Results for 'Jacqueline S. Eccles'

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  1. Subjective task value and the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices.Jacqueline S. Eccles - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck (eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 105--121.
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    Categorising intersectional targets: An “either/and” approach to race- and gender-emotion congruity.Jacqueline S. Smith, Marianne LaFrance & John F. Dovidio - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):83-97.
  3. Critical period effects on universal properties of language: The status of subjacency in the acquisition of a second language.Jacqueline S. Johnson & Elissa L. Newport - 1991 - Cognition 39 (3):215-258.
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    Scandals in health‐care: their impact on health policy and nursing.Jacqueline S. Hutchison - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):32-41.
    Through an analysis of several high‐profile scandals in health‐care in the UK, this article discusses the nature of scandal and its impact on policy reform. The nursing profession is compared to social work and medicine, which have also undergone considerable examination and change as a result of scandals. The author draws on reports from public inquiries from 1945 to 2013 to form the basis of the discussion about policy responses following scandals in health‐care. In each case, the nature of the (...)
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    A false dichotomy. Commentary on'Clinical guidelines: ways ahead'.J. M. Grimshaw, M. S. Watson & M. Eccles - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (4):295.
  6.  17
    The Pedagogical Challenges of Teaching High School Bioethics: Insights from the Exploring Bioethics Curriculum.Mildred Z. Solomon, David Vannier, Jeanne Ting Chowning, Jacqueline S. Miller & Katherine F. Paget - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):11-18.
    A belief that high school students have the cognitive ability to analyze and assess moral choices and should be encouraged to do so but have rarely been helped to do so was the motivation for developing Exploring Bioethics, a six-module curriculum and teacher guide for grades nine through twelve on ethical issues in the life sciences. A multidisciplinary team of bioethicists, science educators, curriculum designers, scientists, and high school biology teachers worked together on the curriculum under a contract between the (...)
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    Hospital inefficiency: What is the impact of membership in different types of systems?Michael D. Rosko, Jose Proenca, Jacqueline S. Zinn & Gloria J. Bazzoli - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (3):335-349.
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    Moral distress in nurses at an acute care hospital in Switzerland.Michael Kleinknecht-Dolf, Irena Anna Frei, Elisabeth Spichiger, Marianne Müller, Jacqueline S. Martin & Rebecca Spirig - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):77-90.
    Background: In the context of new reimbursement systems like diagnosis-related groups, moral distress is becoming a growing problem for healthcare providers. Moral distress can trigger emotional and physical reactions in nurses and can cause them to withdraw emotionally from patients or can cause them to change their work place. Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to develop an instrument to measure moral distress among acute care nurses in the German-speaking context, to test its applicability, and to obtain initial (...)
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  9. Expectancy value theory's contribution to unpacking the black box of motivation.Jacquelynne S. Eccles & Allan Wigfield - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e32.
    Although in basic agreement with Murayama and Jach's call for greater attention to the black boxes underlying motivated behavior, we provide examples of our published suggestions regarding how subjective task value (and ability self-concepts) “gets into people's knowledge structures.” We suggest additional mental computational processes to investigate and call for a developmental and situated individual differences approach to this work.
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    A concepção de subjtividade em Lèvinas: da solidão da hipóstase ao encontro com a alteridade.Jacqueline de Oliveira Moreira & S. J. Moro - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47):55-72.
    Introdução a Levinas a partir da discussão sobre a problemática da subjetividade.
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  11. The Origins and Meanings of Names Describing Investment Practices that Integrate a Consideration of ESG Issues in the Academic Literature.N. S. Eccles & S. Viviers - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (3):389-402.
    The aim of this study was to reflect on the origins and meanings of names describing investment practices that integrate a consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance issues in the academic literature. A review of 190 academic papers spanning the period from 1975 to mid-2009 was conducted. This exploratory study evaluated the associations and disassociations of the primary name assigned to this genre of investment with variables grouped into five domains, namely Primary Ethical Position, Investment Strategy, Publication Date, Regions (...)
