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James E. Roper [10]James Roper [2]
  1.  71
    Measuring measuring rods.John C. Graves & James E. Roper - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (1):39-56.
    In this paper, we show that a restricted form of time travel both accords with special relativity kinematics and avoids several prima facie objections. We argue that such time travel provides a reasonable way to interpret certain phenomena which can readily be described, and the analogues of which have already been observed at the level of elementary particle reactions. We then describe how a time-traveling object could measure itself, and demonstrate how, in the appropriate circumstances, such an experiment could convince (...)
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    Models and lawlikeness.James E. Roper - 1982 - Synthese 52 (2):313 - 323.
    Do analogical models ever play an essential role in scientific explanation and confirmation, or is their role (at most) heuristic? For many years scientists and philosophers have debated this question. I argue that such models may sometimes play an essential role. My argument is based on a proposal to augment Goodman''s theory of projection in order to make it easier for novel predicates (extensions) to acquire entrenchment. The heart of this proposal is the claim that analogical models may, under certain (...)
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    Anything confirms anything?Herbert E. Hendry & James E. Roper - 1980 - Synthese 45 (2):217 - 232.
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    Dimensions of informal logic.James E. Roper - 2011 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
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  5.  25
    Introduction to Vol. 6, No. 2.James E. Roper - 2005 - Essays in Philosophy 6 (2):342-346.
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  6. probability And Risk Assessment: Taking A Chance On 'terrorism'.James Roper - 2002 - Florida Philosophical Review 2 (2):23-44.
    Beginning with an analysis of the "reluctant gambler problem"—in which the notion of guiding one's life by probability seems to conflict with the preferences of rational people—we draw a distinction between rule and act probabilism. Arguing that humans are rule probabilists by default, we show that reluctant gamblers can be viewed as rule probabilists. If so viewed, their reluctance to gamble is consistent with their rational use of probability judgments to guide their lives.The distinction between rule and act probabilism suggests (...)
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  7. values As A Political Metaframe.James Roper - 2007 - Florida Philosophical Review 7 (1):51-77.
    On the assumptions that omniscience is knowledge of all facts and that knowledge is some species of non-accidentally true belief, I construct an argument that no being is omniscient. Any omniscient being would have to know its own omniscience, but there appears to be no way for that to be known, whether for a being who is supposed merely to be omniscient, but otherwise unremarkable, or for a being with the full panoply of theistic attributes normally supposed to accompany omniscience. (...)
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  8.  33
    "Essays on Ethics, Social Behavior and Scientific Explanation," by John C. Harsanyi. [REVIEW]James E. Roper - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (2):201-202.
  9.  72
    Review of film: ``A civil action''. [REVIEW]James E. Roper - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (3):291-293.
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  10.  23
    Review of Rationality and Freedom, by Amartya Sen. [REVIEW]James E. Roper & David M. Zin - 2004 - Essays in Philosophy 5 (2):542-547.
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    (1 other version)Review: Review of Film: "A Civil Action". [REVIEW]James E. Roper - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (3):307 - 309.
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