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, this poses the question of a differential use of facial information for arousal perception. In this study, we demonstrate how automated face-tracking tools can be (...)
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    Time and mind: the history of a philosophical problem.Jan Johann Albinn Mooij - 2005 - Boston: Brill.
    This book deals with the history of the problem whether or not time can fully exist without the mind. This has been a vital issue in the philosophy of time, with intriguing arguments and solutions, from Aristotle to the present.
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  35. Reflections on the divine Sophia.Jan Jasion - forthcoming - Dialogue and Universalism.
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  36. Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics.Jan C. Joerden & Joachim Hruschka (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: Duncker & Humblodt.
    Die nicht erst seit dem Herbst 2015 andauernden Migrationsbewegungen nach Europa und auch innerhalb Europas lassen es angeraten erscheinen, den damit aufgeworfenen ethischen und rechtlichen Fragen auch in einem Themenschwerpunkt des Jahrbuchs näher nachzugehen. Der vorliegende Band stellt dabei in einem ersten Teil die rechtsethischen Grundfragen der Migration zur Diskussion. In einem zweiten Teil werden demgegenüber rechtliche Spezialfragen der Migration untersucht. Das Jahrbuch enthält wieder ein »Diskussionsforum«, in dem in diesem Jahr Fragen des Zusammenspiels von logischer Analyse und juristischer Argumentation (...)
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  37. Common law thinking in German jurisprudence : on Alexy's principles theory.Jan Henrik Klement - 2012 - In Matthias Klatt (ed.), Institutionalized reason: the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. " Życie wasze, to cień cienia": Edyp, czyli wiedza tragiczna.Jan Andrzej Kłoczowski - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42:73-91.
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  39. Reconciliation and Liberation.Jan Milič Lochman & David Lewis - 1980
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    The Implicit Theology of the Lord’s Prayer: A Biblical and Theological Investigation.Jan Muis - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Fortress Academic. Edited by Allan J. Janssen.
    This book interprets and reflects on the conception of God that is implied by the Lord’s Prayer. It explains the epistemic status and ontological implications of the Christian faith in God and proposes a non-essentialist account of central identity-defining attributes of God.
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  41. Naturalism and the Genesis of Logic.Jan Woleński - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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    Doing collectivity: Eine praxeologische Annäherung an Kollektivität.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (1):79-114.
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    Menschenwürde und Medizin: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch.Jan C. Joerden, Eric Hilgendorf & Felix Thiele (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  44. Self and Others.Jan Osterberg - 1991 - Ethics 101 (3):645-647.
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    Determining and Modifying Attributes.Jan Claas & Benjamin Schnieder - 2019 - In Giuliano Bacigalupo & Hélène Leblanc (eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave. pp. 59-96.
    This paper investigates the distinction between determining and modifying expressions that played an important role in the Brentano School. The focus lies on how the distinction is applied to adjectives by Anton Marty and Kazimierz Twardowski. In ‘heavy gun’, ‘heavy’ plays a determining role: heavy guns are guns; in ‘fake gun’, ‘fake’ plays a modifying role: fake guns are no guns at all. According to Marty and Twardowski, when a modifying adjective is combined with a noun, it shifts the meaning (...)
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  46. O filozofji.Jan Śniadecki - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2:201-211.
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    Neoliberalism and Post-Truth: Expertise and the Market Model.Jan Strassheim - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):107-124.
    Contrary to widespread assumptions, post-truth politicians formally adopt a rhetoric of ‘truth’ but turn it against established experts. To explain one central factor behind this destructive strategy and its success with voters, I consider Walter Lippmann and Friedrich Hayek, who from 1922 onwards helped develop and popularize a political rhetoric of ‘truth’ in terms of scientific expertise. In Hayek’s influential version, market economics became the crucial expert field. Consequently, the 2008 financial crisis impacted attitudes towards experts more generally. But even (...)
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  48. Husserl and the development of semantics.Jan Wolenski - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (4):151-158.
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  49. Uppsala,cz.3.Jan Guranowski - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (2):114-118.
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  50.  26
    The Question of Competence in Medical Life.Jan Hartman - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 5:13-18.
    In the present world, where the sphere of knowledge and social relations have become extremely complex, the problem of insufficient competency and inability to manage efficiently the accumulation and distribution process of various professional skills, has grown very urgent. Paradoxically, the insufficient knowledge,lacking skill or competence may be advantageous. To a certain extent, it reduces the threat of arrogant technocracy and meritocracy, while supporting innovation and creative search process, in which the burden of excessive erudition has often slowed down progress. (...)
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