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    Combined action observation and imagery facilitates corticospinal excitability.David J. Wright, Jacqueline Williams & Paul S. Holmes - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy.Jacqueline Anne Taylor - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jacqueline Taylor presents an original reconstruction of Hume's social theory, which examines the passions and imagination in relation to institutions such as government and the economy. She goes on to examine Hume's system of ethics, and argues that the principle of humanity is the central concept of Hume's Enlightenment philosophy.
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    A Study of Thinking.Jerome S. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow & George A. Austin - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):118-119.
  15. A Purpose-Focused Approach To Decisions About Returning To In-Person Office Work.Adam Andreotta, Jacqueline Boaks, Clifford S. Stagoll & Michael Baldwin - 2022 - John Curtin Institute of Public Policy 3 (Future of Work in the Digital Ag):1-24.
    This paper proposes a philosophically informed decision-making methodology, inspired by Aristotle, that encourages constructive discussions amongst employers and employees; is directed towards shared higher-level goals; is consistent with planning frameworks already in place in many businesses; can be amended over time without disruptive disputes; and accounts for the particularities of each industry, enterprise, workplace, and job. It seeks to establish a more fundamental basis for discussions about remote vs. in-person office work: specifically, the purpose and nature of the work of (...)
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    Minimization of Drug Shortages in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: A Simulation-Based Analysis of Drug Recall Patterns and Inventory Policies.Rana Azghandi, Jacqueline Griffin & Mohammad S. Jalali - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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    Human lives: critical essays on consequentialist bioethics.David S. Oderberg & Jacqueline A. Laing (eds.) - 1997 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    This is a series of essays critical of the utilitarian bioethics now dominating contemporary discussion. Analysing questions of moral theory as well as applied ethics this book aims to supply essays on matters as diverse as beginning and end-of-life issues as well as animal rights, the act-omission distinction and the principle of double effect in caring in medical ethics.
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    Remarks on Lydenberg’s “Reason, Rationality and Fiduciary Duty”.Neil Stuart Eccles - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):55-68.
    In his 2014 paper entitled “Reason, Rationality and Fiduciary Duty”, Lydenberg ventures into the field of the moral and political philosophy dealing with distributive justice in search of fresh perspectives on fiduciary duty. Simply by doing this, Lydenberg makes the very important contribution of drawing a little more attention to the potential that this huge field of study might have in relation to understanding socially responsible investment. There are however difficulties with Lydenberg’s paper. I describe three in particular that I (...)
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    U.S. CEOs of SBUs in Luxury Goods Organizations: A Mixed Methods Comparison of Ethical Decision-Making Profiles.Jacqueline C. Wisler - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):443-518.
    This study involved using a mixed method research design to examine the moral philosophy difference between the ethical decision-making process of CEOs in U.S.-led and non-U.S.-led within the luxury goods industry. The study employed a MANOVA to compare the ethical profiles between the two leader types and a phenomenological qualitative process to locate themes that give indication as to the compatibility of the luxury strategy values and practices with the principles and concepts of responsible leadership and conscious capitalism. As the (...)
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  20. How landmark suitability shapes recognition memory signals for objects in the medial temporal lobes.S. Kohler C. Martin, J. Wright & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2018 - NeuroImage 166:425-436.
    A role of perirhinal cortex (PrC) in recognition memory for objects has been well established. Contributions of parahippocampal cortex (PhC) to this function, while documented, remain less well understood. Here, we used fMRI to examine whether the organization of item-based recognition memory signals across these two structures is shaped by object category, independent of any difference in representing episodic context. Guided by research suggesting that PhC plays a critical role in processing landmarks, we focused on three categories of objects that (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Portraiture.Jacqueline Scott - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 27:91-96.
    Richard Wagner always represented for Nietzsche the Germany of that time. By examining Nietzsche's relationship to Wagner throughout his writings, one is also examining Nietzsche's relationship to his culture of birth. I focus on the writings from the late period in order to clarify Nietzsche's view of his own project regarding German culture. I show that Nietzsche created a portrait of Wagner in which the composer was a worthy opponent-someone with whom he disagreed but viewed as an equal. Wagner was (...)
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  22. Mary Astell's Malebranchean concept of the self.Jacqueline Broad - 2018 - In Emily Thomas (ed.), Early Modern Women on Metaphysics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Higher Education.Lee S. Duemer, Jacqueline Griesdorn, Norman Kaufman & Robert O. Riggs - 1997 - Educational Studies 28 (3-4):244-259.
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    Ptolemy's Philosophy: Mathematics as a Way of Life.Jacqueline Feke - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The Greco-Roman mathematician Claudius Ptolemy is one of the most significant figures in the history of science. He is remembered today for his astronomy, but his philosophy is almost entirely lost to history. This groundbreaking book is the first to reconstruct Ptolemy’s general philosophical system—including his metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics—and to explore its relationship to astronomy, harmonics, element theory, astrology, cosmology, psychology, and theology. -/- In this stimulating intellectual history, Jacqueline Feke uncovers references to a complex and sophisticated philosophical (...)
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    Who's In and Who's Out of the Cognitive Kinding Game?Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2023 - Mind and Language (1):116-122.
    Muhammad Ali Khalidi contends that because cognitive science casts a wider net than neuroscience in searching for the causes of cognition, it is in the superior position to discover “real” cognitive kinds. I argue that while Khalidi identifies appropriate norms for individuating cognitive kinds, these norms ground his characterization of taxonomic practices in cognitive science, rather than the other way around. If we instead treat Khalidi's norms not as descriptively accurate characterizations of taxonomic practices in cognitive science, but as a (...)
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  26. Schleiermacher's Christology Revisited: A Reply to his Critics.Jacqueline Mariña - 1996 - Scottish Journal of Theology 49 (2):177-200.
    This article refutes Barth's criticisms of Schleiermacher's Christology/.
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    The First European Agriculture: A Study of the Osteological and Botanical Evidence until 2000 B. C.Lawrence S. Leshnik & Jacqueline Murray - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):390.
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    The Contexts of Locke's Political Thought.Jacqueline Rose - 2015 - In Matthew Stuart (ed.), A Companion to Locke. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 45–63.
    The circumstances of later Stuart monarchy provide the context of John Locke's politics in its simplest sense. This chapter surveys the politics of memory, the politics of religion, partisanship and the public sphere, British and Irish contexts, and European events. Some of these remained constant throughout Locke's life, but specific works were stimulated by particular events as well. The politics of memory were dwarfed by the politics of religion. One of the major reasons why later Stuart England was so obsessed (...)
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    Children's conceptions of dreams.Jacqueline D. Woolley & Henry M. Wellman - 1992 - Cognitive Development 7 (3).
    Children's conceptions of dreams are an important component of their developing understanding of the mind. Although there is much that even adults do not understand about the nature of dreams, most adults in Western society believe that: Dream entities are not real in the sense that they are nonphysical; they are private in the sense that they are not available to public perception, and are not directly shared with other dreamers; and, dreams are typically fictional in content. Thus, children in (...)
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    Strategies of Interpretation: Śaṃkara's Commentary on BṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣadStrategies of Interpretation: Samkara's Commentary on Brhadaranyakopanisad.Jacqueline Suthren Hirst - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):58.
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    Alpha & Omega: "Parker's Back" and O'Connor's Farewell to Satire.Jacqueline A. Zubeck - 2013 - Renascence 65 (5):381-398.
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  32. Making Sense of Kant’s Highest Good.Jacqueline Mariña & West Lafayette - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (3):329-355.
    This paper explores Kant's concept of the highest good and the postulate of the existence of God arising from it. Kant has two concepts of the highest good standing in tension with one another, an immanent and a transcendent one. I provide a systematic exposition of the constituents of both variants and show how Kant’s arguments are prone to confusion through a conflation of both concepts. I argue that once these confusions are sorted out Kant’s claim regarding the need to (...)
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    Justice and global care chains: Lessons from Singapore.Nancy S. Jecker & Jacqueline Joon-Lin Chin - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (3):155-168.
    Growing demand for direct care workers to assist care-dependent elderly people has created an opening for migrant workers from low- income nations to sell their services to middle and high-income nations. Using Singapore as a case example, we draw on capability theory to make the case that receiving nations that import direct care workers should be held to global justice standards that protect workers’ floor level human capabilities. Specifically, we (1) show that Singapore and other receiving nations fail to protect (...)
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    Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling, and Human Development.Judith L. Meece & Jacquelynne S. Eccles (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Children spend more time in school than in any social institution outside the home. And schools probably exert more influence on children’s development and life chances than any environment beyond the home and neighbourhood. The purpose of this book is to document some important ways schools influence children’s development and to describe various models and methods for studying schooling effects. Key features include: Comprehensive Coverage – this is the first book to provide a comprehensive review of what is known about (...)
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    Traditional Gender Role Beliefs and Career Attainment in STEM: A Gendered Story?Anna-Lena Dicke, Nayssan Safavian & Jacquelynne S. Eccles - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Comments on Margaret Watkins, The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s “Essays”.Jacqueline Taylor - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (1):155-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Comments on Margaret Watkins, The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s “Essays”Jacqueline Taylor (bio)After David Hume’s death, Adam Smith wrote a letter to Hume’s publisher, William Strahan, to recount some of the final words and the attitude of “our late excellent friend, Mr. Hume.”1 Despite declining health and increasing weakness, Hume faced his approaching demise “with great cheerfulness” (EMPL xlvi). He had recently been reading Lucian’s Dialogues of the Dead, (...)
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    Maria Izilda S. de MATOS et Rachel SOIHET (dir.), O corpo feminino em debate, São Paulo, Unesp, 2003.Jacqueline Hermann - 2004 - Clio 19:256-259.
    À une époque de grande exposition des corps, de totale libération et d'incitation à « réformer » au moyen d'innombrables procédés amplement annoncés par les médias - chirurgies plastiques, inoculation de différents produits qui, pour la plupart, n'ont même pas été soumis à des analyses attestant leur sécurité -, le livre O corpo feminino em debate dirigé par Maria Izilda Santos de Matos et Rachel Soihet est sans aucun doute bien opportun. En effet, il présente un ample panorama des rep...
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  38. Qualitative Assessment of Self-Identity in Advanced Dementia.Sadhvi Batra, Jacqueline Sullivan, Beverly R. Williams & David S. Geldmacher - 2015 - Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 15 (5):1260-1278.
    This study aimed to understand the preserved elements of self-identity in persons with moderate to severe dementia attributable to Alzheimer’s disease. A semi-structured interview was developed to explore the narrative self among residents with dementia in a residential care facility and residents without dementia in an independent living setting. The interviews were transcribed verbatim from audio recordings and analyzed for common themes, while being sensitive to possible differences between the groups. The participants with dementia showed evidence of self-reference even though (...)
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    Duties When an Anonymous Student Health Survey Finds a Hot Spot of Suicidality.Arnold H. Levinson, M. Franci Crepeau-Hobson, Marilyn E. Coors, Jacqueline J. Glover, Daniel S. Goldberg & Matthew K. Wynia - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):50-60.
    Public health agencies regularly survey randomly selected anonymous students to track drug use, sexual activities, and other risk behaviors. Students are unidentifiable, but a recent project that i...
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    Adaptive Changes in the Dynamics of Visual Attention With Extended Practice.Matthew S. Junker, Bo Youn Park, Jacqueline C. Shin & Yang Seok Cho - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Philosophy of Mary Astell: An Early Modern Theory of Virtue.Jacqueline Broad - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Mary Astell is best known today as one of the earliest English feminists. This book sheds new light on her writings by interpreting her first and foremost as a moral philosopher—as someone committed to providing guidance on how best to live. The central claim of this work is that all the different strands of Astell’s thought—her epistemology, her metaphysics, her philosophy of the passions, her feminist vision, and her conservative political views—are best understood in light of her ethical objectives. To (...)
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    A facilitator's reflection on the democratizing potential of emancipatory practice development.Jacqueline Peet, Karen A. Theobald & Clint Douglas - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Emancipatory practice development (ePD) is a practitioner‐led research methodology which enables workplace transformation. Underpinned by the critical paradigm, ePD works through facilitation and workplace learning, with people in their local context on practice issues that are significant to them. Its purpose is to embed safe, person‐centred learning cultures which transform individuals and workplaces. In this article, we critically reflect on a year‐long ePD study in an acute care hospital ward. We explore the challenges of practice change within systems, building collective (...)
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  43. Bakhtin's ethics and an iconographic standard in crime and punishment.Jacqueline A. Zubeck - 2004 - In Valeria Z. Nollan (ed.), Bakhtin: ethics and mechanics. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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  44. Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century.Jacqueline Broad - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this rich and detailed study of early modern women's thought, Jacqueline Broad explores the complexity of women's responses to Cartesian philosophy and its intellectual legacy in England and Europe. She examines the work of thinkers such as Mary Astell, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway and Damaris Masham, who were active participants in the intellectual life of their time and were also the respected colleagues of philosophers such as Descartes, Leibniz and Locke. She also illuminates the continuities (...)
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    Ptolemy's Defense of Theoretical Philosophy.Jacqueline Feke - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (1):61-90.
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    Momentary student engagement as a dynamic developmental system.Jennifer E. Symonds, Avi Kaplan, Katja Upadyaya, Katariina Salmela Aro, Benjamin M. Torsney, Ellen Skinner & Jacquelynne S. Eccles - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
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    How Much Aristotle Is in Levine and Boaks’s Leadership Theory?Jacqueline Boaks & Michael P. Levine - 2017 - Business Ethics Journal Review 5 (8):47-50.
    While accepting and welcoming our main thesis and project, Schäfer and Hühn’s Commentary on our paper focuses on two main criticisms, both of which seem to us mistaken. The first of these is that our paper falsely argues “that the existing definitions of leadership out there fall short in describing the role of ethics in leadership.” The second seems to be a belief that (i) we claim to be offering an entirely new definition of leadership and misrepresenting its nature because (...)
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    The Adolescent Resilience Questionnaire: Validation of a Shortened Version in U.S. Youths.Jacqueline R. Anderson, Michael Killian, Jennifer L. Hughes, A. John Rush & Madhukar H. Trivedi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionResilience is a factor in how youth respond to adversity. The 88-item Adolescent Resilience Questionnaire is a comprehensive, multi-dimensional self-report measure of resilience developed with Australian youth.MethodsUsing a cross-sectional adolescent population, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to replicate the original factor structure. Over half of the adolescents were non-white and 9th graders with a mean age of 15.5.ResultsOur exploratory factor analysis shortened the measure for which we conducted the psychometric analyses. The original factor structure was not replicated. The exploratory factor (...)
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    The Relationship of Leadership Style and CEO Values to Ethical Practices in Organizations.Jacqueline N. Hood - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):263 - 273.
    This study analyzes the relationship between CEO values, leadership style and ethical practices in organizations. The ethical practices of formal statement of ethics and diversity training are included in the study, as well as four categories of values based on Rokeach's (1973) typology including personal, social, competency-based and morality-based. Results indicate that all four types of values are positively and significantly related to transformational leadership, with transactional leadership positively related to morality-based and personal values, and laissez-faire leadership negatively related to (...)
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  50. Leopold Kronecker’s conception of the foundations of mathematics.Jacqueline Boniface - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae (S2):143-156.
    On réduit habituellement les idées de Kronecker sur les fondements des mathématiques à quelque boutade ou à quelques principes rétrogrades. Ces idées constituent pourtant une doctrine originale et cohérente, justifiée par des convictions épistémologiques. Cette doctrine apparaît dans un article intitulé ‘Sur le concept de nombre’, paru en 1887 dans le Journal de Crelle, et surtout dans le dernier cours professé par Kronecker à Berlin au semestre d’été 1891. Le but de cet article est d’en préciser les principes et les (...)
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